Joe Biden says job growth may diminish
by TWO-THIRDS as economy 'transitions'
to a period of stable growth - as he sets
up 'crunch talks' with Fed Chair to discuss inflation
Daily Mail (UK),
Harriet Alexander
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
5/31/2022 3:19:05 AM
Joe Biden has warned Americans that the rapid pace of job creation likely will not continue - but insisted that there was no need to panic over the looming economic storm.The president will meet the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, on Tuesday to discuss ways to bring inflation down.The consumer price index has increased 8.3 percent from a year ago, the latest data shows.The figures, from April, represent a slight ease from March's peak but were still close to the highest level since the summer of 1982.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
PChristopher 5/31/2022 3:25:34 AM (No. 1171007)
When has Joe Biden ever been right about anything, and when has he worked for anybody other than the interests of the big corporations? Answers: never and never.
50 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Trigger2 5/31/2022 3:27:04 AM (No. 1171009)
Greenies will absolutely and completely destroy jobs and the economy. Fact.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Samsquanch 5/31/2022 5:04:18 AM (No. 1171031)
Whatever this joke of administration decides, you can bet the real solution would be 180° in the opposite direction.
58 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 5/31/2022 5:17:24 AM (No. 1171033)
Diaper Joe reassures us that his Central Planning 5 year greater prosperity plan is working and working well. NO need to worry about $6 gas cause soon most peons will not have a job to pay for gas.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 5/31/2022 6:09:51 AM (No. 1171044)
I am reminded of Kevin Bacon's last scene in "Animal House'" during the parade riot. He stands there proclaiming "All is well" as the mayhem of panic tramples him.
34 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 5/31/2022 6:59:16 AM (No. 1171076)
I still can’t figure out the upside to destroying America from within. Being in charge of a smoldering ash heap doesn’t seem like the way to go, even for democrats. Being in charge of nothing is still nothing.
49 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
privateer 5/31/2022 7:09:43 AM (No. 1171079)
Evidently, to a certain kind of twisted mind, the nothing part doesn't matter...only the 'being in charge'. And how far is it from diminish to cratering? And then on to reversing?
14 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Rinktum 5/31/2022 7:16:33 AM (No. 1171081)
I doubt there has been a more destructive administration in the country’s history as dangerous as the O’Biden cabal. It is certain that none has had less consideration for the people of the country. Biden touts policies that even the most apolitical citizen in the country knows are harmful and not in a small way. The focused destruction of the economy of the greatest nation in the world is an abomination. The fact that it was forced upon us and we did not vote for this makes it even more reprehensible. Our country has been hijacked by thieves, charlatans, the morally corrupt, and deeply ideologically anti-American fascists. What we lost during the debacle of the 2020 election was the impetus for this regime to totally transform this country into the living nightmare we are experiencing now.
There are those who want to bury that fact because the admission of that truth would immediately destroy the democrat party, media, big tech and anyone else who had been in on the decision to ignore the will of the people to choose the leader and policies they wished to elect. As more hard evidence emerges, the illegitimate cabal becomes more desperate to quash it. When you realize this administration and their supporters will do anything to retain power, you will realize the magnitude of the threat we face. I foolishly believed my country would never fall to such brazen amoral thieves, but now I know better. This administration is determined to kill the goose that laid the golden egg and feast upon its bones. And I want every single one of them to pay for what they have done to my beloved country, my grandchildren’s future, and every American’s birthright.
71 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Pearson365 5/31/2022 7:19:30 AM (No. 1171083)
Biden noted: 'A dozen CEOs of America's largest utility companies told me earlier this year that my plan would reduce the average family's annual utility bills by $500 and accelerate our transition from energy produced by autocrats.'
Am updated lie from the Obama/Biden regime’s lie that Obamacare would save the average family $2500 per year in health insurance costs. Will a Democrat troll please explain how Biden’s war on fossil fuels will reduce our costs for gasoline, heating oil, fertilizers and everything else made from or dependent upon fossil fuels? Start by explaining how the $550 million federal loan default on Solyandra (sp?) was a good use of our tax money. Along with the $74 billion Obama/Biden squandered on “green energy” in 2009-16. Like Obama, Biden is a fraud.
45 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Blue Hen1 5/31/2022 7:43:29 AM (No. 1171106)
Re-arranging the chairs on the Titanic
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
udanja99 5/31/2022 7:48:55 AM (No. 1171108)
#’s 6 and 7 remind me of PDT’s visit to North Korea when he met with Rocket Man and explained to him, as only a developer can, the potential that NK had if only the dictator would embrace capitalism, free his people and create prosperity. We see how well that worked out. The demonrats are of the same twisted mind as L’il Kim.
18 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
edgar 5/31/2022 7:59:38 AM (No. 1171115)
Joe is basically confirming that a recession is coming.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Clinger 5/31/2022 8:06:14 AM (No. 1171122)
When an economy is plunged into the crapper to unsustainable levels where production is throttled back below consumption levels while consumption is supported by depleting the inventory in the pipeline, and then the restrictions on production are lifted, a long period of "growth" is as predictable as gravity. Recovery from what would, if allowed to continue, result in mass starvation to just a lousy economy isn't exactly economic success.
12 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
LLAMA 5/31/2022 8:16:29 AM (No. 1171128)
Of course job production will decrease in the future. The job increases that Biden touts so righteously are phony - they are merely old jobs that went away during the pandemic. And who cares what President Biden says in the first place? You almost surely know that he is either outright lying, or at least distorting the facts beyond all recognition. America's only hope for survival is that he and his party are voted out of office before the destruction is complete.
25 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Strike3 5/31/2022 8:24:47 AM (No. 1171138)
The economy was the most stable it has ever been until Sleazy Joe got his girl-groping hands on it. Nobody wanted this transition except a bunch of crazy leftists who could not stand to see the little people prosper.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
ROLFNader 5/31/2022 8:26:41 AM (No. 1171141)
I gotcher "transition" right HERE! Joe
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 5/31/2022 8:29:48 AM (No. 1171143)
So far, Joe has accomplished, skyrocketing inflation and energy costs, starving babies, supply chain problems, etc. Now he is predicting a very poor job market. We all knew this was was just a matter of time.
18 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Trapper 5/31/2022 8:38:54 AM (No. 1171149)
There is an unspoke kicker buried in his comment. All evidence would indicate that this crew is looking for stable NEGATIVE growth. Wiping out the American economy to eliminate the Middle Class, their primary obstacle to a Marxist revolution.
24 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Venturer 5/31/2022 8:55:04 AM (No. 1171170)
Joe Biden won't panic, he isn't smart enough to panic.
9 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
kennedylaw 5/31/2022 9:07:48 AM (No. 1171182)
Stagflation. It's not a Bidenomics bug, it's a feature.
7 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
kennedylaw 5/31/2022 9:10:05 AM (No. 1171184)
I remember during the Obamanation years, when we were constantly told that low employment, an anemic economy and constantly rising gasoline prices were the new normal.
19 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
mc squared 5/31/2022 9:26:07 AM (No. 1171212)
Word salad again. This time with Russian dressing:
if average monthly job creation shifts in the next year from current levels of 500,000 to something closer to 150,000, it will be a sign that we are successfully moving into the next phase of recovery...'
If people don't get hired, 'it's a sign we are successful' ?
13 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
stablemoney 5/31/2022 9:27:58 AM (No. 1171217)
The economy will not transition to a better economy, not until the U.S. transitions off the leadership of Joe Biden, and his administration.
16 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
cor-vet 5/31/2022 9:35:57 AM (No. 1171227)
FTA, 'Bidet is setting up 'crunch' talks with the Fed. Chair to discuss ways to bring down inflation.' The moron can't even tell you his name without a teleprompter, and then, chances are he'll still get it wrong!
11 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
red1066 5/31/2022 9:45:35 AM (No. 1171242)
The two statements don't add up or make sense. What kind of stable economic growth has reduced employment opportunities? This is exactly the type of double speak demosluts are known for.
10 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
anniebc 5/31/2022 9:54:47 AM (No. 1171255)
Lousy excuse. He does, however, reveal that he intends to destroy jobs by at least two-thirds. What a declaration!
9 people like this.
Vegetable's statement recalls Jimmy Carter's "malaise."
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
marbles 5/31/2022 10:09:12 AM (No. 1171271)
# 6 Power and money. There will always be money and good living for those in control.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Zigrid 5/31/2022 10:27:39 AM (No. 1171297)
Oh give me a break....WE're out here in the field of real life...and WE know what's peddle your story some place the the oil pipes and give US some home grown gas for our cars...
9 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 5/31/2022 10:36:15 AM (No. 1171309)
BIDEN IS LYING. He doesn't want to help the American public. Obama/Biden are hellbent on transforming our country into a Communist utopia country where they are the privileged and we are the peasants/workers...look at Davos and the badges people wore which designated their class...sure looked like Hitler's Germany in the 1930s...Klaus Schwab, We Will Rule The World! Heil! Schwab even sounds like the dear Fuhrer.
12 people like this.
Reply 31 - Posted by:
bighambone 5/31/2022 10:53:20 AM (No. 1171329)
If you have not figured out by now that Biden and his leftist Democrat politburo at the White House are allowing inmates who should be in asylums to run the country, you are probably an inmate! From time to time Biden has blurted out that what is happening across the USA with everything from an “open border” to very inflationary gasoline and food prices and shortages are part of his and his crew transforming the USA into some sort of yet undetermined utopia. Was Biden legitimately elected to do that?
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
jacksin5 5/31/2022 12:10:14 PM (No. 1171406)
Influx of Illegals, with no jobs for them to do.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 5/31/2022 1:37:26 PM (No. 1171506)
The economy and the job market will shrink. Biden and his handlers will call it growth. They are setting the narrative. Welcome to the Green economy. While people are losing their jobs and paying $5/gallon for guzzleline, Biden and his cronies who are heavily invested in everything green will be raking in millions.
6 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
Robert Jones 5/31/2022 3:45:10 PM (No. 1171630)
Would like to see a transcript or video. I can’t imagine how a conversation with Biden on such a complicated subject would go. There is no way he could discuss such a complex subject without Q cards.
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