Biden’s New Energy Department Pick Is
His Most Outrageous and Appalling Yet
PJ Media,
Robert Spencer
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
2/11/2022 7:29:57 PM
Sam Brinton (“they/them”), had some “pretty BIG news” for his friends and followers on LinkedIn recently: “I have accepted the offer to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy. In this role I’ll be doing what I always dreamed of doing, leading the effort to solve the nation’s nuclear waste challenges.” Brinton also noted proudly that he would “even be (to my knowledge) the first gender fluid person in federal government leadership.” He is much more than that. He is, to the best of my knowledge, the first drag queen and the first person
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Foont 2/11/2022 7:50:22 PM (No. 1069360)
This is a gigantic middle finger to normie America. Our rulers truly do hate and despise us.
106 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
snakeoil 2/11/2022 8:00:51 PM (No. 1069365)
He likes to romance dogs. Actually dogs. Hope they are not Chihuahuas, Every day the world get crazier. He and Hunter will hang out..
48 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Ruthless 2/11/2022 8:07:14 PM (No. 1069373)
It wasn't humiliating enough for Biden to surrender to 4th-century barbarians. We are now requiring the military to dress up as females in order to spare the feelings of their murderers.
44 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
skacmar 2/11/2022 8:07:27 PM (No. 1069375)
If Sam Brinton's resume had just stopped at the graduated from MIT part and his regular work experience he would be great on paper. It is all the rest of his "stuff" that makes this freakshow of a person such a questionable candidate. While I generally feel that what you do when you are not working is not anyone's business, Brinton seems to have an obsessive need to be loud and proud in his "unique" lifestyle choices. He is living what many view as the most stereotypical degenerate LGBTQ lifestyle imaginable and it is broadcast for all to see. Brinton will surely be the worst of the Biden "firsts" to serve in government positions.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
kono 2/11/2022 8:07:41 PM (No. 1069376)
What a conflict of interest! The dude, itself, is nuclear waste.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
skacmar 2/11/2022 8:08:06 PM (No. 1069378)
He will certainly bring some interesting flair to the Dept of Energy when he walks down the halls in his stiletto heels and assless chaps with is therapy "dog" person.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Rich323 2/11/2022 8:19:47 PM (No. 1069385)
Nothing new just another pervert in the Biden admin. Aligns perfectly with Pedo Joe and Bootyboy. This is way worse than the Island of Misfit Toys!
43 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Geoman 2/11/2022 8:50:43 PM (No. 1069398)
People have been forcibly lobotomized for far less egregious mental illnesses. The Rosemary Kennedy comes to mind and her "disorder" is now routinely treated with Anti-Epilepsy drugs. Biden and his boy-freak, Sam, could both be turned into better humans with total encephalectomies. A bit radical, yes but guaranteed to cure all manner of perversions and general hatred for normals.
26 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 2/11/2022 8:56:19 PM (No. 1069403)
America has become a frivilous thing.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Sgt. Stubby 2/11/2022 8:59:23 PM (No. 1069404)
This guy was vetted and got a security clearance!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
leonardo 2/11/2022 9:03:22 PM (No. 1069407)
Biden and his perverted minions are NOT what the voters bargained for in the recent arguably questionable election. IF Biden cannot "temporarily" postpone the upcoming elections for his own purposes, he may be in for a very rude awakening come November. Perhaps this is why he is showing desperation now by his demented actions (Ukraine) and his inappropriate "picks."
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
rochow 2/11/2022 9:29:05 PM (No. 1069414)
The Piece of Trash that appointed him told Europe that 'America is back'! That's not quite right. Even under the Obamination regime we did not have the freak show that incompetent jackass Bidet offers up every day!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
mc squared 2/11/2022 9:34:21 PM (No. 1069417)
#10: Has he?
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 2/11/2022 10:21:28 PM (No. 1069424)
Who chose this deviant to be part of FJB's administration? Why did FJB agree to this choice? Come on man, explain yourself.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 2/11/2022 10:31:01 PM (No. 1069430)
I don't know whether to vomit first or take a shower. I'm no prudish innocent. In 1974, at age 20 with twelve years of Catholic schooling, I began four years working as a morning watch record-clerk for the LAPD's Central Division, then located on the first floor of the old Parker Center. I had to read all the reports, from drunk drivers to murderers, to the Vice arrests. I would also type the press releases from real-time dictation for officer involved shootings.
I had only been there about six months when I was walking down the hallway towards the back door. In walked a Hollywood Vice officer with a high-priced black call girl. She was tall, great figure, great make-up/hair and wearing a beautiful maroon suit with matching shoes. The officer was carrying her matching purse. We were walking towards each other. As I passed, a deep male voice said, "I just love your dress!" Taken aback I replied hesitantly, "Thank you." Then the person asked, "Where did you get it?" I answered, "Bullocks." "Junior Miss?" "Yes." "Don't you just love their things!" At this point I looked questioningly at the Vice officer. He was stifling a laugh and said, "Come along, let's keep moving."
When I returned to the Record Bureau I asked an older gal, she was 26, what had just happened. She explained to me. My response was, "Aren't some of their customers surprised?" My friend replied, "Sometimes." That was my introduction to the homosexual lifestyle. How I wish for those days when vices were policed.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
bighambone 2/11/2022 10:45:07 PM (No. 1069434)
If the wimpy Republicans can’t put a stop to such a poor appointment, clearly they can’t stop any Biden appointment.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 2/11/2022 10:54:38 PM (No. 1069438)
What lunatic asylum does he go to in order to find these crazies?
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
PChristopher 2/11/2022 11:04:57 PM (No. 1069450)
Disgusting doesn't begin to describe this animal!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Lake Dweller 2/11/2022 11:08:00 PM (No. 1069453)
Hell no.
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We knew all along that gay marriage was not the end game. The freaks have now stepped up, and they won't stop until total queerdom - up to and including public sodomy - becomes the the societal norm.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Trigger2 2/12/2022 3:56:26 AM (No. 1069532)
I hope some real Repulican puts a stop to this jerk's nomination. No RINO need apply.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/12/2022 3:58:33 AM (No. 1069533)
This freak makes Admiral Rachel Levine look normal. I remember back when simply talking to a suspected gay person could cause a glitch in a security clearance.
20 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
BarryNo 2/12/2022 5:00:52 AM (No. 1069555)
When I see an offering like this, I lookbto see who they're holding in the wings as the alternative.
This guy seems to have so much pride in his deviency, that I wouldn't trust him near anything in his field.
The alternative will be someone who seems normal, but has, if one looks closely, strong unacceptable ties to say... the CCP.
Reject both.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
stablemoney 2/12/2022 5:14:39 AM (No. 1069564)
Perverts, whores, and criminals are the Democrat Party. What else are they going to appoint?
23 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/12/2022 7:06:39 AM (No. 1069603)
I thought that, at age 69, I could no longer be shocked by much of anything, but this creature managed to make me rethink that. I’ve always known that there were sick people in the world, but never thought there were creatures THIS sick.
In my extended family, there is a “married” lesbian couple who are doing a pretty good job of raising three kids and a gay nephew. All three of them would be repulsed by this creature.
I pretty much agree with what #4 says about what you do in your private life, but this guy will soon be a public figure whose salary will be payed by us taxpayers. Huge difference. Republicans need make sure that this becomes major news - it will repel any sane democrat voters who are still out there. And if he really is having sex with animals, that will repel a lot more, though we won’t hear a peep out of the likes of PETA. Let’s not forget where AIDS came from.
24 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 2/12/2022 7:56:26 AM (No. 1069637)
This has become a freak show! This happens every time Democrats come into power. Homosexuals come out in droves and we are supposed to be tolerant of this deviance on public display. If they want to be freaks, keep it inside, not in public. It’s time to take a stand against this crap.
9 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
Rinktum 2/12/2022 7:56:55 AM (No. 1069640)
Maybe the fact that this guy is all kinds of weird is the very reason he was nominated. Hear me out. Democrats are desperate to paint Republicans in some foul way. A favorite is homophobic. They assume Republicans will not go for this guy’s nomination because he is so far out there….sex will animals? That’s pretty radical even in today’s standards. If he is rejected as he should be for security reasons because he would be a prime candidate for being blackmailed because of his extracurricular activities, democrats have their target which they will isolate and and pound. This will become the narrative. Republicans are homophobic and the LGBTQ zealots will run with it. It becomes a distraction from Biden’s failures and paints Republicans as haters which democrats love to do. In addition the issue will continue to divide the country. Sounds exactly like something the democrats would do. This guy’s proclivities are actually a feature, not a bug, and democrats will run with it with enthusiasm. Democrats, once again, will put Republicans in a seemingly lose/lose situation. Denying someone a job based on their sexual preferences democrats believe will be an advantage to them. It’s a big risk because the guy is clearly a proud freak. Maybe this is the time that democrats have misread us because I don’t believe the majority of Americans will go for this guy and his toy boy who identifies as a dog, let alone the guy’s actual animal partners.
11 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 2/12/2022 8:03:51 AM (No. 1069647)
Freak show......
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Namma 2/12/2022 8:43:43 AM (No. 1069691)
Who really picked his guy. Someone who is into the same life style?
This guy needs prayers and a shrink. Not a job in government. But then most of the swamp needs the same help. No wonder the Dems wanted PRESIDENT Trump out of Washington.
9 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
PageTurner 2/12/2022 8:44:26 AM (No. 1069692)
Seems the Biden intern wasn't a satire -- they've got way worse than that freak in Bidendom.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
skacmar 2/12/2022 8:53:47 AM (No. 1069704)
Good thing Brinton isn't Black. Biden would have nominated him as the first Black woman to the Supreme Court.
12 people like this.
Reply 32 - Posted by:
Red Ghost 2/12/2022 9:08:53 AM (No. 1069714)
I'm sure Miss Lindsey will happily approve this human excrement. That Biden would appoint someone this odious and compromised MUST be an impeachable offense. I can just picture Xi and Putin laughing hysterically, ribbing each other, having a great ole time as they calculate just how quickly it will be to finally conquer the US. All we need now, is a gentle push and we are gone.
There are no words to describe the embarrassment that this illegal administration is to every God fearing, liberty loving American. And we still have 3 more years to go. I think even God has given up on us.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
kayworthy 2/12/2022 9:25:41 AM (No. 1069734)
Where the hell is PETA?
8 people like this.
The Biden personnel operation has curated the most menacing collection of creeps since the Nixon Administration.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 2/12/2022 9:52:19 AM (No. 1069774)
This man might be qualified for the position but anyone who pronounces his perversion 'loud and proud' has his mind there 24/7 not on his work. This is hideous what FJB is dropping on the American public. We don't have a government as the poser leaders drag this nation into the darkness. We have lost our standing in the world, a laughingstock to other nations while suffering these misfits, perverts, thieves and liars calling themselves leaders. Not my president or government just a hoard of trash stands before us. MAGA
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
marbles 2/12/2022 10:07:05 AM (No. 1069788)
This is the affirmation that you have wandered into the carnival side ( freak ? ) show again.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
paral04 2/12/2022 10:35:09 AM (No. 1069842)
What qualifies this creature to have this position? Is it because they haven't filled their quota for weirdos?
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/12/2022 10:36:47 AM (No. 1069843)
Another attempt at...I'll do as I want and there's nothing you can do about it...once again Washington slides down into a disgusting morass by electing this freak...I get the feeling that the swamp is trying to upset US to the point were WE fight back...hopefully by their standards with our they can call out the militia...not happening...if DC wants to make Washington into a cesspool of weirdos...let them...WE will take our government back in the 2022 election...and then in 2024...I told you guys...obama is weird and these appointments prove it...remember he's the one that opened girls washrooms to perverts and in some cases rape...
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Reply 39 - Posted by:
paral04 2/12/2022 10:46:22 AM (No. 1069853)
From what I have read, he is more toxic than nuclear waste. He needs to dispose of himself first.
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Reply 40 - Posted by:
janjan 2/12/2022 11:01:26 AM (No. 1069875)
Not only are they actually hiring someone who is obviously mentally ill, they are subjecting his co-workers to his depravity. This is completely disrespectful to the entire country. This will not end well.
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
NotaBene 2/12/2022 11:28:38 AM (No. 1069908)
At least Sam’s dog is muzzled and on a leash. First Kamala, then mother Pete, then Admiral Levine, now Sam the dog lover. What will FJB think of next?
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Reply 42 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 2/12/2022 1:06:48 PM (No. 1069993)
Democrats love to normalize the abnormal. Boo God at their conventions. Promote a man to one of the nation's highest ranks and call him a woman. And now this.
There've been a lot more articles lately about adult / child sex. Did any of the 100k + Afghans we've brought in since last August have 3 wives? And let's not leave out the "furries" like this freak.
We've come a long way in 8 years since homosexual and lesbian marriage was legalized. /s
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We are living the movies King of Hearts, Idiocracy and looking at the album cover listening to the Doors' Strange Days.
I hear they need to fill a vacancy at the Dept. of Who Knows What as a sub deputy assistant to the associate deputy of the secretary of the WKW
The requirements are the he must be a gay transvestite black cowboy midget who can sing show tunes and doesn't mind the smell of cow pies or Interstate men's rest facilities
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
dbdiva 2/12/2022 3:52:52 PM (No. 1070126)
Seems Mr. Biden wants at least one of each and every known perversity to be represented in his "administration". Sam can be a book end to Dr. Dick.
I guess Mr. Biden doesn't really care about voter response to this since the Dems don't really need actual votes to "win" elections any longer.
I'm with everyone else; this is beyond vomit inducing.
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Reply 45 - Posted by:
Birddog 2/13/2022 3:40:15 PM (No. 1070896)
Uhmmm...ya REALLY do not want to know where/how that "Pups" tail is attached.
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Reply 46 - Posted by:
Italiano 2/13/2022 3:43:56 PM (No. 1070897)
In this freak show of an Administration, what's one more?
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