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Trump’s win signals the end of the left’s
control of the mainstream media

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Posted By: Hazymac, 11/24/2024 2:00:56 PM

Trump’s electoral victory has advanced the demise of MSNBC and CNN for good reason. The fall of NBC, ABC, and CBS should follow. Each of these so-called news outlets has betrayed their viewers for as long as they have been on the air. They consistently misled their viewers day after day to the point that Trump’s victory was a major shock to their systems. Those blinkered viewers sadly believed what those networks told them -- that Trump could not possibly win, that Harris would win in a landslide. They misled their viewers so egregiously that those who only watched those outlets were understandably shocked by Trump’s win.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: SweetPea3 11/24/2024 2:13:11 PM (No. 1842064)
Don't bet on it. I'm not buying any of these articles about the end of the 0bamas, liberal press, wokeism, etc. Nope.
40 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Northcross 11/24/2024 2:35:26 PM (No. 1842071)
I agree heartily with #1. The secular forces have too much at stake to just meekly walk away. They still have virtually total control over many American institutions such as the media, academia, and Hollywood.
29 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jalo1951 11/24/2024 2:44:14 PM (No. 1842074)
I certainly don't think it is the end but they have been cut off at their knees. And their credibility is at issue. My main concern was the fact that they looked into the camera, all of them, and swore that FJB had no dementia problem, swore he was the best he has ever been, political genius who was running rings around everyone in the room. They lied until the cows came home and lied some more. We all have family or friends who suffer from a dementia condition. We know it when we see it and still they persisted in telling us we were wrong in our conclusion. After all the gaffs and mistakes and disasters on video that we all saw. I do not watch the msm but I knew what they were saying and pushing on the voters. I believe nothing that comes out of their mouths and never will trust them. So they called Trump Hitler and every other bad guy they could think of. I guess they forgot a lot of us actually know world history. They cannot be trusted to tell the truth. It escalated with covid, piled on with the BS climate change and then they lost it completely with abc123 sexually confused people. But they are not through because they still believe they were right and they must reeducate us and steer us down the liberal/progressive path. They will regroup and we will be waiting.
44 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 11/24/2024 3:17:15 PM (No. 1842087)
No, the msm is still the same propaganda drivel. What’s happened is the demand for real news was unsatisfied and found supply elsewhere. The msm survives in cable company bundling. Let people pick their channels and dump abccbsnbcpbscnnmsnbc. Should be first order of business for the FCC is to outlaw bundling and let people pick the channels they want.
34 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 11/24/2024 3:31:58 PM (No. 1842092)
Now, if the NYT could just collapse financially and either just disappear for good, or be converted into an actual news source with two sides of each issue, that would be a huge boon to the country.
20 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: NorthernDog 11/24/2024 3:43:24 PM (No. 1842094)
The MSM got a bloody nose but is far from dead. There are still millions of people who faithfully watch the newtwork news every night and believe every word of it. Kamalala got more than 220 electors. Not a good showing but not a McGovern/Carter/Mondale/Dukakis level wipeout.
18 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: tech10171968 11/24/2024 3:58:09 PM (No. 1842096)
I have a different take: I think the left still controls mainstream media. The real difference is that they've lost control of the *narrative*. As the article correctly points out, people basically got so tired of being gaslit and fed BS by the MSM that they turned to alternative sources for their news (social media/Fox/Newsmax/et al). Why else would DJT do an interview with Joe Rogan (at the suggestion of his son)?
22 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: The Remnants 11/24/2024 5:01:10 PM (No. 1842123)
I was happy to see that Comcast was uncoupling from MSNBC because people are sick and tired of all the hate that comes from the people on MSNBC.
16 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 11/24/2024 5:13:09 PM (No. 1842128)
I think the Left "controlling" the media is a misstatement. The media is a willing part of the Left. They share the same ideas and opinions. However, the components of the media are separate corporate entities with fiscal responsibilities to their shareholders, like any company. The actions of the media are causing their profitability to collapse. Further, because of the damage they have done to themselves, there are no viable plans that will save them. They are dying and their use to the Left is over. AND, the public KNOWS what they media has been doing and thinks they have NO credibility. THAT is why they have been ineffective in swaying public opinion. No one is listening to them. So, the dems have been voted out. The media is rapidly imploding. As soon as Trump is inaugurated, the Deep State will be on life support. The pillars of the Left's power are crumbling. Their "control" of anything is fading away. As it does, their previous actions will be uncovered and we will know the depths of their betrayals. That knowledge will vaccinate us against their return anytime soon. There is only one thing we have to do to make it all happen. Go after them and hold them accountable. No mercy!
14 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 11/24/2024 5:32:13 PM (No. 1842129)
The new world order peasants are programmed to keep going to the death in this life. While Obie and Mike might be passe these days, liberalism and the msm still aren't gone. Their sponsors, lefty corporatism, will sustain them. The battle between the old order and the new world order will rage on and expand. Until the Rapture. But lefty non-believers, your souls won't be invited.
9 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 11/24/2024 6:12:21 PM (No. 1842140)
I wouldn't be too hasty about declaring the end.
11 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mc squared 11/24/2024 6:40:19 PM (No. 1842146)
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Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 11/24/2024 7:07:25 PM (No. 1842158)
I'll bet that there isn't one iota of change in ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS or NYT. Possibly the ComPost may be forced by Bezos to change, and perhaps CNN and MSNBC may be under enough financial pressure to change. LAT? Perhaps, the new owner is at least talking a good game. But most of the Enemedia today will still be the Enemedia in a year.
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: cThree 11/24/2024 11:47:32 PM (No. 1842246)
If progressives aren't bothered that vicious felons are literally flown into the U.S., and if they're not bothered that Soros prosecutors repeatedly release these felons to victimize Americans, why would these progressives be bothered that a "convicted felon" should be elected President? Shouldn't they be satisfied to know "sometimes things happen"?
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Patchy Groundfog 11/25/2024 6:34:11 AM (No. 1842294)
#9 correctly points out that media are not mere hired guns - they are part of the ideological collective ie the hive mind. Speaking of hired, the problem is larger than a dyed-and-made-up harpy sneering at the public through a camera lens. Most if not all of these media entities have sugar daddies and rich uncles. Comcast, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner et al. They've been throwing good money after bad for some time but it's obviously worth having the means of propaganda and simply being power players in DC. It's also worth noting that these entities also have studios, production facilities and, crucially, even own or control the means of transmission - cable, satellite, internet, cellular. It is a top-to-bottom antitrust nightmare. Chinese state TV can only dream of this sort of information silo. But our FCC, FTC and Congress won't touch it with a barge pole.
5 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 11/25/2024 8:30:11 AM (No. 1842351)
I'd like to agree with you, Patricia. But the last thing that the msm will allow is public disapproval of its news products. Their news hour indoctrinators and advertisers will see to it. They know that much of their audience consist of ignorant sheep who can't and won't think for themselves and rely on what to think and when to think it while the gummint goodies and free money continue to roll in the door.
8 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: janjan 11/25/2024 8:47:36 AM (No. 1842366)
The leftist media isn’t going away. The networks, CNN, MSNBC are all way too infested with liberal ideology for any meaningful change to happen. But their credibility is very low, their ability to influence voters is rapidly fading, and their viewership is cratering. If that were not so Kamala would have won. Podcasts and alternative media will fill the void.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: JimBob 11/25/2024 9:49:18 AM (No. 1842424)
So many good posts! To me, the Left IS the Lamestream media, when looking at the people writing the stories, selecting what does -and what does not- get reported, and the 'talking head' news readers ('presenters' as they call them in Britain). Are they a division of the Democ'RAT party, or is the Party a division of the Lamestreams? I do not know. I think it is one big family, drunk on political power and united in the common goal of destroying the America as a free country with limited government. They all want to RULE, not govern. My belief is that there are a fair number of normal people -the engineers and technicians actually making the machinery work- but they have to keep their views to themselves or lose their jobs. The difference is that there is now enough alternative media to sway the opinion of those interested enough to seek it out. However for 'the masses' (as the Communists call them) who just blindly watch or listen -and believe what they're being told- nothing has changed. I think that Kammie lost because she was a uniquely poor candidate. Biden chose her as his 'insurance policy', just as Zero chose Biden. When the 'Rats (Obama/Schumer/Pelosi etc.) forced Biden to withdraw, he retaliated by giving his delegates to Kammie, thus sinking the 'Rats for this election. On the other hand, if the 'Rats had selected someone who was a better speaker -a better liar- they may have easily won. The difference in many states was only a couple of percent. Such is the combined power of the Lamestreams.
2 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/25/2024 9:54:35 AM (No. 1842429)
Poster for media..they are losing viewers...and academia is struggling for applicants...and as for Hollywood...when did they have a film at theaters that anyone wanted to see....and their endorsement of the "word salad"...they couldn't get her into the Oval Office...and turned more Americans to MAGA than ever I'm thinking that the lefties that have caused four years of chaos are not in a very good position now....
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 11/25/2024 10:25:04 AM (No. 1842458)
Since the broadcast networks (not cable) use public controlled air waves they legally are required to provide for the good of the public, back in the 1950s they used to have to prove that. Obviously they have not been doing that for a long time. They need to lose the rights to our frequencies.
3 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Venturer 11/25/2024 10:33:39 AM (No. 1842466)
BS. The liberals OWN the media
2 people like this.

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WATCH: Taylor Sheridan's New Show 'Landman'
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Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2024 1:18:02 PM Post Reply
In a sea of redundant, woke garbage, Taylor Sheridan continues to produce shows with a refreshingly honest and fresh direction. From "Yellowstone" to "Tulsa King," he's not afraid to break the traditional mores dictated by Hollywood, and it's paid dividends with viewership. His latest endeavor, "Landman," centers on the oil industry and contrasts the lives of Texas-based tycoons and workers, and one clip is already going viral. Billy Bob Thorton, who plays "Tommy Norris" in the show, lays out the reality of wind turbines and the human need for fossil fuels in a way that will have you fist-pumping. (X) TOMMY NORRIS: Do you have any idea how much diesel they
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Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2024 9:12:23 AM Post Reply
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Trump’s win signals the end of the left’s
control of the mainstream media
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/24/2024 2:00:56 PM Post Reply
Trump’s electoral victory has advanced the demise of MSNBC and CNN for good reason. The fall of NBC, ABC, and CBS should follow. Each of these so-called news outlets has betrayed their viewers for as long as they have been on the air. They consistently misled their viewers day after day to the point that Trump’s victory was a major shock to their systems. Those blinkered viewers sadly believed what those networks told them -- that Trump could not possibly win, that Harris would win in a landslide. They misled their viewers so egregiously that those who only watched those outlets were understandably shocked by Trump’s win.
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Posted by Hazymac 11/21/2024 12:50:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 11/21/2024 8:44:04 AM Post Reply
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Dem Pakistan Assets 5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/20/2024 11:29:09 AM Post Reply
Florida Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz is charging that Tulsi Gabbard, President Trump’s pick for Director of National Intelligence, is “likely a Russian asset.” Gabbard isn’t, but there is evidence that Wasserman Schultz and other Democrats are likely assets for Pakistan. Of all the IT people in all the IT firms in all the world, Wasserman Schultz believed Imran Awan was best man for the job. Sometimes working from his native Pakistan, Awan and his family team – none qualified for IT work – accessed the computers of some 40 Democrats, including those on the intelligence and foreign affairs committees. Without their consent, Awan and his team stashed the Democrats’
Biden’s authorizing Ukraine to fire
long-range missiles smells like a preemptive
military coup
12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/19/2024 11:46:15 AM Post Reply
Biden’s surprise decision on Sunday, November 17, 2024, to authorize Ukraine to utilize long-range U.S. missiles capable of reaching 186 miles into Russia requires explanation. (As of this writing, Ukraine has already fired a missile into Russia.) Does the U.S. military believe that allowing Ukraine to fire a few U.S.-manufactured Army Tactical Missile systems (“ATACMS”) into Russia will win the war for Ukraine? Or is Biden’s decision evidence that the United States is in a military coup d’etat aimed at escalating the war in Ukraine so Donald Trump will not be able to settle the war should he manage to be inaugurated in approximately two months, on January 20, 2025?
Scott Jennings Mocks Left’s Groveling
to Trump: ‘Did Not Expect Hitler to
Get So Many Meeting Requests’
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/19/2024 9:18:55 AM Post Reply
CNN contributor Scott Jennings mocked the left's constant messaging to their supporters that Donald Trump is a fascist, only to turn around and quickly start kissing his ring following the election. The sudden normalization of the president-elect began when Joe Biden hosted Trump for a cordial White House meeting, shaking hands with the man he's called an "existential threat to democracy" for what seems like years. Things rose to the level of absurd when yesterday, MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski admitted to visiting Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Jennings could hardly stifle the laughter when joining a CNN panel to discuss the sudden shift.
Biden Admin Threatened to Leave Israel
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6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/18/2024 6:12:09 PM Post Reply
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PA Dems Attempting to Steal Senate Election
May End Up in Some Serious Legal Trouble
12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/18/2024 4:16:03 PM Post Reply
Pennsylvania Democrats are still trying to steal a Senate race from Republican Dave McCormick, who has won the seat. Ousted incumbent Sen. Bob Casey won't admit that he's actually been ousted, however, and as we've covered for days now, he's enlisted the help of lawyer Marc Elias to drag out the process. The state is preparing for a recount -- to which Casey is entitled under the law -- which will push the final conclusion until the brink of Thanksgiving. "As outlined in Act 97, the 67 county boards of elections must begin their recounts by Wednesday, Nov. 20, and complete them by noon on Tuesday, Nov. 26.
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Insiders Say Kamala Harris Will Try Again
in 2028
53 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 2:11:07 PM Post Reply
With the early primary polls on her side, Democrat Party insiders say Kamala Harris is thinking seriously about trying again for the presidency in 2028. “Of course, she’s going to try and run again,” someone the Daily Mail describes as a “well-connected Democratic strategist,” told the outlet. The strategist added that Kamala’s ambition is only one thing driving this decision. “Despite some hesitation, Harris has generated a lot of sympathetic reactions from professional Democrats in Washington,” reports the Daily Mail. “They describe her campaign as ‘near flawless’ but say she struggled to separate herself from President Joe Biden’s record.”
Touching moment Joe Biden breaks down
in tears as Jill hails her 'husband and
hero' during President's final farewell
dinner at the White house... but there's
no sign of Kamala
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Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 8:34:22 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden broke down in tears as Jill hailed her 'husband and hero' during the president's final farewell dinner at the White House, but there were no signs of Kamala Harris. The outgoing US President was overcome with emotion as the First Lady paid tribute to his decades of service during a party on the South Lawn thanking Democrat supporters and donors. On Friday evening, Jill praised her husband's 40 years of service, including his last four years as the President of the United States.
The Question: Where in the World Is Kamala
Harris? The Answer: On a Tropical Vacation
24 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 8:28:26 AM Post Reply
It wasn’t that long ago that I was typing the words “Kamala Harris” dozens of times a day. Then suddenly… it stopped. Elections had consequences for my keyboard. Her name has still been in the news, mostly because her campaign is still trying to collect money even after raking in over one billion dollars during election season. Just to show you how great she would have been on the economy, she somehow ended up millions in debt. Mostly, however, she’s been pretty silent—and now we know why. Like he ever-vacationing boss Joe Biden, Harris is taking some leisure time, though she’s not relaxing in Rehoboth Beach, she’s sunning in Hawaii.
Meathead Wrestles With TDS 22 replies
Posted by DW626 11/25/2024 6:33:08 AM Post Reply
Maybe Pfizer could concoct a vaccine to prevent the transmission of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Or at least lessen its symptoms. That would actually benefit people, both here and abroad. Case in point: filmmaker, producer, and actor Rob Reiner, AKA “Meathead,” recently found himself in the grip of a particularly debilitating bout with TDS. Not long after Election Day, Reiner tweeted: “I’m finding it very hard to sleep these days. It is 3:15 am. I am laying awake dreading January 20th 2025.” He subsequently added, “I have big decisions to make. For the good of myself, my family, and my country.” Really, oh self-important one, what decisions are those?
Amish Volunteers Built 100+ 'Tiny Homes'
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/25/2024 5:32:50 PM Post Reply
After Hurricane Helene which left untold thousands of western North Carolina (WNC) residents homeless, volunteer Amish carpenters showed up to build temporary shelters, but the heartwarming story has a bitter ending. There are a couple of stories here that the mainstream media hasn't reported on much. The first is that FEMA, for whatever reason, has not been up to the task after Helen destroyed or damaged approximately 100,000 homes in WNC, impacting more than 200,000 people. People are living in trailers or even tents all these weeks later — and as temperatures drop. Here's the video aerial video that Matt von Swol took last week.
Special Counsel Jack Smith Seeks to Dismiss
Trump’s January 6 Case
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/25/2024 2:45:52 PM Post Reply
Biden-Harris Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith filed a motion Monday to dismiss all felony charges against President-elect Donald Trump in relation to the January 6 election-interference case. Trump was accused of interfering in the 2020 election and was indicted in August 2023 on multiple charges, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S., conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights. On Monday, Smith petitioned U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who is presiding over the case, to dismiss the case in accordance with the DOJ’s policy to not prosecute sitting presidents.
Rand Paul's plans scorched earth move
against Denver mayor who plans 'Tiananmen
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17 replies
Posted by sunset 11/25/2024 2:03:33 PM Post Reply
Republican Sen. Rand Paul has hit out at the Democratic mayor of Denver for his plans to stop mass deportations of undocumented immigrants under President-elect Donald Trump. Mayor Mike Johnston has said that he plans to keep immigration officials out of the Colorado city, and warned that his planned resistance could compare to the infamous Tiananmen Square protests in China. 'You'd have every one of those Highland moms who came out for the migrants. And you do not want to mess with them.' (snip)Now, if Johnston were to start a similar protest, Paul said he could be removed from office and could even face potential criminal charges.
Report: President Trump to Remove Transgender
Servicemembers from Military on Day One
16 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 1:21:06 AM Post Reply
President Trump will remove transgender servicemembers from the military by executive order on day one of his presidency. “The ban is expected to be wider ranging than a similar order made during his first term in office, when Trump prevented transgender people joining the armed forces, but allowed those already serving to keep their jobs. President Biden rescinded the order, but this time even those with decades of service will be removed from their posts, according to several sources,” The Times reported.
The house-of-cards case against Daniel
Penny is falling apart
15 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/25/2024 4:45:44 AM Post Reply
On Friday the defense rested in the Daniel Penny trial, leaving many observers to ask what Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was thinking in pursuing this case. Over the course of the second-degree manslaughter trial, Bragg’s prosecutors tried to sell the narrative that the Marine vet overreacted and behaved “recklessly” when he restrained Jordan Neely on that F train back in May 2023. But a host of prosecution witnesses, Penny’s fellow passengers, knocked massive holes in that tale, as one after another veteran subway rider described how terror-stricken they were trapped on the train car with the angry, unstable, threatening Neely.
WATCH: Taylor Sheridan's New Show 'Landman'
Tackles Wind Turbines, and It Will Have
You Fist-Pumping
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/25/2024 1:18:02 PM Post Reply
In a sea of redundant, woke garbage, Taylor Sheridan continues to produce shows with a refreshingly honest and fresh direction. From "Yellowstone" to "Tulsa King," he's not afraid to break the traditional mores dictated by Hollywood, and it's paid dividends with viewership. His latest endeavor, "Landman," centers on the oil industry and contrasts the lives of Texas-based tycoons and workers, and one clip is already going viral. Billy Bob Thorton, who plays "Tommy Norris" in the show, lays out the reality of wind turbines and the human need for fossil fuels in a way that will have you fist-pumping. (X) TOMMY NORRIS: Do you have any idea how much diesel they
SSCI Committee Member James Lankford Has
Concerns About Tulsi Gabbard as DNI Nominee,
and Other Matters
14 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/25/2024 10:51:02 AM Post Reply
Appearing on CNN, Senate Intelligence Committee member James Lankford outlines the critical importance of the Intelligence Community heroes, and the important role the IC plays in the retention of their national security interests. Senator Lankford looks forward to asking Director of National Intelligence nominee Tulsi Gabbard about her travels and contacts with foreign leaders, as well as her advocacy for positions (Edward Snowden) that are relevant to her outlook on national security. Additionally, Lankford is emphatic that Main Justice should be free from any political influence, regardless of who is president. WATCH:
Elon Musk Fires Off Warning Shot at Dirty
Senate RINOs: “Whoever Thwarts the Will
of the People Will Lose Either Their Primary
or the Mid-Term Election”
14 replies
Posted by Imright 11/25/2024 7:49:52 AM Post Reply
Elon Musk fired off a warning shot at dirty Senate RINOs on Sunday afternoon. The squishy Trump-hating RINOs in the US Senate are already pushing back against the will of the American people and refusing to approve of President Trump’s cabinet nominees. It should be noted, as Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) reminded the American people last week. NOT ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT voted against ANY of Joe Biden’s radical America-hating nominees in 2020! Not one!
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