Checkmate: How To Respond When Your Favorite
Leftist Claims America Is Racist
The Blue State Conservatve,
P.F. Whalen
Original Article
Posted By: AmericaFirstAlways,
8/7/2022 8:35:55 AM
When attempting to rank or evaluate something or someone, context is everything. For instance, if we want to proclaim that a professional baseball player is an exceptional first baseman, we must first establish context. Are we comparing that player only to other first baseman playing today, in which case the bar is lower than it might otherwise be? Or are we comparing to him every first baseman who has ever played the game, in which case the great Lou Gehrig is indisputably the gold standard?
Context is critical.
So too does context affect one’s effort in trying to establish the qualifications of a country.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
triggerberg 8/7/2022 8:58:55 AM (No. 1240447)
A good article with facts and logic behind it. Unfortunately, the left is not interested in either.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Newtsche 8/7/2022 9:23:13 AM (No. 1240475)
If you can't make a tighter counter argument than this article, why bother?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Nimby 8/7/2022 9:25:31 AM (No. 1240479)
My leftist friends favorite statements when they have no answers is “ I am not going to comment because I don’t have the necessary information” . Is this from the book of the liberals?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
MDConservative 8/7/2022 10:25:06 AM (No. 1240530)
This "argument" over who's more or less racist is bullsh-tuff. To paraphrase the author, for one to argue that America is (or is not) a racist country, particularly when we add the context of comparing ourselves to other countries, is a fool’s errand. You'll find that at the end. Save yourself the bother otherwise. The only thing left out is that some of the author's best friends are of another race.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Luandir 8/7/2022 11:37:59 AM (No. 1240614)
Another brief, telling point: "If America is such a racist hellhole, why did eight thousand people of color pour over our southern border TODAY?"
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
beancounter 8/7/2022 11:40:21 AM (No. 1240616)
Unfortunately, there is no good measure of how racist a country is.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 8/7/2022 1:37:29 PM (No. 1240734)
Considering how few countries have ever elected a minority, I would contend the world is racist. At that point, the question becomes what can be done about it, and is racism part of human nature. I would say that racism is indeed part of human nature and just about everything that can be done has been done. Laws have been enacted to protect people. Certainly, in the United States. At that point, discussion of racism becomes pointless.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Ruhn 8/8/2022 7:09:22 AM (No. 1241203)
If you want to encounter true racism, try anywhere besides the western world. In Asia (particularly east Asia), blacks are viewed as little more than apes, even in developed countries like Japan and S. Korea. The Middle East is more of the same, where they still practice slavery and human trafficking in the margins through third country nationals.
Those who beat their chest about racism in this country have absolutely no sense of context of what goes on and what the attitudes are about other races in the larger world. If anything, the US is the LEAST racist country there is.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
broken01 8/8/2022 7:22:18 AM (No. 1241207)
Another point I use to debate how racist my beloved country is to my Black relatives who voted for the Jotato is this. If the USA is so racist how come we fought a war in which nearly 3 percent of our men died to end slavery? That was about over 600,000 men in a population of 32,000,000 who died in the Civil War.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
bpl40 8/8/2022 8:01:19 AM (No. 1241232)
Just considering one's race superior is not a sufficient 'definer' of racism. Practically everyone thinks that way. Those who claim they don't are liars. On a practical basis for the US this definition has changed. In the 19th century it was synonymous with slavery. No one own slaves now so it has become irrelevant. For better part of the 20th century it has manifested itself in for of so called Jim Crow laws. These are now eliminated. In the 21st century a relevant definition is this - Attempt to acquire or increase political power or influence by unfairly exploiting race based differences that exist in society is racism. This might sound radical. But an ordinary individual loudly using the 'N' word is NOT racist by this count. Such an individual will be socially proscribed and may very well lose his livelihood. But politicians like 0bama, Holder or Sharpton who deliberately fan the flames of racial divisiveness for political gain are the classic definition of a racist in today's world. So is anyone who supports or promotes CRT.
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There were approximately 350K African slaves imported into the USA. About 1% of the entire Atlantic slave trade. The English forcibly imported far more Irish slaves (er, excuse me, "indentured servants for life") than any of the Africans (largely brought by Spanish and Portuguese).
Both kinds of slavery were controversial and a poor compromise was struck to get the Democrat slavers to agree to war with England and further import (of Africans, not Irish) was promptly outlawed, not long after the USA was formed.
When it became clear that the Republican abolitionists were going to have the political ability to end slavery, the Democrat slavers started a war. Approximately 2,000,000 white men fought for the Union to free the slaves, of which about 500,000 died and many more injured. The South was punished mightily. easily the bloodiest, more deadly, war of the United States, to date.
With the 14th Amendment, African (and Irish and Native American taken by Spanish in New Mexico -- although it was about WWI when they were finally freed), slaves were freed.
No nation, ever in the history of the world, has voluntarily fought a war against itself to free an enslaved minority.
It's a unique event in the history of the world.
That is NOT a racist country. To the contrary.
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To call the US racist is absurd on its face since we are a nation that represents all races. If the left would just grab a dictionary and look up the real meanings of words we would all be a lot better off. How many people do you know who actually hate everyone of a different race? Time to get a grip and start ignoring these imbeciles instead of feeding their fantasies with arguements that they are incapable of understanding. If you want to stand up and call all your neighbors racists then so be it but stop trying to get the rest of us to go along with your insanity.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Trapper 8/8/2022 9:43:08 AM (No. 1241412)
I always tell them I have 4 words in response.
First two words: Black President. White America elected a Black President. A racist America does not elect a Black President.
Second two words: Black President. White American elected a Black President TWICE. Once might be called a fluke, but TWICE demonstrates that the accusation that America is racist is a lie.
Black kid from a broken home went to Columbia, Harvard Law, and got elected President. Why can't YOU find and keep a job? Racism is just a ready made excuse for personal failure.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
czechlist 8/8/2022 10:03:10 AM (No. 1241436)
Logic is useless when dealing with emotions which have been nurtured throughout one's youth.
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I don't know what is meant by "America". The people? The government? But I can assure you that the medical dollars and "philanthropic" foundations are racist.
If you will read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book, it will open your eyes to Bill Gates, WHO and anything connected to Rockefeller. They have been diligently trying to kill of future generations of Africans with their vaccines and birth control products!
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
zoidberg 8/8/2022 10:25:35 AM (No. 1241465)
A minor quibble with the author - Mexico ONLY elects racial minorities (whites) as president.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Zigrid 8/8/2022 10:56:36 AM (No. 1241495)
I feel sorry for these people who don't understand what an exceptional country WE have...these angry people are to be pitied and a simple..." go to your church...and I'll go to mine"...usually shuts them up...
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Blooming 8/8/2022 11:40:33 AM (No. 1241541)
The racism we see from the left is a tool of fascism. Because we're talking dogma, I believe that any rational argument fails simply because the left doesn't want to hear it.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
ConradCA 8/8/2022 5:39:01 PM (No. 1241933)
Racism is when we judge people by the color of their skin instead of the content of their character. Affirmative action is racism. So is CRT which says all whites are racists and blacks are victims.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
judy 8/8/2022 6:10:42 PM (No. 1241974)
Like Hershel said…they need Jesus
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
ConradCA 8/16/2022 12:51:06 AM (No. 1249395)
The progressive fascists I talk to listen to MSLSD and anything ghast contradicts it is a lFox News lie.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
ConradCA 8/16/2022 12:55:08 AM (No. 1249398)
The progressive fascists look at the incarnation rate of blacks as proof that the USA is racist. When the truth is the ghetto gangster culture justifies crime.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
ConradCA 8/16/2022 1:24:36 AM (No. 1249423)
You need to realize that the charge of racism is just a tool used by the progressive fascists to invalidate our country. They use this to justify fundamentally changing our country into their utopia. A utopia where they rule a one party state without the constraints of our constitution or concern for liberty. This utopia is identical in every significant respect to the utopias created by Communists, Nazis, and Muslims. It will be just as evil because they believe that the ends justify the means.
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Their ignorance is incredible. America really is a remarkable country.