Psaki Falsely Claims Gas Prices Aren’t
Rising Across The Country; Here’s The Truth….
Trending Politics,
Clayton Keirns
Original Article
Posted By: ladydawgfan,
10/15/2021 3:50:20 AM
On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed gas prices aren’t surging “in all parts” of the country. This, like everything else she says, is fake news.
“The American people are -of course- impacted by rising prices of gas, in some parts of the country, not all!” she said.
Fact check: Gas prices are up 41%.
Maybe SHE doesn’t feel the pain because of her high salary and her personal chauffeur, but every day Americans are struggling with the price increase.
Watch her absurd statement below: [video]
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Trigger2 10/15/2021 4:25:40 AM (No. 946038)
Does Jan own a car or does the benevolent goobermint pay for her gas?
30 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
mifla 10/15/2021 4:54:41 AM (No. 946051)
Since gas prices are not rising in Amish countries, I guess Jen is correct in saying that prices are not rising in "all" parts of the country. Clintonspeak 101.
33 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
judy 10/15/2021 5:04:07 AM (No. 946063)
Gas tax in Virginia increased 5 cents per gallon in July Sales tax went to 6% In July....dems love to tax & spend.
31 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 10/15/2021 5:34:27 AM (No. 946086)
Here in PA our gas jumped 10 cents a gallon last week. We are now paying $3.50 a gallon. I believe since the dementia guy took office, we had an increase in gas by 60 cents a gallon.
25 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
mizzmac 10/15/2021 6:02:44 AM (No. 946095)
Peppermint Patty is paid to lie and imagines we believe her. Alas, we are not as stupid as she thinks we are.
36 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
BirdsNest 10/15/2021 6:04:40 AM (No. 946097)
Gas here jumped from $2.999 to $3.159 overnight. I am sure it's not done increasing.
26 people like this.
Who are you going to believe, Jen Psaki or your lying eyes?
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
SweetPea3 10/15/2021 6:38:31 AM (No. 946105)
Here in SWFL, I have a receipt for gas where paid $1.79/gal , dated Oct 2020. Yesterday, I saw gas at the same station posted at $3.!5.
32 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rinktum 10/15/2021 6:46:43 AM (No. 946111)
Democrats are using a wrecking ball to destroy the economy because that is what they do. Communism brings misery, poverty and chaos and the democrat party variety is no different. Their ideas have not changed in hundreds of years and continue to fail, yet the people committed to this political philosophy are drawn to the power they are able to wield over people while making themselves feel superior. The Green New Deal is neither green or new. It is nothing but a redistribution of wealth and with that comes the power to control.
Gas prices will continue to rise because it is what Biden’s cabal wants. This could be reversed tomorrow for the good of the country but that is the last thing this reprehensible administration wants. They know the majority of Americans do not support them, did not vote for the old coot and disagree with their madness, but they do not care. They also know they control the elections going forward and there is not one thing we can do about it. What else would account for the outrageous policies they have enacted if they thought they were going to be held accountable by the voters? The believe “they got this” and if the Republican response is any indication, they do.
49 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
laurenc 10/15/2021 6:48:05 AM (No. 946112)
Orlando, FL same as # 8.
14 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
PChristopher 10/15/2021 6:56:57 AM (No. 946119)
Considering that she likely fills up at a government pump where it's paid for by US, it's no wonder she's not seeing inflated gas prices. I, on the other hand...grrrrrrr!!!
14 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 10/15/2021 6:58:59 AM (No. 946120)
I seriously doubt if this lying red haired rodent even has a drivers license...
24 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
TCloud 10/15/2021 7:08:34 AM (No. 946128)
Last I looked it was $3.50 in Flagstaff and my buddy Vern says that he thinks that Paul Krugman will suggest a national cap on gas at $9.00 per gallon by this Spring! Come on Vern get real!
10 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 10/15/2021 7:12:19 AM (No. 946132)
"Energy prices must necessarily skyrocket." Obama Psaki should have been laughed out of the room.
21 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 10/15/2021 7:19:44 AM (No. 946140)
Each morning, I check AAA gasoline prices site. The average price has increased for 10 straight days I think, up 2.9 cents today, national average now at $3.306. Psaki is despicable. All but a few members of the WH press corps are no better. They think she is darling.
17 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
IowaMarinesDad 10/15/2021 7:27:15 AM (No. 946150)
Gas was $1.85 the day the election was stolen. A few days ago, it was $3.09.
Jen is an exceptional liar. She lies. She knows that you know she’s a liar. And she doesn’t care !!
I’m sure somewhere in her past, she told someone “For $50, I’ll be whoever you want me to be”. It was just training for this job. Who knew she’d go to the top !!
25 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
planetgeo 10/15/2021 7:58:17 AM (No. 946177)
Psaki makes Baghdad Bob seem like Honest Abe. Unbelievable. Literally.
21 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Clinger 10/15/2021 7:59:10 AM (No. 946178)
Talk about wizzing down my back and telling me it's raining.
19 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
John Farson 10/15/2021 8:09:13 AM (No. 946187)
When Trump left office gas in west central Alabama was $1.60 per gallon. Today it cost $2.99 per gallon.
That would be an increase of$1.39 per gallon.
In less than 10 months.
If they attempt to steal the next election…..
15 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Krause 10/15/2021 8:12:55 AM (No. 946188)
Like Biden, psaki is a perfect democrat toady, trained to say to whatever they are told to say. Trained not to think for yourself. That's why they often look silly, and subject to mockery. They don't know what they don't know. Perfect pets.
14 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
homefry 10/15/2021 8:18:20 AM (No. 946190)
peppermint patty aint got a clue. I filled my wifes car last week, cost 37 bucks. I filled it at the same place 'bout a year ago, just over 20 bucks.
21 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/15/2021 8:43:09 AM (No. 946216)
This woman remains a day late and a few million brain cells short.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/15/2021 8:47:16 AM (No. 946219)
Thanks Joe. Because of you my gas tank has gotten BIGGER. It used to hold 40 bucks worth and now it holds 75.
25 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
dman 10/15/2021 9:10:04 AM (No. 946244)
"Gas"-lighting taken to the next level. Just remember how Ingrid Bergman's character (Paula Alquist) reacted when she realized the gaslighting.
The people's reaction will make that seem like child's play. The midterm elections cometh.
9 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
dman 10/15/2021 9:20:01 AM (No. 946253)
BTW: If you haven't seen the 1944 classic movie, it is available free on the Roku channel, Vudu, and probably elsewhere. It will open your eyes - and it's a good flick to boot!
9 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
justavoter 10/15/2021 9:21:27 AM (No. 946257)
Baghdad Psaki at work
6 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
mc squared 10/15/2021 9:45:07 AM (No. 946281)
#24; If Democrats were worried about future elections they wouldn't be pulling all this shite. They know it's already in the bag for them.
14 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
Zumkopf 10/15/2021 9:54:09 AM (No. 946291)
#19, “If”?
5 people like this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
Zumkopf 10/15/2021 10:03:29 AM (No. 946301)
#21, what does she drive? A moped? A golf cart? A Citroen 2CV? Because $37 won’t fill anything I ever owned besides those toys…
7 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
Trapper 10/15/2021 10:06:53 AM (No. 946306)
May we PLEASE stop calling it "fake news"? Call it what it is: LIES.
And while I am at it, it is not "gun violence." Guns don't roam the streets looking for people to shoot. Street thugs do. Some in gangs, some not, but ALL street thugs. It is street thug violence. Call it that.
16 people like this.
Reply 31 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/15/2021 10:55:31 AM (No. 946345)
My car takes mid-level gas and last year at this time I was paying $1.89. Now it’s $3.49.
5 people like this.
Reply 32 - Posted by:
Kafka2 10/15/2021 11:11:55 AM (No. 946376)
Gas prices are not raising, and the $3.5 trillion build back better will not cost anything. Yeh! Right!
We will not need cars anymore; we will ride around on pink unicorns instead.
6 people like this.
Reply 33 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/15/2021 11:22:58 AM (No. 946393)
5 Dollars in Southern California.
6 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/15/2021 11:31:04 AM (No. 946420)
Pisstaki is a every department...don't tell me she isn't aware what's REALLY happening...she can't be that stupid...she doesn't take direction from Mr. Magoo... the REAL chi/coms running the Oval Office are adjusting her spinning every time she appears before the fawning press....
2 people like this.
Reply 35 - Posted by:
cor-vet 10/15/2021 11:55:36 AM (No. 946457)
She rose to the top because of her ability to flat out lie with a straight face, the mark of all liberal democrats and a lot of liberal (RINO) republicans
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
janjan 10/15/2021 12:00:44 PM (No. 946466)
This woman’s utterances get more embarrassingly stupid by the day. There is no dignified way to defend this Administration.
4 people like this.
Reply 37 - Posted by:
Speedypetey 10/15/2021 12:06:15 PM (No. 946473)
Any fool with Gas Buddy app can figure out she is lying. Always thought it wasn't a coincidence that in Psaki and President the "P" is silent.
4 people like this.
The price of a gallon of gasoline for my car has gone up $1.70 since January this year when Vegetable took office.
Psaki, the Orange Orwellian in the Ministry of Truth.
3 people like this.
Reply 39 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/15/2021 12:38:51 PM (No. 946516)
For #29: Psaki doesn't drive anything. A limo picks her up and drives her door-to-door like she was SOMEbody. She isn't.
5 people like this.
Reply 40 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/15/2021 12:46:05 PM (No. 946527)
"Who ya gonna 'blieve...Me? or yer lyin' gaz pump??"- Jan Pisshockey
"We bleeve YOU, We Bleeve YOU!"- MSM
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
Philipsonh 10/15/2021 2:00:15 PM (No. 946638)
Psaki is paid to lie and deceive; Gasoline here was $2.39 one year ago and is now $3.39. Do the math. In fact, everyone in the Biden Administration is paid to do the same as her; some do it better than others.
2 people like this.
Who actually listens to any of these pressers anyway, and why waste time posting them? Reality is, if the Beden administration says it is black, it is white. If they say it is right, it’s left. Let’s stop giving Baghdad Jen any reason to speak, who watches Jim Acosta anyway?
1 person likes this.
We are up over a dollar a gallon from last year. Personally, I am comparing prices between now and the last several years.
Was cartman right?
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
Mother of AL 10/15/2021 3:56:45 PM (No. 946757)
#25, sorry..what is the name of the movie?
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Reply 45 - Posted by:
4Justice 10/15/2021 4:58:43 PM (No. 946818)
She not only lives in an alternate universe, but she is blind, deaf and dumb (not mute). We are paying almost $5/gal. in the South Bay Area. We used to pay a little over $2/gal. (which was already too high).
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Reply 46 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/15/2021 6:40:00 PM (No. 946916)
She only looks at the gas station nearest to her...the rest don't exist.
How is it that she is making Red Haired women look STUPID...My sister is really Peeved about that...Yep, she's a Red Head!
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Reply 47 - Posted by:
TheRevJMP 10/15/2021 7:27:06 PM (No. 946954)
Yes, she lies, she knows she is lying, she knows we know she is lying, and she doesn't care. It's about sticking to the agenda no matter what. It's the Communist way.
Let's not forget that this is the one U.S. government official known to have posed for photographs with a hammer-and-sickle hat on her head. Remember this?
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