Never before have I so enjoyed hearing
the ‘F word’
American Thinker,
Andrea Widburg
Original Article
Posted By: Magnante,
9/13/2021 3:16:31 AM
I held off on writing about the “F*** Joe Biden” chants that began at college football games a couple of weeks ago. I had three reasons. First, I’m not a fan of obscenities because I think they cheapen speech. Second, these chants were initially small groups at Southern colleges, which really didn’t seem like a “thing.” Third, I wasn’t going to get excited until I learned whether the chants had legs. Well, it turns out they do have legs and they’re becoming large chants at multiple games (including New York baseball games). And most importantly, Joe Biden knows about them and isn’t happy.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 9/13/2021 3:35:48 AM (No. 912710)
"F*** Joe Biden" is synonymous with "Joe Biden has Fubar'd America". Both are labels well earned by Surrender Joe.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
cedar 9/13/2021 3:58:33 AM (No. 912713)
Take that, you senile old goat! You can’t abandon Americans in enemy territory and get away with it. You can’t tell us to stick a needle in our arms full of mRNA crap. You can’t keep spending our money into oblivion. Etc,etc, etc. YOU ARE NO LEADER!! RESIGN!!!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
LadyVet 9/13/2021 5:11:41 AM (No. 912728)
That is one of Joe Biden's favorite words, judging by the fact that he has been recorded saying it to the POTUS. At least the message is on his level, communicated in words that his feeble mind can understand.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
5 handicap 9/13/2021 5:36:56 AM (No. 912736)
Pubbies new rallying cry! Eff, Joe Biden!!! I like it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 9/13/2021 5:52:34 AM (No. 912741)
This must be killing Jill. I would love to know what her payday is being part of this disaster.
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Maybe Lucianne will begin allowing this word when used in conjunction with Joe Biden???
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
skacmar 9/13/2021 6:27:21 AM (No. 912761)
I'm not big are appreciative of everything being f this f that. But, the first words out of my mouth after Biden announced his vaccine mandate which would effect my business were. F BIDEN!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
LaVallette 9/13/2021 6:37:17 AM (No. 912767)
# 5: Has already got her payday and her reward from her own connivance in the public elderly abuse and humiliation of her huband.! Front Page and spread in Vogue, which is more than that plain harridan Melania Trump ever achieved!!!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
lakerman1 9/13/2021 6:39:18 AM (No. 912771)
Dementia Jo is stooping so much, he may soon turn into the Liberty Mutual emu.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
NancyD 9/13/2021 6:47:59 AM (No. 912782)
I'm surprised by the chants, it goes to show that the liberal professors do not have a complete grip on the student body. That is good news. I hope the chant grows and grows until the media will acknowledge it. IF it was against Trump, it would be the leading news story.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/13/2021 7:21:54 AM (No. 912821)
Biden is just the front man.
The chant should be Eff the Democrat party.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
RockiesFan 9/13/2021 7:30:29 AM (No. 912828)
It’s getting louder and louder every week. Yankees and Mets fans? You bet they were, joyously. I saw a Jeep with a Buck Fiden bumper sticker and a young man no more than 20 got out. There is hope!
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It’s getting under Taliban Joe Xidens skin. Dummy wouldn’t have mentioned it, otherwise.
Good enough for me.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
chumley 9/13/2021 7:45:39 AM (No. 912841)
I'm no prude, but I dont like to hear it in mixed company or where kids can hear. Its not the kind of language that should be used outside of all-guy situations and indicates a lapse in one's upbringing.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
dolphin 9/13/2021 7:51:44 AM (No. 912848)
And we have to be careful with that. They'll make it a hate crime and round up some more political prisoners.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
jinx 9/13/2021 7:55:31 AM (No. 912854)
Sometimes it is the only word that fits. I can't think of a more appropriate one. He has been silently saying F...the American people for eight months. What goes around comes around. It's karma.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Pepperpot59 9/13/2021 8:03:00 AM (No. 912863)
Every time I fill my car up with gas I get angry, and call Joe Biden the symbol of his party.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Aubreyesque 9/13/2021 8:05:26 AM (No. 912867)
Can we include Obama in this? Because he's the one pulling the strings. Xiden's brain is swiss cheese. Im not trying to excuse him, but we have all acknowledged numerous times here that he's a puppet. The Puppet masters are in no way harmed by us throwing refuse at the puppet. They are well out of the way of feeling that.
Obama. Clinton, Jarret. Rice. Pelosi. ALL of these people need to feel the sting.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
RedWhite&Blue2 9/13/2021 8:11:21 AM (No. 912881)
Can joe the gaffe meister really think up things clearly by himself without that teleprompter?
Or is there a cabal behind the curtain?
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Hazymac 9/13/2021 8:12:28 AM (No. 912882)
Ms. Widburg has a nice way of putting things: "The chant, vulgar though it may be, is a sign that, despite fifty years of leftist propaganda in schools, the news, entertainment, and corporate America, the American spirit still lives. And that’s a spirit that says we don’t walk away from a war abandoning our citizens and our allies, along with $83B in hi-tech weaponry; we don’t destroy our energy independence; we don’t ruin the economy by printing American dollars like Weimar Deutschmark; and America is not stronger when we obsessively divide people by race and engage in old-fashioned, KKK-style race-baiting, only with Whites as the target." Quite true. Sometimes cusswords are appropriate. With an anti-American imposter in the Nation's highest office, now is such a time. Let's hear it from sea to shining sea. Make him regret his entire political career and life.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
bpl40 9/13/2021 8:12:33 AM (No. 912883)
I have always felt that one must be sufficiently educated to adequately express the vehemence of one's feelings without resorting to vulgarities. But there are exceptions. This is one of them!
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
udanja99 9/13/2021 8:44:48 AM (No. 912922)
I’m not a fan of hearing the word, but in this case I’ll shout it myself. Talibiden has always been an evil, vindictive, nasty ignorant piece of vermin excrement and he deserves this thrown in face no matter who is pulling the strings in the background. He deserves this for the way he treated Clarence Thomas and Tara Reid. I hope that this eats him alive.
86 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
coldoc 9/13/2021 9:10:40 AM (No. 912940)
I am not a fan of the language, but in this case I made an exception. I have the flag and fly it proudly.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Yuban 9/13/2021 9:16:09 AM (No. 912948)
The man is such an idiot he probably thinks everyone wants to make love with him.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 9/13/2021 9:26:59 AM (No. 912964)
I went to a craft show in a small town away from my home on Labor Day one of the display tables were selling ball caps with that printed on the front along with Trump 2024 caps. We're not in the south and we are a liberal royal blue state.
I despise Joe Biden whom I have watched for decades. Biden has earned all of this for his near 50 years of lying, stealing, cheating and down right nasty attitude toward people. His response to the reporter question says it all. The numb skull half wit deserves all the misery heaped on him.
53 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
Red Ghost 9/13/2021 9:30:55 AM (No. 912972)
Ya know, that word when used properly, in the correct situations, with the right nuance, is fine. Yes, it is fine. Given that so many words are now verboten in our fascist society, and given that our First Amendment is being shredded every single day by government, corporations and big tech, I say........**** Biden......Let it rip and be heard from sea to shining sea, especially in New York where I think the word originated. LOL
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Zigrid 9/13/2021 9:32:53 AM (No. 912975)
How sweet it is!! watch obama and the squad hid biden in the basement...once again...away from cameras and reporters....he's a liability now...afghanistan has done him in...not to mention the southern border and inflation...but the mask mandate was the topper...Americans are______...fill in the words...
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
DHorne123 9/13/2021 9:34:50 AM (No. 912981)
I fail to see the applicability of the slur on those of us who live south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
I guess it’s A-OK if Yankee Blue-Necks say it but verboten to us Southern Red-Necks.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Samsquanch 9/13/2021 9:41:18 AM (No. 912997)
At least they speak Joe's language, he's a foul-mouthed, nasty piece of work that enjoys putting other people down.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Dr. Constant 9/13/2021 9:45:10 AM (No. 913000)
I prefer to be more direct.
"Resign you B*stard!"
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Pammie 9/13/2021 9:47:17 AM (No. 913006)
The Fraudulent Selection with Dementia is one of the biggest F@@@tards EVER!
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
MickTurn 9/13/2021 10:01:19 AM (No. 913027)
Well it looks like Joey Pervy Boy will be eating F's at every meal, his ice cream and his sippy cup!
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
FLCracker 9/13/2021 10:11:51 AM (No. 913051)
When my children were young, I pointed out if they used the f-word and other adult swear words as children, they would have no good, strong swear words to use when the grew up and had adult problems.
The time has come to use the adult swear words. F-Jo Xiden.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
mathman 9/13/2021 10:15:29 AM (No. 913060)
Guess what.
The Silent Majority is not silent any more.
Dementia Joe cannot throw them all in jail. How do you incarcerate 80,000 sports fans?
I know, they disrespected the President. The President disrespected himself on at least 120 occasions already, so the harm is done. Let me see. He can take away Thanksgiving and Christmas. And Easter, too, for that matter. For reasons of National Security, don't you know.
I know. He can shut down the Internet. Allow the Internet only to sycophants. Have a national board of Censors. Ban Lucianne. Ban Instapundit. Ban them all.
Only allow Gavin Newsome, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and other liars.
Drive us all to subterfuge, as they do in China.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
BeatleJeff 9/13/2021 10:16:42 AM (No. 913064)
Personally, I don't have a problem with profanity in general. It has its place. I do believe that gratuitously using it in polite company is silly and a sign that the user has little of value to say. But when making an emphatic point and wanting to put an exclamation point on it, a well placed f-bomb can work wonders. And when it comes to Dementia Joe and his band of bungling incompetent buffoons, every f-bomb dropped on them is well deserved. Eff the lot of them straight to Hades.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
Edgelady 9/13/2021 10:23:33 AM (No. 913080)
And may it grow!
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 9/13/2021 10:26:11 AM (No. 913083)
Interesting. And this is coming from our young people who supposedly are staunch socialism proponents.
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
Italiano 9/13/2021 10:27:06 AM (No. 913084)
From Day 1 of this farce, my hope was that demented Joe Biden and the wretched Doctor Dingbat would go down in very public, very humiliating flames. Maybe it's starting.
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Reply 39 - Posted by:
HicoKid 9/13/2021 10:31:34 AM (No. 913093)
This MUST become a movement to have our voices heard and unite our country. The F word pales in comparison to the obscenity of a stolen election and the coup that is taking place. Thankfully, the F word still has enough shock value to get everyone's attention.
33 people like this.
Reply 40 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 9/13/2021 10:39:17 AM (No. 913108)
F Joe Biden and especially the shadow government behind him directing his every move. Its a cinch Joe isn't leading this even though he is entirely on board with it. he does not have the mental ability.
Sometimes the simplest attacks are most effective.
#1 used a certain term in connection with Biden. Totally agree with it.
19 people like this.
Reply 41 - Posted by:
hope27 9/13/2021 10:57:51 AM (No. 913137)
After the opening weekend of college football, I read an article on this topic including many clips similar to Andrea's. Also shown were clips of bands in small venues, possibly bars, where the audience was participating in the same appropriate chant. May this continue to grow in numbers and volume. Eff J B
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Reply 42 - Posted by:
PlayItAgain 9/13/2021 11:34:13 AM (No. 913195)
We could have told the players to stop kneeling, but we didn't.
Here are are.
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Reply 43 - Posted by:
little guy 9/13/2021 12:05:49 PM (No. 913240)
Part of our problem in not having a proper "message" is because we often come across as talking down to the unwashed Left ... and that's because what we are really doing is speaking proper English. You know: verbs, adverbs, nouns and the like.
Let's meet them on their own ground!
The F-bomb has been used on rap records, Netflix, HBO and regular movies, MTV videos, etc. for years and years. Paraphrasing David Mamet, the award-winning playwright who once said: "Obscenity and dirty words are the talking Shakespeare of the common man".
Let's beat them at their own game!
Buck Fiden!! (I feel better now.).
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 9/13/2021 12:53:29 PM (No. 913297)
Biden is the head of this pathetic administration and deserves every F-bomb out there. Harris, Obama, Clinton, and Ron Klain should be added to the chants. I’m happy this is out there because the lying, cheating liberals can clutch their pearls and whine about how cruel we deplorables are. True Americans are fed up.
13 people like this.
Reply 45 - Posted by:
Trump'sCousin 9/13/2021 1:11:59 PM (No. 913322)
I prefer we expand the chant to cover all of them.
Biden the Butcher is a figure head. He is the manifestation of a virulent disease in this country.
There, fixed it for you American Patriots. Shout it loud and proud. From sea to shining sea. MAKE THEM PAY!
10 people like this.
Reply 46 - Posted by:
jasmine 9/13/2021 2:15:05 PM (No. 913379)
I love Andrea Widburg! Leave it to her to notice that for once, Joe Biden is on the receiving end of the same message he has been delivering to Americans since his unlikely "election." There are numerous ways to deliver the "screw you" message without saying it out loud. Joe is known for his mastery of this skill.
For example, the American people got the "message" when Joe left Americans, their Afghan allies, and $85 billion in military equipment behind. He didn't have to say what he thought of America. He showed us.
His dictatorial vaccine mandate delivered the same message. He's leaving our southern border open and inviting illegal aliens to enter the US in violation of our immigration laws. He's letting illegal aliens decide for themselves if they want the covid vaccine. He's TELLING Americans THEY WILL COMPLY with his dictates. Which sounds a lot like screw you. We've all noticed he's talking less, but I'm guessing most of us are still receiving his "message." Delivering covid carrying illegal aliens into American communities in the dead of night, without informing local officials is just another way for Biden to let Americans know they're getting what their president thinks they deserve.
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Reply 47 - Posted by:
Ketchuplover 9/13/2021 2:54:21 PM (No. 913404)
If one used the same expletive for Kamala, she'd take it as an invitation.
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Reply 48 - Posted by:
Omen55 9/13/2021 3:35:39 PM (No. 913435)
Crude, but True!!👍👏
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Reply 49 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 9/13/2021 3:52:57 PM (No. 913450)
This was just an amusing article for me until I clicked on the link to Todd Beamer's final phone call. I had never read the entire transcript. I did not know there was an FBI agent on the call who described to Todd the extent of the attack on our country and the expected destination of their plane. It was then he returned to the other passengers and explained their situation. As Americans they accepted their unasked-for roles and formulated their plan to defend their country and countrymen. The "media" never reported that Todd and Lisa prayed together the Our Father and Psalm 23 just before the famous, "Let's roll!"
So, yes, I am 100% behind these chants despite my polite upbringing, and I believe so would my mother. F#CK Joe Biden!!!
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Reply 50 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 9/13/2021 5:07:34 PM (No. 913506)
I just played Todd Beamer's transcript that was imbedded in Widburg's article. No words describe the conversation between him and the phone operator. Meanwhile. F' biden the cheater and D' Kamalie. And F' the Great Election Fraud of 2020. Let's get this country back. Let's roll.
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Reply 51 - Posted by:
scottj 9/13/2021 6:48:12 PM (No. 913626)
Our new National Anthem. Take a knee to that liberals.
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Reply 52 - Posted by:
XCenturion 9/13/2021 9:00:32 PM (No. 913749)
And to think this demented old fool is in California campaigning for failed governor Gavin Newsom. It tells you a lot about the morons that live in California and support a tyrant like Newsom.
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Reply 53 - Posted by:
4Justice 9/13/2021 10:57:53 PM (No. 913829)
I wonder if any of them are rethinking their "orange man bad" meme now...?
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Reply 54 - Posted by:
4Justice 9/13/2021 11:03:47 PM (No. 913831)
# 6, never...we are civilized here. We do not need to stoop to the level of immature, nasty lefties.
#8 - I hope you are being sarcastic....plain harridan?? Sounds like Jill!
#9, Limu Emu is brilliant compared to Traitor Joe.
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