Supply Chain Backlog to Last Until Summer
of Next Year, Despite 24/7 Operating Hours: Officials
Epoch Times,
Drew Van Voorhis
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
10/15/2021 8:50:37 PM
Despite President Biden’s announcement Wednesday that the severely backlogged Port of Los Angeles would expand into 24/7 operating hours—similar to the Port of Long Beach—port officials are saying the backlog will continue until the summer of 2022.
Noel Hacegaba, deputy executive director of the Port of Long Beach, said expanding the ports’ operating hours will not impact the supply chain disruptions given the continued shortage of truck drivers, chassis equipment, and warehouse operations and space.
“We think it’ll be summer of 2022 before we clear all 60 ships,” Hacegaba told The Epoch Times Oct. 14. “Of course, if we take some measures now, and everyone in the supply chain starts expanding
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Folsomguy 10/15/2021 8:58:24 PM (No. 947006)
It doesn't matter how ;long it's open. The EPA and California regs won't allow enough truck in to take it away.
72 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Cindiana 10/15/2021 9:04:59 PM (No. 947010)
Mark Levin did a great job explaining this at the opening of his radio show tonight. He's been hearing from lots of drivers who are providing important information. This is a gigantic screw-up, all to appease radical environmentalists and the unions.
76 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
stablemoney 10/15/2021 9:05:22 PM (No. 947011)
I read California will not allow trucks older than 3 years old. That regulation eliminated half the trucks and drivers. The best way to stop the backlog is to route new shipments to the Gulf of Mexico.
65 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
sunshinehorses 10/15/2021 9:29:45 PM (No. 947039)
Our news had a small blurb about potential shortages a few days ago. Today I go to Walmart and yup you guessed it, the toilet paper shelves were empty :LOL
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Sundance has a great story about this over at Conservative Treehouse.
How many ships will be added to the backlog of '60' ships between now and Summer 2022? Unless CA backs off of their insane greenie crap with the trucks, this won't be fixed.
49 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
GoodDeal 10/15/2021 9:46:52 PM (No. 947048)
The longer it lasts and the greater the problems and misery created will directly affect the November mid term election. Democrats are going to get massacred.
41 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/15/2021 10:24:39 PM (No. 947076)
Flatten the Curve
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
JimBob 10/15/2021 10:49:06 PM (No. 947083)
Here's a link to the story (mentioned by 'Come and Take It', #5) by Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse (they have posted some new stories, and you have to click on 'older posts' to find this one.)
I have also read, elsewhere, that there is a shortage of truck chassis (the frame, axles and wheels assembly that the container boxes are placed on for highway travel), as well as the shortage of CA-EPA compliant truck tractors, and the shortage of drivers.
Leave it to the Democ'RATS to deliberately screw things up, then institute a 'fix' that does not fix the problem that they created.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
fishbone 10/16/2021 1:01:16 AM (No. 947135)
Just the next step to force the starvation of their subjects ... following the Mao, Stalin, etc playbook.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/16/2021 1:45:55 AM (No. 947148)
A caller to Mark Levin explained her husband, a trauma doctor, ran out of X-ray film and was told the replacement was floating somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.
Can you imagine what we would become in case of War with China, who engineered the virus with NIH funding?
47 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/16/2021 2:17:28 AM (No. 947154)
Good job, FJB & Ho.
25 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/16/2021 3:42:44 AM (No. 947172)
Canning Newsom would have solved this problem weeks ago. The democrat cheaters have now caused the entire country to hate California. How long before all major corporations pull out of there?
27 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
paral04 10/16/2021 4:15:35 AM (No. 947180)
Well, just bring your ships down to Florida and Georgia where we have people who will work for a living. The ports are great and the unions don't threaten people.
40 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 10/16/2021 6:27:12 AM (No. 947225)
I would never have guessed in a million years that it would have been so easy to destroy the greatest nation ever conceived in only 9 months.
58 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 10/16/2021 7:00:50 AM (No. 947245)
As soon as Pete is back from maternity leave he'll jump right on it.
33 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
privateer 10/16/2021 7:08:59 AM (No. 947253)
Because the Land of Fruits, Nuts and Flakes is the closest and most economical gateway to chinese junk, the entire Nation is held hostage to the commiecrat econazis. We need a Marshall Plan to get the USA's manufacturing base restored. PDJT showed us we could do fine without middle eastern oil. Time to show we can make our own STUFF.
23 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
gwholmessr 10/16/2021 7:09:48 AM (No. 947254)
In my opinion I think this is how the plan was to work. If Iunderstand with everything I read this started back in 2010 and soon after Amazon, Wal Mart all the big boys secured transportation so there will always be product in their stores, therefore controlling the supply, demand and pricing. The only thing that put a damper in their plan was President Trump, so he had to go. A President like Biden or any before Trump was not in control, it all about big business. Find the documentary The men who built America, watch it, it puts it all into prospective. Have a nice day!
13 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 10/16/2021 7:26:04 AM (No. 947269)
If true, then the democrats will be flushed down the toilet. They will be associated as one of Joe's people. When the shelves are empty and people can't purchase food and fuel skyrockets in cost, people will pray for impeachment of this clown in the WH and his second in charge.
Also, inflation is kicking in big time and super fast.
19 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Otis Gill 10/16/2021 7:46:39 AM (No. 947283)
Simply how Marxists govern. It's intentional to weaken America.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Paperpuncher 10/16/2021 7:48:54 AM (No. 947284)
#10, X-rays are almost 100% done digitally now. No film necessary unless the doctor is still using 20 year old equipment.
17 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
Corndoggies 10/16/2021 8:08:14 AM (No. 947298)
I’m in trucking and I am confused. Trucks using a re-gen system started being manufactured in 2008. This system burns the black soot out of the exhaust system. CARB compliant means the carbon is burned out of the system and not released in the environment. I do not understand why trucks from 2008 to 2017 are banned. Unless it’s just an arbitrary rule concocted to eff things up even more.
28 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
Rinktum 10/16/2021 8:34:20 AM (No. 947326)
Everything happening is by design. We are living through a coup D’etat perpetrated by the enemies of this country both foreign and domestic. Democrats and many Republicans are in on this and the media drives whatever narrative is needed. What is happening in this country has happened in every country in which communists have come to power. They want control of everything in order to force people to submit to them. This used to be tin-foil hat thinking, but now it is truth for those brave enough to put two and two together. The enemy is inside the gates and they are relentless and determined. We are in for a world of hurt.
28 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/16/2021 9:04:57 AM (No. 947355)
And coming our way soon, gas rationing. Right about when the mullahs mine the strait of Hormuz to keep oil tankers from leaving. For those of us old enough to remember buying only 8 gallons of gas at a time during the oil embargo days of the early 1970s, imagine all gas pumps today being programmed to only sell you so much gas in a week.
14 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
red1066 10/16/2021 9:17:14 AM (No. 947365)
This is an interstate commerce issue. No state is allowed to issue laws that inhibit free flow of goods within the country. Therefore, the federal government can step in and override any state law that prohibits the free flow of goods between states. Now, let's see if the Biteme and butt boy do anything to correct this.
18 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 10/16/2021 10:04:48 AM (No. 947434)
All part of the plan.
And #7s "Flatten the Curve" statement isn't just random snark.... "Last until Summer" is the same as 'two weeks to flatten the curve'... Something to keep the peasants from going into complete revolt.
And this situation isn't all FJB's and his administration's fault. (or even the 0bama Shadow Presidency's fault) They all are mere tools used by the world's true elites, who hate us common people.
Read what is carved into the "Mysterious Georgia Guidestones" if you want to really understand the big picture.
8 people like this.
We've only seen the tip of the iceberg with this crisis. The domino effect has just begun, and it's going to get real ugly. Unfortunately, the timing couldn't be worse. When the cold weather hits is when the shortages will be at their worst. If we were to get hit by an ice storm or blizzard like what happened at Christmas in 2015, it could be catastrophic. This may very well be the issue that sinks the Dems.
7 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 10/16/2021 11:21:19 AM (No. 947522)
I suspect the anti Gig worker law SB5 is also part of the problem, could be the main cause.
4 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
stevendm 10/16/2021 11:39:31 AM (No. 947538)
There's nothing the federal government can do about it. They can only regulate interstate commerce. Since Commiefornia has banned many of the trucks from loading up at the ports, there is no interstate commerce to regulate. The nuts on the left coast need to wizen up (yeah,, right) and back off of their stupid regulations.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
columba 10/16/2021 11:56:42 AM (No. 947564)
Believing this is believing the Biden regime.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/16/2021 12:03:30 PM (No. 947577)
This is what happens when you don't know what you're doing...and the transportation secretary is on vacation because he's more concerned about himself than American citizens....and the fake news media is playing games with gender identification...didn't Ivanka get back to business in the White House right after giving vacation for the new mother...just back to business...looks like Pete's attempt at fatherhood is more important than Christmas for Americans...the elites have struck again....
5 people like this.
Reply 31 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2021 12:12:06 PM (No. 947588)
#10 "X-ray film"?? For the least ~10 years all the X-rays I have gotten (orthopedic surgery pre- and post op and dental) have been electronic imaging technology, no film or development chemicals involved.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/16/2021 12:33:58 PM (No. 947604)
Balderdash times ten.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2021 12:55:36 PM (No. 947628)
Apparently the California law of a few years ago which made "independent contractors" illegal in the state is affecting more than Uber drivers and freelance writers. Some reports that independent truckers are being blocked in the state, too, leading to the shortage of trucks....on top of the laws making any semi tractor older than three years illegal, too.
The entire problem is caused by the California legislature and governor. Once again....California leading the way - down the drain. I feel sorry for the good people trapped in this mess, but it seems that many are upping stakes and moving out. I personally know two families who have moved in the last couple of years.
3 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2021 1:17:27 PM (No. 947652)
A look into the legal mudhole that the idiots in the California government have dumped state workers.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 10/16/2021 3:28:48 PM (No. 947784)
Article I, Section 8, of our U.S. Constitution, aka "the Interstate Commerce Clause" gives Congress the power to regulate all commerce and trade at the international level, as well as in certain applications at the state level. These California "Greenies" are purposefully RESTRICTING commerce to land-locked States, which is entirely un-Constitutional. Imagine if California simply decided to disallow goods bound for let's say, Oklahoma, or Arkansas, simply because they're "Red States," and until they turn "Blue" they will restrict their goods, driving the price of those goods much higher? Leverage such as that is clearly illegal on a civil level, but it's treasonous on a Federal level.
This must be busted up NOW. Call out the National Guards from the States to protect diesel trucks and even use National Guard trucks to haul containers across California. This is a national emergency borne from evil political intentions to disrupt Interstate Commerce. Land-locked States must band together to SUE California all the way to the Supreme Court, and do it now!
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
Thos Weatherby 10/16/2021 7:14:54 PM (No. 948003)
It's also the Chinese controlled ports aren't expediting the ships. There are berths that are empty with hundreds of ships off shore.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
TCloud 10/16/2021 8:32:16 PM (No. 948085)
This means War!
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