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Illegal gun modification devices proliferate,
resulting in more deadly rounds in Minneapolis

Original Article

Posted By: Ribicon, 10/15/2021 10:42:03 AM

They were hanging out late last Tuesday when members had to scramble for cover. Four people were injured when a gunman leaned out of a passing SUV and sprayed the area with what sounded like an automatic weapon—a theory confirmed by witness testimonies and the ShotSpotter.The incident last Tuesday extended a string of shootings involving ordinary handguns and rifles that were modified into fully automatic weapons capable of firing up to 1,200 rounds per minute. The conversion process involves illegal devices commonly referred to as "Glock switches" or "auto-sears," which are readily available to buy on the internet or can be made on 3-D printers.


Criminals modify guns in a way that risks various serious federal felony charges added when they commit their crimes, but they don't care because there's little likelihood of being arrested and even less likelihood of federal gun crimes being pressed, all because we as a nation need more "gun crime" as a pretext for gun confiscation.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: columba 10/15/2021 10:59:56 AM (No. 946354)
We need a congressional investigation and training for gang members, so that they will not use illegal gun modifications to shoot members of other gangs.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: brother ram 10/15/2021 11:01:57 AM (No. 946359)
We need to license and eventually outlaw all 3-D printers.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 10/15/2021 11:02:12 AM (No. 946360)
You just knew it was going to be the guns' fault.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mc squared 10/15/2021 11:03:26 AM (No. 946362)
Then why not arrest those modified guns if they're causing the problem?
11 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 10/15/2021 11:18:47 AM (No. 946383)
Fully automatic guns (machine guns) have been heavily regulated since 1934. Just owning the PARTS to convert a gun, will get a 10 year prison sentence. So, what next, make it 'double-super-extra illegal'? It's been a felony for longer than most people have been alive. So enforce the existing laws. And from a practical standpoint, 1,200 rounds per minute, if this number can be believed from the report, is 20 rounds per second. This empties a normal Glock mag in a fraction of a second, and the recoil would make most of these shots go wildly in the air, nowhere near the target Even with a very large capacity magazine, magazine emptied in about 1.5 seconds, again, unlikely under anything like useful control, mostly just noise and random fire. Stupid, but for Minne-Mogadishu, you can guess who's doing it, and it isn't likely to be any of their near mythical "white supremacists", you can bet.
25 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Skinnydip 10/15/2021 11:22:27 AM (No. 946389)
Maybe they should pay them not shoot like they do in San Francisco. I wonder how that's working out, by the way.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: JHHolliday 10/15/2021 11:22:45 AM (No. 946392)
Nothing really new here except a growing use by the feral thugs. Anyone reasonably familiar with firearms knows that most semi-autos can be made to fire full auto. I guess the thugs think it’s cool and helps their atrocious marksmanship.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Norway 10/15/2021 11:49:31 AM (No. 946449)
Minneapolis just needs to defund their police...oh wait!
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: czechlist 10/15/2021 11:51:14 AM (No. 946453)
The government can't keep drugs out of the country and the drug dealers use guns to control their territory and clients so what makes anyone believe anyone can keep guns out?
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Geoman 10/15/2021 12:28:23 PM (No. 946497)
The cyclic rate of shoulder fired automatic weapons (as opposed to military crew-served weapons, is not the same as "capable of firing 1,200 rounds per minute. Not even a standard military M-16 or more modern CAR-15 is capable of firing 1,2000 rounds per minute as 1,200 round magazines do not exist for such weapons. Plus, the barrels, bolts, pins, and chambers (the firing apparatus of an automatic weapon) cannot tolerate continuous automatic fire for more than a hundred rounds or so without breaking or jamming. The 1,200 figure is a hypothetical calculation made from rounds per second, extrapolated out for 60 seconds. That's like measuring your pulse rate for 10 seconds and multiplying the result by 6 to calculate beats per minute. The absence of firearms knowledge by journalists makes their entire report regarding firearms questionable at best.
14 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: clipped wings 10/15/2021 12:36:22 PM (No. 946510)
Kudos for #5 and #10. You are injecting reality into frantic, uninformed blathering.
9 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: red1066 10/15/2021 12:43:14 PM (No. 946518)
No wonder I can't find ammo. It's being bought up by these gangs.
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Lawsy0 10/15/2021 12:58:27 PM (No. 946545)
Well dadgummit! The president, a known gun expert, TOLD you not to do that. You had better say you're sorry, and fast. /s
1 person likes this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 10/15/2021 1:02:46 PM (No. 946551)
Sorry, #10, but "rounds per minute" is the standard of measure for automatic firing, even if a full minute isn't ever possible. Tt is called the 'cyclic rate'. Typical guns' cyclic rates, M16 - 800 RPM, WW2 German MG42 - 1200 RPM. WW2 .30 machine gun - 400-500 RPM. The fact that most of these could not fire for a full minute before running out of ammo doesn't change the instantaneous firing cyclic rate, measured in rounds per minute.
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: bad-hair 10/15/2021 1:11:51 PM (No. 946565)
Same 'hoods more dead kids. BLM. 70 a week.100 a week, 200 a week Shall i go on ...
1 person likes this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Laotzu 10/15/2021 1:21:27 PM (No. 946578)
Having recounted broadscale lawlessness, the "journalists" can never seem to to take that final step and conclude, "and the federal agency empowered with enforcing the law being broken is doing little about it." It's the dog that didn't bark -- the complete abandonment of federal law enforcement for violent crimes. They're too busy stalking Trump supporters.
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Hazymac 10/15/2021 1:27:37 PM (No. 946592)
Unless you're a member of your local police force's SWAT team, or are in one of various branches of military special forces, a modern machine gun (or machine pistol) will be unavailable to you. The Glock 18 (or, since the 1990s, the compensated Glock 18C) is rare, first made for Austria's special forces in about 1985, and is a ripper for sure with a rate of fire of 1200 rounds per minute that can tear through a 33-round "fun stick" magazine in about 1.73 seconds. Very impressive, but hold on tight! Gaston Glock's guns hold up under such mechanical abuse, as designed. Below is a nine minute documentary on the Glock 18, filmed at Glock's Smyrna, GA American headquarters. And as a FYI, 1200 rpm is good but not best. The Ingram MAC-11 in .380 ACP, produced and sold legally in the '70s and early '80s, had a cyclic rate of 1600 rpm. Wow. Expensive to shoot! (These guns, the MAC-11 and its big brother, the MAC-10, in 9mm or.45 ACP, were sometimes used by the bad guys in the 1980s cocaine wars in Miami. A few Class 3 FFLs offer these old guns to a very well vetted tiny clientele.) Many indoor (and some outdoor) shooting ranges have a variety of machine guns for rent. My local range has a Tommy gun, that I'd like to shoot once, with proper instruction. My father was trained on one in the U.S. Army. I want to know what shooting one of those things feels like. The people I've seen shooting it leave the range with ear to ear grins. Gotta get me some of that!
5 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: hershey 10/15/2021 1:34:21 PM (No. 946598)
1200 rounds a minute??? That's incredibly stupid..but then, it is our American Mogidishu....
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Reply 19 - Posted by: Geoman 10/15/2021 1:48:14 PM (No. 946621)
Re: #14 - I'm sorry my friend but I think you just said essentially the same thing that I did. I'm very familiar with automatic weapons, as I was issued and carried for 20 years, a fully automatic H&K MP-5 for my role as a SWAT entry team leader. My point was, and still is, that the cyclic rate is not the same as a weapon's capable firing rate. I objected to the author's characterization that modified auto-loaders are "capable of firing up to 1,200 rounds per minute."
5 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: BarryNo 10/15/2021 2:20:57 PM (No. 946663)
In the end it's the liberals' fault for destroying a working system, failing to punish crime and protect taxpayers, and once again, instituting racism.
2 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 10/15/2021 2:33:26 PM (No. 946681)
If a firearm is modified for 1200 rounds a minute it would last about a minute before the extractor, springs, bolt and firing pin crack like porcelain! Really stupid but typical post!
2 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 10/15/2021 2:56:01 PM (No. 946702)
Maybe these things will improve the kill/shot ratio in Chicago.
1 person likes this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Norway 10/15/2021 3:14:33 PM (No. 946714)
Any gun is useless without a criminal to use it. Focus on the criminal---not the tool.
7 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Come And Take It 10/15/2021 3:24:04 PM (No. 946728)
2000 of these device were illegally imported from China a while back. BATF spent considerable effort and money trying to round them up, even busting some moron with over 100 of them who was selling them to the bangers. These were not the 3D produced models; they were machined replacement parts. From a practicality standpoint, the Glock switch doesn't have much, but the spray and pray gangbangers love this crap. Most would be too stupid to ever turn on a 3D printer, much less make one. That said, the genie is out of the bottle on this. It takes about 5 minutes of searching to come up with the plans for one that can be fed into a 3D printer. The bangers will continue to use them with impunity, and law abiding gun owners will continue to be persecuted for it because our criminal justice system will not deal with the real problem here.
3 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: bad-hair 10/15/2021 4:05:56 PM (No. 946764)
HE HE HE 1200 rounds a minute. I can't lift 1200 rounds. Bet you can't either.
4 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Hazymac 10/15/2021 4:11:52 PM (No. 946766)
#24's reply stirred my memory. These illegal replacement parts intended to turn semiautomatics into machine guns usually are purchased in bulk by international organized criminals from, often, manufacturers in China with no compunctions about what they're selling or to whom. Several years ago in Largo a prolific illegal arms dealer got thoroughly busted, caught with modern military stuff, including magazine and belt fed machine guns. Since these weapons were intended for the worst of the worst criminals, we locals were glad to see them go down. That said, I must stress that machine guns in the hands of sane, law abiding citizens who have been trained on the weapons are not a threat to public safety. All that matters is who is holding the gun.
2 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: lakerman1 10/15/2021 5:12:52 PM (No. 946834)
#10, your pulse example is not a hypothetical. If I count a pulse for 10 seconds and multiply the result by 6, that is the actual pulse rate.
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Reply 28 - Posted by: Geoman 10/15/2021 6:54:51 PM (No. 946938)
#27 - It is not necessarily true that counting your pulse rate for ten seconds and multiplying by 6 is equal to 60 seconds if you are one of millions of Americans suffering from PVCs or periodic episodes of V-tac or worse, V-fib. But the point remains, extrapolation does not always equal reality and in the case of cyclic rates of automatic weapons, it is a far cry from reality, especially in weapons converted to fire in a full auto mode in one's tool garage. But go ahead and believe that a legal "black rifle" can be altered to shoot 1,200 rounds per minute if you desire.
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Reply 29 - Posted by: DVC 10/16/2021 3:14:14 AM (No. 947166)
Hmmm....#19. "capable of firing up to 1200 rounds per minute" can be understood in two ways. If the intent is to have 1200 bullets impact the berm during a 60 second period, it clearly cannot happen. But if the intent is to describe the cyclic rate of "up to 1200 rounds per minute", it is correct. I understood it to be a cyclic rate comment, but perhaps the author was foolish enough to mean that 1200 rounds could be actually fired in a minute - well journalists are generally exceptionally clueless about firearms. Pretty ridiculous since 1200 rounds would weigh probably something like 60 lbs, kinda hard to hold up. And while never 'issued' any of these arms, I have fired a significant number of different full auto weapons, some with glee, others with disgust. Some are potentially useful tools, others nearly useless noise makers. The unsuppressed MAC-10 .45 falls distinctly into the latter category, as an example. Machine guns are a bit like swimming pools, they are best owned by good friends - far less hassle and expense, and just as much fun.
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Reply 30 - Posted by: Hazymac 10/16/2021 9:15:51 AM (No. 947362)
The author of this article ignorantly quotes cyclic rates of fire as though the machine guns could be carried around with such capacity. Some guns are magazine fed, some are belt fed. On a battlefield when the action turns hot and the enemy comes in overwhelming numbers, machine guns are a necessity. However, the barrels of even semiautomatic rifles and pistols heat up dramatically with use. Fully automatic weapons heat up that much more quickly than semiautos, and nowadays usually have quick replacement barrels to prevent overheating and perhaps cooking off rounds prematurely. Before replacement barrels, guns were fired until they could barely work, and soldiers had to urinate on the red hot barrels to cool them somewhat. The Ingram MAC-11 in .380 ACP (.380 range ammo now sells for about 60c a shot (at best); it used to sell for less than 25c) will fire more than 27 rounds per second, about $18-20 for a one second squeeze of the trigger. Can you imagine what that sounds like? As Riccardo Tubbs said in Miami Vice after nearly being ventilated by a Voodoun with a buzz gun, "I hate machine guns!" We understand that!
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Posted by Ribicon 10/15/2021 4:25:31 PM Post Reply
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Illegal gun modification devices proliferate,
resulting in more deadly rounds in Minneapolis
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/15/2021 10:42:03 AM Post Reply
They were hanging out late last Tuesday when members had to scramble for cover. Four people were injured when a gunman leaned out of a passing SUV and sprayed the area with what sounded like an automatic weapon—a theory confirmed by witness testimonies and the ShotSpotter.The incident last Tuesday extended a string of shootings involving ordinary handguns and rifles that were modified into fully automatic weapons capable of firing up to 1,200 rounds per minute. The conversion process involves illegal devices commonly referred to as "Glock switches" or "auto-sears," which are readily available to buy on the internet or can be made on 3-D printers.
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Posted by Judy W. 10/15/2021 3:16:36 AM Post Reply
Hundreds of requests for details on the specifics of the container shipping backlog. So, I spent 3 days calling sources, digging for details and gathering information on the substantive issue at hand. (Snip) This has nothing to do with COVID-19. The issues being discussed today relate to events that happened a long time ago. As a matter of fact, it was so predictable that Amazon, Walmart, UPS, FedEx, Samsung, The Home Depot and Target all had taken actions years ago -long before COVID- because they knew this day would come.
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Posted by Imright 10/15/2021 8:24:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Pete Stone 10/15/2021 12:08:38 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 10/16/2021 1:29:19 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/15/2021 8:50:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/15/2021 1:31:53 PM Post Reply
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Woke Walmart trains staffers in critical
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34 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/15/2021 4:25:31 PM Post Reply
Woke Walmart has trained more than 1,000 employees in critical race theory, denouncing the US as a “white-supremacy system”—and telling staffers to accept their “guilt and shame” and stop thinking “white is right,” according to leaked documents. The retail giant confirmed to City Journal that it has been working with the Racial Equity Institute, a North Carolina company devoted to “creating racially equitable organizations.” Walmart said it has “engaged REI for a number of training sessions since 2018” and has “found these sessions to be thought-provoking and constructive.” City Journal’s Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, said a whistleblower gave him a cache
WH’s Psaki Defends Inflation — ‘Good
Thing’ Because It Means ‘More People
Are Buying Goods’
31 replies
Posted by Imright 10/16/2021 8:22:27 AM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Friday on CNN’s “The Lead” that rising prices were a “good thing” because it meant more people were buying goods.Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Inflation is skyrocketing as I don’t need to tell you. The prices for home heating costs, cars, groceries, furniture, rent, gasoline are hitting Americans right in the wallet. The White House response has been generally to say, ‘Hey, inflation shows we’re coming out of the recession. It’s a good sign.'”He continued, “President Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain enthusiastically retreated an economist who said in part ‘Most of the economic problems, inflation, supply chains, et cetera, are high-class problems.’
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