It’s Time To Ask: Did Any Of The COVID
Mandates, Closures, Lockdowns Do Anything?
Issues & Insights,
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Posted By: RockyTCB,
2/11/2022 5:22:55 AM
With COVID deaths now topping 910,000, the Biden administration and the rest of the Democratic left are deciding to ease up on their mandate regime. We need to learn to live with COVID, they say – repeating advice President Donald Trump issued back in October 2020.
We’re all for ditching the left’s COVID police state, even if Democrats’ reason is political, as we pointed out in this space yesterday.
But that leaves us with a question: Was any of it worth it? Did any of the guidelines, mandates, orders, shutdowns, cancelations, lockdowns do anything to alter the course of the disease, or
Reply 1 - Posted by:
stablemoney 2/11/2022 5:31:01 AM (No. 1068599)
The only thing the politicians did was to destroy this and other western countries. I will forever hate you for what you have done, and will happily watch you hang for it. I will also never bother with a Democrat or a Rino. I hate their very souls for what they have done. The medical profession betrayed us. The legal profession betrayed us. The media betrayed us. The hospitals and schools betrayed us. The churches betrayed us. I hope they all hang.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Rather Read 2/11/2022 5:57:16 AM (No. 1068612)
I will NEVER understand why the reluctance to try and treat the symptoms of covid. Why was it always vaccines, vaccines, vaccines? Why send people away till they needed a ventilator? Why when treatments were suggested, did the CDC shoot them down?
This whole thing has been nothing but a massive power grab.
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If the ending of restrictions and masks is arbitrary - and it is - then the implementation was also arbitrary.
It should also be noted that EVEN IF masks were demonstrated to have any effect on reducing virus transmission, it is neither the business nor the authority of government to mandate the wearing of any particular item whether it's socks, hats or masks. The usual shirts/shoes in public excepted.
As with deplatforming, the federal government has taken on a sinister new tactic: maintain one degree of separation to avoid legal challenges the government will almost certainly lose. Use big tech to violate the 1st Amendment. Use CDC guidelines and corrupt local and state officials to violate the 10th Amendment. And so on.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jalo1951 2/11/2022 6:07:38 AM (No. 1068617)
Not for the general American public. A big NO. But for power hungry politicians and our "elite superiors" it was like being on crack. But with FJB's son, Hunter, that is understandable.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
planetgeo 2/11/2022 6:36:57 AM (No. 1068631)
One doesn't even have to speculate on this question. There is ample evidence that the answer is an emphatic NO. One only needs to compare the statistics of those countries (Sweden) and states (Florida, Texas, South Dakota) that had either no mandates or very relaxed mandates/advisories to see that the extreme mandates actually resulted in WORSE statistics.
This entire scamdemic has literally set a world record for evil intent, mind-boggling stupidity, and sheep-like complicity for the human species.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Rinktum 2/11/2022 7:01:57 AM (No. 1068649)
They did, they got Joe Biden installed as the 46th President of the United States and more importantly they got rid of Donald Trump.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 2/11/2022 7:07:44 AM (No. 1068652)
It revealed once and for all that our government is a thief and a liar....
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 2/11/2022 7:20:14 AM (No. 1068663)
The scaremongering, mandates, closures, and lockdowns didn't do anything to prevent disease but it ruined a lot of people's livelihoods and injured and killed many. The politicians should be forever held accountable.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Daisymay 2/11/2022 7:30:07 AM (No. 1068668)
I think the Bigger Question is WHO made millions off of COVID? If you start digging you can see Lots of folk made Big money from this Fiasco! They could have cared less that Businesses were closing and the People in our Country were suffering. No Big deal to them! This is all going to come out. Might be after the November Elections, but we will learn exactly WHO was behind this. I would expect most of them would have left the Country by then!!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 2/11/2022 7:34:43 AM (No. 1068670)
COVID Fascism demonstrated the cruelty, stupidity, anti-science superstition, and illegitimacy of liberal fascism. .
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 2/11/2022 7:37:43 AM (No. 1068673)
Yes, they allowed corrupt politicians to corral and kill the most vulnerable amongst us.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/11/2022 7:50:07 AM (No. 1068685)
Of course not. If all of the original mandates had worked, the virus would have died out by May of 2020. Then add in the clot shots which are actually keeping the virus going and eliminating herd immunity.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
keep_right 2/11/2022 8:03:23 AM (No. 1068691)
Ugh! Trump's biggest mistake - sharing the microphone with Dr Fauxi and the scarf lady. He gave them credibility that they did not deserve and we all paid dearly. It put the bureaucrats in charge of our lives. In TN, Bill Lee followed suit, putting a state level bureaucrat at the microphone declaring what was needed "to keep everyone safe". From the onset, they all abandoned personal responsibility for health decisions, distinguishing some businesses as "essential", etc etc. Hate Biden, but the real harm truly started with Trump. Love most everything else he did and he's right 95% of the time. His mistake back in the early stages was ruinous!
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The problem with the globalists is that they have some cognitive weakness due to decades of intermarriage within their ranks.
They also live in a bubble of group think and never anticipated the extreme reaction of the sheep to being herded into the slaughter yard.
The early strategy of creating terror by killing off lots of old people in New York was far more effective than I would have thought possible. I have many friends who rushed out to get their shot. But eventually Americans come out of fear mode and start to analyze facts, when they can get access to them. This is why many are not going for the boosters.
Prior to internet, the three news networks could have kept the narrative going. But not now...not now!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 2/11/2022 8:11:36 AM (No. 1068701)
Two-Tongue Tony will come up with completely opposite explanations - - one from each of his tongues - - and the delusional leftists will swoon with fear and love.
It's good to be Two-Tongue Tony. It means never to have to say you're sorry.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
homefry 2/11/2022 8:21:14 AM (No. 1068714)
YES, THEY DID! They set the stage for dim-0s to steal the 2020 election. THAT was their purpose.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
TCloud 2/11/2022 8:25:01 AM (No. 1068721)
They sit in all places of power and influence because they with the CCP used a bio attack to commit a coup on the World and killed millions to do it! They threw monkey wrenches into all of our institutions and used capitalism against itself to push toward a Third World reality!
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
little guy 2/11/2022 8:25:07 AM (No. 1068722)
Do anything? Seriously? I get it ... this is supposed to be a provocative rhetorical question that makes you think.
We don't need any help figuring out how we got screwed.
The so-called pandemic was the excuse for "The Great Reset" (look that up) and it provided cover for stealing an American POTUS election --- at all costs --- in order to stop the one man who was on to them and finally putting America first. The Progs all felt America had been first long enough!
But it is truly an ill wind that blows no good --- so what was the good from this debacle? We learned: who is on our side, who would turn us in on fake charges, who we can trust and who we can't, how the world is trying to undo us and how the Demo-rat party is pure scum.
However, the best thing we learned from this fore warning is to now be fore-armed.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
marbles 2/11/2022 8:39:20 AM (No. 1068742)
Yes, but none of it good. Demoralized people, destroyed peoples business's and lives,setback the educating of children, introduced fear and panic as a way of life and gave dictatorial powers to governors and mayors.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 2/11/2022 8:40:47 AM (No. 1068745)
Mandates, Closures, & Lockdowns did a lot of things. I'm surprised you had to ask. The first thing I noticed was the calling of Winners and Losers by naming many working people non-essential services. March of 2019, I mentioned to a group of friends we'd soon watch our churches being closed. And they were. The fictional two weeks ''to flatten the curve'' sure fooled us for a time--a lot longer than the 14 days they teased us. I'll stop here because my anger and bitterness is making a bad taste in my mouth.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
SkeezerMcGee 2/11/2022 8:58:03 AM (No. 1068767)
Regarding mask mandates, the news media, for at least a year, has been FALSELY reporting that Florida has been "wide open" - meaning that Florida has always been totally free of mask mandates. It's a MYTH that Florida has been free of mask mandates for a long time. According to our friends who live in Florida - with whom we are in daily contact - the state has been relatively free of mask mandates starting no earlier than the late fall of 2021. EVERY FLORIDA county and/or municipality had a (locally imposed) mask mandate when we visited in March of 2021. The only place we visited that did NOT have a mask mandate was Indian River County, (including Vero Beach). At almost every place of business we visited had a mask mandate, including in Orlando, Tarpon Springs, the Tampa - St. Petersburg area, Venice, Punta Gorda, Ft. Myers Beach, Naples, Key Largo, Islamorada, Key West, South Beach (Miami), and St. Augustine. Many places of business had a sign in their windows posting instructions such as "Mask Up." In Key West the mask mandates were imposed by BOTH Monroe County AND the city. Only once in a while did a place we visited fail to enforce its then applicable mask mandate.
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Sure did. They crashed the economy and caused a lot of fear and angst and led to the vote-fraud by mail scheme that stole the 2020 election. That was the intent all along.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Casper27 2/11/2022 9:16:25 AM (No. 1068793)
It is being reported that truckers from the USA may clog the super bowl. Great!
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 2/11/2022 9:23:08 AM (No. 1068802)
I like to keep this all simple and neat when I think of it, economy crashed, known cheap treatment like HCQ but people had to die for lies from the government all because of 'mean tweets'. We were handed a magic show, a farce all because of the success of one man. Remember the leftist communist liberals are shooting all their ammunition this will never happen again because we won't follow or believe it. We are constantly lied to, so I don't believe we have a government representing us it's only a cabal of frauds, misfits and thieves. We have a Kakistocracy heading this broken nation. MAGA
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
frew 2/11/2022 9:31:23 AM (No. 1068812)
The lockdowns did nothing in the US because we did them so poorly. I doubt if it's possible to properly do a lockdown in a free country. Closing down most businesses but leaving certain "essential" big box stores open defeated the whole purpose of the lockdown because the disease could still be transmitted at the stores and spreads as quickly as if there's no lockdown at all.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
franq 2/11/2022 9:37:54 AM (No. 1068817)
To add to #25: Some box stores (I think of Wally World in Michigan) were open, but paint and hardware departments were forced closed. Sure, that'll help!
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
cobieone 2/11/2022 9:39:05 AM (No. 1068820)
As #16 stated, their entire purpose was the strategy to steal the 2020 election and rid themselves of Trump. And it worked as the Republicans, and all of us, stood by and watched. The Left couldn't care less about the damage to our society, or our health and well being. They have much larger goals to take over this nation.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Rich323 2/11/2022 10:25:49 AM (No. 1068876)
No, no and no! In the end the number of actual Covid deaths will equal the annual flu death numbers. This was an insurrection the same as TSA forcing grannies to drop their drawers and groping womens breasts all in the name of “keeping others safe”. Create a boogie man that no one can see and fudge the numbers. Scare the millennial crowd by showing clips to mirror the movie Contagion. The younger crowd identified with that movie and are still living in fear of a violent death from Covid. This will be proven as the largest info warfare attack by Globalists from Davos the world has ever seen!
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
DVC 2/11/2022 10:42:01 AM (No. 1068901)
Oh, yes, they did a LOT.
The WRECKED business, destroyed lives, ruined people's plans to retire, collapsed the national economy, and unemployed millions of people.
Whoever says "lockdowns didn't work".....may misunderstood what "work" they were intended to do. More and more I think that the INTENT was to destroy the economy, and collapse many, many small businesses to assist the giant corporate beasts in taking more markets away from small businesses.
And, of course, the DC Swamp Creatures always love more CONTROL.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
TurtleDove 2/11/2022 10:45:12 AM (No. 1068908)
"Did Any Of The COVID Mandates, Closures, Lockdowns Do Anything?"
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/11/2022 11:00:10 AM (No. 1068936)
This nightmare has been china's doing at the wuhan lab...with fauci helping them.... I truly belief it was a mistaken leak...and then the chi/coms decided to weaponize it by moving it world wide...especially to America...thank God President Trump closed the airports to china and Europe...he saved many lives...the chi/coms wanted America's economy brought to her knees and they used Washington robots to accomplish that task...the masks are about closing out facial exchanges between citizens and small children enjoying play with each other...sooooo.....why does china want this close/'s why...Americans are very instinctual...not like the robots in china...WE think for ourselves and nervous nancy and biden along with schemer thought they could control our lives...wrongo buckaroo...WE're back!!.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 2/11/2022 11:37:45 AM (No. 1068986)
In addition to all the terrific posts/comments and especially reminding us of the Great Reset, I would like to add the plan to bankrupt small businesses that are 80-90% of all American businesses. Big Box stores didn't suffer, but middle class businesses did and went bankrupt. Before we left CA over 30,000 small businesses had gone bankrupt and that was at the beginning of the Covid lockdowns.
It never made sense that a small store with a few customers was a greater threat for Covid than a Big Box store with hundreds of customers walking around....not to mention the Casinos that had thousands gambling and they were essential and not shut down. That's why this all was Planned Evil!
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
deerejon 2/11/2022 11:39:46 AM (No. 1068990)
Did the mandates,closures,and lock downs do anything?Ua Yes It gave us Biden for one thing Caused thousands to die unnessary.caused more division in our country.Closed thousands of Businesses permanately.and that falls all on Fauci.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
NotaBene 2/11/2022 11:59:47 AM (No. 1069020)
The American Medical Association deserves a share of the opprobrium.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
mc squared 2/11/2022 12:25:33 PM (No. 1069039)
#21 I'm a FL resident and I highly disagree. Here on the mid-east coast neither Wifey nor I have worn a mask since day one, other than medical facilities. If there was a mandate, it wasn't being followed. You mention stores and other businesses which may have had their own mask policy. I think schools did.
Many stores had 'suggestions' that masks be worn but 50% of shoppers didn't. Last spring we drove through the Keys and saw few masks. We have never been approached or grassed out to the 'authorities'.
Not saying you didn't see masks, but we have not seen government directives to wear them..
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
Old Army Vet 2/11/2022 2:33:53 PM (No. 1069136)
IMHO no.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
Faithfully 2/11/2022 9:07:08 PM (No. 1069409)
Yes they did. They closed small businesses, divided families and made trillions for Big Pharma.
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