Biden set for star-studded Radio City
fundraiser with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama
New York Daily News,
Dave Goldiner
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
3/27/2024 3:51:02 PM
President Biden is jetting into New York on Thursday for a star-studded campaign fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall featuring a raft of celebrity performers and former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Pop superstar Lizzo, jazzy rap goddess Queen Latifah and Broadway’s Ben Platt will perform, and the three Democratic powerhouses will sit for a conversation moderated by late-night funnyman Stephen Colbert. First Lady Jill Biden will kick off the gala event, and some donors will get legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz to snap their picture with the three presidents. The event is expected to draw thousands of big and
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Hazymac 3/27/2024 3:59:35 PM (No. 1687060)
Damn fools and their lucre...
20 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
BeatleJeff 3/27/2024 4:11:53 PM (No. 1687068)
An absolute schiff show.
25 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Venturer 3/27/2024 4:13:41 PM (No. 1687070)
3 stooges and Colbert.
26 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
dbdiva 3/27/2024 4:15:31 PM (No. 1687072)
I guess this means at least several NYC blocks will be cleaned, sanitized, made devoid of "newcomers" and with a solid police presence which has been given ~ for Thursday night only ~ the ability to make actual arrests.
Stephen Colbert as moderator makes perfect sense since he's not funny and no one on the left has a sense of humor anyway.
Personally I'm really looking forward to mrs. jill's couture for the event. Which of the WH drapes, bedspreads, shower curtains, slip covers will she choose? Inquiring minds.....
Expecting some good memes!
43 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
jalo1951 3/27/2024 4:34:06 PM (No. 1687081)
I'd rather be stripped naked, have molasses poured over my body, chicken feed thrown on me and then turn 50 hungry chicken loose in the same room. Or perhaps just my eyes poked out with red hot pokers. Either way the thought is nauseating.
19 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Birddog 3/27/2024 4:51:14 PM (No. 1687088)
"...featuring a raft of celebrity performers, and former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Pop superstar Lizzo,..."
Seriously, gonna fill Radio City, collect $MILLION$$$ and your top Billing "Star" is Lizzo?
Famous for being Famous..and Fat(but mostly just Fat, infact, Famously Phat)
Is Barbra Streisand gonna show up...sing...and then retire(again)?
Do they not understand just HOW aged, inept, weak, and stupid Biden is going to appear when seated with Clinton and Obama for an HOUR! Televised?!
19 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 3/27/2024 4:58:59 PM (No. 1687095)
Meanwhile, the deplorables just turn out in record numbers for a proven presidential performer
16 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Scribelus 3/27/2024 5:21:59 PM (No. 1687105)
Those are not stars. They are black holes.
16 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 3/27/2024 5:31:15 PM (No. 1687109)
Deep State Anti-American WEF fundraiser....
14 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Mofongo 3/27/2024 5:40:07 PM (No. 1687112)
I just lost my dinner
7 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
bamapreacher 3/27/2024 5:59:35 PM (No. 1687120)
Remember, #6, Lizzo can pretty much fill the building all by herself.
15 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
danu 3/27/2024 6:00:29 PM (No. 1687122)
gov abbott should fire up his planes trains automobiles, plus the squatters... to move in during the show
6 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
thefield 3/27/2024 6:12:42 PM (No. 1687127)
They left out the big one. JIMMY!
1 person likes this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/27/2024 6:19:03 PM (No. 1687133)
People will attend to meet Obama and Clinton. Wheeling and dealing. Biden not so much. He's just a puppet.
8 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/27/2024 6:20:25 PM (No. 1687134)
I wonder if Bill will hit on Lizzo.
10 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
snakeoil 3/27/2024 6:26:49 PM (No. 1687139)
Yes, little Stephie Colbert is a funny man. But in a psychotic rather than comic sense.
4 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Axeman 3/27/2024 6:47:29 PM (No. 1687151)
Is it wise for them to have such a high concentration of evil in one place?
Hmmm, I guess it depends, not the Biden kind.
6 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Bogasso 3/27/2024 6:48:13 PM (No. 1687152)
If there’s any video of the event, I’m sure Joe will generate the usual cringy takes.
2 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Schnapps 3/27/2024 6:48:35 PM (No. 1687154)
Bubba, Brandon, and the Bolshevik - grifters all. Hoping to bring in the bucks.
8 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
smokincol 3/27/2024 6:52:43 PM (No. 1687157)
another "star-studded" demcommie event I won't be watching otherwise if I did my television would be dented from me throwing objects at it when the 3 snakes enter the scene
6 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
JimBob 3/27/2024 7:17:34 PM (No. 1687165)
So... a Rapist, a Traitor and a Senile Crooked Politician walk into a bar....
No, I did not read the article. I had a hard enough time keeping down my dinner just reading the 'extract'.
7 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 3/27/2024 9:18:55 PM (No. 1687211)
4 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
hershey 3/27/2024 9:45:33 PM (No. 1687221)
Now that is a really losing trio of fools...
3 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
anniebc 3/27/2024 10:19:00 PM (No. 1687239)
These people are not stars. At best they are dregs.
2 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
thekidsmom66 3/27/2024 11:26:15 PM (No. 1687266)
Does he ever do any actual work??
2 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
24tea@Mag 3/28/2024 12:04:28 AM (No. 1687275)
What a waste
0 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
Grateful 3/28/2024 12:15:28 AM (No. 1687278)
The three grifters (Clinton, Obama and Biden) with a cast of who-dats like Lizzo, Queen Latifah, Ben Platt, Annie Leibovitz, and Colbert. I am so looking forward to watching paint dry instead of being regaled by this ilk.
4 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
Trigger2 3/28/2024 3:18:15 AM (No. 1687316)
Will anyone watch this decrepid show? I know I won't.
3 people like this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
SweetPea3 3/28/2024 5:01:56 AM (No. 1687341)
I have visions of The Rockettes lining up behind them and kicking all of them in their hind ends.
3 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
5 handicap 3/28/2024 6:31:03 AM (No. 1687384)
Three of the most egregious criminal scum ever to inhabit the White House... What a Show!
2 people like this.
Reply 31 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 3/28/2024 7:34:32 AM (No. 1687403)
Yeppers, here we have Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. The me-me-me trifecta. Bill Clinton with his pleasure-driven obsessions, Barack Obama with his fame or wealth-driven obsessions, and Joe Biden with his money-driven obsessions. All shining examples of past, current, self-absorbed leaders that want it all with no cost to them.
4 people like this.
Reply 32 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/28/2024 9:58:31 AM (No. 1687503)
Otherwise known as the Three Stooges Comedy Extravaganza. I normally wouldn't watch a slobberfest like this but I expect some good laughs here when they attempt to create success out of communist ideas and actions.
0 people like this.
Reply 33 - Posted by:
MickTurn 3/28/2024 11:32:34 AM (No. 1687614)
WAHOO, Another Leftist SchiffT SHOW!
0 people like this.
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It's only March and they are desperate to drag him across the finish line.