Does ABC’s ‘The View’ Have The Guts
To Take Up the Anti-Defamation League’s Gauntlet?
Issues & Insights,
Tom McArdle
Original Article
Posted By: RockyTCB,
2/4/2022 7:32:13 AM
ABC has suspended Whoopi Goldberg from “The View” for a scant two weeks for her ignorant, outrageous contention that Nazism wasn’t about race.
It would have demanded little more from Whoopi than scanning the CliffsNotes version of “Mein Kampf” before dropping out of Washington Irving High School in Lower Manhattan to have disabused herself of the notion.
The future fuhrer’s obscene manifesto mentions race more than 100 times, including his declaration that “The world is not there to be possessed by the faint-hearted races.” Here is another
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Nimby 2/4/2022 7:54:07 AM (No. 1060986)
This ignoramus should be fired
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
MattMusson1 2/4/2022 8:47:10 AM (No. 1061058)
Reality check.
There are two kinds of Jewish people: Ashkenazi and Hasidic.
Ashkenazi come mostly from Eastern Europe so they are mostly Slavic and would be considered White.
Hasidic Jews come from the Middle East. They are Semitic people (like Arabs) and are considered people of color.
But, it was the Nazis contention that the European Jews were a subhuman 'race' of vermin. And, the Nazis believed their own Germanic Aryan race was a superior race. So, regardless of Color, the Holocaust was about RACE.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Blue-Z-Anna 2/4/2022 8:59:14 AM (No. 1061074)
I would agree that Hitler was not much of an anthropologist and that a whoopie was technically correct.
What she is guilty of is trying to or appearing to deprive the Jews of their victimhood status and that was her mistake.
Victimhood is the most precious of all commodities these days.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/4/2022 9:20:38 AM (No. 1061097)
Somebody poured sour milk on his Honey Nut Cheerios today.
Every race has hated every other race at some point in history. The title of "civilized" is bestowed upon those who can meet others half-way.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 2/4/2022 9:35:19 AM (No. 1061121)
Whoopie just wanted to know if it was "race-race" like her 'rape-rape' question she asked. The only thing Whoopie is guilty of was stripping the victimhood status from the Jewish people during the Holocaust. Can't have the Jews as victims of the fury.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
marbles 2/4/2022 10:04:03 AM (No. 1061170)
# 3 Hasidism began in Eastern Europe in the 18th century with Rabbi Baal Shem Tov. NOT the middle east. And , there are the Sephardic Jews are from Spain and Portugal. And, then there are the black Jews of North Africa known as the Maghrebi .
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
marbles 2/4/2022 10:48:29 AM (No. 1061244)
The filth from # 2 has no place on this site.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
smokincol 2/4/2022 10:54:58 AM (No. 1061258)
only if they can find a way to discredit the ADL but until then they will continue to spew their illogical an untrue spoken word to people who have no sense of the true meaning of "truth" - who are the people in the audience applauding this gaggle of goofballs, anyway?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Condor44 2/4/2022 11:05:09 AM (No. 1061283)
Don't be too hard on Whoopi. It's not her fault that she was born stupid and ugly.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 2/4/2022 11:07:27 AM (No. 1061294)
ABC needs to pull the plug on the miserable harpies of "The View."
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#3 Hi, I am Ashkenazi Jewish and raised in a Hasidic family. Still go to Chabad.
Hasidic is a form of (generally) Orthodox Judaism and is the most easily spotted in the West, due to its obvious frum dress.
I believe you mean Ashekenazi and Sephardic (like my wife, who is from Lebanon via Mexico). During the Diaspora, the Jewish groups were split into two (and a half) major groups. The Askenazim went north into Europe. The Sephardic stayed put, went to Spain and southern Europe or spread out into the greater middle east (becoming the "half" of a "half") generally known as Mizrahim.
This is a slight oversimplification, but close enough for a news feed.
Israel has a plurality of Sephardic/Mizrahim. They're generally Orthodox and a bit more brown than the Jews who went to Northern Europe. They eat beans and rice during Passover and generally cook way better food.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
FLCracker 2/4/2022 11:13:42 AM (No. 1061309)
Several points.
#3, from Wikipedia (and based on a LOT of different history I have read in my life): "The term "Ashkenazi" refers to Jewish settlers who established communities along the Rhine river in Western Germany and in Northern France during the Middle Ages." (Yiddish, BTW, is a form of medieval German.) So, from your analogy, Ashkenazi Jews are basically Germanic (as are the French, heh).
Jews down thru history have been endogamous, so DNA- and culture-wise, they don't reflect the surrounding population that much.
Hasidism grew up within the Ashkenazic tradition, in both Germanic and Slavic population areas. (#7, correct me if I'm wrong.) Most Middle Eastern Jews are in the Sephardic tradition and were also in Eastern Europe before the Ashkenazim. There are also Jewish traditions beyond these, notably the Karaites who I believe, were the most prevalent Jewish tradition out there before the Ashkenazim.
And finally, it is impossible to read "Mein Kampf"; I've tried, and I think anyone who says they have are liars. Try it, you'll see.
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#13 Closer. This phrase "Hasidism grew up within the Ashkenazic tradition," is a tad misleading.
Hasidism did grow up among Askenazim. And Ashkenazim do have traditions, but I seldom hear the phrase "Ashkenaic tradition", except maybe in relation to certain grain-like foods at Passover.
Askenazi is more like a semi-ethnic reference, just like Sephardic.
As for Karaite, they are not a particularly common "denomination" of Judaism. They rejected most of the Oral Law/Talmud, probably most similar to the Sadducee some 2,000 years before. But they are of independent origin. They still exist (my college roomate was one), but they span across the various psuedo-ethnic groups of Jews.
The "denominations" (not really the right word, more like "movements"), would be Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist (think free love hippies), with Karaite sitting off on a tangent somewhere around Orthodox.
Under the Orthodox umbrella, there are lots of sub groups: Modern Orthodox (me), Hasidic, etc.
There are about 100 exceptions to the previous two sentences. It's very complex.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
mc squared 2/4/2022 12:09:52 PM (No. 1061382)
Firing people for their thoughts and comments, no matter how absurd, isn't a conservative 1st Amendment view.
We've seen people can lose jobs over stupid stunts from 30 years ago. If viewers are put off by Goldberg's ignorant rant, they'll tune out. We need more free speech- not less.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
dbdiva 2/4/2022 12:15:48 PM (No. 1061391)
Thank you, #8. I totally agree.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
FLCracker 2/4/2022 12:15:49 PM (No. 1061392)
#14, and therein lies our problem. Even within one group of people called "Jewish", we have no agreed-upon terms of reference to discuss differences/similarities between and among these people. (I used "tradition" trying to avoid some of this.) As I understand it, Karaism was a lot more prevalent in the past.
So there's Whoopi's problem. Her definition of "race" seems to be binary - Black/White. Most people today see three (White, Black, Brown), or perhaps four (Yellow/Red), races. Hitler and most of the Western world of his time saw something even more complex.
I refer to Ashley Montagu's "An Introduction to Physical Anthropology" 1945:
The Negroid Division "may be classifed as African and Oceanic". Under African, he refers to "True Negros, Forest, Negroes, Nilotic Negroes, Half-Hamites, Bantu-Speaking Negroes, Bushman Hottentots and Negrillos.
Under Oceanic, he includes Papuan, Melanesian, Australian Aborigine, Veddah, Pre-Dravidian and Ainu.
And in case you're interested, under Caucasoid, you have Polynesian, East Baltic, Nordic, Dinaric, Iran-Afghan (the true Aryans, BTW, ask them, they'll tell you), Armenoid(!), Alpine, Mediterranean (where he includes the Hindu Indians) and East Indian.
The Nazi system was even more complex that this, with pictures of both living examplars and skeletons. Very scientific.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
snakeoil 2/4/2022 12:49:27 PM (No. 1061431)
Nothing irritates me more than having to fill out a form that asks me to specify my race. If other is a choice I always pick it and fill in "human." Prior to the 1960s when political correctness/wokism began, anthropology texts stated there are 3 races: White, Back, and Asian. There is no Aryan race. There is no Jewish race. Aryan is fiction created by the Nazis to make them feel special. Judaism is a religion which welcomes all races. Sammy Davis, Jr. converted to Judaism. He didn't change his race. He changed his religion. My admiration for the physical attributes of Elizabeth Taylor didn't change when she converted to Judaism. In the world we live in the meaning of words are changed to make people happy. But please stop attacking people simply because they understand what words mean or, at least, meant.
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