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Latest Posts by FlyRight:

Compare and Contrast - Trump and Harris
Both Asked the Exact Same Question
Posted by FlyRight 9/15/2024 10:46:14 AM Post Reply
President Trump and his opponent Kamala Harris were both asked the exact same question about what they could immediately do with policy to improve the economic status of Americans. This provides a very specific compare and contrast opportunity. Kamala Harris delivers a strange, disconnected and unintelligible word salad in her response, never answering the question. President Trump gives three specific and immediate tax policy changes to benefit three specific groups of working Americans.
NYC’s chief legal counsel Lisa Zornberg
steps down from Adams’ office week after
FBI raids homes of mayor’s top aides
Posted by FlyRight 9/15/2024 10:43:22 AM Post Reply
New York City Hall’s chief counsel is leaving her post in Eric Adams’ administration — just days after NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban resigned in the aftermath of federal raids targeting a spate of cops and close aides of the mayor, she announced late Saturday. Former senior Manhattan federal prosecutor Lisa Zornberg had served as the lead attorney for the mayor and City Hall since July 2023. Her sudden departure comes as federal investigators have zeroed in on members of Adams’ inner circle and other allies. NYC City Hall chief counsel Lisa Zornberg is leaving Mayor Eric Adam's office.