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Pritzker Warns of ‘Significantly Greater
Mitigations' If COVID Metrics
Don't Decline

Original Article

Posted By: AltaD, 8/25/2021 7:56:01 AM

Gov. J.B. Pritzker warned Tuesday that if Illinois' COVID metrics don't decline, "significantly greater mitigations" could be imposed in the state. (Snip) Pritzker said heightened mitigations could include things like "phases," which brought restrictions on both a regional and statewide level earlier in the pandemic, though he did not offer many specifics. "Those are things that we don't want to go back to," he said, "Those are, you know, phases, situations, things on the menu that I think we don't want to go to but right now." Pritzker noted that increased mitigations have already been implemented across the state, including an indoor mask mandate in schools, a vaccine mandate for state employees


JB should lead by example and do the one thing that is within a person's control, lose weight.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 8/25/2021 8:03:57 AM (No. 891844)
They are all gearing up for Fall lockdowns. Enjoy your NFL with cardboard fans and piped-in noise.
22 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Come And Take It 8/25/2021 8:07:46 AM (No. 891847)
Putzker has been pretty useless as our governor, but he hasn't been as big of a commie as the Cuomos or Whitmers of the world on the COVID thing. I think he actually believes all the crap he is being fed by others. He's running for re-election, but in this state and with his money, there isn't going to be a credible challenge so I doubt he's worried about that. That being said, he's still a commie who is going to toe the line when push comes to shove.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Bazi 8/25/2021 8:10:47 AM (No. 891849)
So true OP. Someone should lockdown his kitchen access. Morbid obesity is not a friend of Covid.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Rather Read 8/25/2021 8:20:20 AM (No. 891863)
The Kentucky Supreme Court has taken away the governor's ability to lock everything down and returned power to the Republican house of representatives, so in my state we are safe for now.
17 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Newtsche 8/25/2021 8:24:34 AM (No. 891867)
Is there a factory or lab somewhere that produces totalitarian monsters like Prickster? Sadly, yes.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: udanja99 8/25/2021 8:25:38 AM (No. 891868)
This is the morbidly obese guy who runs around with a mask because he is so concerned about his own health. He’s the picture guy for comorbidities. If he’s so concerned about his health, he should drop a couple hundred pounds. And leave the rest of the citizens of his state alone.
18 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Daisymay 8/25/2021 8:29:22 AM (No. 891873)
Just this morning, I saw on TV an "Expert" saying the paper masks, we see everyone wearing, are useless and so are Cloth masks. They also said small children should not be wearing Masks in school because they touch them all day as well as have running noses and sneezing in them which causes them to breed Bacteria! So, who do you believe! I can't imagine "everyone over 2" would be doable.
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DCGIRL 8/25/2021 8:38:26 AM (No. 891879)
I would be more worried Governor with a gang banger putting a bullet in me than the Covid virus in your state.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: PChristopher 8/25/2021 8:43:04 AM (No. 891883)
I note that pretty much all of the Commucrat governors are warning of grave repercussions of covid metrics....most Republican governors and legislatures seem to be exercising common sense.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: skacmar 8/25/2021 8:54:55 AM (No. 891901)
Is Covid only an upcoming disaster in states and cities with Democrats as leaders? Democrats = death and gloom. Republican = live your life, take precautions.
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Rinktum 8/25/2021 8:57:59 AM (No. 891909)
Anyone else get the feeling that democrats along with their tech, corporate, and media cabal are desperately trying to set a narrative. They want to gin up fear so that they can control us. At this point, I am done with that. Are we going to “polite” our way to complete submission to a party that we know is corrupt and heartless? If the Afghanistan debacle does not give you an understanding regarding just how ruthless and determined these anti-American zealots are, I honestly do not know what would. Why are we allowing these soulless monsters to push us around? They certainly do not possess the high ground.
9 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: smokincol 8/25/2021 9:13:32 AM (No. 891928)
governor trickster is handling this fiasco right to the letter of the orders he's receiving from some un-named entity who is actually running the state of Illinois - I can't imagine that our Heartland is becoming the center of the takeover of our country by the communist factions so embedded at all levels of our state, local and federal government(s) - one thing to say about the commies, they don't and will not obey a law that they think will interfere with the progression of their agenda, while the rest of us just obey the laws as written and are left with egg on our face(s)
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: red1066 8/25/2021 9:20:16 AM (No. 891937)
Here's a bit good news that won't be broadcast to the general public. The current Delta virus has already started to decline in the Northeast. It was determined by researchers back in May, that the Delta virus would run it's course and be in significant decline by September in most of the country.
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: planetgeo 8/25/2021 9:29:15 AM (No. 891953)
"Nanny-ism" is a Democrat genetic marker. They just can't resist being our nannies regarding every aspect of our lives. It starts early. You remember them as hall monitors in school, then whiners at work. and ultimately, tyrants imposing absurd, demeaning rules in every level of government.
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Thos Weatherby 8/25/2021 9:33:06 AM (No. 891955)
There is only one metric they should be measuring. All others are insignificant. That number should be the amount of deaths per 100k people (or whatever number you want to use). The amount of cases is irrelevant. And guess what? That number is LESS than how many people die each and every year from the flu. And we didn't lockdown for any of that. It's LESS than the amount of people who die from car wrecks each year too. This whole thing needs to just stop. If they stopped the masks, social distancing and the vaccine tomorrow the numbers would probably go down,
10 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: bad-hair 8/25/2021 9:40:25 AM (No. 891960)
Why do so many Democrats end up being teachers ? Because THEY get to tell YOU what to think. Real teachers (there are some) tell you HOW to think and turn you loose to do so.
5 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: marbles 8/25/2021 9:41:21 AM (No. 891961)
Gearing up for next years mid term elections.
5 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Clinger 8/25/2021 9:48:23 AM (No. 891976)
I think we need to step in and force people who are making irresponsible life choices regarding the risks of COVID into doing the right thing. Those who are willingly ignoring the single most statistically significant factor, that they and only they control, which would keep them alive should have their freedom taken away. They should lose their jobs and be forced into confinement for their own good. Clearly the morbidly obese can't be trusted to make decisions regarding their own health.
3 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: msjena 8/25/2021 9:49:49 AM (No. 891978)
Agree with OP. Pritzker is morbidly obese, which puts him at high risk. Lead by example, governor!
3 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: DHorne123 8/25/2021 10:31:45 AM (No. 892033)
DimoKKKrats delenda est?
1 person likes this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: john56 8/25/2021 10:38:09 AM (No. 892045)
The Prtizk is salvating that he may have another shot at making his subjects follow every one of his whims. Plus, wifey needs another trip to their Florida beachfront digs. And those workers over at the Wisconsin retreat had better be doing a full day's work for a half day's pay like they're supposed to!
2 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Daisymay 8/25/2021 10:57:34 AM (No. 892087)
#12, Illinois has ALWAYS been a Democrat State. Yes, we had a few Republican Governors in my day, but mostly we had Democrats running thing because Chicago has always had a Democrat Mayor. Chicago Democrats run the State no matter who in in Springfield. I was Born and Raised in the Chicago Suburbs and lived there for 50 years. I finally moved away in 1995 and never regretted it! My Children and most of my Grands and Great-Grands are still there, so I do go back for visits, but I would never want to live there again. Sad, but true!
4 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: mc squared 8/25/2021 11:32:15 AM (No. 892139)
How long before 'reported' cases are up to 110% of the population?
2 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: stablemoney 8/25/2021 11:40:37 AM (No. 892157)
Go ahead and close Illinois down. Close all the blue states. We have a federal system. The rest of us intend on laboring on.
2 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: DVC 8/25/2021 12:02:38 PM (No. 892205)
More illegal totalitarian edicts. Illegal doesn't mean anything any more, apparently.
2 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/25/2021 1:21:22 PM (No. 892333)
I vote we Hang the Big Pharma CEO's etc., all that have govt. waivers for harm from their drugs.
1 person likes this.

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Amazon India reportedly copied sellers’
products and rigged search results
3 replies
Posted by AltaD 10/13/2021 11:56:22 AM Post Reply
Amazon’s India division engaged in a systematic campaign of copying items sold by third-party sellers and then manipulated search results to favor its own products, according to a Reuters report Wednesday that cites internal documents. In a 2016 document, titled “India Private Brands Program,” Amazon’s private label team in India detailed how it would review sales and customer review data to identify “reference brands” to replicate, according to the article.(Snip)High-ranking Amazon executives, including Diego Piacentini, who previously led the company’s international business, and senior VP of international consumer Russell Grandinetti, were aware of the business practices in India, Reuters said.
Chicago student, security guard shot outside
Wendell Phillips Academy High School
3 replies
Posted by AltaD 10/13/2021 8:33:23 AM Post Reply
A 14-year-old girl and a security guard were seriously wounded when a gunman standing outside a high school on Chicago's South Side opened fire as the guard was opening a door to let students out. (Snip) The Chicago Fire Department confirms a 45-year-old security guard and 14-year-old female student were both shot. The student and guard were both in serious condition. The girl was shot three times in the abdomen and taken to Comer Children’s Hospital in critical condition, according to police. The man, shot at least six times,(Snip)"The times have changed," he continued. "The streets have no discipline anymore, and that’s what’s happening. People have no consequences.
Chicago Police Union Warns Of Workforce
Shortage, Threatens Suit
4 replies
Posted by AltaD 10/12/2021 11:01:59 PM Post Reply
Chicago - The chief of the union that represents rank-and-file Chicago police officers warned that the force could be at half-strength over the weekend as a result of a City Hall mandate that officers must be either vaccinated against COVID-19 or tested regularly for the coronavirus. Saying the mayor's office has refused to bargain in good faith, John Catanzara, head of Chicago Lodge 7 of the Fraternal Order of Police, or FOP, said the union planned to file a class action lawsuit if city officials follow through on a promise to place police officers into "no-paid" status for refusing to participate in the city's vaccination portal.
Chicago installs hundreds of medical kits
across city for shooting victims.
15 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/28/2021 1:41:14 PM Post Reply
Chicago - The city of Chicago is taking a more hands-on approach to treat gunshot victims. The Office of Emergency Management is installing more than 400 wall-mounted "bleeding control" kits in buildings across the city. The emergency medical kit locations include City Hall, public libraries, medical clinics and more. Each kit has enough supplies to treat eight victims. Ten people were killed and 58 others were wounded in Chicago shootings over the weekend. Chicago crime reporting website says 608 people have been killed in Chicago shootings so far this year with nearly 3,000 others who were shot and wounded.
Shoplifters casually rob California Marshalls
as people watch, employees do not report crime
23 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/28/2021 10:56:44 AM Post Reply
Multiple shoplifters in California were seen brazenly stealing from a Marshalls location as the crime continues in the state. "People shopping there were just kind of standing there watching. The only thing I figured I could do was get their identities and their license plates and give them to somebody who will do something with them," witness Lindsey Rodriguez, a resident of Hemet who recorded the suspects, told NBC4.(Snip) "The employees at TJ Maxx have been told that, in these specific circumstances, it’s not worth it for you to go and physically attack, physically stop people that are walking out with this inventory," criminal defense attorney Alexandra Kazarian
When will Chicago or Illinois lift its
mask mandate?
10 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/25/2021 12:07:19 PM Post Reply
Chicago — Just 29 people are hospitalized with COVID-related illness in Chicago, a city with a population of 2.7 million people. Despite the fact that just .001 percent of Chicago residents are hospitalized with COVID-19, the city’s indoor mask mandate remains, with no word on what specific circumstances will trigger its demise. The indoor mask mandate went into effect on August 20 in Chicago. (Snip) In a state with a population of 12.7 million people, COVID-related hospitalizations represent .015 percent of the population. Yet, Governor JB Pritzker’s administration has not said how close we are to lifting the statewide indoor mask mandate that went into effect August 30.
Special Report: Police fighting back as
Chicago crime spills into Indiana
6 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/23/2021 9:41:24 AM Post Reply
Chicago - Chicago criminals are targeting Indiana and police there say they are fighting back. (Snip) The pursuit policy for Illinois State Police is much stricter than Indiana. Troopers must assess risk based on a 14-point check list. They also cannot pursue for traffic offenses, while Indiana State Police can, depending on the severity of the offense. In Chicago, police are not allowed to chase a vehicle unless it’s first approved by a supervisor who must determine if the risk of a chase is greater than the risk of letting someone escape.
Reporter Asks Actress If She’s ‘Talked
To’ Long-Dead Margaret Thatcher
Following Emmys Win
18 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/21/2021 11:18:01 AM Post Reply
Actress Gillian Anderson took questions following her Emmy win for her role as Margaret Thatcher in “The Crown,” and most notably, whether she had “talked to” the long-dead United Kingdom Prime Minister. The reporter, identified as a radio host and producer Tanya Hart from American Urban Radio Network, asked the question after the 53-year-old actress took home the award for “Outstanding Supporting Actress in A Drama Series” during the Emmy Awards, Vanity Fair reported Monday. Hart asked “The Fall” star, “Just to continue with the whole Margaret Thatcher thing … have you talked to her about this role at all?”
Florida landlord to evict tenants who
refuse to get vaccinated
16 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/16/2021 7:37:30 PM Post Reply
A Florida landlord has told tenants to get vaccinated or leave the apartment building. (Snip)In early August, Mr Alvarez sent letters to his nearly 70 employees, telling them to get their first dose by 15 August or be fired. Two employees left their jobs, the landlord said. In a letter to tenants, he urged them to get vaccinated and said new tenants would have to show proof of vaccination by 15 August and those who wanted to renew their leases were told to do the same. “You don’t want to get vaccinated? You have to move,” Mr Alvarez told The Post. “And if you don’t move, one must move forward with eviction.”
Skyrocketing Cook County property tax
bill sends Palatine garden center
out of business
11 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/15/2021 12:09:07 PM Post Reply
Palatine, Ill. (WLS) -- A third-generation family business is now vacant after a change in how they are assessed for property taxes, they said has ruined them. "We were supposed to be here, I thought for forever," said Ken Kinsch, a former owner of the Kinsch Florist and Garden Center. Rubble is what's left of the suburban greenhouse and flower farm after more than 80 years in business.(Snip) Their 2019 Cook County property tax bill skyrocketed to $183,000 from just under $25,000; an increase of 640%. In 2020 they got another bill for $151,000. After those big bills, the family decided they had to call it quits and shut down,
No sports, no clubs, no talking during
lunch and other joys of COVID schooling
8 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/13/2021 8:31:55 AM Post Reply
Monday is the first day of school in Gotham’s public system. And it’s on track to be the third needlessly disrupted academic year for kids. (Snip) A New York state Education ­Department health guide for the 2021-22 school year worries a lot about kids’ outrageous breathing. “Due to increased exhalation that occurs during physical activity, some sports can put players, coaches, trainers and others at ­increased risk for getting and spreading COVID-19. Close contact sports and indoor sports are particularly risky. Similar risks might exist for other extracurricular activities, such as band, choir, theater and school clubs that meet indoors.” Kids all over the city will be eating lunch only outdoors
Fort McCoy in Wisconsin currently housing
over 8,700 Afghan refugees
7 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/4/2021 4:37:00 PM Post Reply
Tomah, Wis. (FOX 9) - Fort McCoy in western Wisconsin is temporarily housing more than 8,700 refugees from Afghanistan preparing for resettlement in the United States after fleeing the Taliban. Additional refugees could be coming to Fort McCoy in the coming days and weeks. Military officials initially said the base, located near Tomah, could support 10,000 refugees, but they have since increased that number to 13,000. The number of Afghans currently at Fort McCoy has nearly tripled in a week, the Associated Press reported. As of Friday, there are 8,780 Afghan refugees at Fort McCoy and around 1,385 soldiers supporting them
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Amateur hour: Pete Buttigieg's inexperience
exposed as supply chain breaks down
38 replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/14/2021 1:26:06 AM Post Reply
Three years ago, the only people who’d ever heard of Pete Buttigieg were likely to be residents of South Bend, Ind., the town of 103,000 people where he served as mayor. South Bend is home to Notre Dame University. It has a bus station with a fleet of 60 buses, a small train station and a small regional airport. So, who better for Team Biden to nominate as secretary of the Department of Transportation, which employs more than 58,000 employees – more than half the population of South Bend – and has a budget of $87 billion?
Bill Clinton, 75, has been hospitalized
in California: Former president is in
the ICU with a possible sepsis but is
'on the mend'
37 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2021 9:27:56 PM Post Reply
Former President Bill Clinton was hospitalized on Tuesday and has a possible blood infection known as sepsis, CNN reported on Thursday night.A spokesman for the Democrat commander-in-chief said he was admitted to University of California Irvine's medical center to get treatment for a non-COVID related infection.'He's on the mend, in good spirits, and is incredibly thankful to the doctors, nurses ask, staff providing him with excellent care,' CNN anchor Chris Cuomo said at the top of his show.
Dr. Bridle: “We Made a Big Mistake…We’re
Inoculating a Poison”
35 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/14/2021 9:15:41 AM Post Reply
"Research obtained by a group of scientists shows the COVID vaccine spike protein can travel from the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands and in 'quite high concentrations' in the ovaries." This is what Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology warned about. The spike proteins are not staying at the injection site and they are dangerous. Protein in the blood can be very dangerous. A Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week, “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario.
Lieutenant Byrd was 'shaking, nervous
and teary-eyed' when he shot dead Air
Force veteran Ashli Babbitt in Jan 6 Capitol
riots, secret report reveals
34 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2021 9:47:04 PM Post Reply
Lieutenant Michael Byrd, the Capitol cop who shot rioter Ashli Babbitt dead on January 6, was 'nervous, teary-eyed, and appeared very upset' after gunning down the Air Force veteran, a secret report has revealed.More than 500 pages of internal DC Metropolitan Police documents on the fatal shooting reveal witnesses said Babbitt was not carrying a weapon at the time and describe how Lt Byrd was shaken by the event.Babbitt was a fervent Trump supporter who was killed when she was at the front of a mob trying to climb through a shattered glass door to the Speaker's Lobby during the riots.
Biden team asks oil industry for help
to tame gas prices
33 replies
Posted by Come And Take It 10/14/2021 7:03:53 PM Post Reply
The White House has been consulting with the oil industry to seek a remedy for rising gasoline prices as surging inflation threatens to tarnish the economic recovery, according to three people familiar with the discussions. The latest outreach to the oil industry is an awkward shift for the Biden administration, which has pledged to move the country away from fossil fuels and has drawn criticism from the industry and Republicans for pausing lease sales of federal land for oil and gas development.
Biden says number of unvaccinated Americans
'unacceptably high,' insists mandates 'working'
30 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 10/14/2021 2:34:30 PM Post Reply
President Biden on Thursday said the number of unvaccinated Americans still remains "unacceptably high," but insisted that his administration's vaccine requirements for the federal workforce and private employers are "working" to ensure more individuals receive shots to protect against COVID-19. During remarks from the White House Thursday, the president touted his administration's "progress" in the "fight against the virus." "We're making progress nationally. Daily cases are down 47%, hospitalizations are down 38% over the past six weeks," Biden said. "Over the past two weeks, most of the country has improved as well. Case rates are declining in 39 states and
Psaki on Inflation: “The American People
Are Not Looking at Cost-to-Cost Comparisons
From This Year to Two Years Ago” (Video)
28 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2021 2:29:37 AM Post Reply
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday was asked about inflation.Inflation was up 5.4% year over year in September – the highest rate in 13 years!Prices rose 0.4% in Sept, up from 0.3% in August.Gas is up 42% since last year — the poor and middle class hurt the most.The US government is expecting households to see their heating bills jump as much as 54% as experts forecast this winter to be colder than last winter.Gas, food, and goods continue to be key drivers of inflation.
Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe wins
back full pension after Trump firing
25 replies
Posted by Ribicon 10/14/2021 8:02:28 PM Post Reply
Washington–Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has won back his full pension as part of a settlement of his lawsuit arising from his firing during the Trump administration more than three years ago, his lawyers announced Thursday. McCabe, a frequent target of then-President Donald Trump’s ire, was fired in March 2018 by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions after the Justice Department’s inspector general determined he had misled internal investigators about his involvement in a news media leak. The termination came hours before he was to have retired, denying him his pension. McCabe has denied intentionally deceiving anyone, was never criminally charged and blasted his firing as politically motivated.
Mark Zuckerberg spent $419M on nonprofits
ahead of 2020 election — and got out
the Dem vote
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2021 2:19:11 AM Post Reply
During the 2020 election, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars to turn out likely Democratic voters. But this wasn’t traditional political spending. He funded a targeted, private takeover of government election operations by nominally nonpartisan — but demonstrably ideological — nonprofit organizations.Analysis conducted by our team demonstrates this money significantly increased Joe Biden’s vote margin in key swing states. In places like Georgia, when Biden won by 12,000 votes, and Arizona, where he won by 10,000, the spending likely put him over the top.
CNN sounds alarm on Terry McAuliffe's
campaign blunders: He 'lets the tongue
get out ahead of the brain'
24 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2021 2:06:48 AM Post Reply
CNN sounded the alarm Monday over recent campaign blunders made by Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, suggesting his comments could jeopardize his already slim margins in the race against Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin. During a discussion about the race on CNN's "Inside Politics," host John King admitted it was "noteworthy" to see a Democratic candidate playing cleanup so close to the end of the race considering Virginia had been trending more and more towards Democrats. He specifically pointed to comments McAuliffe made about President Joe Biden's downward trending poll numbers and parents not having a say on what their kids learn in school as the reason his edge
Theft-plagued Walgreens shuts down five
MORE stores in San Francisco: At least
17 have already closed due to 'legalized
shoplifting' and guards being told not
to confront thieves
24 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2021 2:01:47 AM Post Reply
Walgreens is shuttering another five of its stores in crime-ridden San Francisco because of rampant shoplifting by thieves who waltz past security guards and sell the items outside the drugstore chain's doors. The national chain has closed 17 of its 70 San Francisco locations in the past two years because of the shelf raiders, who have swiped everything not behind lock and key. Thefts in the chain's 53 remaining stores are five times the average for their stores elsewhere in the country, according to company officials. San Francisco and Walgreens officials have cited 'organized retail crime' -
Leaked documents reveal shocking numbers
of illegal migrants released into the U.S.
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/14/2021 1:06:25 AM Post Reply
The number of illegal migrants released into the United States by the Biden administration is staggering. Fox News obtained an exclusive story with documents from the Border Patrol. They are being released with little or no supervision and no fear of deportation. The fact is that no matter how many times DHS Secretary Mayorkas says the border is closed, the numbers don’t lie. Since March, at least 160,000 illegal migrants have been released into the United States. There is a broad use of limited parole authority that made more than 30,000 migrants eligible for work permits
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