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America thinks the unthinkable: More than
half of Trump voters and 41% of Biden
supporters want red and blue states to
SECEDE from one another and form two new
countries, shock new poll finds

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 10/1/2021 5:37:20 PM

Many breathed a sigh of relief when President Biden was elected, not for policy but for a reunification of the country after four years of tumult and fiery division under President Trump. But eight months into the new presidency, America's deep disunity might not be letting up. A new poll has revealed that political divisions run so deep in the US that over half of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union, and 41% of Biden voters want blue states to split off. According to the analysis from the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, 52% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree with the statement:

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 10/1/2021 5:40:08 PM (No. 932370)
Works for me.
57 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: dst4life 10/1/2021 5:40:19 PM (No. 932371)
Secession is in order. Red states and blue states have reached the point of--let's see, what do they call it in divorce court?--oh yes, "irreconcilable differences."
57 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Lake Dweller 10/1/2021 5:42:54 PM (No. 932374)
As for me, it is long past time. They can have New York, the West Coast and New England. Illinois and Minnesota too. Go away and don’t come back!
48 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bamapreacher 10/1/2021 5:48:33 PM (No. 932381)
What is needed for secession is for state leaders to step up and outright call for it and get their legislatures to pass ordnances of secession as happened in 1860-61. The red states can easily stand on their own these days unlike the South could back when.
28 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 10/1/2021 5:54:50 PM (No. 932385)
The problem is the cities. Find a way to separate them from the rest of the country, and there will be peace
49 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Krause 10/1/2021 6:00:21 PM (No. 932390)
That would be something. The Dems would tax themselves into oblivion. Or big tech would run the show. And the FBI would have no one to arrest because that’s all on the same team. And sooner or later illegal aliens would take over. It would be fun to watch. But they’ll be happy as Jill Biden would be their president!
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 10/1/2021 6:03:06 PM (No. 932396)
I would go for that as long as blues were not allowed to migrate to the reds.
63 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: sw penn 10/1/2021 6:03:55 PM (No. 932397)
If you think Biden voter are just going to simply mover across the Ohio river and everything will be fine you are completely out of your mind... Biden voters may move across the Ohio, but in six weeks the Chinese communist flag is going to be there with them. Do you think that will be enough? Do you think that anything will be enough? History is not kind to morons! Think! While it is still legal.
25 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Spindletoptexas 10/1/2021 6:04:39 PM (No. 932399)
Once again, we would see the Republic of Texas. Not a bad idea.
21 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Mushroom 10/1/2021 6:06:15 PM (No. 932400)
That idea worked SO well in India and Pakistan. /s
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: dickiedeeb 10/1/2021 6:06:18 PM (No. 932401)
Shock? What shock? What is needed is real leaders with the stones to step up!
15 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 10/1/2021 6:11:56 PM (No. 932409)
Well, then it's my impression and profession that the only way we patriots will free ourselves from the succession of leftist aggression, economic recession, psychological depression, social repression, government transgression, state oppression and historical regression is by allowing no digression but swift procession to egression, ie, secession. (Confession: That's not original; I plagiarized it from Jill Biden's doctoral thesis.)
17 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: earlybird 10/1/2021 6:14:39 PM (No. 932411)
Silliness abounds.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: clipped wings 10/1/2021 6:17:09 PM (No. 932415)
How to divide the military?
10 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: earlybird 10/1/2021 6:20:48 PM (No. 932416)
"The C-Free Diet If we didn’t have California, what would we eat?” Food scientists at Cornell University have produced a strain of broccoli that thrives in hot environments, which may make it possible for states with stiflingly hot summers to grow the vegetable. California, where cool coastal fog is perfect for growing standard broccoli, currently produces more than 90 percent of the broccoli grown in the United States. If California were to disappear, what would the American diet be like? Expensive and grainy. California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on). Some of this is due to climate and soil. No other state, or even a combination of states, can match California’s output per acre. Lemon yields in California, for example, are more than 50 percent higher than in Arizona. California spinach yield per acre is 60 percent higher than the national average. Without California, supply of all these products in the United States and abroad would dip, and in the first few years, a few might be nearly impossible to find. Orchard-based products in particular, such as nuts and some fruits, would take many years to spring back. And how about deep water ports that line the West Coast? As I said, “silliness”...
7 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Sanchin 10/1/2021 6:22:08 PM (No. 932418)
Quoted material must be accompanied by a link to its online source. Words spoken 22 years before the Civil War. I am beginning to believe that if "free men" wish to continue to be free, then the country does need to be dissolved because we are rapidly committing suicide by staying together. Too many people are happy to completely submit to the government and forfeit all rights and freedoms as it stands now. If done peaceably, it would be an amazing testament and triumph by all people who value freedom, liberty and limited government.
10 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 10/1/2021 6:26:03 PM (No. 932419)
China and Russia would love to see the United States break apart. We would be weaker. Probably have a civil war. Seriously, is this a good idea?
8 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Safari Man 10/1/2021 6:29:17 PM (No. 932424)
I don’t want dimocrats anywhere near me. Moreover, I do NOT want them to have any say in the way I live or spend my money. We need to do more than simply divvy up the states, we need to re-align the population.
19 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Catherine 10/1/2021 6:34:16 PM (No. 932426)
Can you see the senate and house allowing tax payers to leave the union? I can't, but I'm all for this. Wonder how this would work - would the new country/countries have to be contiguous? I think Ok would go with Texas and most likely other southern states. But there are some conservative states out west too. I think it can all be worked out and will vote yes if given the chance.
14 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Ribicon 10/1/2021 6:35:06 PM (No. 932427)
Quoted material must be accompanied by a link to its online source.
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Reply 21 - Posted by: Geoman 10/1/2021 6:50:07 PM (No. 932434)
If traditional, conservative Americans don't have the stomach for killing communists, then a national divorce appears the only non-bloodshed option. If split it must be, settling where to draw the lines and who stays and who goes might not be so painless but appears worth a try, as the alternative would badly hurt everyone.
13 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 10/1/2021 7:09:00 PM (No. 932451)
I'd be satisfied with just selling Californication back to Mexico. Without all those automatic Electoral College votes and House seats going to them, the Rats as a political party would be emasculated.
11 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Heraclitus 10/1/2021 7:10:11 PM (No. 932452)
Every side has betrayed the Republic, no-one teaches civics and love of country, patriotism, excepting the few families where this has been and is still taught. Where are the Republicans talking about the greatness of this country and the reasons why we MUST protect and defend the borders? that the evils in these huge spending bills are not merely the piles and piles of billions of dollars being heaped upon our backs. No. The worst aspects of the bills are the multifarious ways the foundations and principles of our Constitutional Republic depend. These foolish politicians are destroying the Union from DC, in tandem with most Dem governors, mayors, all the way down the chain to town halls (once marveled at by de Tocqueville), school committees. Do we even bother to contact them any more? Do we give up and admit it doesn't make a difference? Does our silence fail to impact these greedy politicians less than our (pathetic) (plaintive) calls and letters? Historians warn of the apathy of the Citizenry preceding the fall, of every great nation.
16 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: bamapreacher 10/1/2021 7:10:46 PM (No. 932454)
#15. Splitting apart doesn't mean not buying and selling between opposing states. Whatever California grows they will be more than happy to sell to whoever. Their farmers, probably many of them republicans, have to make money. As for ports, the Gulf Coast and South Atlantic coasts can handle a lot. No problem.
19 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Blackbird 10/1/2021 7:20:50 PM (No. 932458)
Bad idea.
4 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 10/1/2021 7:37:01 PM (No. 932465)
Can't "shock poll" and "experts say" stories be banned from Lucianne?
3 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Kate318 10/1/2021 7:41:28 PM (No. 932471)
Yes! Not moronic or silly at all. I have been advocating for this for years now. The writing is on the wall. Smarter people than those who post on this thread have theorized ways for this to work. As another poster said, all we need are leaders to stand up and help make it happen. And, if you think that somehow the left and right will eventually come together, or that the right can rid the country of the left, YOU are dreaming.
15 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/1/2021 7:43:26 PM (No. 932472)
Unless somebody has a better idea, let these lefties go and enjoy their little utopia. Good riddance, lefties. I'll have to decide which state to live in, Hopefully, western Colorado where I'm at will tell the People's Republic of Denver to take a hike. Works for me.
10 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: GO3 10/1/2021 7:51:17 PM (No. 932475)
The problem is there are no truly Red or Blue states, especially on the West Coast or even Texas. Splitting up by states would leave the people of Eastern Washington and Oregon, and inland California at the mercy of the coastal left who control the legislatures. A better idea would be to organize the big blue cities as city-states and other than national defense and federal commerce jurisdictions (ports, airports) they could tax and spend themselves into oblivion.
8 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: smokincol 10/1/2021 7:54:33 PM (No. 932477)
that would result in maximum unity for sure, so instead of having one unified country we'd have two unified countries - if that happens, I know where I'm going because I know the state I live in now, will continue to be blue
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: curious1 10/1/2021 8:14:13 PM (No. 932484)
No. Not a single inch goes to the commies. They are domestic enemies of the constitution. How many gullible sheeple think they won't start working on the states that they don't already control, the minute the split happens? It's past time to play cowboys and commies and clean out every last one in this Republic. Sheeple apparently haven't yet observed the way we got to where we are - by compromising with them. And compromising. Compromise is like mixing manure and ice cream. It doesn't improve the manure and it ruins the ice cream.
14 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Italiano 10/1/2021 8:33:15 PM (No. 932491)
That works. Then we invade and take over the Blue States. For us here in California, from within.
4 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: mc squared 10/1/2021 8:33:45 PM (No. 932493)
It's working.
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Reply 34 - Posted by: jimincalif 10/1/2021 8:57:30 PM (No. 932512)
I’m not surprised at these numbers. Is it a “good” idea? All things considered, no. It’s probably not even the least bad idea. But sometimes things spin out of control, triggered by an event that creates a rallying point and momentum. We’re not there yet, but moving that direction. I don’t want to live in AOC’s version of the USA, but they are not willing to back down. We are just two self-serving Democrat senators away from Obama’s “total transformation”. In the past there was always the next election to check one party’s excesses. But if elections are rigged, other much less civil options must be considered. I hope/pray there is a way to stop this before that point.
10 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: stablemoney 10/1/2021 9:05:03 PM (No. 932517)
I want to withdraw. We can form an alliance of the states for defense. I want to restore state sovereignty and the constitution. We now have tyranny. We also have a serious personnel problem in leadership. 75% of the leaders need to be fired.
10 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: web 10/1/2021 9:05:35 PM (No. 932518)
We could just build walls around the big cities such as San Francisco and L.A., and keep them separated from us, as we would a bunch of lunatics. So long as they continue to employ massive vote fraud to stay in power, we will never be able to keep illegal aliens and other undesirables out of the country and voting against our interests. It will only get worse and worse until we have no say in our country at all. We are nearly there now.
6 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: Jethro bo 10/1/2021 9:11:38 PM (No. 932521)
It will be key to have LA, MS, TN, AR, MO, KY in the Free States of America. Then, the FSA would control the Mississippi and the central economies of the US. It would put a strain on the old USA economically to move all goods to and from the left and East coast. Add the Dakotas, Nebraska and Kansas and the oil rich states with Canada can dominate the world energy economy. Texas and Florida would be key as would be the Carolinas. We need the ports. Illegals will ruin Nevada, AZ and Califorinstan. Texas will add a financial market and Wall Street will collapse. The key will be immigration cause the FSA will not want illegals or fascist from the USA states. Limit immigration, dominate the cerntal US economy and dominate energy and watch the Blue states turn into the old Soviet Union.
4 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: Aubreyesque 10/1/2021 9:47:18 PM (No. 932535)
#TEXIT. We were our own country before. I’d like it to be so again.
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Reply 39 - Posted by: watashiyo 10/1/2021 10:33:00 PM (No. 932560)
Hawaii should go first and see how long they can last. It might start sinking like Guam.
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Reply 40 - Posted by: ldb51 10/1/2021 11:47:57 PM (No. 932599)
I have been in the camp that toys with secession as the ultimate solution. But... no. There is no way these conniving, lowlife "progressive" democrat Marxist thugs deserve to control even one state of my wonderful Nation. They have not earned any respect, but only sought to buy it, steal it or corrupt our ideals to the point where we just can't see the light any more. They have not established any moral imperative to their views, but only intimidated, cancelled and bullied the BETTER citizens into tolerating their meanness and criminal behavior. The Democrat party, doing homage to the model of Soviet/CCP/3rd-world knuckle-draggers, are the clear and present threat, the enemy within, the demon seed seeking our liberty's demise. They are raping our childrens' futures, robbing our civil and human rights, and laying siege to all that is good and golden about this Nation. In my opinion, every attempt to make them understand they are poisoning the well of hope for our future and the world has been met with derision, ridicule and more venom. It is hard to accept that there really is a lower end to the Bell curves for every feature and characteristic of the human species, and that the Left has managed to capture, cultivate, and indulge so many to their benefit. I have come to the place where I believe they have had their chances, and have chosen to reap the whirlwind. They deserve no pity, no consideration, no quarter.
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Reply 41 - Posted by: PChristopher 10/2/2021 12:15:43 AM (No. 932617)
Works for me but we I would add that we remove all Leftists from California and New York and put them in Wisconsin or Michigan.....they don't get to keep those ports!!
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Reply 42 - Posted by: SALady 10/2/2021 12:48:05 AM (No. 932623)
I doubt it would work for the whole USA, since all the blue states and all the red states aren't right next to each other. You can't have states from one country interspersed around states from another country. But Texas can certainly secede, and I am all for it.
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Reply 43 - Posted by: Come And Take It 10/2/2021 12:53:21 AM (No. 932625)
#5 has correctly identified the issue here. The communist run city-states completely dominate all election processes, which leaves the vast amount of America without any representation whatsoever. Even my state (Illinois) is essentially a red state everywhere south of I-80. Chicago and the communists it spawns guarantees that our point of view downstate is completely ignored and we are unrepresented in government. Let the shitlibs and their urban death holes secede from America, and leave the rest of us be. We don't need you, and don't want anything further to do with you, your communist ideology, your taxes, your woke bullshit or your out and proud deviancy on every single issue.
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Reply 44 - Posted by: Butch 10/2/2021 1:07:47 AM (No. 932630)
Americans created this great nation. We fought like hell its its creation, survival and prosperity. After two world wars, we prospered as no nation had, with an undreamed-of ecomomy. Americans built this country,, and it´s our duty to save it -- if we can keep it, to paraphrase Benjamin Franklin. The United States Government has spent this nation into penury, with the full consent of the governed, and with little to show for our squandered wealth, over the past 75 years. Now we get to pay our way out of this bottomless money pit. There is simply no other way out of this. (I´m sure we could repudiate the sovereign debt or some other crack-brained scheme, but that is so unserious as to be laughable) Ever-more dreadful and reckless "onmibus" spending bills continually present themselves in the Congress. We taxpayers had better think twice before letting even one more bad bill pass, because stopping bad spending habits is so much more difficult than promoting good ones. In the future maybe we´ll think twice before spend $75,000,000,000,000 that we don´t have, five trillion at a pop. Not to mention all the nightmarish unfunded federal, state and municipal mandates for pensions, endless bluechip medical treatments -- it never ends. Let´s not forget how new revenue bills are being floated with 40 to 50-year terms! In the Fifties we thought the 30-year mortgage was reckless. We built this nation and we´re responsible for its governance. We´ve been ruining the United States non-stop since the New Deal, with a few happy times like the Moon Landing. Thanks to a bunch of Marxists (whom we´ve never rooted out for the exposure they so richly deserve), they have ruined our educational system. It is now time to tighten our belts, get rid the armies of destructive hacks in the academy, and stop blaming everyone else, because there´s plenty of blame to go around.
7 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: Strike3 10/2/2021 4:02:38 AM (No. 932663)
Such a firm division would prove that conservative states grow and prosper while blue states are parasites that fall into corruption and failure. Imagine how many miles of wall would have to be built.
2 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: doctorfixit 10/2/2021 4:12:26 AM (No. 932665)
Kick the coastal socialist cities out of Free America. By whatever means necessary, strongly encourage liberals in Free America to move to the new costal socialist city-states.
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Reply 47 - Posted by: anniebc 10/2/2021 4:51:50 AM (No. 932672)
It would be interesting to see how fast the separated blue states would need foreign aid from the red states. The red states better not give a dime. America's deep disunity, by the way, was fomented in the obama/biden squat time.
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Reply 48 - Posted by: bad-hair 10/2/2021 5:58:16 AM (No. 932696)
The Republic of Texas approaches. Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, S Dakota, N Dakota, Montana, Alberta (Canada), Saskatchewan (Canada), Manitoba (Canada), and a few states along the sides. Let's go EAST. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida. We have every shipping port in The Gulf of Mexico and half the Atlantic and more oil than the Saudis ever dreamed of. California and New York can print their own money. If they want to trade they can use Panama. We WILL protect our borders ,north, south, east, and west. If you're coming to visit Texas bring your US passport with the pre-approved visitor's visa.
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Reply 49 - Posted by: Strike3 10/2/2021 8:44:09 AM (No. 932786)
It was even more shocking when we separated from the UK for very similar reasons.
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Reply 50 - Posted by: Kumoan 10/2/2021 1:41:52 PM (No. 933015)
"...How to divide the military?" Already being done by the Demorats.
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Reply 51 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/2/2021 2:31:20 PM (No. 933056)
The Blue States will last about 2 years...1 to find out they are BROKE and no one will bail them out...second year, the Citizens Hanging ALL the politicians. It gets so bad the Chinese wouldn't take the Blue States if offered FREE! The Red States will keep breaking records of prosperity and everyone gets rich and LOVES IT!
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Reply 52 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/2/2021 2:38:08 PM (No. 933059)
The simpler solution would be to put in a law banning all Socialist/Marxist Philosophies in government. Not a violation of free speech as such governments are toxic and illegal! Ban Discussions of same, anyone proposing same tried for Treason and Shot. Next issue?
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52 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2021 5:37:20 PM Post Reply
Many breathed a sigh of relief when President Biden was elected, not for policy but for a reunification of the country after four years of tumult and fiery division under President Trump. But eight months into the new presidency, America's deep disunity might not be letting up. A new poll has revealed that political divisions run so deep in the US that over half of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union, and 41% of Biden voters want blue states to split off. According to the analysis from the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, 52% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree with the statement:
Communist Logic: Bernie Sanders Says 52
Senators Should Not Be Allowed to Overrule
48 Senators
28 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2021 5:34:03 PM Post Reply
In a bizarre tweet on Friday, socialist Senator Bernie Sanders said that 52 senators “cannot be allowed to defeat” 48 senators. The comment was extremely bizarre to say the least considering for all of history, the majority is typically who wins any sort of voting conflict.Sanders couldn’t comprehend the fact that Democrat senators Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) could possibly vote against the Democrats’ massive $3.5 trillion bill.Sanders tweeted: “2 senators cannot be allowed to defeat what 48 senators and 210 House members want. We must stand with the working families of our country. We must combat climate change.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
America thinks the unthinkable: More than
half of Trump voters and 41% of Biden
supporters want red and blue states to
SECEDE from one another and form two new
countries, shock new poll finds
52 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2021 5:37:20 PM Post Reply
Many breathed a sigh of relief when President Biden was elected, not for policy but for a reunification of the country after four years of tumult and fiery division under President Trump. But eight months into the new presidency, America's deep disunity might not be letting up. A new poll has revealed that political divisions run so deep in the US that over half of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union, and 41% of Biden voters want blue states to split off. According to the analysis from the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, 52% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree with the statement:
Now There are Whispers in D.C. That Biden
is About to Issue Vaccine Passport Mandate
for Interstate Travel
47 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2021 12:14:38 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration is poised to make its next unconstitutional power grab in the former of a ‘vaccine mandate’ for interstate travel within the United States, according to reports on Capitol Hill. Congressional Republican lawmakers are attempting to get ahead of the forthcoming expected decree by introducing legislation to block an executive order or directive.“In a Wednesday speech on the Senate floor, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), joined by Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), introduced legislation that would bar the Biden administration from implementing vaccine passports requirements for interstate travel,” the Epoch Times reported.
Pelosi's Bishop Calls For Massive 'Campaign
Of Prayer And Fasting' For 'Her Conversion
Of Heart' On Abortion
41 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 10/1/2021 5:42:32 AM Post Reply
The archbishop of San Francisco is calling for a "massive and visible campaign of prayer and fasting" for the conversion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's heart as she pursues what pro-lifers have called "radical" abortion legislation. "Witness the House of Representatives’ passage of HR 3755, which would impose abortion on demand nationwide at any stage of pregnancy," Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said of the California Democrat in a statement Wednesday. "A conversion of heart of the majority of our congressional representatives is needed on this issue, beginning with the leader of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Supreme Court REJECTS NYC teachers' request
to stop Mayor Bill de Blasio's vaccine
mandate - meaning 14,800 school employees
could be out work Monday
36 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/1/2021 10:10:06 PM Post Reply
The Supreme Court has denied a challenge from New York City public school teachers to block Mayor Bill de Blasio's COVID-19 vaccine mandate from going into effect today. US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor ruled in favor of the city Friday—allowing the mandate to go ahead and paving the way for up to 14,800 unvaccinated school employees to be out of work come Monday.(Snip)Sotomayor, who is the justice for the second circuit including New York, Connecticut and Vermont and so rules on emergency matters in the Big Apple, rejected the teachers' last-ditch effort to block the mandate without giving any explanation.
Nat’l Teachers Union Prez Panicked DeSantis
Will Trigger Flight To Private Schools.
Social Media: ‘Hallelujah’
36 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2021 6:23:01 PM Post Reply
The powerful head of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, is apparently panicked that the policies of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will trigger parents to pluck their children out of public schools, where Weingarten and her ilk can inculcate their leftist messaging, and place them in private schools instead.On Thursday, Weingarten referencing an article in the leftist The New Republic that attacked DeSantis for his policies, tweeted, “This isn’t just about masks or about Governor DeSantis’ political aspirations. It’s about the complete destabilization of public education so that parents will choose private schools.”
Rigged: Ohio’s DeWine, Others Consider
Redistricting Map that Would Eliminate
Jim Jordan’s District, Solidify Pelosi’s Majority
33 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2021 10:24:26 PM Post Reply
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, state auditor Keith Faber, and Secretary of State Frank LaRose are considering offering and adopting a redistricting map ahead of the 2022 midterm elections that would be overly beneficial and lopsided toward helping Democrats retain their U.S. House majority, Breitbart News has learned.Two senior Republican officials briefed on the proposal before its expected introduction next week told Breitbart News that DeWine, Faber, and LaRose are considering drawing a number of pro-Trump Republicans into Democrat-leaning districts as part of retaliation against former President Donald Trump,
'My 12-year-old has to get vaccinated
but a teacher doesn't'? Fury as Gov. Newsom
mandates shots for ALL California students
from 7th to 12th grade - but exempts staff
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/2/2021 11:11:19 AM Post Reply
Governor Gavin Newsom has been condemned for his 'wrong and cowardly' mandate which demands all California students from 7th to 12th grade get the COVID-19 vaccine but does not require their teachers to get the shot. Social media erupted in outrage Friday night as people pointed out the alarming difference between the rules for children and staff, with many accusing the governor of being influenced by the powerful teachers' unions. 'Kids must get vaccine, but teacher don't have to. The lesson? Kids need a better union,' one person tweeted. Newsom announced Friday that all elementary through high school students will be required to get the shot
Saturday schadenfreude: Prog thinks she
can change nature: Suddenly (and hilariously)
discovers that she can’t
29 replies
Posted by Magnante 10/2/2021 6:55:37 AM Post Reply
Progressives are by their very nature contemptuous of the natural order of things. Everything can be improved by their superior intellects. By virtue of the purity of their motives and the advanced understanding we have these days, they can impose policies that violate human nature, and, they think, prevail. (snip) Trying to change human nature – or any other aspect of the natural order (see, for example Lysenkoism) – inevitably produces outcomes that are at best hilarious, and at worst, catastrophic. (snip) The woman who made the video below, which is less than one minute long, has convinced herself that her dog has been persuaded to become a vegetarian
Communist Logic: Bernie Sanders Says 52
Senators Should Not Be Allowed to Overrule
48 Senators
28 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2021 5:34:03 PM Post Reply
In a bizarre tweet on Friday, socialist Senator Bernie Sanders said that 52 senators “cannot be allowed to defeat” 48 senators. The comment was extremely bizarre to say the least considering for all of history, the majority is typically who wins any sort of voting conflict.Sanders couldn’t comprehend the fact that Democrat senators Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) could possibly vote against the Democrats’ massive $3.5 trillion bill.Sanders tweeted: “2 senators cannot be allowed to defeat what 48 senators and 210 House members want. We must stand with the working families of our country. We must combat climate change.
California Governor Gavin Newsom hands
back LA beachfront land worth $72 million
to descendants of black family it was
seized from almost 100 years ago - and
they're now free to develop it as they wish
28 replies
Posted by Imright 10/1/2021 9:33:53 AM Post Reply
California Governor Gavin Newsom has returned prime beachfront land worth an estimated $72 million to the descendants of a black family it was seized from in 1924. Newsom signed a law transferring the ownership of Bruce's Beach, a small park now worth an estimated $72 million, back to the Bruce family. Original owners Willa and Charles Bruce's great-great-grandson Anthony Bruce was there for the signing ceremony. He will now take ownership of the plot, alongside his dad Derrick and brother Michael. The plot currently serves as a grassy park and lifeguard training facility.
Here’s How We Know Joe Biden’s Meeting
With House Democratic Caucus Was an Epic Failure
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/2/2021 12:23:15 AM Post Reply
I’ve lost count of the number of days/weeks this has been going on but the Democrats are still in disarray at this hour and we know that because of what’s been reported to have taken place during the meeting President Joe Biden had with the House Democratic caucus earlier today to try to resolve the ongoing infighting over the infrastructure and reconciliation bills, as well as what he said afterward. POTUS arrived in a blaze of glory with his handlers and key members of the House Democratic caucus including Speaker Nancy Pelosi alongside him. As per the norm, no questions were taken from the press
Soon-to-be divorced billionaire hedge
funder John Paulson, 65, whisks new Instagram
guru girlfriend, 33, away to Italy for
friend's wedding where they were 'inseparable
and canoodled all day and night'
26 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 10/1/2021 10:55:01 AM Post Reply
Soon-to-be divorced hedge fund billionaire John Paulson has whisked away his new Instagram guru girlfriend to Italy for a friend's wedding. Paulson, 65, and Alina de Almeida, 33, were spotted attending the event on the shores of Lake Como days after the hedge funder announced his high-profile divorce from his wife Jenny, 50. The couple flew in for the nuptials of Blackstone executive Mark Moffat and Sarah Mintz in lakeside Villa d'Este on September 25 and were 'inseparable' and 'canoodled all day and night', Page Six reported.
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