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NYT Columnist Asks 'What if We’re the
Bad Guys Here?' The Answer: Yes, You Are.

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/3/2023 10:50:46 PM

In an op-ed piece for the New York Times on Wednesday, David Brooks had the headline, “What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?” In it, Brooks struggles with the question of why Trump has a commanding lead over the other GOP hopefuls and why he seems essentially tied with Joe Biden on a national basis. All of this despite the fact that Trump continues to rack up indictments like a grandma on a winning bingo streak at The Villages. To his credit, Brooks does conduct a fairly exhaustive self-examination. In the piece, he enumerates the ways and provides examples of how America’s elites have lost touch with, well, everyone else.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: itsonlyme 8/3/2023 11:22:49 PM (No. 1526976)
The many "progressive" elitists at the New York Times need to held accountable for their countless acts of treason against the U.S. Constitution. A large amount of collective pukes.
68 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: formerNYer 8/3/2023 11:51:43 PM (No. 1526989)
Let me see 1. Silencing dissent (see Biden and facistbook and twitter) 2. Inflation eating savings 3. Gas at 10 year highs 4. Spending billions on Ukraine while we should be building our armed forces and Infatructure. 5. The Afganistan debacle that cost lives. 6. Biden is a liar. 7. Biden is a crook. 8. Biden is a pervert. 9. Constantly saying you're going to save 'democracy' while doing everything to undermine our freedom. 10. Defund the police 11. The 1/6 sham and the indictments of Trump 12. I'm sure I have forgotten something.
110 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 8/4/2023 12:08:37 AM (No. 1526994)
This may be the most absolutely amazing thing that I have read in years. Mr. Brooks is astonishingly forthright and honest with himself, and even more shockingly....willing to publish this in public. And the author is right about some of us not being quite as ignorant and unwashed as the brilliant "elites" imagine. I have a couple of engineering degrees, have traveled extensively around the world, and lived in Europe, travel there often. We spend a great deal of time in cathedrals, art museums, and studying ancient Roman ruins. I've read Plato, and Homer, and studied Greek philosophy, and greatly enjoy the sculptures of Michaelangelo, and the paintings of Monet, and other great painters. And I have friends who are police officers, truck drivers, auto and truck mechanics, assembly line workers, steel workers, medical doctors, VP of technology for a major phone company. I have many friends with PhDs, have a Master's Degree myself, and lots of friends with no college at all, several who never finished HS. There are lots of us who straddle both of the worlds that you, Mr. Brooks, and your obnoxious, arrogant friends will NOT straddle, but just look down upon people you think are 'beneath you'. And I don't look up to the elites, or down on the average blue collar worker. I just see Americans. If they are a truck driver and a fool, or a college professor and a fool....I just see a person who is a fool, and I've seen those personalities in both places. And I know multiple very good people in both of those jobs, too. So....Mr. and your elite friends ARE the bad guys, you got that right. I salute you for discovering the truth. Perhaps you will now be smart enough to realize that you are siding with a cabal of criminals who are running Washington DC and are terrified that their criminal activities will be stopped by Trump. OTOH, we, out here in "fly over country", are praying that Trump gets elected and cleans out the criminals in DC.
136 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: wilarrbie 8/4/2023 12:41:50 AM (No. 1527012)
Great post, s/b Must Read!
38 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Timber Queen 8/4/2023 12:57:47 AM (No. 1527015)
It would be a remarkable turn of events if Mr. Brooks' insight would "go viral" throughout the elite class. There was once a time when Americanism had no class boundaries; when honor, truth and integrity were the coin in every man and woman's pocket whether gold and silver resided there as well. Today we have elites placating themselves with platitudes about caring, solidarity, and "walking with" whatever cause-of-the-day "Good Morning America" presents to them. They put on their appropriately colored ribbon, attend a rally in the park, make a donation and go home glowing with the self-righteousness of knowing they are good people. Conversely, those that do not support the correct causes are suspected "others", and definitely not good people. Their world has been carefully crafted into a simplistic formula of good and bad policies, good and bad thinking, good and bad people. Mr. Brooks' article is quite a breakthrough. I hope it has a positive response and others of his peers begin the journey of self-reflection about the state of our society and our country. We need all Americans to robustly reject the socialist/communist takeover of these United States of America. Save America! MAGA - TRUMP 2024
72 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: doctorfixit 8/4/2023 4:43:57 AM (No. 1527062)
Brooks the ultimate phony running for cover?
37 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: HisHandmaiden 8/4/2023 5:23:51 AM (No. 1527073)
For years now, after having worked on Capitol Hill and seen first-hand the evil in both political parties, I’ve asked our Good Lord, ‘Why are You letting all this evil happen to Your Beloved America’? He has assured me that the reason is for more of America and the World to see all this evil continue… but also to never fear [Covid didn’t scare me, thankfully, even when I had it probably from singing at church over Christmas 2019, just slept for 14 hours, then was fine]. I know He is still Sovereign, and the reason is to bring more people out of our self-sufficient attitudes and mindsets, to Himself. Continue in prayer, Dear Friends, for righteousness to return to America. TBIYTC
59 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: privateer 8/4/2023 6:59:13 AM (No. 1527107)
Per 2...Yes! 13: Invite anyone who can walk to cross our border illegally, take up residence, begin to suck up taxpayer funded benefits, commit crimes, degrade our culture, destroy our heritage and laugh at any that would object.
34 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: smokincol 8/4/2023 7:19:36 AM (No. 1527119)
it's just commie verbiage and nothing else
14 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Rinktum 8/4/2023 7:47:54 AM (No. 1527133)
Did Mr. Brooks fail to put the words, never mind, at the end of his article? If so, he definitely forgot that. These arrogant elites will never acknowledge that the rubes out here in flyover country are anything but an annoying underclass utterly beneath them. They see no value in hard working Americans. This is why President Trump is so popular. He understand what it takes to make this country work and does not look down his nose on people and sees the value they bring to the table. Our very existence is an affront to the elites. We are moving toward a Hunger Games reality if they have their way.
35 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 8/4/2023 7:48:58 AM (No. 1527134)
The whole campaign of Twixxes (The NEW Musk Oil) from “Joe,” The Demoncrats, Kamila, The White Basement, and other assorted flame-o’s pushing “Bidenomics” is as surreal as it gets. All you need to know about this mess is the downgrade by “Fitch” of the US Credit rating, and how they “blame” it on President Trump and 1/6/21. It really is sickening. Oh, and how many people are employed in the Social Media Office? Eleventy-two?
18 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: czechlist 8/4/2023 8:05:44 AM (No. 1527143)
Communication. The "elites" speak and write WFBuckleyesque impressing one another with their vocabulary which common Americans do not understand and mis-interpret. Many Americans struggle to learn simple English. Why say feckless when ineffective or irresponsible is meant and will be understood. Remember gravitas? Like the Tower of Babel, if we cannot communicate effectively we cannot be e pluribus unum.
16 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: bpl40 8/4/2023 8:06:18 AM (No. 1527144)
Corrupt Sleepy Joe is probably 30 points behind Trump. Showing him tied is a fraudulent act.
36 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Marzipan4 8/4/2023 8:42:34 AM (No. 1527167)
In a recent conversation with a nonagenarian, they asked me why, when they were watching “that man” (#45) talk about direction for this country he said every thing she was thinking. I said it was because she listened without the CNN filter again reminding her that tv news is no longer a source of truth.
21 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: janjan 8/4/2023 8:44:31 AM (No. 1527168)
People like David Brooks are nowhere in my orbit. I’ve never read his articles or the NYT, and I am very well informed without them. I don’t care what they think. What Brooks can’t comprehend is that no one cares what they think outside their own delusional circle. They refer to themselves as ‘elite’. In reality they are liberal sheep who have no idea how America works.
33 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: FJB 8/4/2023 9:06:18 AM (No. 1527186)
#3 Is right on. Brooks is astonishingly forthright and honest with himself. Interesting, but pathetic, considering the extent of damage Obiden, Soros, the Fake media, and their Marxist "voters" have intentionally done and continue doing to America. MAGA
16 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: felixcat 8/4/2023 9:10:32 AM (No. 1527190)
So what are you going to do about it Mr. Brooks? Start tipping the wait staff a little more or maybe use the occasional swear word? You're probably too far gone to get that crease out of your designer blue jeans. You and your fellow snobs chose to set yourselves apart from the rest of us average Americans - you did that on purpose. In fact, you all think of yourselves more as citizens of the world so pack your bags and leave. We will mange just fine on our own.
18 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: jefftate 8/4/2023 10:14:59 AM (No. 1527229)
After graduating college back in 1985 I was fortunate enough to get a plumb apartment just outside Harvard Square in Cambridge Massachusetts. However, in order to move in I had to agree to be the building superintendent. I had to cut the lawn, shovel snow, answer service calls, etc. As the 'super', I had day-to-day interaction with a large group of Harvard-connected "elites"— professors, grad students, authors..the whole gamut. Ever since those days, I've never met a more clueless group of people who, if you asked them, couldn't identify the business end of a hammer. Their decision-making skills were stunning...not in a good way. They were great conversationalists, art, music, and book lovers but, in the real world outside academia, they were children. Like professional athletes, a-list celebrities, and ivy leaguers, the elites among us all suffer from the same affliction...a toxic combination of narcism and a lack of common sense. God save us from our betters.
26 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Kate318 8/4/2023 10:26:32 AM (No. 1527233)
Excellent article. Mr. Brown speaks very succinctly about who they are and who we are. In my more generous moments, I pray for those in darkness to be able to find the light, and that includes me. I have to believe there are still good people out there on the left, and that as their ideology sinks lower into the abyss, those people will reassess.
6 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/4/2023 10:39:34 AM (No. 1527244)
Brooks, it's because your rag IS the bad guy, among others. By the way, I assume you are polishing up that resume in anticipation of your expected termination for bad-mouthing the slimes?
13 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/4/2023 11:16:58 AM (No. 1527269)
Obama has worked his tyranny on our country....his attempts to cause a civil war between our citizens isn't working....the big bad conservatives didn't take up arms black friends have had enough and based on the hispanic polls for President Trump ...he's losing their vote also....his only game plan was to get President Trump into jail and his little jack the enforcer is failing miserably...WE are still standing with President Trump and now that he can't shut down the country with the china virus this time...he's getting desperate....and the best part is....he can't get rid of his puppet biden because biden has to much info on him...kinda
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Reply 22 - Posted by: FLCracker 8/4/2023 11:42:51 AM (No. 1527297)
FTA" "And yet, without this despised class, life in America would be impossible." The despised class Brown is referring to is the middle class. Go back and look at history for the last 2000 years. Any society/culture/country/empire, etc. that screwed with their middle class screwed themselves.
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Luke21 8/4/2023 1:05:19 PM (No. 1527375)
I get all the elitist David's confused, but they have all been up in our grill for thirty years David Brooks, David French, David Frum, and the loathsome David Brock. They got their societal and electoral victories one after another and toss us a bone here that rolls down their golden mountain.
1 person likes this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: NotaBene 8/4/2023 1:25:11 PM (No. 1527389)
David Brooks should go back to his people in Canada where he came from.
2 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: zoidberg 8/4/2023 2:54:43 PM (No. 1527440)
Oh no, the bots are becoming self-aware.
0 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: mc squared 8/4/2023 3:33:26 PM (No. 1527454)
Wow. This column knocked me out. Highly recommended.
1 person likes this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 8/4/2023 5:18:06 PM (No. 1527479)
The difference between David Brooks and President Trump is that Donald Trump had a real job and worked in construction where he met and talked to the American middle class worker. That's where DJT developed his American values, not sitting behind a desk fantasying about some theoretical thoughts or psychology or whims or New Age religion. As Bongino says, these people are stupid smart.
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/5/2023 10:44:08 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/5/2023 10:36:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/5/2023 12:29:39 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/4/2023 11:13:32 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/4/2023 8:23:37 AM Post Reply
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New Poll Numbers on Biden Are So Bad,
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'Very Worrying Sign'
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/3/2023 11:04:48 PM Post Reply
I have to say that there’s one guy at CNN who seems to be willing to go out on a limb (for that network) to drop data that may not be good for Joe Biden and the Democrats. That’s Harry Enten. Enten just dropped some polling news that’s not going to make Joe Biden and the Democrats happy. Now, as I say with every poll, it’s early, and it’s a poll. It’s an indication – things can change. But it’s looking good for former President Donald Trump, not so much for Joe Biden. Enten explains that despite inflation easing some, Biden’s approval hasn’t gotten any better, and that should be worrying for him.
NYT Columnist Asks 'What if We’re the
Bad Guys Here?' The Answer: Yes, You Are.
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/3/2023 10:50:46 PM Post Reply
In an op-ed piece for the New York Times on Wednesday, David Brooks had the headline, “What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?” In it, Brooks struggles with the question of why Trump has a commanding lead over the other GOP hopefuls and why he seems essentially tied with Joe Biden on a national basis. All of this despite the fact that Trump continues to rack up indictments like a grandma on a winning bingo streak at The Villages. To his credit, Brooks does conduct a fairly exhaustive self-examination. In the piece, he enumerates the ways and provides examples of how America’s elites have lost touch with, well, everyone else.
Donald Trump enters not-guilty plea at
third arraignment
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/3/2023 4:41:11 PM Post Reply
Former US President Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty at a Washington DC court during his third appearance as a criminal defendant in four months. Mr Trump denied charges of conspiring to obstruct and overturn the 2020 election result. The former president, 77, spoke softly to confirm name and age, before pleading not guilty via his lawyer. Mr Trump was seen in the courtroom twiddling his thumbs before Thursday's hearing began. It appeared that Mr Trump and Jack Smith, the special prosecutor leading the investigation, exchanged glances. After the hearing began, he spoke softly in a calm and measured tone to confirm his name and age and to affirm
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16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/3/2023 8:23:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/3/2023 8:17:34 AM Post Reply
Florida officials said Wednesday that nearly 40% of the people arrested in one part of the state in a recent operation cracking down on child sex exploitation were in the U.S. illegally — amid continued concerns from Republicans about criminals and sex offenders coming in across the southern border. Officials said that seven out of 19 people arrested in Bay County, Florida, were in the country illegally. Five have no record showing lawful entry into the U.S. One man was admitted on a B-2 visitors visa that expired in 2021, and another was admitted on a J-1 student visa that also expired in 2021. Of those arrested
Illegal Border Crossings Surged in July
Despite Record Temperatures
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/2/2023 3:06:14 PM Post Reply
Illegal border crossings surged in July despite the sweltering heat, defying a historical pattern which holds that migrant apprehensions typically decrease in the summer. Border patrol arrested over 130,000 individuals seeking illegal entry into the U.S. in July, compared to 99,545 in June, according to preliminary U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Washington Post. The uptick in migrant apprehensions was most noticeable in southern Arizona, temperatures reaching above 110 degrees in the region for much of the last month. In the Tucson sector alone, border patrol agents arrested around 40,000 illegal immigrants,
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Posted by Imright 8/4/2023 4:18:12 AM Post Reply
This may be one of Al Shaprton’s greatest hits. Al Sharpton on Thursday weighed in on Trump’s latest indictment and appearance in federal court. President Trump was arrested and arraigned at the Elijah Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in DC on Thursday on a new set of garbage charges. Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/5/2023 6:52:31 AM Post Reply
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Chicago’s Mayor Johnson scolds reporter
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32 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/4/2023 10:11:55 AM Post Reply
I don’t know which is more discouraging: that the Mayor of Chicago actually tried this verbal flim-flammery or that the assembled media at his press conference didn’t erupt in laughter at his attempt to blackwash rampaging looters. He thought he could get away with it, and so far as one can see, he did. Watch this Grabien video, where Mayor Brandon Johnson says: "Johnson: “That’s not appropriate. We’re not talking about mob actions, I didn’t say that — hold on a second, okay. Respectfully, these large gatherings —“ Reporter: “That caused damage.” Johnson: “— these large gatherings —just hold on a second, y’all. I promise you, we have time to talk.
Pritzker: People Dislike Biden’s Handling
of Economy Because of ‘False Rhetoric’
from GOP, How Trump Handled COVID
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/4/2023 11:13:32 PM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker (D) stated that people have negative views of President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy because they haven’t gotten over their feelings from “the last year of the Trump administration, in which he did absolutely nothing to protect people from coronavirus.” Pritzker also blamed “the false rhetoric coming from the Republicans, who are pushing Facebook fakery.” Co-host Poppy Harlow asked, “He’s just not resonating with voters on the economy. We have this new CNN polling out this week, 63% of folks disapprove of how he’s handling the economy, 70% disapprove of how he’s handling inflation.
Judge threatens to hold Trump without
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27 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 8/4/2023 5:49:10 PM Post Reply
During his arraignment on Thursday, Donald Trump was warned by Magistrate Judge Moxila A. Upadhyaya that he could be "held pending trial" if he violated the strict conditions of his release. The former president was allowed to return to his summer home in Bedminster, New Jersey, but only after agreeing to abide by the conditions agreed upon by prosecutors and the defense. Trump "must not violate federal or state laws; he must appear in court as required; he must sign an appearance bond; and he must not communicate about the facts of the case with anyone Trump knows to be a witness, except through counsel or in presence of counsel."
Obama Once Wrote To Ex-Girlfriend That
He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making
Love To Men,’ Biographer Says
27 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/4/2023 11:19:41 AM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama once wrote that he fantasized about having sexual relations with other men, biographer David Garrow said in an interview published on Wednesday. The former president expressed his fantasies in a letter to a girlfriend at the time, Garrow told Tablet magazine in the interview. That letter has been redacted and is currently in the possession of Emory University, according to Garrow. The ex-girlfriend provided a copy of the letter, but had redacted one paragraph, Garrow told Tablet, who said she revealed the paragraph was about “homosexuality.”
Nancy Pelosi claims Trump looked like
a 'scared puppy' during his D.C. court
appearance - because he 'knows he lost
the election and now has to face the music'
24 replies
Posted by Imright 8/4/2023 10:07:37 PM Post Reply
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to pick apart former President Donald Trump's tough guy image, saying her rival looked like a 'scared puppy' during his court appearance Thursday. Pelosi, who repeatedly clashed with Donald Trump during his presidency, offered her take on video images of Trump's historic arraignment on four charges related to his election overturn effort. The California lawmaker, now called speaker emerita, ridiculed Trump hours after he pleaded not guilty after glancing at special counsel Jack Smith inside a federal courthouse.
What is it about Kamala Harris and outer space? 21 replies
Posted by DW626 8/5/2023 7:10:39 AM Post Reply
Apparently there's some kind of bell that goes off in Kamala Harris's head, every time the topic of space travel comes up, that cues her into saying some of her stupidest things. The latest such incident happened in Mongolia of all places, where Harris was on a mission to step up cooperation with the friendly landlocked country sandwiched between China and Russia, and she fell into another of her famous word salads in front of that country's leader, Mongolian Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai.
Harris: We Shouldn’t Restrict Abortion
Even After Point of Viability
21 replies
Posted by Imright 8/4/2023 12:17:08 PM Post Reply
During an interview with Milwaukee’s TMJ4 News on Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris answered a question on demands for protections for the unborn at the point of viability while still allowing some abortion by stating that “the government should not be telling women what to do with their bodies.” TMJ4 Chief Political Reporter Charles Benson asked, “Wisconsin has an 1849 abortion ban law in place after the Supreme Court decision was reached on Roe v. Wade. Prior to that, it was a 20-week ban on abortion. So, my question for you is, what is your position on protecting reproductive rights while those and others are saying they want some protection
The Obama Factor 20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/4/2023 2:11:37 PM Post Reply
There is a fascinating passage in Rising Star, David Garrow’s comprehensive biography of Barack Obama’s early years, in which the historian examines Obama’s account in Dreams from My Father of his breakup with his longtime Chicago girlfriend, Sheila Miyoshi Jager. In Dreams, Obama describes a passionate disagreement following a play by African American playwright August Wilson, in which the young protagonist defends his incipient embrace of Black racial consciousness against his girlfriend’s white-identified liberal universalism. As readers, we know that the stakes of this decision would become more than simply personal: The Black American man that Obama wills into being in this scene would go on to marry
YouTube and Facebook Censored Viktor Shokin
Video Responding to Joe Biden’s Lies
and Details of His Dismissal… Was US
Government Behind This?
19 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/4/2023 6:32:47 PM Post Reply
On Friday morning, The Gateway Pundit published an explosive explosive video of Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was removed from office under pressure from then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. (snip) During our research on this video we found that the video was censored by YouTube. (snip) The videos on YouTube were posted on January 28, 2021. This was a week after Joe Biden’s inauguration. And the videos were already being censored. (snip) The videos are being censored by Google-YouTube. If you run a search on “Shokin video” on YouTube the video WILL NOT pop up. Google is HIDING THE VIDEO.
What Would a ‘Legitimate’ Biden Victory
Look Like to Republicans?
19 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/4/2023 5:35:50 PM Post Reply
Now that Donald Trump has been indicted for using lies about the 2020 presidential election to seek to overturn its results, it’s become a matter of grave national concern that big majorities of Republicans apparently don’t think he was lying at all. A new CNN survey shows that 69 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents do not believe “Joe Biden legitimately won enough votes to win the presidency” in 2020. It’s worth asking what if anything might have convinced them to believe Biden’s win was legitimate, if only to establish what could happen differently in 2024 to avoid another contested Democratic win — if not an attack on the Capitol.
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