Biden ‘willfully’ kept classified
materials, had ‘poor memory’: Special counsel
Kevin Breuninger
Dan Mangan
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
2/8/2024 10:54:54 PM
President Joe Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency,” Department of Justice special counsel said in a report released Thursday.
But special counsel Robert Hur also said that he would not criminally prosecute Biden for his handling of that material.
The FBI found classified documents, which by law should have been given back to the U.S. government when Biden ended his second term as vice president in January 2017, in the garage, office, and basement den of his Wilmington, Delaware, home, Hur’s report said.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Venturer 2/8/2024 10:59:46 PM (No. 1653825)
Biden's mental state right now makes him unfit to stand trial because he is a senile old man.
But it's ok for him to run for president.
48 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
earlybird 2/8/2024 11:14:23 PM (No. 1653833)
Phooey on his mental state. That is now. Gives him a hiding place. Biden has always believed he was above the law. Witness Hunter's illicit acivitie$ - the Big Guy was the key to it and a major beneficiary. Joe has always thought he was the smartest guy in the room. I remember his punishing wielding of his power in confirmation hearings as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sickeningly sadistic. He doesn't have a decent moral bone in his bodyl
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 2/8/2024 11:27:38 PM (No. 1653835)
Poor memory? The many pukes in the MSM listed them as "gaffes". They're the start of something that gets worse as time goes on. They are NOT gaffes. Jill knows, the Demented Fuhrer remains puzzled.
19 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
texaspast 2/8/2024 11:48:19 PM (No. 1653838)
NO, NO, NO! Do NOT impeach him! That's what the dems want! Then they can blame the pubbies, put Kammie (the clueless place-holder) in when Joe's gon, then nominate Big Mike at the convention to run for president - to tumultuous acclaim from ALL the presstitutes! Big Don vs. Big Mike. The dems can't lose! (they think) - she will be seen as the savior of all that is good (for progressives), she's black, female, and will be doing the will of the cabal that controlled her husband. Ma Ferguson, Texas governor for two terms, is kinda like her - her husband was impeached and couldn't run again, but she ran on the platform of 'two governors for the price of one!' Everybody knew her husband Jim was running everything behind the curtain. So now we have 'Ma' Obama, probably the next president.
9 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Old Army Vet 2/8/2024 11:49:27 PM (No. 1653839)
What a moron our president is.
18 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
weirdone 2/8/2024 11:56:37 PM (No. 1653844)
Is this the insanity defense?
13 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
mifla 2/9/2024 5:19:23 AM (No. 1653901)
I had a flashback to 2016 when Comey did not charge Hillary because he assumed no reasonable prosecutor would charge her. If he is not competent to stand trial, he should resign.
18 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
walcb 2/9/2024 5:44:15 AM (No. 1653914)
Yes, Hur acted like Comey--prosecutor and jury.
16 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 2/9/2024 5:58:26 AM (No. 1653924)
He had NO business as Senator, even as Vice President to have Classified Information outside a secure, compartmentalized location (SCIF). THAT is a prosecutable Federal crime! If the Special Counsel did not recommend DOJ press charges then this investigation was a total sham. Besides, the PUBLIC needs to see exactly WHAT it was that he squirrelled away in his personal locations. We also need to see that he did with that information... did he sell it for personal gain? That is TREASON and infamous people are spending the rest of their lives in Super-Max for those crimes.
22 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
privateer 2/9/2024 6:49:53 AM (No. 1653968)
Seems to me that his legal team, and some of his whiz-kid media mavens are---and have been---setting up the senile mobster defense. Like the guy in Godfather II. He's going to need it.
12 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/9/2024 7:02:01 AM (No. 1653971)
It's not just his memory, the central processsing unit is burned out and his drivers are years out of date. It's time for the recycle bin.
17 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Red Jeep 2/9/2024 7:13:08 AM (No. 1653978)
Also how secure are our Nation's secrets when whatever was in charge of these documents didn't realize that the documents Biden had were missing?
12 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Muguy 2/9/2024 7:29:39 AM (No. 1653989)
There is ALMOST ALWAYS TOTAL "willfulness" going on these days in the court system when it involves certain persons skirting the Rule of Law-- sort of like "you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man" sort of thing, and it seems almost CERTAIN that one side of the blindfolded Lady Justice has been removed .
Mr. Trump can be denied access but its A-OK for the Vegetable to do so.
LAWFARE is now the standard to be used where one is ASSUMED GUILTY instead of having to be proven guilty. As the late GREAT Rush Limbaugh taughy "Its not the evidence that matters, it's the seriousness of the charge".
We have learned many HARD LESSONS the last five years in that our Constitution which protects our rights AGAINST government is no longer respected. Our 'repubicans" ditch their duties to the people that elected them and only a very few will go on record to call this out--
The effort to infuse this backward thinking saturates the media every day with side shows to take our attention away... heard much about the Epstien list of people, or corrupt demonrat socialists?? It's Swift/Kelce ALL THE TIME
9 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Lazyman 2/9/2024 7:35:07 AM (No. 1653995)
I wonder if all the Banana Republics can ban together? 0 can run them.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
NamVet70 2/9/2024 8:15:02 AM (No. 1654025)
Biden's mental state was obvious to anyone paying attention during the 2020 campaign. Biden is a demented fool. However, the Democrats and his family have continued to exploit him for wealth and power, as they proceed to destroy this nation.
9 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/9/2024 8:21:54 AM (No. 1654032)
“ The FBI found classified documents, which by law should have been given back to the U.S. government when Biden ended his second term as vice president in January 2017, in the garage, office, and basement den of his Wilmington, Delaware, home, Hur’s report said.”
Typical reporting from the enemedia. Pedo Joe had no authority to have those documents at all as a senator or VP. He stole them and most likely made copies which were sold to our enemies for million$. This is nothing less than treason and Xiden should pay the appropriate penalty.
12 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
franq 2/9/2024 8:30:29 AM (No. 1654043)
I had previously discounted notions that Mo' Betta would run for President.
Now I am not so sure.
4 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
bighambone 2/9/2024 10:16:34 AM (No. 1654106)
A Federal felony crime was committed when Biden effectively stole those classified documents out of secure US Government control at a time that Biden did not have any legal claim to retain the classified documents. After Biden was caught, supposedly cooperating with investigators does not alleviate Biden from criminal liability. No doubt there is a double standard at work in DC, Democrats get off the hook, while Republicans are jailed especially during this bogus Biden era. That factor is now playing out with the Democrats indicting Trump for retaining some of his presidential papers that are classified, but Trump was a President when that happened, and as such Trump had a legal claim to retaining those documents, that Trump stored in a secure location at his Florida estate that is guarded 24/7 by the Secret Service. In contrast Biden’s classified documents were stored in his personal insecure residential garage, where they could have easily been reviewed by completely unauthorized persons, like Hunter Biden who lived at the residence, and who did not have any sort of security clearance. Since the Biden documents are classified we will never know if those documents contained information useful to Biden and his bagman Hunter Biden as they perpetrated their obvious corrupt schemes involving foreign countries and individuals? So in this caper, who is being treated as if they are above the law?
7 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
DVC 2/9/2024 10:21:23 AM (No. 1654110)
The "willfully kept classified material" IS PROOF OF THE CRIMES.
7 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/9/2024 10:49:07 AM (No. 1654141)
Biden is a traitor...he sold US out for 10% of dirty money to china and Iran and it's established that he's to old and feeble to be charged...then who the hell is running our country?...WE all know's Obama and Valerie Jarrett from WE are at war with the White House "staff"...unelected and traitors to our country....
5 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
Philipsonh 2/9/2024 11:10:45 AM (No. 1654160)
They always forget to mention that Biden committed a Federal Felony when he STOLE the documents. He was lucid at those times. His jacka** wife is guilty of elder abuse.
6 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
akudaq 2/9/2024 12:50:25 PM (No. 1654225)
As Biden illegally took and kept documents from around ten years ago, what was his excuse then? How can he excuse his behavior; saying he mentally impaired back then?
3 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
Foghorn 2/9/2024 12:55:30 PM (No. 1654228)
An indictment and a trial for Biden would probably have dragged on for a year or two as they would have claimed diminished cognition. The basis for that would be he is not capable of understanding the procedures or what he is charged with. There is a difference in the cases between Trump and Biden. Trump was president when he removed classified from the SCIFF, Biden was a senator that was not allowed to remove classified material from the SCIFF but he did so for 40 years. Biden had material in at least three different locations, Trump just had them in his home. It is true that Trump sorted the material in a toild but the toilit was not used.
4 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
MickTurn 2/9/2024 1:57:02 PM (No. 1654264)
Given his penchant for being BRIBED for Favors, I have NO DOUBT Joey Briben was Selling Access to the 'Classified Documents'...I'm sure the Chicoms have pictures of ALL DOCUMENTS!
1 person likes this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
MickTurn 2/9/2024 1:58:39 PM (No. 1654266)
Follow up: Why else would the Classified Documents be stored at the Penn Biden Center at the Univ. Of Penn...and how many Chicoms work there? And how much money do the Chicoms pour into the Univ of Penn? We need truthful answers OR an massive investigation after Joey is FIRED!
2 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
Geoman 2/9/2024 3:21:36 PM (No. 1654315)
Within the special prosecutor report is a detailed exchange between Biden and his book's ghost writer where Biden is bragging that he retained his "foreign policy notebook," that his staff, struggling to keep Biden compliant with the statutory requirements for handling classified information, did not know that he had. Said notebook had classified information throughout; however, Biden viewed himself as a "historic figure" for winning his senate seat at age 29. It also detailed many instances where Biden wrote personal notes on clearly marked classified documents, presumably to claim his personal notes are his to do with what he pleased. Biden has always assumed that the rules do not apply to him; however, Biden flaunted his own "legend in his own mind" pseudo-status. That is clearly reflected in the report. Today's Whitehouse steroid-inflated spin (bald-face lies by a bald headed professional liar) are worthy of the People "migrating" en mass to DC and assisting the entire Biden Administration and their deep state supporters, out of DC, riding 'on a rail.'
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 2/9/2024 3:36:03 PM (No. 1654328)
All democrats always get a free pass on any crime or misdemeanor. Nice of him to blame Biden's age and memory. Here are a few more statements that will not shock anyone who is paying attention. 1. She don't sweat much for a fat girl! 2. Is that aftershave Eau de Swamp? 3. I can tell by your fingernails, you didn't have time to bathe. 4. What have you got on? Your mind? 5. I was hoping the Mullet would come back.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
XCenturion 2/9/2024 4:35:31 PM (No. 1654376)
I used to believe in a fair and impartial justice system until the Democrats weaponized the DOJ and our judiciary. As a retired law enforcement officer I am ashamed of the FBI, the partisan judges, and DA's that have seemingly infected our once great system of justice. Unless you've been living in a cave or under a rock it has become quite obvious that there is now a two-tiered system of justice in place in our country. Hillary was allowed by the FBI to destroy her emails that contained classified information. Then disgraced FBI Director James Comey decided a successful prosecution of her was unlikely therefore no charges were filed. Now the DOJ has determined that Joe Biden is too senile for his illegal storage and sharing of classified documents while a private citizen so he should not be prosecuted. But the corrupt DOJ, under the leadership of partisan Attorney General Merrick Garland, is full steam ahead in the prosecution (persecution) of former president Donald Trump. In other words if you're a Democrat you get a pass, but if you are Donald Trump or one of his supporters you get prosecuted to the full extend of the law. Just ask the January 6th political prisoners!
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
judy 2/9/2024 4:44:20 PM (No. 1654384)
The bank robber gave the $$ back... soooo move on...come on sided JD in full swing.....
2 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
Ned Scott 2/9/2024 10:22:16 PM (No. 1654545)
Joe Biden has always been regarded to be a goniff (or thief).
Now President Joe Biden is better known as a geriatric goniff.
Time to shuffle off to Leisure Village, Mr. President and Dr. Jill.
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Powerhouse Sol Wisenberg called attention to the executive summary of Hur's report. Although Hur apparently believed he didn't have enough evidence to bring charges, his "willfully" is a powerful legal word.