George W. Bush's swipe at domestic extremism:
Who was he talking about?
American Thinker,
Andrea Widburg
Original Article
Posted By: Magnante,
9/12/2021 3:45:47 AM
George W. Bush appeared at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on Saturday to honor those who died on 9/11. It was an interesting speech, but not necessarily in a good way. (snip) Bush said that Islamic violent extremists are the same as domestic violent extremists when it comes to their “disregard of human life.” The big question is whether Bush was referring to Antifa and BLM or to the January 6 protesters—and, interestingly, everybody assumes he was speaking about the latter. (snip) Considering that the January 6 protesters killed no one and destroyed nothing, the words are inapposite to them. They apply perfectly to BLM and Antifa
Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 9/12/2021 4:07:27 AM (No. 911677)
I'm done with this guy. I once defended him. Now I don't trust a word he says, or a thing he does.
Stay away from the Bushes.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/12/2021 4:19:52 AM (No. 911680)
It is very interesting that Bush and his cronies are quite vocal with their beliefs. However, now the American people know how a real leader who loves this country behaves. One thing we have learned is that President Trump would never betray this country or it’s people the way so many in the political class are willing to do today. Their ugly underbelly has been exposed. Clearly, our side has its share of committed globalists and this guy s one of them. He fooled me once but now I will not be taken in by these liars again. Go back to your painting W. You are of no use to this country, especially now,
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
MissGrits 9/12/2021 4:33:38 AM (No. 911682)
The Bushes go way back with globalism. And they have long since been in the pocket of the Saudi ‘s. And, the senior Bush was an ambassador (liaison) to China and later head of the CIA! Hindsight let’s you see more than you want to see!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
GustoGrabber 9/12/2021 5:22:40 AM (No. 911693)
History has already started to be unkind to the Bushes, with great reason.
Pat Buchanan was right all along
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 9/12/2021 6:00:19 AM (No. 911699)
The Bush family are stooges for the oligarchs, as are the Democrats. The Bush family is a special disgrace because they pretend to be something else. Bush's words are etched in my memory
When he was asked about the conservative movement, Bush said
"What movement? There is no movement."
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Sully 9/12/2021 6:05:31 AM (No. 911701)
I too am done with W. He never stuck up for us like we did for him.
There, I have removed it from my keyboard.
It'll -ork just fine ithout it. Didn't seem to make a difference -hen it as there anyway.
Just like the forever -ars.
53 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
5 handicap 9/12/2021 6:06:52 AM (No. 911702)
George Bush should have "Personal property of George Soros" tattooed across his forehead!
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Who we are as a nation today was setup by the Bushes, Clinton’s and Obamas! And we just kept voting for them! Kinda like the village idiot we have today with his staff of Harry Potter worshippers! Sigh!
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The Bouches think that anyone that didn't clap for Yeb! is a domestic extremist.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Beardo 9/12/2021 6:27:21 AM (No. 911719)
On January 6, 2021, George W. Bush issued a formal statement calling the events of January 6:
"a sickening and heartbreaking sight. This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic. I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes."
Given these clear sentiments expressed by him, please do not give him the benefit of any doubt regarding whom in America he was calling a terrorist in his 09/11/21 speech.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
KatieJo 9/12/2021 6:31:14 AM (No. 911722)
What an absolute piece of crap, I cannot believe I supported this man. I remember when he referred to the ranchers trying to protect their property in the south from invading illegals as "vigilantes" during his administration. I was so confused, but so happy Clinton was gone that I didn't dwell on it. There were other tell tale signs that he was not the patriotic Christian he claimed to be. I just was not prepared at that time to accept the fact that our own government was so corrupt and evil that it didn't matter which party was in control.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 9/12/2021 6:37:32 AM (No. 911726)
This guy and his entire dysfunctional family can go to h#ll. I can't really describe how much I actually despise him. He and his parents were mad as h3ll that Trump exposed the jerk Jeb. I believe Jeb would not have been any better than Biden.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 9/12/2021 7:06:53 AM (No. 911740)
He could have been great but chose instead to be a woke loser.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 9/12/2021 7:43:49 AM (No. 911755)
In September or October of 2000 while campaigning, George W Bush was asked who his greatest role model is and W's response was Jesus.
I don't believe him anymore. I question if he has read the Bible from beginning to end. I doubt it but only he knows. George W Bush does not demonstrate good leadership qualities defined in the Bible is my reasoning. He talks a good talk but doesn't nothing about the walk. . .
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
watashiyo 9/12/2021 7:44:50 AM (No. 911756)
He voted for BiteMe Taliban, in fact, his entire family voted for BiteMe. They have blood on their hand.
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Who cares who he was referring to.
I know W reasonably well from Midland. He’s an idiot.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
fysammy 9/12/2021 7:56:47 AM (No. 911771)
In a closely, indirect way GWB and Karl Rove are responsible for the Obama nightmare with their “high road” responses to Democrat and Media lies.
And again, with his fraternal hate for Trump and spiteful silence, Biden was elected.
Should have been expected as Grandfather and Father Bush were early members of the Deep State.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
downnout 9/12/2021 8:18:55 AM (No. 911785)
I am so disappointed in him.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
BarryNo 9/12/2021 8:21:22 AM (No. 911790)
Hey! People are merely extrapolating from earlier remarks that are on record. He was definitely speaking about the Jan. 6th protestors.
It makes you wonder if any thing he ever did was for the American people, and not his political "image".
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 9/12/2021 8:38:29 AM (No. 911799)
It's too late for you, Dubya, to wax eloquent. Your moment has passed, the sun has set on your regime. No one remembers anything good about your TWO terms, except possibly for your parents. Oh, and your ''brother from another mother'' Clinton.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
anniebc 9/12/2021 8:43:02 AM (No. 911806)
Chicken poop Bush won't come out and clarify his remarks, because he favors what was assumed. That whole family is a national embarrassment right along with the evil dynasties that came after them, with the exception of President DJ Trump. They all deserve a public flogging just before they are Mussolinied.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
felixcat 9/12/2021 8:50:21 AM (No. 911818)
Bush was never an intelligent man - just the fortunate son of a wealthy old New England Yankee family. Another Republican that we were forced to vote for as the lesser of two evils.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
AltaD 9/12/2021 9:06:34 AM (No. 911832)
It doesn't matter if he was referring to BLM, Antifa or Trump supporters, none of them are equivalent to the evil Islamic terrorists who murdered thousands of innocent Americans. US protesters ("extremists") may have a disregard for property and law enforcement but they are not mass murderers.
14 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
armywife85 9/12/2021 9:20:58 AM (No. 911843)
No different than when he actually called citizens trying to defend the southern border vigilantes.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
red1066 9/12/2021 9:39:41 AM (No. 911859)
Oh cmon. Bush was referring to Jan 6th.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Sanchin 9/12/2021 9:47:18 AM (No. 911866)
The bush family is a sorry lot who have done considerable harm and damage to this country on a multi-generational level. The fact that this idiot secured the GOP nomination to begin with, combined with those he competed against (primaried against McCain and Keyes), speaks volumes to the core incompetence of the GOP (remember Ronald Reagan was forced to accept bush sr. as his running mate). In the end, the majority of the GOP honchos and political elite are exactly the same as the democrats and they only see us as unwashed masses that should be controlled. I am forever ashamed that I supported him.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
DHorne123 9/12/2021 10:01:25 AM (No. 911877)
Das Büßhës must return under the rock they slinked out from under!
At the time we thought very well of him. Now — not so much!
9 people like this.
George (Joe Biden) Bush makes as little sense as the current occupant.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 9/12/2021 10:25:13 AM (No. 911907)
I will be grateful to PDJT forever, if only for one thing: he prevented the latest iteration of the Bush dynasty (Jeb!) from getting the Republican nomination, and (God forbid) the Presidency (even though I think Jeb! would have lost to the Hildebeast). As a bonus, Trump showed us what a pack of entitled, duplicitous SOBs the Bush family is because in their hatred of him for vanquishing Jeb!, they supported the Clintons, Obama and Biteme. Now all we have to do is get rid of the little weenie land commissioner in Texas......
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Italiano 9/12/2021 10:34:14 AM (No. 911915)
I have come to detest George W. Bush more than I do Bathhouse Barry, and now realize why. We backed W and had his back when he was under fire with that "Kick Me" sign taped to his ass. He turned around and stabbed us in our backs, played us for saps and allied with the enemy. At least with Obama, we loathed him from the beginning and knew that he loathed us in return. No surprises, no betrayals, other than his betrayal of America. They both can take a slow boat to Hell.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 9/12/2021 10:44:34 AM (No. 911928)
I'm living long enough to see people I once supported turn into jackasses Bush and his pal Rove are two of them. I now believe that Bush did start a war over a myth of 'weapons of mass destruction' also a bully to Sadam it makes me feel good to type this stupidity but I do dislike W. Bush tremendously. In the ceremony of 9-11 Bush should have just gone Hillary Clinton and called us deplorables and be done with it. I can only say twenty years from 2001 Joe Biden has wiped out the war on terror, Bush's Iraq war and rebuilt the terrorist structure to much larger potential thanks Joe for making the world more dangerous.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
joew9 9/12/2021 11:07:21 AM (No. 911946)
I am considering prying the W key off my keyboard like the Clintonistas did.
And using Alt-087 and Alt-119 instead on the occasion I need that letter.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 9/12/2021 12:12:02 PM (No. 912012)
Anyone else notice that Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Bush largely voiced the same message? They condemned the 9/11 attackers, and at the same time warned against 'domestic extremism'. Gee, who would that be? Supporters of the only President that did NOT voice the same message? Somebody should ask these jerks what is the biggest threat to America, and see how many of them bring up white supremacy or white privilege. This goes to show how the establishment is all working together, and is not looking out for the country or its citizens. And they are showing their true colors on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Very telling.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
DVC 9/12/2021 12:30:59 PM (No. 912042)
Thanks for the personal insight, #16. That is always very valuable.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
bighambone 9/12/2021 1:58:55 PM (No. 912124)
By comparing the MAGA movement led by Trump to the vast Islamist international terrorist movement shows that Bush is a weak sister wimpy establishment Republican, if he is even a (compassionate) Republican these days. As Bush sounds more like a covert liberal Democrat supporter who should stay in some countryside Texas garage painting water color pictures of flowers, as Bush’s current views are well out of touch with what is actually happening in the world today.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
MickTurn 9/12/2021 8:26:18 PM (No. 912497)
I have slim hope he was talking about the COMMUNISTS running America now...but we all know he's a First World Order dude, just like daddy.
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