Jack Smith hasn’t charged Trump with
the Jan. 6 riots — but he wants to use
it as a judicial cudgel
New York Post,
Andrew C. McCarthy
Original Article
Posted By: Mercedes44,
8/3/2023 6:11:33 AM
Of all the outrages in Biden special counsel Jack Smith’s latest indictment of Donald Trump — and there are many — the worst comes at the end of the 45-page screed’s Count One, the section titled “The Defendant’s Exploitation of the Violence and Chaos at the Capitol.”
This is where Smith waves the bloody shirt.
Smith intends to try Trump for the Capitol riot even though he hasn’t charged Trump for the Capitol riot.
No rioting charge. No allegation of criminal incitement. No seditious conspiracy, no insurrection, no crime of violence of any kind.
To levy such an allegation would have been untenable.
Smith’s indictment hides the ball, as did the like-minded.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 8/3/2023 6:28:27 AM (No. 1526334)
Jack Smith? Didn't he play Shylock in The Merchant of Venice?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
The Remnants 8/3/2023 6:53:42 AM (No. 1526342)
I do not know if any of these indictments will go to trial, but I know that Trump's attorneys will be as smart and well-prepared as were Kyle Rittenhouse's attorneys. It will be a joy to watch these fake, contrived, petty charges play out in a courtroorm.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Rinktum 8/3/2023 7:01:13 AM (No. 1526347)
FTA: “ Indeed, they fought tooth and nail against efforts by Jan. 6 defendants to shift blame to Trump for their wrongdoing.” Just curious, did any of the J6 prisoners blame President Trump? I can’t recall that happening.
McCarthy just can’t hide his dislike of PDT. It seeps through in his writing. He’s a snarky little man.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
fed-up 8/3/2023 7:09:48 AM (No. 1526353)
From what has been said about this judge, I don’t think it matters what the Law says, or how good Trumps attorneys are. The hatred for Trump and all the Jan 6 defendants sets the stage for convictions.. Weve reached the point none of these TV lawyers and all their expertise matters anymore. None of the DC potential jurors are watching or reading pro Trump articles.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
K620 8/3/2023 7:30:37 AM (No. 1526366)
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Strike3 8/3/2023 7:31:18 AM (No. 1526368)
Smith has a purty mouth. It would be a shame if it walked into a fist.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 8/3/2023 7:33:52 AM (No. 1526371)
Once again, malicious prosecution being used against an innocent man. The evil of the Democrat Party never ceases. It's a DC lynch mob.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
msjena 8/3/2023 8:27:46 AM (No. 1526405)
#3, yes, some did.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
ronbet 8/3/2023 8:45:50 AM (No. 1526422)
I don't pay much attention to anything Andrew McCarthy says; he talks out of both sides of his mouth every day.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
john56 8/3/2023 8:54:27 AM (No. 1526429)
The answer to McCarthy's final question is YES.
A DC or NY court is going to be as "fair" to Trump as a defendant in a North Korean trial. Heck, the poor shlub in North Korea has a better chance, We even have proof ... look at that court in NY that gave the lying broad money because Trump, who didn't "rape" her, hurt her feelings to the tune of $5 or $10 million although she doesn't remember most of the facts of the charge ... which was only allowed to be filed because the State of NY basically passed a "bill of attainer" to allow her to bring a charge where the statute of limitations had clearly long since expired.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 8/3/2023 9:10:30 AM (No. 1526441)
Smith know this prosecution is a loser. He doesn’t care because the purpose of it is to keepTrump,tied up in litigation before the election, and to bankrupt him in the bargain. To counter this, the House has to impeach Biden. There’s no other course of action.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
lennon47 8/3/2023 9:28:30 AM (No. 1526461)
In the old west they would shoot to kill the likes of Biden, Smith, Garland, & Wray. It would be against the law however what these evil blisters are doing is against the law.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
HicoKid 8/3/2023 9:28:38 AM (No. 1526462)
McCarthy, Dershowitz and Turley are trying to redeem themselves by criticizing this latest false indictment. Turley even said that he thought the Florida documents case was "strong", and this was not. What I don't get is why Trump or any citizen must go through this lawfare. Some say that the DC judge may throw this out, but what about the judge in Florida? Isn't it clear that that case is bogus on it's face? She's not schooling the prosecution on the Presidential Records Act and shutting it down. No, she's playing ball with the DOJ and allowing it to go forward. Anyone of us would be broken, bankrupted and forced to enter a plea deal. I see no hope that the judiciary will step in and set this right.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Krause 8/3/2023 10:27:49 AM (No. 1526506)
There is no sense of fair play within the current DOJ, FBI and the democrat party, including democrat judges. Actually, far from it.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
pensom2 8/3/2023 10:41:55 AM (No. 1526518)
This is the Swamp signaling to all conservative politicians that the Swamp is not to be challenged. If you challenge them, the Swamp has a bottomless well of taxpayer money to wage endless war and litigation against you, supported by corrupt judges and ignorant juries, until they break you: emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially. I don't know how any principled American can think to run for high office in Washington in 2024, supposing that he or she can make a difference. Many able trial lawyers have declined to represent President Trump, for fear that their careers will be destroyed by the Swamp. These Swamp-dwellers are treacherous and have descended into Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell--as evil as Judas, Cassius, and Brutus. They are one with Satan; he owns them--and he continue to will own them in Eternity.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Zigrid 8/3/2023 11:01:53 AM (No. 1526537)
In his attempt to vilify President Trump...jack has put in his thumb and pulled out a rotten plum...he opened the door to calling nervous Nancy to testify because she refused President Trump's request for troops in DC three days before Jan6...and there is proof of his calls to her...sooooo...let's have a hearing on that.....and let's have testimony from the officer that shot Ashley Babbitt as to why he shot first and ran...either he is inept or he was told what to do...by whom?...now that's an interesting question he should answer....
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 8/3/2023 12:06:58 PM (No. 1526615)
No, #1; Jack Smith played Shyster in The Mendicant of Potomac.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
wsdiego 8/3/2023 2:27:35 PM (No. 1526724)
The only people rioting on Jan 6 was the FBI!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 8/3/2023 4:36:49 PM (No. 1526804)
Two Timing Andrew C. McCarthy is on the payroll of Fox News. Enough said.
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The thing is, Jackboot Smith cannot allow discovery. That will blow everything to smithereens. Other much more sinister forces are at work. The end game is a closely guarded secret of the #JihadJunta. A Coup d’etat happened and the perps will never, ever give up power without a real shooting fight. They can’t, they would all be hung.
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