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Uproar at U.N. Climate Summit as Envoys
Say Proposed $250 Billion a Year from
West Not Enough

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/23/2024 12:51:01 AM

A draft text released Friday from the environmental negotiators at the U.N.’s COP29 climate alarmism summit would demand that wealthy nations commit to gifting poorer countries $250 billion a year between now and 2035. Climate activists responded to the proposed contribution with outrage, claiming the sum is “paltry” and “a joke.” COP29 — formally the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) — is the 19th edition of the U.N.’s official assembly to discuss how to globally address the alleged climate crisis. It is currently taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan, and scheduled to conclude on Friday, though the disagreements over the provisions in the outcome text

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Reply 1 - Posted by: snakeoil 11/23/2024 12:57:44 AM (No. 1841190)
Got change for a nickel?
41 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: daisey 11/23/2024 1:01:03 AM (No. 1841192)
I need to find their email address so I can send them my suggestion.
45 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 11/23/2024 1:06:35 AM (No. 1841199)
OK, then how about $8.00? That's max that I'd let them have.
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: JimBob 11/23/2024 1:34:53 AM (No. 1841205)
Zero. Period.
64 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: NotaBene 11/23/2024 1:41:18 AM (No. 1841207)
No money for the Gobal hoax.
68 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: JonR 11/23/2024 2:13:14 AM (No. 1841211)
Nothing but a money grab scam!
49 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Trigger2 11/23/2024 2:38:51 AM (No. 1841214)
Tell the UN to shove it.
46 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Highlander 11/23/2024 2:58:20 AM (No. 1841221)
The U.N. has been nothing.but an internationalist’s wet dream from Day One. Over the years. it became a play toy for communist dictators and third world despots. The ideology now dominating that piece of NY real estate is entirely alien to everything this country has (once) stood for. Only democrats and RINOs support this cancerous mess. The UN serves no good purpose. It’s time to chuck it out of our domain and send it to Belgium where it should have been planted from the start.
49 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: anniebc 11/23/2024 3:23:32 AM (No. 1841230)
It's time to declare the UN a terrorist organization and commence a war on terror.
39 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 11/23/2024 3:25:56 AM (No. 1841231)
Dear UN, you'll have nothing and like it.
51 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 11/23/2024 4:02:48 AM (No. 1841241)
Missing, again this year, from the list of "wealthy nations": PRC. January 20 cannot get here soon enough.
27 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mifla 11/23/2024 4:22:49 AM (No. 1841244)
Sorry, but you will have to pad your retirement accounts by some other means.
25 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: triggerberg 11/23/2024 5:39:50 AM (No. 1841268)
How about you get nothing at all? Works for me.
35 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Msquared112 11/23/2024 6:32:41 AM (No. 1841279)
I have two words for the UN.
27 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: LanceLink1 11/23/2024 7:00:00 AM (No. 1841290)
A couple hundred billion here a couple hundred billion there - pretty soon it adds up to some serious cash. Beg you wouldn't be surprised where it all goes......
17 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: varkdriver 11/23/2024 7:01:30 AM (No. 1841291)
I'll offer them the same amount as my GPA at Faber College: Zero. Point. Zero.
12 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Strike3 11/23/2024 7:38:51 AM (No. 1841325)
When you look at the list of despicable Americans who push this hoax and fly their private jets to the meetings, is there any doubt?
31 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: sw penn 11/23/2024 7:47:41 AM (No. 1841328)
"$250 Billion a Year from West Not Enough" Because no sum ever will be. That's the nature of it. Start with an outrageous amount, if agreed to - should have asked for more damit... See also - the CA reparations demand
21 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Kate318 11/23/2024 8:52:55 AM (No. 1841360)
That’s all “climate change” has ever been about: wealth transfer. I can guarantee that “poorer countries” never see a nickel of that money.
30 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: 3XALADY 11/23/2024 9:28:33 AM (No. 1841385)
Just watch Mumbles sign us up for this.
9 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 11/23/2024 9:34:59 AM (No. 1841392)
This is like a street corner begger screaming at you because the 2 bucks you gave him isn't enough. Easy fix. Take your money back. Nuts to him!
16 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Rumblehog 11/23/2024 10:17:52 AM (No. 1841423)
Go to HELL
16 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: stablemoney 11/23/2024 10:45:44 AM (No. 1841446)
Not enough? It's going to be zero, as that is why Trump was elected.
18 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 11/23/2024 11:02:00 AM (No. 1841457)
Would be worth it if they then promised to stay in their own $#!y little country.
7 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: thefield 11/23/2024 11:25:21 AM (No. 1841476)
January 21, 2025 (he has other things to do first) it will be zero.
11 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: mc squared 11/23/2024 11:34:05 AM (No. 1841482)
Climate change is a worldwide Snipe Hunt. Chasing the elusive snipe and more money is demanded.
14 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Trump Won 11/23/2024 11:51:22 AM (No. 1841492)
"The report did not clarify how the wealthiest nations would be identified, but listed the expected victims of the climate funding to be “the European Union, Australia, the United States, Britain, Japan, Norway, Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland.” Notably absent from the list is the world’s worst polluter and second-largest economy, China, which defines itself as a “developing” country despite its massive wealthy." The intent of this nonsense is to destroy the United States. They would have gotten away with it with Biden/Harris, as they would have given the UN all of the $250 billion. Trump? That's a hard NO. China is a developing country? Yeah, the are developing the world's largest military in order to force their Belt and Road Initiative throughout the Third World.
16 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Starboard_side 11/23/2024 1:02:08 PM (No. 1841537)
They could double it and it still would not be enough for them. Same with any government budget, you could double it and they would be crying poor mouth the next year without any actual improvements except significantly higher salaries and benefits for those administering the program(s). It's never enough!
9 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Miceal 11/23/2024 2:33:44 PM (No. 1841574)
After we cancel that check to the UN, it is WAY PAST time to show that entire vacuous crap show the door. Move them to Switzerland...
14 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: whyyeseyec 11/23/2024 4:07:23 PM (No. 1841593)
Gift the UN 5 trillion of our US debt. If that's not enough, tell them to get it from the East.
6 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: danu 11/23/2024 7:00:19 PM (No. 1841672)
2 more words from the fans: get lost
4 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 11/23/2024 7:30:12 PM (No. 1841697)
A shake-down, climate hustling.
8 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: jdano 11/24/2024 7:43:26 AM (No. 1841840)
My offer is this: nothing. Not even the $20,000 for the gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally.
4 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Strike3 11/24/2024 8:29:18 AM (No. 1841858)
Firstly, one must be gullible enough to accept the FALSE premise that mankind can do anything to fight Climate Change. The one thing we can do to hold the line on atmospheric pollution is to avoid setting off any more nuclear bombs and pressuring countries like China and India to put scrubbers on their smokestacks. The question still has not been resolved whether atmospheric dust causes cooling or retention of the sun's heat. There is absolutely no reason to pay third world countries anything. In fact, the more they receive in charity from the civilized world, the longer it will take them to advance on their own. The fact that a jungle kingdom like Kenya is demanding more money signifies GREED, nothing else. To reemphasize #22, Go To HELL.
7 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 11/24/2024 9:02:54 AM (No. 1841877)
How about $0?
4 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 11/24/2024 9:11:22 AM (No. 1841885)
Not a dime. zero. zip, zilch, nada. nein.
5 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/24/2024 9:38:02 AM (No. 1841911)
Looks like John Kerry has run out of money...or...perhaps he's stocking up for the four President Trump years....the globalist climate thieves are getting worried their money faucet will dry up....I wonder just how much the globalists have stolen from American must be in the question...why doesn't Europe and china support this venture into free money....could it be because the Washington DC swamp has been so accommodating for all these years....
5 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: jimincalif 11/24/2024 10:39:04 AM (No. 1841965)
There is more than one meaning to the phrase “fu money”.
3 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: marbles 11/24/2024 10:54:22 AM (No. 1841971)
Everything would not be enough for something ( man caused climatechange/globalwarming) that doesn't exist.
3 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: red1066 11/24/2024 11:06:04 AM (No. 1841974)
Beggers can't be choosers.
3 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: hershey 11/24/2024 11:08:43 AM (No. 1841976)
I've got 250 Billion straight middle fingers on my left hand you can have for free...go hawk your climate change to China who are doing more damage than anyone else with their NEW coal fired plants...
4 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: paral04 11/24/2024 12:16:43 PM (No. 1842014)
They could have saved a lot of money if they had done this by a Zoom Call. It also flies in the face of reason that they produced tons of CO2 traveling there to control the same CO2 they manufactured..
4 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: The Remnants 11/24/2024 12:25:05 PM (No. 1842016)
Tell them we will get back to them after we take care of our own. After a couple of hurricanes, we still have people living in tents! And someone should tell our politicians that our national debt is $ 36 Trillion. Basically, we are living on fumes.
7 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: TurtleDove 11/24/2024 12:28:31 PM (No. 1842020)
Climate change is another term for the redistribution of wealth on a global scale. You want what we have? Get off your butts & work for it like we did! It's time to get the U.N. out of the U.S. & the U.S. out of the U.N.
6 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: franq 11/24/2024 2:29:30 PM (No. 1842068)
My response to UNFCCC: Technically speaking, we're broke. No soup for you.
2 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: MickTurn 11/24/2024 2:37:43 PM (No. 1842073)
So if they are freaking out for NOT getting their Payoff's, what will they say when they are all put in PRISON for THEFT?
1 person likes this.

Reply 47 - Posted by: Omen55 11/24/2024 6:08:23 PM (No. 1842137)
I'm sure our new POTUS will give them the answer for US.
1 person likes this.

Reply 48 - Posted by: Kafka2 11/25/2024 5:46:48 PM (No. 1842705)
They got it up to $300 Billion and Biden committed the US to give them that amount. I would like to know what they spent the earlier Billions on. All I can see what we got was virtue signaling and make a bunch of despot leaders wealth.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 11/24/2024 9:59:01 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/23/2024 1:55:14 PM Post Reply
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The Chinese Telecom Hack Was Much Worse
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/23/2024 1:02:53 AM Post Reply
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Uproar at U.N. Climate Summit as Envoys
Say Proposed $250 Billion a Year from
West Not Enough
48 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/23/2024 12:51:01 AM Post Reply
A draft text released Friday from the environmental negotiators at the U.N.’s COP29 climate alarmism summit would demand that wealthy nations commit to gifting poorer countries $250 billion a year between now and 2035. Climate activists responded to the proposed contribution with outrage, claiming the sum is “paltry” and “a joke.” COP29 — formally the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) — is the 19th edition of the U.N.’s official assembly to discuss how to globally address the alleged climate crisis. It is currently taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan, and scheduled to conclude on Friday, though the disagreements over the provisions in the outcome text
Axelrod, Left Panic Over Prospect of 'Competent'
Presidential Wingman at DoJ
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/22/2024 10:09:19 PM Post Reply
How soon they forget! Or pretend to do so, anyway. Yesterday's events proved rather traumatic to the Left. In one fell swoop, Donald Trump managed to strip them of an easy punching bag with Matt Gaetz' removal as Attorney General nominee, and then moved quickly to appoint Pam Bondi instead. That had a panel at MSNBC practically endorsing Bondi in their haste to warn Democrats of the danger ahead. "We should all fear her," analyst Jason Johnson said, "because she's competent!" Be careful what you wish for, etc etc etc: Alternate headline: Strange New Respect for Gaetz Breaks Out on Left. It didn't take long for them to realize
Elon Musk Floats Buying MSNBC From Comcast:
‘How Much Does it Cost?’
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/22/2024 4:47:03 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk hinted he might explore buying MSNBC on Friday, days after it was reported the network would be spun off from NBC News and potentially sold by Comcast. Donald Trump Jr. shared a meme on Friday afternoon on X/Twitter claiming MSNBC was up for sale. He tagged Musk and commented, “Hey @elonmusk I have the funniest idea ever!!!” The Tesla and SpaceX CEO replied, “How much does it cost?” After the exchange went viral, Musk commented, “The most entertaining outcome, especially if ironic, is most likely.”
The ICC May Have to Go Through the United
States to Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/22/2024 12:53:36 AM Post Reply
When the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and its former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, it may have unwittingly dragged the United States into the scuffle. Under the terms of the Rome Statute, the ICC's founding treaty, signatories are bound to arrest and extradite anyone targeted by the ICC. When Russian President Vladimir Putin was served with an ICC arrest warrant in March 2023 (see International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin and Putin's War, Week 56. Putin Indicted for War Crimes, Xi Visits Moscow, and Sevastopol Attacked for a Third Time), that effectively ended his travel
Georgia Police Arrest Mom Because Her
Son Went for a Walk
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/22/2024 12:48:20 AM Post Reply
Brittany Patterson lives in a rural part of Georgia with her four kids. Her husband is a superintendent at a school in Montana and is away much of the time. Last month, Patterson had to take one of her children to the doctor's office. She left her 10-year-old son Soren (he's nearly 11) at home with her father, the boy's grandfather. At some point, Soren decided to go for a walk to a local gas station where he knew his best friend's grandmother was working. He didn't ask permission, he just went. Someone saw him walking along the road and called police.
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Insiders Say Kamala Harris Will Try Again
in 2028
40 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 2:11:07 PM Post Reply
With the early primary polls on her side, Democrat Party insiders say Kamala Harris is thinking seriously about trying again for the presidency in 2028. “Of course, she’s going to try and run again,” someone the Daily Mail describes as a “well-connected Democratic strategist,” told the outlet. The strategist added that Kamala’s ambition is only one thing driving this decision. “Despite some hesitation, Harris has generated a lot of sympathetic reactions from professional Democrats in Washington,” reports the Daily Mail. “They describe her campaign as ‘near flawless’ but say she struggled to separate herself from President Joe Biden’s record.”
Touching moment Joe Biden breaks down
in tears as Jill hails her 'husband and
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dinner at the White house... but there's
no sign of Kamala
36 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 8:34:22 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden broke down in tears as Jill hailed her 'husband and hero' during the president's final farewell dinner at the White House, but there were no signs of Kamala Harris. The outgoing US President was overcome with emotion as the First Lady paid tribute to his decades of service during a party on the South Lawn thanking Democrat supporters and donors. On Friday evening, Jill praised her husband's 40 years of service, including his last four years as the President of the United States.
The Forever-Tarnished Legacy of Barack Obama 34 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/24/2024 6:40:28 AM Post Reply
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Is Pam Bondi really independent, or will
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Posted by DW626 11/24/2024 12:46:45 PM Post Reply
Pam Bondi, Trump’s nominee for Attorney General now that Matt Gaetz has withdrawn, is an interesting choice. On the one hand, she seems like a conservative attack dog and comes out of Ron DeSantis’s Florida, which argues that she’s solid. On the other hand, a lot of RINOs are awfully pleased that she’s been named, which is always worrisome. One other worrisome thing is how she handled the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case back in as Florida’s AG twelve years ago. Sundance, at Conservative Treehouse, has written a detailed analysis
The Question: Where in the World Is Kamala
Harris? The Answer: On a Tropical Vacation
23 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 8:28:26 AM Post Reply
It wasn’t that long ago that I was typing the words “Kamala Harris” dozens of times a day. Then suddenly… it stopped. Elections had consequences for my keyboard. Her name has still been in the news, mostly because her campaign is still trying to collect money even after raking in over one billion dollars during election season. Just to show you how great she would have been on the economy, she somehow ended up millions in debt. Mostly, however, she’s been pretty silent—and now we know why. Like he ever-vacationing boss Joe Biden, Harris is taking some leisure time, though she’s not relaxing in Rehoboth Beach, she’s sunning in Hawaii.
Meathead Wrestles With TDS 22 replies
Posted by DW626 11/25/2024 6:33:08 AM Post Reply
Maybe Pfizer could concoct a vaccine to prevent the transmission of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Or at least lessen its symptoms. That would actually benefit people, both here and abroad. Case in point: filmmaker, producer, and actor Rob Reiner, AKA “Meathead,” recently found himself in the grip of a particularly debilitating bout with TDS. Not long after Election Day, Reiner tweeted: “I’m finding it very hard to sleep these days. It is 3:15 am. I am laying awake dreading January 20th 2025.” He subsequently added, “I have big decisions to make. For the good of myself, my family, and my country.” Really, oh self-important one, what decisions are those?
Trump’s win signals the end of the left’s
control of the mainstream media
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/24/2024 2:00:56 PM Post Reply
Trump’s electoral victory has advanced the demise of MSNBC and CNN for good reason. The fall of NBC, ABC, and CBS should follow. Each of these so-called news outlets has betrayed their viewers for as long as they have been on the air. They consistently misled their viewers day after day to the point that Trump’s victory was a major shock to their systems. Those blinkered viewers sadly believed what those networks told them -- that Trump could not possibly win, that Harris would win in a landslide. They misled their viewers so egregiously that those who only watched those outlets were understandably shocked by Trump’s win.
Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Brags About
‘Curing Ballots’ in California as
2 Democrat Candidates Pull Ahead to Unseat
GOP Incumbents Nearly 3 Weeks After Election
Day (Video)
20 replies
Posted by Imright 11/24/2024 3:59:10 PM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, Christine Pelosi, bragged about curing ballots in California as 2 Democrat candidates pull ahead nearly 3 weeks after Election Day. This is what happens when ballot harvesting is legal and there is no voter ID. California shifted red in 2024 with 40% of the voters in the Golden State voting for President Trump. (Maps) Trump carried the down ballot and flipped several blue counties red in California, however, two Democrat candidates have pulled ahead nearly 3 weeks after the election and will likely flip the two seats blue.
‘The View’ hosts forced to issue four
‘legal notes’ in a single episode
spent trashing Trump’s cabinet picks
20 replies
Posted by mc squared 11/24/2024 11:20:33 AM Post Reply
“The View” doesn’t want anyone to sue. The co-hosts of the controversial ABC talk show were forced to issue four “legal notes” during Friday’s broadcast after they discussed allegations leveled at several of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees. The legal notes — which are disclaimers provided by the subjects’ lawyers — pertained to remarks made on-air by the show’s stars Joy Behar, Sara Haines, Ana Navarro, Sunny Hostin and Alyssa Farah Griffin. During a segment discussing George Santos, Behar brought up the former congressman’s 23 criminal charges, including wire fraud.
Third-World Grifters Reject Climate Deal
on Wealth Transfer
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2024 4:11:46 PM Post Reply
The Conference of the Parties(COP)29 ended in anger as the developing nations rejected an agreement by the wealthy nations that would have given the greedy little grifters $300 billion in funding for projects to combat climate change. It's a "disaster," some of the representatives claimed. The $300 billion in aid would come "from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources." Nigeria branded the deal "a joke." Ralph Regenvanu, envoy for the island nation of Vanuatu, stated: "The dollar amounts pledged and the emissions reductions promised are not enough. They were never going to be enough.
Our Nutty Northern Neighbors: PM Justin
Trudeau Says He Would Arrest Netanyahu
If He Entered Canada
19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/24/2024 4:27:43 AM Post Reply
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who, as we reported, was busy dancing happily at a Taylor Swift concert Friday night as pro-Hamas forces rioted on the streets of Montreal, said at a Thursday press conference Thursday that he would have Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrested if the premier arrived on Canadian soil. As Tim Walz might say, the guy is just plain “weird.” His comments come after the ICC embarrassed themselves by issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu as he is engaged in a fight for the survival of Israel against permanent aggressors Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. RedState’s Streiff reported:
Iranian Ruling Body Appoints Khamenei's
Son to Succeed Him
17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/24/2024 4:23:55 AM Post Reply
Iran International, a Persian-language international media outlet with ties to Iranian regime opponents, is reporting that Iran's Assembly of Experts, the only body empowered to appoint or dismiss a supreme leader, has named Mojtaba Khamenei, the second son of current leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as his successor. The outlet also reports that Mojtaba Khamenei may assume the office of supreme leader before his father dies. It's no secret that the 85-year-old Ali Khamenei is in poor health. But the meeting of the Assembly of Experts was called suddenly and with no warning by Khamenei. The 60-member body was instructed to decide on the succession immediately under strict confidentiality.
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