If Californians Don’t Fire Newsom, He’ll
Burn What’s Left Of Their Home To The Ground
The Federalist,
Jennifer Galardi
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
1/10/2025 4:46:33 PM
As I flew above the terrain I called home for 20 years, tears streamed down my face. (snip) I left Los Angeles a little over a year ago,(snip) blame for the tragedy currently destroying the lives of thousands of people lies at the feet of one person only — Gov. Gavin Newsom.
This man has single-handedly destroyed the state with his Green New Deal policies and emphasis on “environmental, social, and governance” (ESG), diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and any other acronym initiative you can think of. He has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars (snip)instead of doing what he should have to ensure this fire didn’t inflict the
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
sw penn 1/10/2025 4:50:20 PM (No. 1870857)
Time for people to figure out that
DEI is not governance.
ESG is not governance.
These are make work programs for dem
who have regulated productive work
out of existence.
21 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
seamusm 1/10/2025 4:56:48 PM (No. 1870858)
I'd bet now he could be recalled. State residents need to act NOW - while the fires still burn.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
DVC 1/10/2025 5:08:09 PM (No. 1870864)
The California Burnt Raw Green Deal.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
thefield 1/10/2025 5:15:38 PM (No. 1870867)
The first attempt to recall him took almost one year. One year and a little bit will run into primary season here.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 1/10/2025 5:30:37 PM (No. 1870875)
#2 - I, and many others, believe Gavin's recall was successful. There were lots of shenanigans that disqualified signatures on the voter rolls, ballots from conservative areas were "forgotten", and the counting of ballots in L.A. until Brillcream won. For any reform to really happen in the once-Golden State, we need to get rid of ballots being sent to just about everyone and secure our elections.
I really hope Steve Garvey runs for governor.
23 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
coyote 1/10/2025 5:44:16 PM (No. 1870880)
Gavin, the office of governor is not about you.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 1/10/2025 5:49:12 PM (No. 1870882)
She's right about Newsum, and I really hope that they can dump out the destructive creeps like him and his ecoterrorist viewpoints, and anti-human policies ----
but I can't get into her 'California is wonderful' lifestyle. But, she is free to live where she wants....as long as the ecocrazies will permit it, of course. I was born in the area northwest of LA, lived there a while, still have relatives and friends in California, visit periodically, but nothing would make me live there again.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
danu 1/10/2025 5:56:35 PM (No. 1870885)
gruesome couldn't win a church raffle. his position, wealth and phone baloney are based upon
pelousy's money, vote buying, and gangsterism.
people!! that toad lied to a distraught mother in front of her child's school--
pretending he's **on the phone with president** to get help to her and her child.
said story then changed to--oh-aah--i'm trying to get a signal--i've tried 5x to call the president
and can't get through to him.
get rid of these mobsters, including their village idiot, or they will sell off every clod of dirt
-every grasshopper- every fire hydrant- every penny... in the state...to the panting jackals
of blk rk, v-guard ect.
12 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
VAPMAN 1/10/2025 5:57:26 PM (No. 1870888)
I grew up in Southern California and left in the late 70s. I have never wanted to return. I’ll take a few snow storms over brush fires, mudslides and earthquakes. I can remember dust storms from Santa Ana wind and a few fires, but there were fire breaks in the mountains next to us and the fires never go so out of control. The State leadership has gone from bad (Jerry Brown) to extremely bad (Newscum) and that explains most of it.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Red Ghost 1/10/2025 6:01:43 PM (No. 1870889)
Look, this fire apocalypse should be a tipping point (a phrase overused years ago) to recall this scum. While the last recall took over a year, now people have experience and know how to do it. Get it going NOW. And then, republicans and anyone who cares about the state, needs to find the VERY BEST PERSON to run for Governor. We can only hope, the DEI bullcrap is dead and buried in the ashes of the staggering sadness of peoples hopes, dreams and homes. Hopefully, there will be a groundswell, of many different people and organizations coming together to fast track this recall. Recall the LA Mayor while you are at it. AND, ensure that any recall effort is rigorously and aggressively monitored and administered to ensure no election fraud takes place.
Trump illustrates every-single-day, that the impossible can happen with perseverance, competence and courage, with God's help.
Californians get to it!
15 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 1/10/2025 6:25:43 PM (No. 1870896)
California has a recall process. Use it.
Newsom was going to 'Save The Planet'. This is what saving the planet looks like. Saving the Planet is corruption and incompetence.
10 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
commonsence 1/10/2025 6:38:14 PM (No. 1870904)
Californians won't get get rid of the current morans running the state. The citizens are morons like the elected officials. All the dems have to say is Trump is Hitler, and they will be reelected. The state has turned into the 3rd world, and that hasn't gotten their attention, they will continue to vote for the dems. You have a population that is not capable of rational thought.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Roscoelewis 1/10/2025 6:56:53 PM (No. 1870914)
They elected him. Those that voted for him think the same way as he does. I have no pity for them.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 1/10/2025 7:11:16 PM (No. 1870922)
posters #12 and 13 are correct. It's the same in Washington state. The citizens here would rather have felons, convicted of a dozen crimes and then set free, running around killing people than ever vote for a Republican. They just don't have the capacity to think rationally.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 1/10/2025 7:26:07 PM (No. 1870928)
I left 3 years ago. My friends have just lost their houses and should be moving to Florida soon.
The 70% or so that they collect from insurance should enable them to buy there.
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Nero Newsom. A fire hose with no water symbolizes his governorship. It's his legacy, a fire hose with no water. Buh, bye, Nero!
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
earlybird 1/10/2025 7:45:54 PM (No. 1870943)
California Historical voter registrations. Dems haven't 50% but you can see how they prevail. Arnold was the only one to cut across party lines and allow us to dump Gray Davis and not have MeCha candidate Cruz Bustemante...
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 1/10/2025 8:39:49 PM (No. 1870957)
So they a) recall Newscam or b) elect Steve Garvey.
What will they do about the communist legislature?
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Lucky5 1/10/2025 8:56:37 PM (No. 1870966)
I happily signed that recall petition two years ago. It failed. I do not think it would fail today.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Lucky5 1/10/2025 8:59:12 PM (No. 1870967)
This looks like someone has gotten the ball rolling.
New Coalition, Saving California, Launches Newsom Recall Effort in California.
Governor Gavin Newsom to Be Formally Served Recall Papers in Next Two Weeks Following Los Angeles Wildfire Catastrophe
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Italiano 1/10/2025 10:31:47 PM (No. 1871007)
Don't count on it. It's California. They voted for Harris. They'll blame Trump, W and probably Ronald Reagan.
We could take our state back, but we'd have to break a few rules. Bust some heads in Sacramento.
The chances of that happening are not zero. We've had it, and don't have anything left to lose out here.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
rochow 1/10/2025 10:44:25 PM (No. 1871017)
Don't forget to do the same to the lesbian fire dept. moron and the dumber than a stone Bass cow. Don't overlook that the bass @itch has to refund Californians for her trip to Africa.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
anniebc 1/10/2025 10:45:00 PM (No. 1871018)
No worries, Cali. The rest of US will be forced to help you rebuild. If Trump doesn't make Cali pay US back. . .
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
mifla 1/11/2025 5:59:27 AM (No. 1871106)
Cheatle, Harris, Bass, and Crowley should form a DEI support group.
They can meet once a week, get blind drunk and blame all their failures on racism and misogyny.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
hoosierblue 1/11/2025 7:37:55 AM (No. 1871165)
As bad as it is, the public put them in office. They have no-one to blame but themselves. It is unfortunate that so many good people had to go down with them.
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One of the best pieces 've read. The truncated intro does not edo it justice.