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2/2/2022 5:54:37 AM
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Feb. 1 is the Danes’ new independence day. On Tuesday, Denmark rid itself of all of its remaining pandemic restrictions. But liberty in America, the nation that pioneered the guarantee of freedom to its people, is still under assault.
Denmark is the first country in Europe to reopen its boxed-in, abused, and drained society. No more indoor mask mandates, or vaccine passports for entry into private establishments. Other European nations have lifted some restrictions, as well, but only Denmark has gone all the way and dropped a self-isolation requirement for those who test positive.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/1/2022 6:35:30 AM
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We remember the turbulent ‘60s and how our parents, having grown up in more stable times, could not help but worry that the country was headed toward a disastrous end. But America survived, and eventually became stronger and wiser. At least for a while. Today we see a nation sliding away from the ideals and convictions that set us apart.
The U.S. is not perfect. We acknowledge that right now. It’s made up of humans, all of whom are imperfect. We were before the pandemic, and we will be after it’s over. But rather than reveal the best in us,
Issues & Insights,
Terry Jones
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Posted by
1/31/2022 7:46:01 AM
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For the major media, 2022 didn’t bring much good news after a rough 2021. Americans’ trust in both the traditional media and alternative media continued to decline in the new year, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.
The I&I/TIPP Media Trust Indexes show continued weakening in early January in the public’s perception of the media, continuing a disturbing recent trend.
The Traditional Media Index, which includes such major legacy media as the Washington Post, New York Times, NPR and CBS, among others, fell to 40.2 in January from 43.3 in the final month of 2021, a 7% decline. January’s reading was the second-lowest since the index was created last March.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
1/28/2022 8:21:22 AM
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It’s a curious thing: Obvious, credible signs about a prominent political family emerge, but federal authorities at the Justice Department and elsewhere do nothing. Meanwhile, leftist media “watchdogs,” in a classic case of gaslighting, pretend that nothing has happened.
So it is with Joe Biden and his errant son, Hunter.
A new book (“Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win“) by investigative researcher and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer makes a powerful case that the Biden family has profited handsomely from its cozy ties to China’s ruling Communist regime.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
1/27/2022 6:25:09 AM
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The saying goes that crises reveal your true nature. If that’s the case, we are in big trouble, because what COVID has revealed about young people in America is not good.
A new Morning Consult poll out this week finds that young people are the most worried about getting COVID of any age group — even though their risk from the disease is negligible.
At the other end of the spectrum, the elderly are much less worried, even though they are at the highest risk of death.
The poll found that 23% of those between ages 18-34 are “very worried
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
1/26/2022 6:18:38 AM
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It wasn’t long ago that we were told that President Donald Trump’s questioning the legitimacy of the election wasn’t just unfounded, but a serious threat to the future of the nation.
As one commentator put it, by fanning the specter of election fraud, Trump was “sowing doubt not just about the 2020 election, but whether America’s voting system – the foundation of American democracy – is sound … In a democracy, where governing power is rooted in the consent of the governed, this is deeply dangerous.”
Yet here is President Joe Biden, predicting that the next election can’t be trusted, based on far less evidence than Trump had.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
1/21/2022 10:48:27 AM
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Hand it to President Joe Biden: He sticks to his story no matter what. In this week’s press conference, he again tooted his own horn when it comes to job creation. “We created 6 million new jobs, more jobs in one year than any time before,” Biden said.
True enough, but as even the Associated Press noted: “The economy added 6.4 million jobs in 2021, the most on government records dating back to 1939, but part of that is just a natural rebound from what had been the steepest job loss on record in 2020, when 9.4 million jobs were
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
1/20/2022 3:28:56 AM
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For the past year, Democrats up and down the leadership ladder have been on an endless campaign to portray Republicans as delusional out-of-touch anti-science hate-mongering conspiracy-peddling vote-suppressing anti-vaxxer insurrectionist racists.
The result has been a huge shift in party preference: away from Democrats and toward Republicans. Have voters finally wised up to the left’s cravenness and radicalism? Will this newfound awareness last?
Gallup this week released its survey on party preference, which found what it describes as “a dramatic shift” over the course of 2021.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
1/19/2022 7:09:32 AM
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According to the latest numbers from the CDC, more Americans have died with COVID since President Joe Biden took office than did in the year before under Donald Trump.
CDC data show that, as of January 17, there have been a total of 850,575 deaths in the U.S. related to COVID. On Trump’s last day in office, that number was 424,409. That means 426,166 COVID deaths have occurred — so far — since Biden took office, with the number currently trending well above a thousand a day.
This is a stunning rebuke not just of Biden, but of everyone who
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
1/18/2022 5:22:09 AM
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In Cato’s 15th letter, the writers who compiled the series of essays under a pen name inspired by the Roman senator who stood against the tyranny of Julius Caesar argued that “freedom of speech is the great bulwark of liberty; they prosper and die together.” Today, we are watching that death play out before us.
President Joe Biden, whose growing unpopularity is well-deserved, continued to carry on last week what has become a Democratic tradition: He asked the private sector to become partners in censorship with the federal government.
“I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets,
Issues & Insights,
Terry Jones
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Posted by
1/17/2022 8:03:37 AM
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Both sides of the political debate agree that there’s a schism of sorts in America, a cultural battle that transcends ordinary politicking and goes to the heart of how we see ourselves and our fellow Americans. And one of the elements of that cultural battle, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll suggests, is religion.
The monthly I&I/TIPP sounding of public opinion asked: “Do you agree or disagree with the statement “religion is under attack in the U.S.?”
Among those responding, 52% said they agree, while 40% said they disagree. About 9% said they weren’t sure (numbers don’t add to 100% due to rounding).
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
1/14/2022 7:57:45 AM
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These days, when President Joe Biden isn’t lying about being arrested during the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s, he’s telling equally large fibs about “making progress” on inflation and the economy. Truth is, in the space of less than a year, he’s turned a recovering economy into dross.
Thursday brought yet more disastrous news about the “transitory” upsurge in inflation the media shills and Biden administration economic advisers talk about.
After Wednesday’s consumer price data showed a 7% rise in consumer prices for 2021, the highest since 1982, came worse news for producer prices: