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Posts on Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Trump invites conservative tech critics to White House for 'social media summit' replies
Posted by Liberty4Rver 7/2/2019 11:56:20 PM Post Reply
Facebook, Google and Twitter long have struggled to battle back allegations in Washington that they censor conservatives online. But their political woes may only worsen after next week, when the White House hosts a “social media summit” that could set the stage for even more scrutiny to come.
Hickenlooper campaign ‘bleeding’
as calls for dropping out intensify
Posted by NorthernDog 7/2/2019 11:37:28 PM Post Reply
DENVER -- Former Gov. John Hickenlooper's staff shakeup has not gone over well. Multiple reports suggest Hickenlooper senior aides have been in turmoil in recent weeks, with Politico reporting Hickenlooper's aides have called for him to drop out. Monday night, FOX31 confirmed Hickenlooper's campaign manager Brad Komar, his finance director Dan Sorenson and his spokeswoman Lauren Hitt are all out. "These campaigns are long, hard campaigns and you don't always get it right with the first team," Hickenlooper said on MSNBC Tuesday. "I'm not always the perfect spokesman for my own ideas." What are Colorado political observers saying? "It's bad
The Betsy Ross flag: Has
it become a symbol of hate?
Posted by NorthernDog 7/2/2019 11:07:05 PM Post Reply
Nike came under fire on Tuesday after the company stopped selling a Fourth of July shoe that featured the so-called ‘Betsy Ross flag.’ Concerns about the flag’s adoption by extremist groups came to light, prompting the company to announce plans to stop selling the shoe. In response, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey tweeted that he would block any financial incentives for Nike, which recently announced plans to open a factory in Arizona. The factory was expected to provide around 500 jobs. (Tweet) Amidst the controversy, though, is confusion. The ‘Betsy Ross flag’ is an early version of the American flag
Nike Has Offered Shoes Displaying
Flags of Human Rights Abusers Such
As China and Turkey
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 11:06:32 PM Post Reply
This week, sportswear giant Nike agreed to pull their “Betsy Ross Flag” sneakers after former NFL player nd anthem-protester Colin Kaepernick, advised them that the American flag is a symbol of racism, hate, and slavery. However, the company has had no issue offering shoes with many other national flags and colors, including human rights abusers such as China and Turkey. Naturally, Nike was quick to create gay pride flag-themed shoes. There are quite a few styles set up in the rainbow colors of gay pride. So, as far as Nike is concerned, gay pride is great, but American pride is “racist.”But Nike has also created shoes with the flags
Rep. Frederica Wilson calls for online
pranksters to be 'prosecuted' if jokes
target lawmakers
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/2/2019 11:05:19 PM Post Reply
Rep. Frederica Wilson has no love for social media’s meme-makers and pranksters — she literally wants them prosecuted. The Florida Democrat weighed in on free speech issues this week and told an audience that it should be illegal to mock lawmakers. “Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace,” she said while speaking in Homestead. “We’re gonna shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted. You cannot intimidate members of Congress, frighten members of Congress. It is against the law, and it’s a shame in this United States of America.”
Why wait for fireworks? Kellyanne Conway
blows up reporter in spectacular display
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 10:59:21 PM Post Reply
Kellyanne Conway torched a White House reporter for his “irresponsible” question about recent comments made by President Trump.The White House counselor lashed out at NBC News White House correspondent Peter Alexander for a question he posed during a press gaggle on the White House driveway Tuesday, exposing him for “slipping in editorial comment” in a fiery exchange.(Video: C-SPAN) Alexander referred to recent remarks made by Trump, asking Conway to elaborate. “The president just yesterday was asked if he could give a speech that would reach all Americans, and in his answer he said, of the Democrats, that their health care plan would destroy the country,” Alexander said.
Jury finds Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher not guilty of war crimes replies
Posted by AZRandFan 7/2/2019 10:58:50 PM Post Reply

The jury assigned to the case of accused Special Warfare Chief Edward Gallagher has found the decorated Navy SEAL not guilty of murder and attempted murder after a whirlwind trial that included bombshell revelations and twists. One sentence posts may be automatically deleted.  Read Rules & FAQs before posting again.

Louie Gohmert blasts Robert Mueller:
He's an 'anal opening'
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/2/2019 10:55:44 PM Post Reply
Rep. Louie Gohmert, Texas Republican, called out Robert Mueller, the former special counsel for all-things-Russia-collusion — or, make that all-things-no-Russia-collusion — as an “anal opening,” just days before he’s due to appear before the House and answer questions about his investigation. No, really, Gohmert. Tell us how you really feel. “He’s done some irreparable damage to some things and he’s got to answer for them,” Gohmertsaid to Politico. Meaning? Meaning Mueller’s written 448-page report did not really match with how Democrats played it in their friendly press pages and on their fawning media platforms in the days and weeks that followed.
Federal judge blocks Trump policy keeping
asylum seekers locked up
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/2/2019 10:51:31 PM Post Reply
A federal judge in Seattle on Tuesday blocked a Trump administration policy that would keep thousands of asylum-seekers locked up while they pursue their cases, saying the Constitution demands that such migrants have a chance to be released from custody. U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman ruled Tuesday that people who are detained after entering the country to seek protection are entitled to bond hearings. Attorney General William Barr announced in April that the government would no longer offer such hearings, but instead keep them in custody. It was part of the administration’s efforts to deter a surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Trump hasn’t drained the swamp.
Here’s how to do it
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 10:50:09 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump ran for president promising to “drain the swamp,” but even his sometimes valiant efforts amount to no more than removing marsh water one tin cup at a time. Three Supreme Court decisions at the end of its term last week remind us that the federal administrative state, not the elective offices, is the frustrating, sometimes abusive entity through which most citizens encounter their government. The next president should make it a priority to radically restructure and reduce the administrative leviathan. The virtual GOP campaign against President Trump must make massive administrative reform a galvanizing issue.The challenge could even employ a Trump-like slogan: Bust the bureaucracy!
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Invites You
to Enjoy an Exciting Family Vacation…
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 10:41:33 PM Post Reply
Portland, Oregon, is located in the Northwestern United States. Portland is considered the cultural mecca for the most refined vision of Democratic Socialism. Known as a Marxist hub for modern cultural and political violence, all tourists are eligible for complimentary helmets as they travel to and from various points of interest. In addition to teaching your kids new words, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler welcomes each visiting family. Together, he and his leadership team are committed to maximum excitement during your stay. Welcome to Portland – You’ll fight like hell to enjoy it, or else: (Video)
Auto industry legend Lee Iacocca dies at 94 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/2/2019 10:16:07 PM Post Reply
He was one of those unique personalities that America’s auto industry sometimes produces — a larger-than-life presence who changed the course of automotive history. Revered by some, reviled by others, Lee Iacocca was a force to be reckoned with, both publicly and privately. Father of the Mustang, midwife to the minivan, rescuer of Chrysler Corp., restorer of the Statue of Liberty, Lee Iacocca died Tuesday at his home in Bel Air, California, Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel and longtime auto executive Bob Lutz confirmed to the Free Press. He was 94. During the height of his career in the 1980s
Trump Abandons Legal Battle Over
Census Citizenship Question
Posted by athina 7/2/2019 10:12:03 PM Post Reply

President Donald Trump on Tuesday abandonned a beleaguered attempt to put a question about citizenship on next year’s census, despite being left a clear pathway to pursue it following last week’s Supreme Court decision. The Supreme Court ruling came out largely in favor of the Commerce Department’s legal right to include the question on the census.   Source corrected

House Democrats Sue to Obtain Donald Trump’s
Tax Returns
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/2/2019 9:51:46 PM Post Reply
The House Ways and Means Committee has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS in an effort to obtain President Donald Trump’s tax returns. The committee, headed up by Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), said it doesn’t have to explain its reasons for seeking President Trump’s tax return information. The panel stated that the administration has defied a subpoena for the documents “in order to shield President Trump’s tax return information from Congressional scrutiny.” Further, lawmakers said it’s investigating tax law compliance by the president, among other things. “In refusing to comply with the statute,
Number of US citizens who say they
are Proud to be American hits new low,
with poll finding Democrats are the
most disaffected
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 9:40:30 PM Post Reply
This Fourth of July may be noticeably less patriotic according to a new Gallup poll, which reveals that American pride has hit a new low.Only 45 percent of men and women in the US are 'extremely proud' to be American, the lowest number ever recorded since the poll was first conducted in 2001, and the second straight year that this number was below 50 percent.Once broken down by political party, those numbers become wildly skewed, with 76 percent of Republicans 'extremely proud' versus just 22 percent of Democrats. Independents fall right in the middle with 41 percent.
MSNBC not planning to air Trump's
July Fourth celebration live
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 9:29:33 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump’s controversial takeover of the Fourth of July celebration at the National Mall won’t completely take over the cable airwaves.MSNBC, for one, doesn’t plan to carry his “Salute to America” live, though the network will assess in real time whether to air clips of the event, a spokesperson told POLITICO.Fox News is planning to cover “Salute to America” during a two-hour edition of “Special Report,” which airs from 6 to 8 p.m. And C-SPAN is planning to carry the event live, beginning at 6:15 p.m. CNN representatives did not respond to requests for comment. The network is currently slated to air “The Situation Room” at 6 p.m.
Antifa Is Mostly Made Up Of Privileged
White Dudes
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/2/2019 9:13:03 PM Post Reply
At Occupy Wall Street, there were two very distinct groups. On one side of the park were the peaceful intellectuals. They ran the library and the general assembly, and organized services in the park. On the other side was the black bloc, a collection of black-clad punks, often with bandanas ready to serve as masks, who mostly engaged in drug use and drum circles. The latter group is directly related to the movement we now know as Antifa. One thing that both of these groups had—and continue to have—in common is that they are mostly young white people.
Trump Says Conditions Are 'Disgraceful'
in Major U.S. Cities
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 8:04:11 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump said federal intervention might be needed to clean up the streets in major U.C. cities and appeared to boast about reducing homelessness in Washington during an interview with Fox News on Monday. In an interview taped in Japan with host Tucker Carlson, the U.S. president addressed foreign policy and the power of big tech companies before the conversation turned toward the conditions in major U.S. cities.After Carlson said that Osaka and Tokyo – two cities Trump visited during his trip to Japan for the G-20 meeting – were clean and didn't have graffiti or "junkies,"
Here’s How Those Military Tanks Are
Getting To Trump’s Fourth Of July Parade
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 7:16:15 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump requested tanks for his massive Fourth of July celebration, and it looks like he’ll get them. Two tanks were transported from Fort Stewart in Georgia by train and are currently sitting idle on a freight train in southeastern Washington, DC, according to a report by the Associated Press. Alongside the two M1A1 Abrams tanks are four other military vehicles, all of which are being guarded by military police. (Tweet/Photo)
Few answers as Vice President Pence
cancels New Hampshire trip on opioid crisis
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 6:59:08 PM Post Reply
Vice President Mike Pence inexplicably canceled a planned trip to discuss the opioid epidemic in New Hampshire, with White House officials offering little explanation Tuesday. Pence was due to appear at the Granite Recovery Centers headquarters in Salem, N.H., for a roundtable discussion with former patients and state officials. He was expected to speak at 1 p.m. “on the opioid crisis and illegal drug flow in New Hampshire,” according to a media advisory. Shortly before noon, officials in Salem said Air Force 2 was diverted back to Washington, D.C., but insisted that it was not an emergency.
Video: Woman Licks Ice Cream Carton
in Store, Places It Back on Shelf
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 6:54:19 PM Post Reply
Blue Bell Creameries is responding after a viral video posted Saturday showed a customer licking a tub of Blue Bell ice cream at a store before placing it back inside the freezer.(Tweet/Video) The nine-second video on Twitter showed the woman licking a tub of Blue Bell’s Tin Roof flavored ice cream at a store before placing it back on a shelf. The video has since gone viral, attracting 10.4 million views and more than 26,000 retweets
Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher Found Not
Guilty of Killing ISIS Fighter
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 6:49:59 PM Post Reply
A military jury has found Navy SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher not guilty on almost all counts, including the killing of a wounded ISIS fighter.He was only found guilty on one count related to taking a photo of the ISIS fighter’s corpse, which carries a maximum sentence of four months, sources told Breitbart News. As Gallagher has served nine months in pre-trial confinement, it is likely he will not serve any time in jail at all, sources said. There were five enlisted Marines and two sailors on the jury, including one Navy SEAL. The verdict was publicly announced by former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernie Kerik,
Grounded: Code Pink's 'Baby Trump'
blimp permit doesn't allow helium
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2019 6:02:43 PM Post Reply
Code Pink can have the “Baby Trump” blimp on the National Mall for President Trump’s Lincoln Memorial speech on Thursday—just not off the ground and not where Mr. Trump can see it, the group claimed. According to a Tuesday press release from Code Pink, the National Park Service has granted the left-wing gadflies a demonstration permit. But it “does not allow the balloon to be filled with any helium, only air, and the permit is not in the location we requested—within line of sight of the Lincoln Memorial where President Trump will be speaking,” the group said.
Former Google Engineer: CEO Sundar Pichai Lied to Congress About Blacklists replies
Posted by Chris Jr. 7/2/2019 5:40:49 PM Post Reply
Former Google engineer Mike Wacker claims that CEO Sundar Pichai lied to Congress when claiming that the company does not manually intervene on users search results. In a Medium blog post titled “Google’s Manual Interventions in Search Results,” former Google engineer Mike Wacker alleges that Google CEO Sundar Pichai lied to Congres when he stated “We don’t manually intervene on any particular search result.” Wacker notes that Pichai’s comment was in answer to a question from Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) who asked why photos of President Trump were returned under image searches for the term “idiot.”
Charlie Kirk Launches ‘Turning Point Action’ to Organize 1 Million Trump-Supporting Students replies
Posted by Chris Jr. 7/2/2019 5:25:40 PM Post Reply
Turning Point USA founder and executive director Charlie Kirk, who has launched Turning Point Action, a national get out the vote initiative for President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign, announced the acquisition of Students for Trump on Tuesday. TPUSA’s sister 501(c)(4) organization, Turning Point Action (TPA), announced on Tuesday its expansion with the acquisition of Students for Trump, and “all associated media assets.” The new initiative is seeking to organize one million student Trump-supporters in an effort to get out the vote in 2020.
Charlottesville drops Thomas
Jefferson's birthday as holiday
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2019 5:00:44 PM Post Reply
Charlottesville, Va. — Charlottesville, Virginia, will no longer celebrate Thomas Jefferson’s birthday as an official city holiday and instead will observe a day recognizing the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans. The city council voted Monday night to scrap the decades-old April 13 holiday honoring the slave-holding president and Founding Father. Charlottesville will now mark Liberation and Freedom Day on March 3, the day U.S. Army forces arrived in the city in 1865. Charlottesville has been grappling publicly for years with how to tell its history of race and discrimination. Those efforts intensified after white nationalists gathered in the city in 2017
AZ governor steps up for America,
will ‘withdraw all incentive dollars’ from
Kaepernick’s Nike
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 4:50:21 PM Post Reply
BizPac Review published reports on Monday that Nike developed a Betsy Ross-themed shoe just in time to celebrate Independence Day, then yanked it from production. Shortly after, sponsored activist Colin Kaepernick reportedly complained that he found the imagery depicted on the clothing to be offensive. As happens all too often in our softened society, Nike immediately recalled the shoe and drew the ire of patriots like Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who called the decision “pathetic” and declared that she will no longer be buying Nike sneakers for her family.
Trump’s Visit to North Korea is an Alarming Message to China replies
Posted by Chris Jr. 7/2/2019 4:46:21 PM Post Reply
On Sunday in the “Peace Village” of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone, President Donald Trump stepped over the Military Demarcation Line and took twenty steps into North Korea with Kim Jong-un, the dictator of the Hermit Kingdom. The pair immediately walked back another twenty into the South, where they met for fifty minutes. The brief visit by the president of the United States of America to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea delighted Kim, who smiled broadly and constantly. Almost certainly, the forty-step outing alarmed Xi Jinping, the Chinese ruler, who was not in attendance. Trump is now the first sitting American leader to go to North Korea.
Liars! Video Confirms AOC and Liberal
Media Were Complicit in Staged Crying
Hoax in Empty Parking Lot
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 4:46:07 PM Post Reply
Photos were released on Tuesday of Democrat Socialist leader Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sobbing at a border entrance gate.The horror of the experience moved her to tears. It was suggested that AOC was sobbing presumably at the sight of migrant children being inhumanely detained.(Photo) The sobbing Ocasio-Cortez was holding her hands over her face to hide her pain.AOC posted the sad photos to her Twitter page.(Tweet)
AOC and Democrats were told repeatedly
that illegal immigrants had overwhelmed
the border. Now they act surprised
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/2/2019 3:32:16 PM Post Reply
After months of warnings from the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services — not to mention something about a “national emergency” declaration — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., took a field trip to the border. She found out that, yes, things are, like, really, really, bad! No one should be surprised that detention centers for illegal immigrants have been overwhelmed by the endless flow of hundreds of thousands of Central Americans, Mexicans and Haitians making their way here, throwing themselves and their children into the care of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which isn't equipped to handle the crushing volume of people.
These USDA employees face a stark choice: Move to Kansas City or be fired replies
Posted by old_clock_says 7/2/2019 3:20:57 PM Post Reply
The Agriculture Department is offering employees a rare choice: accept a forced transfer to a post 1,000 miles away or be fired. The Trump administration’s plan to move two agencies from the District to the Kansas City area includes a document with two blank boxes on it, sent to employees...
Betsy Ross costs Nike plenty replies
Posted by Chris Jr. 7/2/2019 2:56:33 PM Post Reply
When Colin Kaepernick objected, Nike stopped selling shoes that were a tribute to Betsy Ross, a woman legend of the American Revolution. Now that will cost the company millions in incentives Arizona offered to snag a Nike plant. It will cost the state 500 jobs. More than a million soldiers have died defending that flag that Nike turned its back on. The shoe featured the flag that legend holds designed the flag. That seems to be based on family lore. But she did more for America than any of today's quarterbacks did.
So, how’d a Libyan rebel commander
get US Anti-Tank missiles?
Posted by SurferLad 7/2/2019 2:40:30 PM Post Reply
This is one of those shadowy war mysteries with a backstory that belongs in a Richard Ludlum novel. We’ll never know the true inside story. But it’s interesting nonetheless. You may recall back in 2011 as Barack Obama was heading out of the White House one day to take his mother-in-law along on a South American tour, he dropped the news that oh, by the way, he’d ordered U.S. air forces to help European allies oust Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi.He launched this multi-month offensive without congressional approval. Gadhafi’s crime (actually, it hadn’t happened yet) was he threatened to
Buttigieg campaign staffer apologizes
to Matt Gaetz after hoping protesters
pelt him with urine
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2019 2:13:46 PM Post Reply
Rep. Matt Gaetz said he received an apology from a campaign staffer for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg after she posted a comment online hoping that protesters pelt him with urine. Mr. Gaetz, a Florida Republican, captured a screenshot of the Facebook comment by Samantha Lillian Elaine Pollara in reference to a recent incident in which he was hit by a beverage at a political event. “Please, please let it be urine next time,” Ms. Pollara wrote, including three “fingers crossed” emojis. Mr. Gaetz has previously said he plans to press charges against his former Democratic political opponent, Amanda Kondrat’yev, for allegedly throwing
Colin Kaepernick objects to flag-themed shoes,
so Nike pulls them
Posted by SurferLad 7/2/2019 1:36:22 PM Post Reply
Swoosh! Nike, the big shoemaker, seems to have a new boss. For America’s Independence Day, Nike released a new sneaker shoe style with the image of the early U.S. flag stitched by the notorious revolutionary Betsy Ross. It had the familiar red and white stripes and 13 stars in a circle for the original colonies. Apparently, sales were going well until noted kneeler Colin Kaepernick objected because, well, some of the 13 colonies had slaves at the time and we shouldn’t be knowing that in this Woke era. Naturally, the mega-company with $36 billion in annual shoe and
Time To Flush AOC & Her Border
Travelling Sister Act Down the Toilet
Posted by Cavallodifiero 7/2/2019 1:34:52 PM Post Reply
Justice Democrats NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and her activist sistahs, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan (Marry-your-Brother) Omar and Michigan Rep. expletive-hurling Rashida Tlaib have moved into their own Hoax Huckster Fabrication Factory. The Hoax Hucksters are now sending out hype and lies—coming straight out of the toilet. All three are well-tooled in the dirty art of
The Joys of Busing, Huh? replies
Posted by mc squared 7/2/2019 12:32:51 PM Post Reply
As contrived for the apparent purpose of embarrassing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris’ handwringer over racial-balance busing duly titillated the media. Who could suppose there was anything wrong with shipping children miles from their homes to satisfy what a federal judge said was the moral necessity of achieving a classroom mixture of black faces and white faces? And Biden had fought it at the federal level? The Homeric narrative thus organized itself around Sen. Harris’ account of “a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.”
Revealing the Real
(and Very Complicated)
John F. Kennedy Jr. 20 Years After
His Death: 'He Was Two People'
Posted by StormCnter 7/2/2019 12:31:25 PM Post Reply
It was 20 summers ago that John F. Kennedy Jr.‘s plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean amid thick fog — killing him and his two passengers, wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and her sister, Lauren Bessette, on their way to a Kennedy family wedding. Three lives, ended. And America’s most famous political family dealt another fatal blow. Now historian Steven M. Gillon has written the biography America’s Reluctant Prince, excerpted in this week’s PEOPLE and in bookstores July 9, which offers the first in-depth examination of John’s life. It reveals a man far more complicated than he might have seemed.
Beto O’Rourke and Julian Castro
are Fighting Over Who Gets
to Be “The Texan”
Posted by StormCnter 7/2/2019 12:20:51 PM Post Reply
Texas Democrats still love Beto O’Rourke. In polls of the state, he leads every candidate in the field except Joe Biden. His improbable 2018 Senate campaign, which earned him more votes than any Democrat in the history of Texas, still carries a lot of goodwill in his home state. Nationally, though, he seems to be struggling to gain traction. South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg has succeeded in attracting big money from people who believe the next president of the United States should be a nice young man who likes classical literature, and O’Rourke’s performance at the first Democratic debate last Wednesday night was treated by national
Is Putin Right? Has
Liberalism Lost the World?
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 12:16:55 PM Post Reply
"The liberal idea has become obsolete. ... (Liberals) cannot simply dictate anything to anyone as they have been attempting to do over the recent decades."Such was the confident claim of Vladimir Putin to the Financial Times on the eve of a G-20 gathering that appeared to validate his thesis.Consider who commanded all the attention at the Osaka summit.The main event was Trump's meeting with China's Xi Jinping and their agreement to renew trade talks. Xi runs an archipelago of detention camps where China's Uighur Muslims and its Kazakh minority have their minds coercively "corrected."
Ex-wife of suspect arrested for murder
of Mackenzie Lueck says he once threatened
to ‘have someone come kidnap’ and ‘kill’ her
Posted by earlybird 7/2/2019 12:05:48 PM Post Reply
The ex-wife of a man arrested in the murder of University of Utah student Mackenzie Lueck said she has not been in contact with the alleged killer because she’s long been afraid of him. (Snip)Court documents also released Monday revealed Ajayi was previously investigated for a rape allegation made by his co-worker in 2014. According to a North Park Police report obtained by the Salt Lake Tribune, the pair worked together at a financial company in Logan. She told authorities on Nov. 24, 2014 she’d been at Ajayi’s home when he raped her.
How to Twist Numbers to Make Obama
Better on Economy Than Trump
Posted by PageTurner 7/2/2019 11:45:43 AM Post Reply
"The Dow," shorthand for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, is usually what people are talking about when they refer to "the market" — i.e., the stock market. The DJIA, the symbol for the Dow, seems to be cited more often than other averages and indices, such as the Nasdaq Composite, the S&P 500, and the Russell 1000, even though it consists of only 30 stocks. Some think of the Dow as a measure of the health of economy. On Dec. 26, USA Today ran "How the stock market performed under every president for the past 100 years" by Samuel Stebbins.
ProPublica gets busy with a new
doxx operation against the Border Patrol
Posted by PageTurner 7/2/2019 11:34:38 AM Post Reply
Well, it looks like the efforts to doxx anyone involved in border control has already begun, leftists didn't need a rabid-minded New York Times op-ed contributor to get the idea going. ProPublica, the Soros-linked media outfit with a Sorosian 'investigative' agenda, has come out with a big-publicity "investigation" on the purported or not bad Facebook behavior of a 9,500-member Facebook group full of current and former Border Patrol agents. ProPublica called the closed Facebook group 'secret' of course, though there are thousands of them just like that out there -- and you can bet that antifa has its closed dens of social media babble,
G20 Summit: Trump's strategic vision
as strong as Reagan and Thatcher
Posted by BigAlPeoplesPal 7/2/2019 11:30:54 AM Post Reply
President Trump has returned from the G20 summit in Osaka Japan in triumph. During his time in Asia, the President reset relations with both China and North Korea. All while continuing to implement his strategic vision for the United States to a worldwide audience. President Trump engaged in talks with Russia to begin resolving regional disputes. The President reinforced our relationships with our allies in Japan and South Korea. Then he reengaged with Xi Jinping to bring the China trade agreement closer to fruition.
Democrats, Beware of Andrew
Yang’s Insane Vision for America
Posted by NorthernDog 7/2/2019 11:29:07 AM Post Reply
After a surprising surge to make his way to the debate stage, Andrew Yang didn’t make much of an impression there in just three minutes of speaking time as leading Democrats with a lot in common tried to make the most of their distinctions. (Snip) This is a brand of politics intended to neuter a muscular liberalism based on moral guidelines and defined as an attempt to civilize the economy and empower people. It is an approach not only opposed to the democratic socialism of Bernie Sanders, but to the core philosophies of the Democratic Party. Yang’s prescription stands against
Hispanic pastors tour border facility
lambasted by AOC and say they are
‘shocked by misinformation’
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/2/2019 11:17:02 AM Post Reply
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez was "full of indignation" when he saw the reports and heard from politicians about the deplorable and inhumane conditions for illegal immigrants at an El Paso County, Texas migrant detention center. But what he saw at the same facility toured by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. with a group of pastors was "drastically different." The president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the world's largest Hispanic Christian organization, and senior pastor of New Seasons Christian Worship Center in Sacramento shared his firsthand experience touring a migrant detention center during a press briefing Monday.
Body Of Frozen Stowaway On Airplane
Falls 3,500 Feet And Almost Lands
On Sunbather
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 11:09:44 AM Post Reply
John Baldock got lucky. Very lucky.(Video) Baldock, who has a master's degree in engineering from Oxford University, was just chilling in the garden of a $3 million home outside London when he heard a thud."There was an almighty bang. At first I thought it was some scaffolding falling down and thought nothing more about it," one of Baldock's neighbors told the Daily Mail.But it wasn't. It was the sound of a frozen body hitting the ground after falling from 3,500 feet."The corpse fell to the ground as the nine-hour flight from Nairobi approached London Heathrow Airport
Trump, RNC raise $105M
in second quarter
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 11:01:56 AM Post Reply
President Trump’s reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee raised $105 million in the second quarter of 2019, beating President Barack Obama’s fundraising efforts by tens of millions during the same point in his reelection campaign.Trump raised $54 million and the RNC brought in $51 million, the campaign said Tuesday. The two have a combined $100 million cash on hand and have raised more money online in the second quarter than the first half of 2018.The haul was a “massive fundraising success,” Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale said.
Illinois tax hikes could kill
small businesses, expert warns
Posted by NorthernDog 7/2/2019 10:31:04 AM Post Reply
As of Monday, Illinois drivers face a much higher fuel tax, which could spell bad news not only for drivers – but also for small businesses in the area. The state doubled its gas tax to 38 cents per gallon, up from 19 cents per gallon – which had been the rate since 1990. (Snip) llinois is one of several high-tax states experiencing an outflow of residents after state and local tax deductions were capped at $10,000. Illinois’ population declined for the fifth row in a year in 2018, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. More than 114,150 people moved
AOC responds to border officers who
felt ‘threatened’ by her
Posted by mc squared 7/2/2019 10:14:05 AM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter on Monday night to defend herself — and once again blast the US Customs and Border Protection agency — after an online report accused her of screaming at federal agents “in a threatening manner” during her highly publicized visit to the southern border. “To these CBP officers saying they felt ‘threatened’ by me – They were literally discussing making a GoFundMe for an officer who attacked my on my tour [sic],” the congresswoman tweeted. “They’re just upset I exposed their inhumane behavior.” Ocasio-Cortez insisted that she posed no threat to the agents — not verbally or physically.
Hunter Biden is Rick James replies
Posted by earlybird 7/2/2019 10:00:25 AM Post Reply
The New Yorker kneecapped Joe Biden today by profiling his 49-year-old son, Hunter Biden. The interview was meant to inoculate him against the inevitable outing by a Democrat rival of his dad. But the summary by ABC showed just how terrible the son is. ABC said, "Hunter Biden spoke candidly about his struggle with alcohol and drug addiction, his complicated relationships with women, his lucrative overseas work – and the implications those controversies could have on his father’s political fortunes, even as the former vice president remains atop the gaggle of Democratic presidential candidates." Cocaine was his drug of choice.
CIA Seems Highly Concerned –
Washington Post Reports
on Sketchy Joseph Mifsud…
Posted by earlybird 7/2/2019 9:54:27 AM Post Reply
In the synergy between the U.S. intelligence apparatus and their media agents, the CIA, DOJ and State Department have specific outlets assigned to public relations.(Snip) the Washington Post generally comes out first in defense of the CIA agenda. This pattern has been remarkably consistent for years. So against a backdrop of looming revelations about the intelligence community and their activity in the 2016 election; and suddenly The Washington Post, seemingly out of nowhere, pushes an article intended to diffuse the issues around western intelligence asset Joseph Mifsud; we can reasonably assume something is happening in the background that
Representative Ratcliffe: “Horowitz
Investigative Work is Complete”…
Posted by earlybird 7/2/2019 9:45:50 AM Post Reply
An interesting discussion between Representative John Ratcliffe, former congressman Trey Gowdy and Fox News Host Jason Chaffetz surrounding: the pending Inspector General Report into FISA abuse; the upcoming Mueller testimony; and the activity of U.S. Attorney John Durham. Within the interview Ratcliffe notes he has recently spoken to Inspector General Horowitz about the timing of his upcoming report where Ratcliffe says the “investigative work is complete”. (Snip) we don’t know when the investigative phase actually concluded; the most likely public release date (just an estimate based on historical IG reporting) would be the end of August or early September.
Trump and R.N.C. Raised $105
Million in 2nd Quarter, Outdoing Obama
Posted by NorthernDog 7/2/2019 9:22:18 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee on Tuesday said they had raised $105 million in the second quarter of this year, dwarfing what President Barack Obama raised in the equivalent period during his re-election campaign. The campaign and the R.N.C. said they had a combined $100 million in cash on hand, and that they had raised more money online in the second quarter than in the first half of 2018. The staggering total figure can be plowed into television and digital advertising, get-out-the-vote efforts and other activities related to the 2020 election. Mr. Trump and his
NYPD ramps up patrols at Staten
Island Mall in wake of attacks
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2019 9:15:21 AM Post Reply
Police have ramped up patrols at the Staten Island Mall as they investigate five attacks by groups of young girls on other girls in the past 10 days, according to reports. Four of the attacks took place on June 21 and were committed by a group of black and Hispanic girls aged 12 and 13, according to the Staten Island Advance, which cited a law enforcement source. Their victims were all white, but authorities do not believe race played a role in the attacks, according to the news outlet. In several of those incidents, one of the girls videotaped the beating,
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey ends
Nike deal after cancellation
of 'Betsy Ross Flag' sneakers
Posted by Ribicon 7/2/2019 9:07:22 AM Post Reply
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said Tuesday the state would be canceling the incentives offered in a deal with Nike in response to the athletic company scrapping plans for a Betsy Ross-inspired sneaker. The sneakers, featuring a U.S. flag with 13 stars on each heel, reportedly was canned after former football player and political activist Colin Kaepernick said the design could be seen as an offensive symbol of slavery. Mr. Ducey said the state was supposed to announce a deal with Nike but then “this news broke yesterday afternoon.”(Snip) “It is a shameful retreat for the company. American businesses should be proud
Castro: ‘We Already Pay for the
Health Care’ of Illegal Aliens -
‘It’s Called the Emergency Room’
Posted by M2 7/2/2019 8:55:12 AM Post Reply
Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro told ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopolous” on Sunday that Americans already pay for the health care of illegal immigrants – “it’s called the emergency room.” “Let’s talk of the debate Wednesday night. You did have a breakthrough performance. You talked a lot about wanting to decriminalize immigrants coming into the United States right now, make it a civil penalty. Again, you’ve drawn a lot of heat for that, also for the plans that all the Democrats said they wanted to give access to health care for undocumented immigrants,” Stephanopolous said.
Nadler: Trump Admin Committing
Child Abuse — ‘There Ought to Be
Prosecutions’ of Agency Heads
Posted by M2 7/2/2019 8:52:52 AM Post Reply
Monday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) commented on a video obtained by The Associated Press in which a 12-year-old migrant girl tells a lawyer how she and her 6-year-old sister were “treated badly” in a Texas border facility. Nadler said, “What we saw today was disgusting. When we were at the border a couple of months ago, although they didn’t let us talk to the kids, we saw very disgusting conditions then. This is inhumane and criminal. Frankly, I think it’s criminal. There ought to be prosecutions of some of the agency heads and some of the people for child abuse.
Democrats: Love and Aid for
Illegal Migrants, Nothing for Americans
Posted by M2 7/2/2019 8:51:15 AM Post Reply
Democrats promised aid and love for illegal migrants — but did not mention border protections or the concerns of ordinary Americans — during a raucous Monday visit to the Clint Border Patrol Station, just two miles from the Mexican border in Texas. “This is about the preservation of our humanity, and this is about seeing every single person there as a member of your own family,” Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley told protesters and the assembled media on Monday. “We love you and that we will never stop fighting for your dignity, for your humanity, and for the preservation of your family,” she said towards the legally detained migrants.
More Antifa Outrages in Portland replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/2/2019 8:46:45 AM Post Reply
I wrote here about an attack by Antifa criminals on journalist Andy Ngo in Portland on Saturday. Ngo was hospitalized and had several thousand dollars worth of camera equipment destroyed. It turns out that at about the same time, in a different area of the Antifa rampage, Brownshirt thugs attacked and seriously injured two other men. Rather than re-tell the story, I will simply embed Michelle Malkin’s tweets, which include photographs of the victims: (Tweets) Michelle says that these two men were beaten by the fascist thugs because they tried to help a gay man who was being chased by Antifa.
The American left is
seriously out of control.
Now they are dangerous
Posted by Magnante 7/2/2019 8:05:38 AM Post Reply
The Left's hysteria over Trump's victory in 2016 has escalated into something quite beyond mere hysteria. Now they are well and truly dangerous. Antifa, the fascist organization that protests anything and everything with which it disagrees is violent, very violent. They show up with weapons, wearing masks and attack anyone they perceive to be in opposition to their own warped ideology. CNN has long defended the group as good guys (snip) The left has shown its true its colors.We are one election away from losing our country … and they cheat.
Obama's DHS Secretary: FYI, Cages
or Whatever You Want to Call Them,
Weren't Invented by Trump
Posted by abuela10 7/2/2019 7:43:03 AM Post Reply
Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson gave the left another reality check over the weekend about detention centers on the southern border with Mexico. “Chain link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them, were not invented on January 20, 2017, okay?" Johnson said during an interview at the Aspen Institute. Johnson was asked about a photo taken in 2014. It shows the former Secretary touring a border detention facility in Arizona when the unaccompanied minor and family unit crisis actually began.
Milkshake protest stirs up
controversy across U.S.
Posted by Upright2 7/2/2019 7:06:55 AM Post Reply
In the wake of a violent, Saturday, June 29 political rally that provoked nationwide attention, the Portland Police Bureau and Mayor Ted Wheeler found themselves, once again, playing defense. Everyone from a U.S. senator to the president of the local GOP piled on criticism, with many wondering how only three people could be arrested during the sprawling, six-hour-long duel between conservative Proud Boys and the black-clad anti-fascists fighters known as Antifa. Daryl Turner, president of the Portland Police Association union, called on the mayor to kick both sides out of the city and "remove the handcuffs from our officers."
Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson
Baptized in Jordan River – ‘Life Changing’
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 7:05:12 AM Post Reply
Seven days ago, Houston Texans NFL quarterback Deshaun Watson posted on his Instagram page that he “[g]ot baptized in the Jordan River,” stating that the event, among others, was “Life Changing.”“Went to Jesus’ hometown,” Deshaun Watson stated on Instagram in a list of things he did while in Israel. “Got baptized in the Jordan River. Went tubing in the Sea of Galilee. Took a trip through Mary Magdalene’s hometown. Saw the first church in Capharnuan. Life Changing Experiences – Major Blessings! @amvoicesinisrael”
It was 55 years ago today... replies
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 6:59:40 AM Post Reply
It was 55 years ago today that my dad, mom, and the three kids woke up in Cuba knowing that things would never be the same. My mom had talked to us the night before and told us to be strong and stick together as one family.Nobody said a lot that morning. My parents had decided to leave after the Cuban Missile Crisis and the "communist radicalization" of Cuba. They did not want us to attend government schools where kids were taught communist ideas and history was rewritten to justify "la revolucion".My parents knew that this day would come but it was
Trump defends children and businesses from
Cuomo and NY AG: ‘No wonder businesses
and people are fleeing New York’
Posted by Imright 7/2/2019 6:51:01 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Monday to rail against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York Attorney General Letitia James continuing to put his businesses and children under scrutiny. (Photo) “It is very hard and expensive to live in New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo uses his Attorney General as a bludgeoning tool for his own purposes,” the president tweeted. “They sue on everything, always in search of a crime. I even got sued on a Foundation which took Zero rent & expenses & gave away more money than it had.”
These Democratic presidential debates are
very important — until the next ones
Posted by SurferLad 7/2/2019 6:30:08 AM Post Reply
Approaching its 243rd birthday, the United States has a proud and widely-admired political tradition of freedom and generally democratic elections of its own leadership. Thanks to voters’ brief episodic attention spans and earnest but shallow media coverage that treats a leadership choice like some marathon Kentucky Derby, the United States has a presidential selection process that’s a mess.[Snip] We saw much of this made painfully clear during and after the first pair of Democratic primary debates. TV relishes such set-piece events, like old-fashioned shootouts down by the corral. We know when it will be. Where it will be. Who
Bernie Vs. Bernie: Who
Has Improved More Lives,
Marcus Or Sanders?
Posted by RockyTCB 7/2/2019 6:00:00 AM Post Reply
A pair of Bernies, one running for president, the other a wealthy corporate executive and philanthropist, are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, as well as the cultural divide. One has made life better for many. The other wants to suck the life out as many as he can. Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus, now 90, recently said that Sen. Bernie Sanders, campaigning for president as a Democrat with a Socialist’s pedigree, is the “enemy of every entrepreneur.” Sanders, who represents Vermont, has made a public career out of vilifying corporations, free markets, and the wealthy. Meet the creator. Fear the destroyer.
Kamala Harris campaign lawyer hired
Fusion GPS for Hillary Clinton
Posted by MissMolly 7/2/2019 5:40:27 AM Post Reply
The former top lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign who hired Fusion GPS to carry out controversial opposition research against then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016 is now working for a top 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful. Marc Elias, who heads Perkins Coie’s political law group, became general counsel for California Sen. Kamala Harris’ presidential bid this year. Elias, who held the same position in Clinton's campaign, is named in two pending Federal Election Commission complaints and in a recent federal lawsuit alleging that the Clinton campaign broke campaign finance laws when it used Perkins Coie to hire Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS went on to hire British ex-spy Christopher Steele,
It's time for Trump to put a little pressure
on Kim — and on John Bolton
Posted by Pluperfect 7/2/2019 5:31:27 AM Post Reply
The Trump administration’s approach to North Korea has been guided to two conflicting instincts: 1) that there is no hurry in achieving denuclearization, and 2) that everything must be done all together, a so-called “grand bargain.” The problem with this strategy, of course, is that by declaring that there is no hurry, North Korea can continue to engage in further production of fissile material both from its Yongbyon plutonium producing reactor and from enrichment facilities. It also can use the patience granted it by President Trump to engage in more research and development of delivery vehicles, namely its robust and expanding missile program.
The 'Magic Wand of Fudging'
Produces Global Warming
Posted by Pluperfect 7/2/2019 5:27:38 AM Post Reply
I have written many times about what I consider the worst scandal in the history of science: efforts by the curators of global temperature records to rewrite the past so as to produce an illusion of warming that is not reflected in the temperatures that have actually been recorded. No Tricks Zone picks up the theme in a post titled “Adjusted ‘Unadjusted Data: NASA Uses The ‘Magic Wand Of Fudging’, Produces Warming Where There Never Was.” It’s been long known that NASA GISS has been going through its historical temperature data archives and erasing old temperature measurements and replacing them with new, made up figures
Unmask Antifa and
Watch the Cowards Retreat
Posted by Pluperfect 7/2/2019 5:22:59 AM Post Reply
I’d urge everyone to read my colleague Jim Geraghty’s post on the thuggery this weekend in Portland. It was appalling to watch masked Antifa thugs attack Andy Ngo, and it was also appalling that the police weren’t immediately present to arrest his attackers. Antifa’s propensity to violence is well known, and while I’d love to hear a sympathetic explanation for the absence of police, the lack of response looks a lot like a dereliction of duty. There is, however, a simple and well-known legal reform that will go a long way towards deterring Antifa violence — even when police aren’t close by, but iPhones are. It’s called an anti-masking law.
Here’s What Republicans Should Ask
Robert Mueller When He Testifies
Posted by Pluperfect 7/2/2019 5:19:50 AM Post Reply
When Democrats heard last week that Robert Mueller would testify before the House judiciary and oversight committees on July 17, they were as giddy as a 72-year-old Jerry Nadler waiting to question Hope Hicks. But unless committee Republicans botch the hearing—something entirely possible—the left’s strategy of placing Mueller center stage in their continued attempts to underdo the results of the 2016 presidential election will backfire bigly. Why? For the simple reason that Mueller’s 400-plus page report presented the worst the special counsel could muster against Trump, so any new revelations will play to the president’s advantage. So, what should Republicans do to make the most of Mueller’s appearance, both politically
Trump Has Already Won
the Immigration Debate
Posted by Garnet 7/2/2019 5:12:29 AM Post Reply
The perversity of the illegal immigration debate was best captured by Thomas Sowell: “Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them.” And it would be difficult to find a better demonstration of Sowell’s sagacity than the reaction of the Democratic presidential candidates during last Thursday’s “debate,” when they were asked to affirm that “undocumented immigrants” would be covered by their respective health care plans. Everyone on the stage reached for the sky, thus surrendering the field to President Trump on the issue that got him elected in 2016.
Democrats Circling the Electoral Drain replies
Posted by Magnante 7/2/2019 5:06:05 AM Post Reply
Democrats have convinced themselves that they represent the sentiments of a majority of Americans. Watching the recent Democrat presidential debates, one cannot help but conclude the opposite. Rather than looking beyond their liberal coastal enclaves to the fruited plain filled with deplorables and bitter clingers, Democrats simply look in the mirror of CNN or the Washington Post to see complete agreement, believing that all of America is on board with their wrecking ball agenda. The debates featured the 20 best candidates the Democrats could field to challenge the success and charisma of President Trump.
US economy marks longest
expansion in American history
Posted by Pluperfect 7/2/2019 4:57:26 AM Post Reply
The US economy has grown for 121 consecutive months following the Great Recession, marking the longest economic expansion in American history. The economy has been on a growth spurt since June 2009 and now surpasses the previous record expansion set between March 1991 and March 2001 before the dot-com bubble burst. The decade-long expansion has been fueled by job growth, record-low unemployment rates and low interest rates.
LA allocates millions for trash clean
up as NBC affiliate uncovers
another rat-infested garbage pile
Posted by MissMolly 7/2/2019 4:51:44 AM Post Reply
The recent spate of negative press attention on LA’s trash and rat infestation problem has apparently lit a fire under Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. Last week, LA committed an additional $6.5 million for homeless clean-up efforts. The additional money will fund 10 new crews with nearly 50 new sanitation workers. From LA Daily News: The council allocated more than $6.5 million to the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation to cover costs of hygiene and health services, cleanup teams that will target high-need areas, bathroom and shower stations and more…
Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize
His Father’s Campaign?
Posted by MissMolly 7/2/2019 4:44:14 AM Post Reply
In today’s political culture, people running for President may announce their candidacy on the steps of their home-town city hall or on “The View,” but the full introduction comes with their book. Some candidates’ memoirs tell stories of humble beginnings and of obstacles overcome; some describe searches for identity; some earnestly set out detailed policy agendas. Nearly all are relentlessly bland. In 2017, Joe Biden, a longtime senator from Delaware, Barack Obama’s Vice-President for eight years, and now a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination, published an unusually raw memoir about the death, two years earlier, of his forty-six-year-old son, Beau, describing how it had threatened to undo him
The shameless smears of Melania
Trump and now Stephanie Grisham
Posted by MissMolly 7/2/2019 4:39:53 AM Post Reply
There is little that the liberal mainstream media fears more than an articulate, strong, intelligent, and successful Republican or conservative woman. Most especially, one who supports President Trump. Such a woman with a high profile speaking from an influential platform sends chills down their spines. It does so because they know the voice of that woman could and will reach women – and men – across the nation and expose the biased and unethical narratives they peddle on behalf of the Democrats and the far-left as misleading, false, and often, quite dangerous.
When Will Race-Baiting Kamala Harris
Acknowledge She Is A Descendent Of
A Slave Owner?
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/2/2019 3:01:52 AM Post Reply
Well known for backing reparations for slavery, Kamala Harris has yet to acknowledge her own slave-owning, human-trafficking ancestor. Last week, at the Democratic debate in Miami, Presidential candidate Sen. Kamala [D-CA] stirred up a racial hornet’s nest against former Vice President Joe Biden for his past pandering to segregationist senators decades ago. “I do not believe you are a racist and I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground,” Harris said, publicly chastising Biden at last week’s debate,
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