One of the Senate’s Richest Members
Hit With Ethics Complaint Over Stock Trades
Washington Free Beacon,
Chuck Ross
Original Article
Posted By: Ida Lou Pino,
3/1/2022 10:59:16 AM
A watchdog group is calling for an ethics investigation into Sen. Richard Blumenthal's (D., Conn.) sale of shares of Robinhood, the brokerage company at the center of the "meme stock" speculation frenzy last year.
The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) on Monday requested that the Senate Select Committee on Ethics probe Blumenthal's sale of Robinhood shares worth up to $2.5 million. Blumenthal, one of the wealthiest members of the Senate, failed to disclose the trades within the 45 days required under federal law, the Washington Free Beacon reported.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
formerNYer 3/1/2022 11:09:27 AM (No. 1086741)
Amazing how these socialist jerks love to accumulate large sums of money for themselves. I guess for the great unwashed it’s fend for yourself with higher taxes. Inflation rating away at savings. And more and more government involvement in your life. FRB whatever he did in Vietnam is washed away with his anti-American voting record.
10 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
singermom9 3/1/2022 11:10:01 AM (No. 1086742)
One? Look at ALL of the dems. Although none of them will ever go to jail. After all they are dems. Truth does not matter.
15 people like this.
Slimiest, phoniest, lyingest member of the Senate is also one of it's richest?
Who'd have guessed that?
And WTH is wrong with Connecticut that they elect and re-elect such crap?
24 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
FunOne 3/1/2022 11:30:04 AM (No. 1086772)
So he failed to disclose a few trades as required by law. Hey he is a US Senator!
He also embellished his military service with some great war stories--until it was discovered he was never in combat.
This guy is slimy, and anyone in Connecticut voting for him is also slimy.
The democrats are all proud of him, though.
12 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
starboard 3/1/2022 11:30:09 AM (No. 1086773)
The most repulsive U S senator.
Connecticut please get your act together and 86 this bum.
12 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Anti_democRAT 3/1/2022 11:30:36 AM (No. 1086774)
Kick him out.
9 people like this.
Slap on the wrist at most .You can’t shame DaNang Dick.
11 people like this.
As punishment he should be required to view all of the gross medical products ads that appear on this forum.
6 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
cor-vet 3/1/2022 11:46:58 AM (No. 1086797)
Thank you for the great satire, OP. I was surprised that you didn't mention his sidekick in those Vietnam adventures, the heroic Massachusetts war hero, fighting JfnKerry!
12 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 3/1/2022 11:48:56 AM (No. 1086800)
Wasn't he a war hero?
/s off
7 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Luandir 3/1/2022 11:57:28 AM (No. 1086810)
#1, he did NOTHING in Vietnam. His touted war record is complete fabrication.
9 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 3/1/2022 12:07:32 PM (No. 1086821)
While it wasn't required reading in school, I enjoyed my Dad reading the adventures of Robin Hood to me and sibs. He did all the voices. We're talking middle 1940's here. My probing question is why would you name an entity Robinhood if you didn't also intend to rob the rich and ''supposedly'' give to the poor? T'is a puzzlement.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
FJB 3/1/2022 12:49:04 PM (No. 1086838)
This guy was a noncom in the Marine Corps Reserve. Not boots on the ground, RVN.
5 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Catfur27 3/1/2022 12:54:28 PM (No. 1086844)
Congressman Chris Collins {R- Buffalo, NY suburbs) made one phone call....oooooo...insider trading !!!.... ..and was forced to resign from office...and was sentenced to a year in prison...mostly be cause he is a Republican....and big Trump supporter....lets see how the DOJ handles a claim against one of its masters ...??
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
anniebc 3/1/2022 1:06:14 PM (No. 1086859)
Guilty as sin. Now throw the brick, I mean book at him.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
ProudEagle 3/1/2022 3:50:52 PM (No. 1086997)
Bloomy should have stuck with being the CT least there he was relatively harmless. (Unless of course you were in ANY kind of business in the state). Skeletor has become such an embarrassment to the people of CT...even the blue notes.
1 person likes this.
Danang Dick. I'll never forget.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
pilot222 3/1/2022 4:45:13 PM (No. 1087035)
No just a Vietnam vet ,but a decorated Vietnam vet. Lying piece of scum
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 3/1/2022 5:14:27 PM (No. 1087053)
The Vietnam war hero Megon Delta Dick Blumenthal meant well he just didn't know at the time.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
broken01 3/2/2022 11:23:00 AM (No. 1087681)
So a corrupt idiot democrat Senatard is hit with ethics complaints? Say it ain't so. In this case its CT's very own Tricky Dicky Blu-Menthol. AKA Stolen Valor Little Dick.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Old Army Vet 3/2/2022 11:46:33 AM (No. 1087710)
Well it looks like he stole more than his valor. Way to go Dick.
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No matter what else he may do - - I'll always be grateful to Da Nang Dick for his heroic service in Vietnam. He put his life on the line - - every day - - in hand-to-hand jungle combat. Did you know that Stallone's Rambo character was based entirely on Da Nang Dick's heroism? Well - - he was.