Nat’l Teachers Union Prez Panicked DeSantis
Will Trigger Flight To Private Schools.
Social Media: ‘Hallelujah’
BizPac Review,
Hank Berrien
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/1/2021 6:23:01 PM
The powerful head of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, is apparently panicked that the policies of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will trigger parents to pluck their children out of public schools, where Weingarten and her ilk can inculcate their leftist messaging, and place them in private schools instead.On Thursday, Weingarten referencing an article in the leftist The New Republic that attacked DeSantis for his policies, tweeted, “This isn’t just about masks or about Governor DeSantis’ political aspirations. It’s about the complete destabilization of public education so that parents will choose private schools.”
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Catherine 10/1/2021 6:27:41 PM (No. 932421)
He has potential President written all over him. I want Trump to get his second term in office, then DeSantis. A win/win for all of us.
129 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Nimby 10/1/2021 6:36:38 PM (No. 932430)
As they should
63 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Illinois Mom 10/1/2021 6:55:27 PM (No. 932442)
The only thing that Public School's have to do to avoid losing all of their students is to:
1. Stop the social engineering and "experimenting" on children. Teach what they will need to know for life.
2. Treat all children the same. Expect them all to do well.
3. All the little kids are happy and eager to learn when they enter. Stop telling them that "because of their economic situation, or their color, they cannot learn. Catholic schools in Chicago have the same demographics as their Public School counterparts. How come those kids can learn? I know that public schools have many kids with special needs, however they don't educate them for free. Religious and other private schools may be able to do an even better job if they received the same funds.
4. Ask for parental involvement and mean it. If you ask for volunteers have something for them to do. There are some parents that you will never see, but others that will come through. My best friends over the last 30 years are the ones I met through the school.
I am not against Public Schools. My daughter is a teacher and her husband is the school principal. Both, however had twelve years in Catholic schools. When my SIL became principal, the Middle School had a very bad discipline problem and was under performing. Whether he'd admit it or not, I believe he used a lot of the disciplinary actions that he had experienced in high school. Nine years later the school is one of the best performing in the area.
There are going to be special circumstances in every area but they are not insurmountable. I just can't see how many of these teacher's unions can demand more money and threaten parents (ahem, Chicago) when 60% overall never graduate from high school and the others who do cannot read or write. That's pretty embarrassing.
94 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
BeatleJeff 10/1/2021 7:00:18 PM (No. 932445)
Randi Whinefarten is an insufferable boob.
68 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/1/2021 7:02:54 PM (No. 932446)
‘Hallelujah’ indeed. Don't rely on what you learned as a youth about Horace Mann or John Dewey. They were politicians first, and educational ''reformers'' second or third. It is my fervent hope that Governor DeSantis scares the living daylights out of the hide-bound AFT and the long-overdue-retirement of Madame Randi.
58 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Scribelus 10/1/2021 7:07:16 PM (No. 932450)
The ability of so-called teacher unions to coolect dues, or to bargain collectively with school boards, or with any public entity, must be terminated! Now!
56 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
scottj 10/1/2021 7:11:29 PM (No. 932455)
Liberals have turned government schools into indoctrination centers. Republicans need to run on school vouchers that would allow parents to send their kids to any school they want. Those government schools would be empty and the teachers union would be gone.
64 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
FormerDem 10/1/2021 7:21:45 PM (No. 932459)
God bless the Sisters.
41 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
jfodoch 10/1/2021 7:36:00 PM (No. 932464)
Every day spent in an inadequate classroom experience, including, of course, skipping school is a day never regained, and our future leaders are paying the price. Not everyone considers children actual people, sorta the way big government feels about us. The Kids are too inexperienced to realize what they are missing, and without extra-curricular education they will never know. Continuing education is a must, but it has to start before it can continue.
25 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
smokincol 10/1/2021 7:51:13 PM (No. 932474)
they're just like every other communist organization, they will push and push and push until they are given a dope slap or something having much more effect - the only thing these people understand is a really, really hard kick to the you know where so the message will have total its maximum disabling consequence
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
SALady 10/1/2021 8:33:23 PM (No. 932492)
Real teachers, who actually teach, have no such fear.
But these bogus faux teachers, who do nothing but lie-beral indoctrination, fear that parents with morals are going to get their children away from their immoral lie-beral indoctrination!!!!
I know so many good teachers. And they truly do teach -- math, English, science, art, history, music, etc, etc. It's sad that the immoral lie-beral indoctrinators seem to have all the power...
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Omen55 10/1/2021 8:34:09 PM (No. 932494)
The more they attack DeSantis the stronger he becomes✔
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
seamusm 10/1/2021 8:57:50 PM (No. 932513)
True education freedom - freedom away from teacher unions, dangerous school boards, and foolish voters - will be possible when ALL of our tax dollars are returned as vouchers to parents to use for private school, home schooling, or even public school - as they see fit.
34 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
web 10/1/2021 9:01:30 PM (No. 932515)
The very idea that public school teachers should have a union is abhorrent, in my opinion. They are funded by our taxpayer dollars and shouldn't be allowed to organize against our interests. Now if we even organize ourselves and demand some accountability from the school boards, we are branded as "extremists" and "terrorists." The school boards are supposed to represent our interests, but they seem to believe they can keep what they are teaching our children a big secret from the parents, who are now rightly becoming outraged to learn what it is.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/1/2021 9:41:49 PM (No. 932532)
Ya...Flat on it's back at the bottom of the barrel is certainly "Stable", but that is ineffective for teaching children to swim...of Fly.
Prior to Covid "Homeschoolers" were only about they are 20%, and not likely to return completely. Kids have learned to learn by distance, Parents have learned to like it. The key will be to make sure that the kids not actually IN those school seats don't leave the funding there when they go, let parents use most of that for "Alternatives".
At the same time Ms Whine-Garden is slamming parents, she is also encouraging/supporting/demanding 100's of thousands of "Unaccompanied minors" be allowed to flood in...not just to the country, but into the schools.
Current average school size is 528 Students, at an average costs of $14,000 per student.
MORE Minors are being let in per day, than an average sized school, 35 entire NEW schools worth a month.
SHE wants the per-Pupil money, and More Teachers for her Union, regardless of the costs to the parents, and the costs of a poor education to the students. She's "National", but the costs are all sloughed off on the Locals.
Those locals know..."If the students have not learned, Then the Teachers have not Taught."
And not a dime should be spent to keep them. Alternatives abound, and will be found.
19 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
WV.Hillbilly 10/1/2021 11:16:42 PM (No. 932583)
The mask and vaccine mandates likew the ones in California will drive more students out of government schools than any of DeSantis' policies. She should worry about those.
17 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 10/1/2021 11:56:25 PM (No. 932604)
Flight to private schools would WONDERFUL.
28 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 10/2/2021 4:10:04 AM (No. 932664)
Two things must happen if Freedom is to be restored
Rescue children from government schools
Shut off Washington's money.
36 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
mifla 10/2/2021 5:07:02 AM (No. 932674)
You say that like it is a bad thing.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/2/2021 6:05:08 AM (No. 932703)
Cry me a river Randi with an i .
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 10/2/2021 6:35:35 AM (No. 932722)
Teachers today are pushing the liberal indoctrination of the Teacher's Union on our children. DeSantis knows what he is doing. He is destroying the teacher's union.
20 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 10/2/2021 7:00:41 AM (No. 932729)
The "powerful head of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten" who gets a salary of $560,000 per year, can't figure out why parents would want to pull their children out of public woke and socialist schools. School vouchers are a great idea so parents can also pull their tax money as well as children out of public schools.
23 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
LLAMA 10/2/2021 7:55:02 AM (No. 932751)
Sadly, it is time to admit that public schools have failed, and to move forward by facilitating ways to promote real school choice, such as vouchers. My children are grown, but there is no way I would put them in today's public schools, which heavily prioritize Marxist indoctrination over actual skills learning. Thankfully, both of my grandchildren attend private, christian-oriented schools, but too may children do not have that access due to cost.
I'm just one man, but here's what I can easily do: 1) Never vote "for" any public school bonds, and 2) vote for politicians at all levels who support school choice.
15 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
Roscoelewis 10/2/2021 8:00:30 AM (No. 932755)
Education begins in the home. Kids arrive at the school already loaded with a skill set to succeed, or not. The most powerful role model in a child's life is the same-sex parent. Behaviors the kids learn at home set them on the path they will take through school and life. As much as they would like to think they can, teachers can have little effect on how a child will turn out as an adult. Those little kids that grow up in a dysfunctional family learn and carry that same dysfunctional behavior throughout life. Schools can't fix that.
Nowadays, schools think they must mix (inclusion) students of all levels of achievement and behavior in the classes. This just robs the achievers and from the best education they could have. Letting the ones that really wish to learn and excel in life go to school together will raise their levels significantly. Think of a physics class with ten "A" level students and six students that can't even solve the simplest little algebra problem. The teacher has no choice but to dumb down the level of instruction so the lower students can at least pass the course.
13 people like this.
And the divide between red and blue states continues to increase. Panicked? She ought to be.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/2/2021 8:41:40 AM (No. 932783)
Weingarten, what goes around, comes around, no? I still don't think she/he gets it.
8 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
Old Army Vet 10/2/2021 8:58:43 AM (No. 932808)
Weingarten is the problem, DeSantis is the answer.
15 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/2/2021 10:28:26 AM (No. 932872)
If you’re thinking about putting your kids into a private school, make sure that you check it out thoroughly. Some of them are just as bad, if not worse, than public schools in indoctrinating kids with leftist idiocy.
I went to a private school and still receive a quarterly alumni magazine. The most recent one included a 10 page insert on the school’s new “diversity, inclusion and equity” program. Twenty years ago the school was pursuing me to take a position on the alumni council and I attended a meeting at the student center. I was horrified to find a photo exhibition touting homosexuality in a space which was used by not only the high school students but also the elementary and middle school students. I told them that I would no longer support the school in any way. The headmaster basically called me an intolerant bigot. I have had nothing to do with the school ever since and that includes not attending my 50th reunion 4 months ago.
11 people like this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 10/2/2021 12:03:19 PM (No. 932934)
Public schools in CA especially treat children as commodities. Our son, was ADHD, didn't fit the "mold" so he was rejected as a normal student and made to feel unaccepted by staff. One day in his high school, encouraged by a racist, Communist loving teacher, the school had a walk out for transgender students or some other "outrage." Our son called us and asked us to take him home. He was being pressured to participate in this. Even his Christian friend went along with this farce. This is one of the many reasons why we fled CA. The atmosphere in the Bay Area was oppressive, especially to God fearing Christians.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Trump'sCousin 10/2/2021 12:18:53 PM (No. 932951)
They aren't teachers, they are indoctrinators.
Crush the public schools.
Pull your kids out, it's the only way to save them and the Republic.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
justavoter 10/2/2021 12:32:39 PM (No. 932960)
One word: Vouchers
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/2/2021 12:43:15 PM (No. 932976)
Title Correction: The National Teachers COMMUNISTS!
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
The Remnants 10/2/2021 1:11:22 PM (No. 932995)
More likely, it will be the moms and dads who will be plucking their children out of public schools (State Schools) and putting them into private schools, though Governor DeSantis is well aware that parents are their children's prime teachers.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
red1066 10/2/2021 2:01:35 PM (No. 933026)
The movement away from government schooling as already begun. The Covid crap has opened the eyes of parents of 1.4 million kids to the point they've moved their children to private and charter schools or begun to home school them. It wasn't Desantis that caused it, it was school boards and teachers that caused the shift.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
DVC 10/2/2021 7:06:10 PM (No. 933176)
Three things needed to fix the government schools.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
starboard 10/2/2021 7:06:45 PM (No. 933177)
Randi has no children and came out of the closet in 2007. I rest my case.
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