Hospice patients are being quietly killed
as Medicare incentivizes ‘stealth euthanasia’
Life Site News,
Emily Mangiaracina
Original Article
Posted By: Harlowe,
10/18/2023 12:10:25 AM
A bombshell report was released this year evidencing a scandal that ranks among the worst in its evil: the euthanization of patients for the sake of profit.[Snip]The industry rakes in massive funds from Medicare, which delivers a flat daily cash benefit, but hospice groups must repay those funds if the average length of stay of all patients exceeds six months.[Snip]This begs the question: If such patients who are not near death are being brought in for Medicare funds, and these funds must be repaid if patient stays run too long, how do these profit-driven hospices keep their cash flow going?
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 10/18/2023 12:47:42 AM (No. 1579908)
Sarah was right....but no panels...just Death.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 10/18/2023 1:01:15 AM (No. 1579912)
My first thoughts go back to Terri Schiavo. I believe the sensationalizing of her situation was the "test case" to bring euthanasia into the public arena for wider discussion. It certainly seems to be the pattern for the Marxists when they are ready to introduce a major cultural change into society. Also, we cannot forget Sarah Palin's courageous critique of Obamacare's "Death Panels" which the Democrats all denied, while screaming bloody murder at the "outrageous" claims Mrs. Palin was making. We all know they scream the loudest when our accusations are closest to target.
The Democrats are the Party of Death: Sex Mutilation Surgeries, Abortion, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. No wonder they need unlimited illegal immigration - they keep killing off their constituents!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
HisHandmaiden 10/18/2023 1:10:30 AM (No. 1579914)
Folks, talk with your family and pastor, then get your [End of Life] Medical Directive up-to-date, and Notarized by preferably two.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
smokincol 10/18/2023 1:45:02 AM (No. 1579919)
sounds like Murder Incorporated - they should make a movie out of this story
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Trigger2 10/18/2023 2:01:29 AM (No. 1579925)
I've always thought if you get stuck in Hospice, their mission is for you to die. Turns out it's true.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
valinva 10/18/2023 2:33:40 AM (No. 1579937)
Hospice is not supposed to be prescribed unless a physician says the patient has 6 months or less to live. A relative with Dementia but no other health issues was put on home based hospice largely because their caregiver believed that they would get what is called respite care. This is where the home caregiver gets a break for 2 weeks and the patient is put in an outside care program temporarily. The caregiver mistakenly thought that hospice would send someone to stay with their loved one in their home while they left on a break. After six months, hospice kicked their relative out because she was gaining weight and thriving (physically) in steady of getting worse. At least they did not kill the patient but the patient should never have been taken into hospice. The large payment from Medicare is a great incentive to falsely claim that a patient has only 6 months left to live.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
anniebc 10/18/2023 3:39:50 AM (No. 1579950)
Control your loved ones care. When my mom was dying from cancer, I controlled the amount of morphine she received during her hospice time. Most days we didn't give it to her at all, and when we did, we only gave her 1/4 of her dosage. Her hospice nurse wasn't Christian, but she was of the same mindset as our family about my mom's overall care. She left the hospital scene because she wasn't treating patients; she was spending all her time charting. Coming over to hospice was her way to actually function as a nurse even we the morbidity. Now that sector can't wait for you to die; they have to hasten your death! We live in an evil world. You can no longer trust your medical care to "professionals" who have no morals. They will kill you for profit. They kill you today for profit and die themselves tomorrow. What does it profit, really?
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/18/2023 4:30:16 AM (No. 1579973)
No worse than what Cuomo and others did with COVID patients packed into nursing homes - and the killer clot shot programs by Big Pharma. The goal is to replace America's senior citizens with third world parasites.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
BirdsNest 10/18/2023 5:39:23 AM (No. 1580001)
When my husband was ill he resisted being put under hospice care. He felt like they could not wait to kill him off. As it was, it only took 3 months for them to do the job.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
4goodnessake 10/18/2023 6:26:15 AM (No. 1580013)
Hospice has been using the sixth month rule to limit patients on hospice. It discharges them after sixth months. I doesn’t have to kill them.
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If all health businesses were motivated by profit:
Hospitals would increase lucrative covid deaths by using Remdesivir and vents.
Every respiratory patient would have been labeled as covid.
They would continue to push everyone to keep getting boosters.
Hospice groups would try to keep a person alive for 5 months to keep getting paid, and then increase the morphine.
But not all hospice groups are the same. I have a friend whose father stayed on hospice for months, came off, then went back on. (maybe they restarted the 6 month clock)
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
ControlFreak 10/18/2023 9:09:21 AM (No. 1580113)
Both my father and father in law died two weeks after being placed in hospice care. Neither one was that close to death at that time. Dying, sure, but we were told they had about 5 months each. The same nurse cared for both of them. I always thought there was something a little ‘off’ about her. I should have asked for a different nurse when she showed up at my father’s house because I was suspicious of her with my father in law.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Marzipan4 10/18/2023 9:48:12 AM (No. 1580154)
Be very careful reading this article. Yes, bad actors are out there however people enter into the medical system in very poor shape and land on hospice, which grants them daily care and improve simply because someone is properly feeding, medicating the client. End of life care is not a one two, three, process but I have cared for folks who notably brightened and even started participating for a few weeks only to suddenly turn and fade quickly. We each live on a time line. One thing I read was in here was the IV fluids being withheld. When the body is shutting down introducing more fluids will cause the person to in a sense drown in their excess fluids. The organs have slowed and are not processing anymore causing the patient excruciating pain. Same with force feeding. The patient aspirates the food and contracts pneumonia, on top of dieing from their medical condition. It is a difficult process to care through. Leave doctoring to the doctors.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Kate318 10/18/2023 9:49:55 AM (No. 1580157)
Jesus take the wheel. Now we can’t even DIE in peace.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
3XALADY 10/18/2023 10:14:46 AM (No. 1580180)
My mother passed in October 2002 at age 79. She had been a patient in a nursing home for a few years. My brother said they removed her medications in August because she was not going to get well. She had been a Medicaid patient for all this time. I understand their thinking. I lived in Florida at the time so was not involved at her end of life.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
LadyHen 10/18/2023 10:24:10 AM (No. 1580190)
Thank you #13 for bringing some LOGIC to this discussion. This article makes it sound like feeding and hydrating patients in end of life situations is the ONLY course of action and folks, it isn't! When people died at home of natural causes, they stopped eating and drinking because their body is just shutting down. Was that evil? No. It is just death. My grandmother who died at home in the 60's from cancer went from a healthy 150 lbs to 80 lbs in her decline simply because her body was shutting down. Was my mother who was her caregiver evil for not force feeding her? No. That is natural death. And it hurt like hell. If my mother had been able to have hospice take her mother's pain away, she would have done it in a heartbeat.
People have no clue about end of life care and just assume the worst because their very sick loved one who qualitied for hospice care dies. Well, yes, that is what hospice care is, end of life care. Are there bad actors in hospice? Sure.. there are bad actors in every profession on the planet.
We had no idea how hospice worked until my MIL was placed on hospice in her memory care facility.. and rightfully so she had 6 comorbidities including advanced Parkinson's with dementia. She eventually failed her swallow test (as in she could no longer swallow food without aspirating the food into her lungs). Her advanced directive stated she did not want an NG tube and I don't blame her. She had congestive heart failure and COPD so eventually even IV fluids were a horrible idea. Her caregivers would wet sponges and bathe her mouth regularly. She was only on the pain meds she needed. She died painlessly after hanging on for 4 weeks of being bed ridden and vegetative. Her hospice care had been in place 4 months after a year of memory care. Hospice and her memory care staff saw to her every need, even her portable O2. We as family could visit and spend time with her, take her out to birthday parties in her wheelchair or even just for a drive until she became bed ridden. We were so thankful.
My mother was a hospital based Social Worker on a geriatric floor. She facilitated all the discharge orders doctors wrote when her senior patients were being sent home or to rehab or a nursing/care home. This was a city hospital so most or her patients were indigent or only on SS. They were poor. She said hospice was one of the best calls she could make because she knew her "little patients" would get all the care they needed in their final days.
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The article is, from a Judeo-Christian perspective, a “must read” due to what is pointed out, “...the lessening influence of Christianity and increasing prevalence of secular humanism...” that allows “stealth euthanasia” in hospices. The regrettable, heart-wrenching apostasy that permeates the world disregards the sanctity of human life and, in doing so, irreverence for God. No one wants to have loved ones suffer. Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus. (John 11:35) Jesus suffered the excruciating pain of crucifixion. Judeo-Christians weep for Jesus’ suffering. It is God who grants life, and only God has the right to take away life,