Pete Buttigieg says electric cars shouldn't
be a 'luxury' and unveils Biden's $5 BILLION
plan to put charging stations every 50
miles on interstates by 2030 - despite
as little as 7% of Americans owning EVs
Daily Mail (UK) & Reuters,
Geoff Earle
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
2/11/2022 1:10:35 AM
The Biden administration is putting out new details on its effort to create 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations–with new efforts to push out funds to have them line interstates at 50-mile intervals. The administration is awarding $5 billion over five years to states to have them build thousands of electric vehicle charging stations. Another $2.5 billion will go out in grants to be decided later. It all comes from the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan that was enacted late last year and that the administration continues to sell, amid the collapse of Biden's Build Back Better plan. The charging stations would work with all electric vehicles
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Californian 2/11/2022 1:15:21 AM (No. 1068495)
Sweet, so we will put electric plugs everywhere without upgrading the infrastructure or building new power plants to run it all.
Where do they find these incompetent idiots who don't understand the most basic things about how the world works?
It's like my kid when she was little thinking money just magically comes out of ATMs. Just punch buttons and it's just there for free.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
formerNYer 2/11/2022 1:18:01 AM (No. 1068498)
Who wants to bet that some democRAT buddy will get the contract for this boondoggle.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
SALady 2/11/2022 1:27:45 AM (No. 1068500)
Electric cars are OK if you just drive in the city for short distances. Sadly, that is exactly what brain-dead DC bureaucrats think we all do.
Electric cars are totally useless on Interstates as long as they take hours to charge a car!!!!!
I live in Austin, Texas, and have to drive to El Paso, Texas, a few times every year. That is a 600-mile drive. I can make it in about 9 hours, including stopping for lunch, a couple of potty stops, and a couple of gas fill-ups (which take about 10 minutes each). If I had to do that in an electric car, where I could drive maybe 250 miles and then have to stop for several hours to fully charge my battery, and then drive another 250 miles and do the same, that suddenly becomes a 2-3 day trip!!!
We travel a lot more than that, and it would all come to a screeching halt if they force us to use these useless electric cars!!! I am truly coming to hate Demon-Rats with a passion!!!!!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
sg 2/11/2022 1:28:18 AM (No. 1068501)
Ok, $5 Billion to put charging stations every 50 miles on the interstate highway system...1) A lot of the money will go down a rabbit hole never to be seen again. How are those projects going to be audited and overseen? Ain't gonna happen. 2) Must of the interstates go through rural lightly inhabited areas. Where is the power going to come from? Where are the ties to the local power grids. Who is going to maintain these stations making sure they are operable around the clock? Will the electricity be free? Do you want to be at a remotely located often-deserted plaza off the highway waiting for an hour or more to recharge? And they are going to do this in 8 years?!! The Long Island Railroad connection from a rail yard in Queens to Grand Central Terminal less than 5 miles away is about 11 years behind schedule and Billions over budget. And Biden's going to put charging stations on thousands of miles of highway in 8 years. G-d are we stupid.
42 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Californian 2/11/2022 1:54:01 AM (No. 1068509)
This is a stupid idea but not because it takes hours to charge. It does not. At a fast charger it's typically 30-60m to go from near zero to near full. To go 80% full is under 30m.
It's stupid because the grid can't support it and there aren't enough EVs sold to use it and it isn't not a proper use of tax dollars to fund someone's pet project and after cost over runs it will be $40b.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
DVC 2/11/2022 2:08:13 AM (No. 1068511)
A total CROCK. Waste of money and resources.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
NotaBene 2/11/2022 2:19:15 AM (No. 1068520)
Not shovel-ready. Wasted on our present predicament.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 2/11/2022 2:27:54 AM (No. 1068525)
Buttbud is an insane menace to US Freedom & the Constitution. Let EV users pay for their infrastructure.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
mean Gene 2/11/2022 2:46:09 AM (No. 1068532)
At $10,000 per charging station, there's be no juice hooked up, it would just be an art installation.
The cost to actually run electricity thru all those stations woul be irrelevant because it would collapse the grid.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Trigger2 2/11/2022 2:58:36 AM (No. 1068537)
This is the first sign of Infrastructure money going down the drain.,
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Rinktum 2/11/2022 3:13:47 AM (No. 1068548)
The democrat party is filled with rabid ideologues who do not for one moment think their insane polices through to their logical conclusions. Democrats live in a fantasy land of their own imaginations and proceed like it is reality. These fools are unbelievably ignorant of basic facts and yet, they charge on denying reality. Democrats are unfit for office because they are unfit for life. There is a disconnect somewhere in their brains that precludes them from accepting reality. These people are brainless children demanding they get their way. If we have learned one thing this past year is that democrats should never ever be near the levers of power. They are wholly unfit to lead.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
LadyVet 2/11/2022 4:22:38 AM (No. 1068565)
It is never explained whether people will have to pay for these charging stations. Will they have a device for accepting debit / credit cards or smart phone payments?
Articles always leave the impression that these charging stations are free if charge.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
singermom9 2/11/2022 4:55:42 AM (No. 1068582)
Here is a link to a bunch of charging stations in standing water-government incompetence. (wish we could post pics. This is so funny).
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Re: From post No. 11; " Democrats live in a fantasy land of their own imaginations and proceed like it is reality."
My double opinion; 1, The liberal brain cannot REASON out anything that makes any sense at all. Unless of course you too are a lib.
2. An example; We all have nuts and bolts within our brains, the trouble occurs within the liberal's brain is that the bolts cannot find the nuts to make the brain work as it is supposed to.
Just my humble opinion!!!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 2/11/2022 6:26:49 AM (No. 1068625)
I guess they figured that they couldn't sell any more high-speed trains.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 2/11/2022 6:39:42 AM (No. 1068634)
Yeah? And you shouldn't be in a cabinet position. In fact I wouldn't put you in charge or the local Wal-Mart cart return.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
BarryNo 2/11/2022 7:01:14 AM (No. 1068647)
And how long, Petie, does it take to recharge an EV? How many cars can a station service? I'm sure, in winter weather, and sub-zero temperatures, owners will be thrilled to line up, bunndle up, and wait in their powerless lumps of junk, for the chance to PUSH their 'car' to the charging station, and wait for it to build up enough juice to switch their heaters on. And then desl with other ANGRY and DESPERATE people in line behind them, who are waiting to do the same.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
privateer 2/11/2022 7:32:08 AM (No. 1068669)
The charging stations won't need to be connected to the power grid. There just needs to be a large, gasoline powered generator standing next to it.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Kutchk 2/11/2022 7:39:22 AM (No. 1068677)
watching him is like watching the requisite effeminate male character from every bad 90's sitcom.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
downnout 2/11/2022 8:10:03 AM (No. 1068699)
Great! And where is the electricity for the charging stations going to come from? Windmills? Solar panels! Unicorns?
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And you thought evacuating New Orleans was difficult in gas vehicles! Imagine pulling off the road and waiting in line to then wait the time it takes to recharge.
This is about one thing - who is making money off of the conversion to electric cars.
I am sure many of the democrats voting for this have invested strategically.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
hoosierblue 2/11/2022 8:19:27 AM (No. 1068711)
Adding to #1's comment. Even if the infrastructure was updated, what makes electricity. You would have to use fossil fuel to power most of them. Solar power and wind generation has proven to be unreliable, costly and causes damage to the environment. If you use Nuclear, the best clean source, you would increase nuclear waste.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
homefry 2/11/2022 8:23:39 AM (No. 1068719)
IF I lived in a huge city, I would own an electric car but I dont, and they are not practical anywhere else.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
DustDevil31 2/11/2022 8:34:36 AM (No. 1068734)
Who's going to get rich building this Albatross? Sound like the CA High Speed Rail project/money pit.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
lynngirl122 2/11/2022 8:40:10 AM (No. 1068744)
Alfred E. Neuman.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Italiano 2/11/2022 8:42:25 AM (No. 1068748)
The most ludicrous member of the most ludicrous Administration in American history.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 2/11/2022 8:50:32 AM (No. 1068760)
What happens if the charging station is ''off line"'? It's not like running out of gas, where someone can bring you a few gallons. You could get stuck in the middle of nowhere with no option except to be towed.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
NamVet70 2/11/2022 8:51:42 AM (No. 1068761)
And when they put those charging stations out there with no 24 hr guards they will promptly find there way into the scrap yard. That copper has value and there are plenty of thieves who know it. Just like the little rental electric scooters and bicycles that some progressives have been placing in our cities. Those initially became a nuisance and soon they were all gone. Those charging stations will be an enormous waste of taxpayer money and only benefit the wealthy Lexus drivers who drive electric to signal their "virtue".
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Blizzard 2/11/2022 8:54:59 AM (No. 1068763)
Because the Left pushes so hard for this garbage, I will go out of my way to NOT buy one and to drive as fast as I want and burn as much gas as I can with my Mustang. Petroleum comes from deep inside the earth, and it a renewable "natural" energy source, just like "natural" gas. These idiots are clinically insane.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Axeman 2/11/2022 8:55:51 AM (No. 1068766)
A grid like this under control of the overmasters is just what we need. Easy to shut down the lesser people's traveling that way. Except for the problem of it being the perfect target for EMP weapons or solar flares.
I'll own diesel vehicles and pass them down to my grandchildren. I can make my own diesel fuel. The movie Mad Max comes to mind.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
FunOne 2/11/2022 8:58:26 AM (No. 1068768)
One has to wonder how the gasoline powered vehicles managed to become so popular.
Historically, there is no record of massive federal subsidies to Ford, Willy's Overland and other early pioneers of the gasoline-powered variety--nor any federal lay to require--of outlay to place gas stations every 25 miles down the road.
But, General Motors and Henry Ford managed to achieve success on their own utilizing the great American free enterprise system.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
DHorne123 2/11/2022 8:59:56 AM (No. 1068769)
OH! The Humanity!
Ah…ah. I mean STUPIDITY!!!
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
Hazymac 2/11/2022 9:10:18 AM (No. 1068781)
Electric vehicles work just fine--on a golf course, for players. If the batteries are in good shape, an electric golf cart will take two players and their equipment through two rounds of golf, maybe ten to twelve miles. Maintenance vehicles like fairway or green mowers and larger vehicles for transporting large amounts of sand, sod, stone, or wood still need to be gas-operated. My car sometimes is used for 750 mile drives, done in 11-13 hours. Any car that will not go this far in a day is useless to me. Electric vehicles are still boutique items that are not practical for most people. Most of all, the electric grid isn't anywhere nearly expansive enough to accommodate, suddenly, ten of millions of these limited use vehicles. We will need three or four times the electrical generation capacity, and that ain't gonna happen with solar or wind.
If I had plenipotentiary power, I'd phase out, completely, the entire "green" infrastructure--it's all boutique--and return to petroleum (not ethanol!!), hydro, and nuclear. Our main competitor/emeny China is not going this way because it does not make economic sense.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
dst4life 2/11/2022 9:11:35 AM (No. 1068785)
If there was a bona fide demand for electric vehicles, the government wouldn't need to subsidize.
What a disaster!!
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 2/11/2022 9:18:13 AM (No. 1068796)
Buttplug is a typical liberal...decide what panacea you'd like, then simply wish it into being, with no thought whatsoever for its practical reality.
Speaking only for myself, I refuse to sit in a charging station on some freeway for 8 hours every time my car battery runs down just so Buttplug can feel good about himself.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
franq 2/11/2022 9:21:04 AM (No. 1068800)
Every 50 miles? Did they check the topography? It will be a miracle if 50 stations get built. The rest of the money will disappear, unaccounted for.
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Buttboy probably believes electricity comes out of the wall, too.
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
red1066 2/11/2022 9:51:49 AM (No. 1068837)
Well Pete the butt licker, most basic meat products shouldn't be expensive either, but they are. Gas shouldn't be 4 to 8 dollars a gallon either, but it is. Store shelves shouldn't be almost empty, but they are, and Biteme shouldn't be president, but he is.
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Reply 39 - Posted by:
FLCracker 2/11/2022 10:13:42 AM (No. 1068858)
I don't see anyone talking about this.
Do those EV owners PAY for the electricity they are using to charge their vehicles? If so, how much are they paying? How much does that offset the price of the charging stations?
If they are NOT paying, who is? (As if I don't know.)
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Reply 40 - Posted by:
Terry_tr6 2/11/2022 10:21:04 AM (No. 1068870)
So you are going to basically build a roadside rest area every 50 miles, complete with parking lot and off and on ramps. Then run high capacity power lines to each. And put in multiple charging stations for each type of power connector. And since people will get to depend on these you will need maintenance crews for rapid repairs otherwise you will get a bunch of stranded cars filling up the lot without the capability to get to the next station.
My calculator ran out of digits to add all this up
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
Kate318 2/11/2022 10:46:28 AM (No. 1068911)
Ha! This idea has debacle written all over it. Leftists are such children. “Let’s put on a show! My dad has a barn.”
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Reply 42 - Posted by:
janjan 2/11/2022 11:07:26 AM (No. 1068948)
This is a joke. You will need a charging station about every 200 miles and plan on stretching a 2 day trip into a week. No one has explained to Buttigieg that electricity comes from fossil fuels. And btw, the batteries are powered by lithium and guess where 70% of the world’s lithium supply comes from?
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Reply 43 - Posted by:
bighambone 2/11/2022 11:29:39 AM (No. 1068976)
Next we will hear that the Biden crew has signed a contract with a Chinese Communist Corporation to manufacture the charging stations, and another contract with a Democrat operated and “disadvantaged” corporation to install and maintain those Federal charging units. Can you imagine those charging units being able to charge the batteries on millions of electric vehicles traveling across the North and West on the interstate highways in the winter months? From what primary sources are the charging stations going to draw the tremendous amount of electric power necessary to operate efficiently?
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
cor-vet 2/11/2022 11:36:33 AM (No. 1068983)
The only good thing that will come from this, is that people will have light to travel by and a place to warm themselves, from the fires of the cars burning at these charging stations.
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Reply 45 - Posted by:
Pontificator 2/11/2022 12:37:46 PM (No. 1069050)
Anyone ever notice that a lot of interstate filling stations might have three dozen gas pumps in order to accommodate an average number of customers, who can "recharge' with gas in an average of five to ten minutes? How many electric charging stations do you need to accommodate an average number of travelers, when it takes anywhere from twenty minutes to a couple of hours to recharge?
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Reply 46 - Posted by:
FLCracker 2/11/2022 1:37:21 PM (No. 1069093)
#41, I saw that movie! And I use that analogy, too - "Hey kids! Let's put on a show!"
Life is so much easier in La-La Land.
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Reply 47 - Posted by:
Periwinkel 2/11/2022 1:45:40 PM (No. 1069104)
One thing never mentioned in any article is the battery. It lasts about 2-3 years and costs $30,000 to replace. That just doesn't sound very appealing to addition to the fact that you still need "fossil fuel" plants to make the electricity to put in the car each time it needs "refueling!" Count me OUT for a few more years.
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Reply 48 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 2/11/2022 3:53:09 PM (No. 1069205)
Mayor Pete is an expert in “plugging things in”!
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Will someone please ask these nitwits how the electricity for all these cars is going to be produced? The grid can barely stand the strain now.
We have got to rid ourselves of these stupid stupid people. The vote in Nov is the most important in our lives.
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Instead of working to his area of expertise, say, installing lube dispensers in highway rest stop men's rooms, he's spending our money like a sailor on shore leave. The justification? You can drive a car across state lines, so it's an interstate issue and thence under federal purview. Shorten the timeline to the final collapse; we'll be broke in no time.