'Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.' What
If Nothing is Coming?
American Thinker,
Brian C. Joondeph MD
Original Article
Posted By: Magnante,
9/14/2021 4:19:30 AM
A popular catch-phrase among pro-Trump patriots is: “Nothing can stop what is coming.”
This is based on the theory that there are things quietly going on behind the scenes, that President Trump still has a hand in what is happening today.
Perhaps he is laying a giant trap for Democrats and the deep state establishment. Or perhaps the military is in control under the theory of devolution.
Or perhaps, this is all delusional wishful thinking.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
stablemoney 9/14/2021 5:03:49 AM (No. 913932)
Something is coming. Trump is very busy endorsing candidates, Congress, and state levels, to build a coalition, and lay a groundwork for his presidential bid in 2024. The Governors of Florida and Texas are very busy. Both have said no to the masks and mandates. Abbott is funding a wall for Texas, built by Texas, 700 miles worth. Abbott signed a law that bail must be paid in cash yesterday. The Az Senate will eventually release their report, and forensic audits will follow in other states. The election laws are being tightened, but not nearly tight enough. But more, the electorate is beginning to disobey, and ignore these executive orders. The anger is there. The anger is seething. The left has declared war on us. Surveillance, canceling, censorship, weaponizing all the agencies of government. They are going to pay for this. We cannot allow this to continue. We cannot have Republican presidents impeached twice for nothing. Nixon was ran out of office for misdemeanors in comparison to today, and not a dam Democrat even questioned for their felonies. We cannot have Republicans attacked the way they have been. It is time to swing back, and with hard force.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
lil dotty 9/14/2021 5:29:12 AM (No. 913943)
When he was needed, he stepped on stage. Those who prayed for such a man had faith that this was THE MAN. That same faith leads us to believe
"NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING" and the storm will soon be seen.
Let it be so, O LORD! Let it be so in JESUS' Name. Amen.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
5 handicap 9/14/2021 5:53:32 AM (No. 913955)
#2, I am with you in thought and prayer...BUT, The Lord helps those who help themselves and do not sit around waiting for Him to act. We must as a group make much more noise so that they hear and FEAR. The Philistines who are in control need to be run out of the Temple and relegated to the trash heap of history they wish to destroy.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 9/14/2021 6:27:23 AM (No. 913967)
Nothing is coming.......it’s already here.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/14/2021 6:49:10 AM (No. 913983)
Well, this article is quite a pick me up this early morning. /s
I cannot disagree with much the author says but I refuse to give up on this country. Until there is absolutely no hope, I will remain hopeful. I can do nothing else, I owe it to my ancestors. I know Americans and the American spirit. Do you think those Biden chants are a fluke? They are the deep abiding spirit that made this country great. Each one of those individuals who chanted out their feelings for this administration knows something is not right in this country. We all do. Nothing has ever attacked the country like it is being attacked today. No enemy has ever come here and done so much damage. This has all been done by other Americans. The enemy is within.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” ~ Marcus Aurelius
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I feel the same discouragement regarding no justice. When I realized the SC was corrupt, that was devastating to my hope in the future of this country.
I hold a tiny thread of hope that some team is diligently working behind the scenes. I live with someone who has much more hope and faith than I do.
I believe that "crimes against humanity" is the only thing that will unite a splintered nation.
The one and only thing we can agree on, is protecting children.
Stop hoarding the evidence! It is now or never.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
homefry 9/14/2021 7:00:04 AM (No. 913993)
I dread what is coming IF we dont get things back under control, and unless we can stop dim-0 cheating at election time, we wont stop the coming calamity.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
dolphin 9/14/2021 7:08:29 AM (No. 914007)
Apparently nothing can stop what is already here. They found Trump's Achilles heel: germs. He's very smart, but he believed doctors. We're done for.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 9/14/2021 7:15:23 AM (No. 914013)
According to the headline, nothing can stop the Durham study and report.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 9/14/2021 7:29:39 AM (No. 914026)
The '22 mid terms will determine everything. 1) Republicans must win at the very, very least - the House. Of course it'd be much better if they win the Senate as well. 2) They must do to the democrat president what they did to President Trump. There's a suitcase full of issues to impeach Biden on. Start with the withdrawal from Afghanistan and all the issues that feed into it - e.g. handing over $85 billion in arms to the Taliban (if the Republicans wanted to I believe they could push treason for this - at least bring it up) - Impeach !; leaving Americans behind - Impeach !; non vetting of thousands of Afghanis - Impeach !; wide open borders - Impeach !; response to Covid and forcing companies and people to vax and wear masks - Impeach !; Biden and Hunter's dealings with China (if any occurred while Biden's been if office) - Impeach !; etc. If Biden drops a scoop of ice cream on the sidewalk, Impeach !!! Bring up his mental state every time he mispronounces a word and impeach.
If the democrats can impeach President Trump twice - once on unfounded accusations and the other for a phone call, Republicans can impeach Biden once every 3 or 4 months until 2024 - assuming they control the House.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
KatieJo 9/14/2021 7:37:02 AM (No. 914031)
Please don't put any hope into the 2022 elections. The fraud was not rectified, I promise you that the election will turn out the way the deep state wants it to. Why wouldn't it??!! This bunch is brassy enough to pull what they did in Afghanistan and to threaten us with mandatory vaccinations. They don't care what we think. They don't have to anymore. They don't expect that many of us to be around much longer.
Something is coming all right, we cannot continue on this trajectory. I don't expect it to be a Trump white hat team. If we are to be saved, it will be a long and difficult path, many will perish, but we will be the ones that will have to do the hard work sustained by our faith in God.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Daisymay 9/14/2021 7:41:25 AM (No. 914034)
I have Faith that Something IS coming. Trump is a very smart man. He proved it over and over while President. I think he learned a LOT those Four Years. He was Green and Grass when he won the White House, and he went to Hell and back because he took advice from people in D.C. who were working against him. But, I believe he will have his own people in place this time around (If he runs and I believe he will) and he will not fall into the same Traps as last time. He is quietly working to get his Trusted Cabinet Members in place. He is working to get his whole Administration ready to take over the mess Biden is making. He is working on his List of those to FIRE on day one! Leave NO Democrats in the White House this time around. NONE! Fire ALL of those working in the Justice Department. Fire all those working in the IRS. Fire all Generals who worked against him last time around. And clean out the FBI, top to bottom. Trump is quiet now because he is BUSY working on his Lists! He will definitely bring along Ron DeSantis as his VP! That way we will have the Next President in place when Trump's four years are over. Oh Yes, SOMETHING is coming! I think I hear the Trump Train heading towards Washington, D.C.!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
qr4j 9/14/2021 7:45:02 AM (No. 914038)
Perhaps it is best to focus on politically slaughtering the Left (not literally slaughtering!!!) at the next election. We cannot fix the past. We cannot, for example, allow the withdrawal from Afghanistan to fade from memory. And we cannot just be negative; we must have positive solutions to problems.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
FormerDem 9/14/2021 8:00:21 AM (No. 914050)
"Nothing can stop what's coming" was somethign we heard in 2020 as a reason not to worry about the election. It is a temptation to sloth couched in patriotism ... you don't have to do anything and the more bad things you see the more sure you can be it is fine to just watch TV and do nothing. Its counterpart is "it is useless to do anything" - also a temptation to sloth in patriotic terms - nothing is good enough for me, i am so brilliant i see the pointlessness of effort yew fools. I expect a mixture of outcomes. The slothful will achieve nothing, the humble will do a lot - one difficult step by another difficult step.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Clinger 9/14/2021 8:12:30 AM (No. 914063)
To those who think Trump is running the country from the shadows I ask if you are willing to hold him accountable for handing $85 Billion of military equipment to our sworn enemies, closing Bagram, pulling troops out before civilians, leaving our people and allies behind and handing the terrorists a kill list?
I didn't think so
To deny that there is abundant evidence that the election was stolen is a reflection of your acceptance of the fraud. A coincidence here or there is deniable, despite what some will say, coincidences do happen. But not layers of inter twined coincidences.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Toby Ten Bears 9/14/2021 8:22:35 AM (No. 914071)
To me it looks like "Nothing can stop what is coming" was a warning that Fascism/Communism is coming and we will not be able to stop it... NOW it makes sense!
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Kate318 9/14/2021 9:01:12 AM (No. 914101)
Just what we need. Another despairing, gloom and doom article from a supposed conservative, that demonstrates just how much smarter he is than the rest of us rubes who still have hope.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Laotzu 9/14/2021 9:26:23 AM (No. 914116)
On September 8, 2021, Victor Davis Hansen, speaking at Hillsdale College, said, "We have to go on the offensive and fight back . . . You're not the minority and you're not crazy." (Everyone should watch this speech at Hillsdale. This is not your typical Hansen.)
Yesterday, Ben Stein got suspended from YouTube, for pondering why so many people who are vaccinated still get COVID. His reaction: ""The reasoning of YouTube . . . means The End of America. . . Welcome to Biden/Big Tech Amerika. Sieg Heil!"
You now have very cool-headed and stoic men of letters telling their fellow Americans to wake up and take action before it's too late. I'm not seeing any response.
Personally, I think we're doomed. #3 is right, but I'm not seeing people even willing to speak out on Facebook. It would appear that the Left has used the Right's natural lawfulness to stop them in their tracks.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 9/14/2021 10:07:18 AM (No. 914161)
Well was an uplifting summary of events but we all witnessed it and it's true, all of it.
We are seeing the failure of a fraud government who operates like children playing in the street. All of them are stupid and dangerous including the military. The people in charge are on a 'high' like it will never end. If the left doesn't fear us or Donald Trump there are other enemies they have to fear. Biden, the demented fraud, might believe the Chinese like him because he is selling out America to them but he's dispensable to them. Sometimes a blow might be delivered from a place they won't expect it to come from. I'm not laying my hopes on elections watch what happens in California today for a sample of 2022 that might be your answer.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
MDConservative 9/14/2021 10:13:18 AM (No. 914165)
We're not doomed, as the Trump years proved, but we are doomed if we fail to grasp that there are no saviors within government. This is a perilous time for the "NWO' champions. First step is to turn off the propaganda from all sides. They lie. They ALL lie. Second step is to confront the politicians, media, and other enablers - and I mean confront. American nationalists need to take to the streets, and refuse to be co-opted by the poppinjays. If you want an example, it's the Tea Party and its smothering. Unity of effort in common cause is the formula to turn this around.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
anniebc 9/14/2021 10:44:53 AM (No. 914193)
The only confidence I have is that God is in control. Nothing happens outside of His will, whether we help ourselves or not. Our acting or not acting is guided by His will. Jesus said the Romans and Pharisees could only do things to Him because the Father allowed it. I know it's hard to understand, but RC Sproul once shared that if you want to know the will of God, think back on what happened just yesterday, and it will reflect the will of God. This helps to acquire some perspective on the will of God.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Quigley 9/14/2021 11:12:45 AM (No. 914230)
For me this article is predominantly nonsensical and wrong headed.
Mail in ballots and ballot harvesting are fraud per se. those practices must be stopped is the only thing to be hoped for as an outcome of the 2020 election. That battle is being fought out in many forums. I too am tired of waiting for definitive reports but still hope that there will be something so clear and convincing in such reports that even rank and file Trump haters will say “that was wrongful.” Have they said that regarding Afghanistan? I doubt it.
I dismissed qanon as bs after very little scrutiny so I can’t claim deep knowledge of that phenomenon. There seems to be a fine line between recognizing the deep state or the establishment operations for what they are and disconnected imagination. Fomenting disassociation and labeling the sufferers as conspiracy theorist nuts is part of the camouflage.
There is so much in the news that is indisputable that shows massive wrongdoing by the dim party and their coconspirators. We are going mad by The Gullibles placidly continuing their bovine chewing and ignoring it or actively disbelieving it.
To believe that people with power will seek more power is not lunacy. Wanting to hold them in check is not mad.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
AltaD 9/14/2021 11:17:13 AM (No. 914238)
In a slightly depressing coincidence, while reading this "the end is here" article I'm listening to Mozart's Requiem on ABC Classics (an Aussie radio station).
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
columba 9/14/2021 11:18:45 AM (No. 914242)
that which is coming will be straight from God.
No nation that kills its own children will survive.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
DVC 9/14/2021 11:22:31 AM (No. 914244)
The only thing that is coming is that which we make happen. If that requires CW2.0, many are ready and willing. There are very powerful forces working from inside the government, on every level, working to destroy everything, and way, way too many people are just 'get along, go along, don't rock the boat' kind of useless.
If we cannot take back the House next year, that will be a sign that other means will be required to change the course that the globalists have set. I hope we do not have to go as far as we did in the 1860s, but pressures are building, and there may be no other path forward. I know more than a few people who are willing and able if that becomes necessary. But all of us wish for another route.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 9/14/2021 11:45:43 AM (No. 914283)
What's coming is most likely the destruction of America as we know it.
We elect people that line their pockets and accumulate power.
Seventy million people voted for an empty headed idiot who doesn't know where he is, and is mostly indisposed.
Instead of leaders we get tyrants. We are lead by politicians who sell their services to anyone that can afford them.
Instead of getting people that would govern a nation, we get people that would rule a nation.
We have people in government that hate America.
We have people chanting 'F Joe Biden', but how many would vote for him or another Democrat again?
They will take our freedoms. Look at all the big-tech censorship. Look at our elections. Look at how the pandemic was handled.
They will take our wealth. Look at the inflation, and the 30 trillion debt.
They will take our lives. Look at what happened in Afghanistan, and the actions that have taken place on January 6 and afterwards.
Is it hopeless? Probably, but we have to fight back. We have no choice. The people on the other side would destroy us and our way of life, and they are ready for a fight. Maybe, if God wills it, we will survive it.
Will Trump save us? Probably not. Look at what has been done to him already. Both parties chased him out of office. Trump had little influence with Congress or the courts. Doubt the military would support him. Don't look for the election to be overturned. We have seen many partisan investigations. For the most part they are for show. Remember the investigations into Obama's citizenship. Pelosi's impeachment hearings of Trump? Nothing happened then, and nothing will happen now.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
NHGuy 9/14/2021 11:52:33 AM (No. 914295)
In other words, stop waiting for the kraken to be released. Ain't happening.
Trump has been betrayed by the lunacy of his public lawyers and loudest supporters.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Trump'sCousin 9/14/2021 1:53:35 PM (No. 914400)
If something was coming it would have already arrived. This is another false hope along with the kracken and Mike Liddell insisting that President Trump would be back in the white house by August 15th.
The Republic is lost and whatever American Patriots wish would come is DOA unless and until election integrity is restored. Those are the cold, hard facts.
Keep your eyes on California today. Larry Elder will win by a mile but will not take the office of governor.
Thank every Democrat of every stripe for the downfall of the nation. They are gleeful about it.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Edgelady 9/14/2021 2:14:32 PM (No. 914433)
Something is always coming. Biden's catastrophic performance in Afghanistan was the thing that has pushed many young people over the edge. It was very welcoming to see young people, the very ones I thought were already indoctrinated into the left's insanity, "F Biden". Now they need to add "F Fauci" to the chants, what he did was criminal and he continues trying to pit the vaccinated against the unvaccinated when everyone needs to blame Fauci.
I was always suspicious of the whole Q thing. If normal people could find the stuff and read it, along with all the junk written about it (tribunals, etc.) it was obvious to me the left could read this as well. Why do you think Pelosi had the fence put up for months around Congress? I always thought it could've been a Psy-Ops, and if it was Trumpers fell for it.
The left has an old, old playbook when it comes to Marxism - it shouldn't be that difficult getting out in front of them, first read Alinisky's Rules for Radicals. They aren't afraid of lying, cheating, whatever they need to do for power. They have a mindset that's abhorrent to most of us. But it's good to know that so many youth darned sure didn't like the last 18 months they lived through and have produced the new chant going forward "F Biden."
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