Georgia Police Arrest Mom Because Her
Son Went for a Walk
Hot Air,
John Sexton
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
11/22/2024 12:48:20 AM
Brittany Patterson lives in a rural part of Georgia with her four kids. Her husband is a superintendent at a school in Montana and is away much of the time. Last month, Patterson had to take one of her children to the doctor's office. She left her 10-year-old son Soren (he's nearly 11) at home with her father, the boy's grandfather.
At some point, Soren decided to go for a walk to a local gas station where he knew his best friend's grandmother was working. He didn't ask permission, he just went. Someone saw him walking along the road and called police.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 11/22/2024 1:31:10 AM (No. 1840445)
In what nutso place to the police answer a call about "a boy walking by the road"? We use to walk about 4 miles to a country store with a gunny sack, collecting pop bottles from the ditches, which could be ransomed for the princely sum of 2 cents each. Wax lips, Atomic Fireballs and such childhood necessities were purchased. Then we walked home. Unmolested by the police.
But that was back when it was Free America .....the early 1960s. I think I'd be looking at some sort of legal action against the police department for harassing children.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 11/22/2024 1:33:56 AM (No. 1840446)
"...under Georgia law parents can leave a child aged 9-12 with a caretaker for up to two hours." WHAT THE HECK???
How is it that the parent's can't leave the kid with a caretaker for say.....two days while they are on vacation? This is insanity. And in GEORGIA???
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Birddog 11/22/2024 2:00:43 AM (No. 1840452)
I spent my summers at my Grandfathers farm...4 miles from the nearest town, single 4 way stop. 2 tiny shops, a barber, a lawyer, a bank, a post office,a volunteer firehouse and 4 churches. It still had hitching posts, and buggy steps in front of the "Finer places". There were a couple of neighboring farms, one with a mean old man that had mean dogs, but the western fence was 1500acres of state forest. There were bears, bobcats, mean bulls in some pastures, but also trout in some streams, bluegills, bass and catfish in some ponds, and woodchucks worth .25cents a tail if you shot them. The rule home for supper...or anytime anyone rang the bell that hung out by the barn, unless you told someone you were gonna camp out over night. IF you were just hanging around the house and barns someone WOULD find you chores to do. So we didn' one would see us from breakfast(dawn) until supper(dark)...unless we got hungry enough to come back for lunch(pretty often) By age ten we were carrying guns, and building rough cabins, tenting out for days at a time...though getting back on sunday morning in time to be scrubbed and dressed for church was REQUIRED, the payoff was the old widowed aunts all followed us back to the farm after church and brought SERIOUS food they had been working on, competing with each other, LOTS of pies, cakes, cookies, casseroles, "made dishes". And YES, we walked to town, got candy or a soda...or another box of ,22's, eyeballing the knives, guns, gear at the hardware store. Any/every passing tractor or car would stop and offer a ride, or just a chat...telling us where to fish, hunt arrowheads, stop in to see a new calf, colt, kittens, puppies... or to play with their kids. Once other kids found out we were there they'd finish their chores early and walk over...or ride their ponies over(sooo jealous of any kid with a pony still today) As I got a bit older...some of those icky girls from earlier summers were not quite so Icky anymore.(some though...became hideous, farm kids generally bathed/changed clothes once a week, if they weren't church going folks, maybe once a summer) Imagine if NYC kids weren't allowed on the subways, busses or trains...or to leave their block.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
PismoPat 11/22/2024 2:24:26 AM (No. 1840455)
Georgia is a good candidate for DOGE, Dept of Government Efficiency. There has to be better things to do than arrest a mom whose kid takes a walk. They are real crimefighters.
22 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Catherine 11/22/2024 4:25:33 AM (No. 1840466)
What a lot of baloney! I was baby sitting by myself at age 9. This woman needs to sue everyone in sight. She did nothing wrong. Her son should have told grandpa where he was going but again, the fact that he didn't should never, ever be considered illegal.What kind of law is it that a parent can only leave a child for 2 hours. What the heck is going on in Georgia?
32 people like this.
Probably some out of state Karen that got her knickers in a twist. I open carry and have heard comments in gas stations along the interstate of "their ought to be a law against that". And I remind them that Georgia allows open carry...
16 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Highlander 11/22/2024 5:32:00 AM (No. 1840486)
I saw the video of the arrest. The female arresting officer looked like a D-E-A hire! The population of the town is 225 people! For crying out loud! Let’s get sanity back into government!
22 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Highlander 11/22/2024 5:39:56 AM (No. 1840490)
I was so mad, I mis-spelled DEI!
18 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
5 handicap 11/22/2024 5:57:26 AM (No. 1840496)
The house of the asshat who called 911 needs to be burnt to the ground and the police in that area fired. How can one possibly hate Georgia family services enough?
11 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
chance_232 11/22/2024 6:30:34 AM (No. 1840503)
However did I survive my childhood without the nanny state? I was raised in the 60's, when these type of laws were unthinkable.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 11/22/2024 6:47:03 AM (No. 1840510)
Many adults now lack good judgement, police included.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 11/22/2024 7:08:19 AM (No. 1840521)
Who was to do-gooder lady who called it in? Don't people have a right to face their accuser? Could they have an agenda? This falls in with totalitarian type activities people in those regimes are encouraged to do. Tell on your neighbors. Tell on your parents. Snitch lines (for not wearing Covid masks). Red flag laws. P'Nut and Fred may have rabies - so says some hidden lady in Texas in an email. All done anonymously by people who "think" you or your actions are a problem. And, worse, a willing State or local police force to take the anonymous person's word and be judge, jury and executioner - no exceptions, no room for common sense, all done by "the policy" ("It says so right here in manual SPCY XXXIV A, 134.p(iv) Page 1028, Paragraph 4, Section F. We're just going by the book."). All of these things are legalized swatting.
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Seems to me that the policeman who picked up this kid is the real risk here.
Given the size of the town, surely the people involved knew who he was and how to call his parents.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
skacmar 11/22/2024 7:32:42 AM (No. 1840537)
At least they didn't cite her for the boy not wearing a safety helmet or safety vest while walking by the road.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
JackBurton 11/22/2024 8:08:48 AM (No. 1840564)
My parents would just say "Be back when the streetlights comes on."
13 people like this.
This nanny state garbage has to stop.
Guaranteed there are meth head moms this Georgia outfit just ignores.
12 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 11/22/2024 9:00:44 AM (No. 1840595)
I guess they don't read 'Tom Sawyer' anymore. He roamed all over the place and had a great time doing so.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 11/22/2024 9:04:37 AM (No. 1840598)
#15, you had street lights? Wow, uptown.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
john56 11/22/2024 9:50:04 AM (No. 1840648)
Cripes, if they did that when I was a kid, they'd have to have built a new jail to keep all the moms they'd have to lock up.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
4Liberty2020 11/22/2024 9:59:07 AM (No. 1840657)
At 8 y. o. my twin sister and I would ride our bikes over 5 miles to another town to go horse back riding. No parents involved.
At 11 y, o. I was babysitting 3 toddlers, 4, 3 and 1 y.o. the parents would leave me in charge for at least 6 hours..I would feed them dinner, bathe them and put them to bed.
These people in GA need to get out of other peoples lives.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
mc squared 11/22/2024 11:35:50 AM (No. 1840770)
Same story here. Through most of grammar school I had a house key while my mother worked. The administrative/judicial state is out of control.
If the kid's teachers determined he should have a sex change would they tell the parents?
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
LadyHen 11/22/2024 8:02:57 PM (No. 1841064)
My parents would have been imprisoned for life.
We 4 kids grew up in the 60-80's. My mom cleaned house Saturday's. The rule was "Unless you want to be recruited to help, make yourself scarce." We were out the door by 9am with a bag of snacks and a canteen of water (which we refilled with neighbor hosepipes) and didn't get back from tromping around the woods, running around the backroads, riding our horses to the two bit gas station a couple miles away for a coke, and otherwise having a bloody marvelous childhood. We made it back for dinner.
My own eldest is 23 and we let him roam and wander, especially with his herd of friends. I think boys especially need that.
Kids got to learn to adult somehow!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
homefry 11/23/2024 7:23:08 AM (No. 1841312)
I used to disappear for hours when I was younger than that. Mama said one day when I was under 7 years old I had been gone long enough that she had started to worry a little, and then she saw me come out of the woods like an onion sack over my head and upper body.
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