Investors Dump Renewable Energy Funds
At A Record Pace,
Charles Kennedy
Original Article
Posted By: Mizz Fixxit,
10/10/2023 10:47:11 AM
Global renewable energy funds saw record outflows of money in the third quarter of 2023 as stocks of wind and solar developers and suppliers crashed amid rising costs, higher interest rates, and supply-chain challenges. Renewable energy exchange traded funds (ETFs), tracking the performance of clean energy companies, suffered a total of $1.4 billion of outflows in the third quarter, the highest outflows of any previous quarter, according to data from LSEG Lipper cited by Reuters.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
learner 10/10/2023 11:02:57 AM (No. 1573810)
Unreliable energy being seen for what it is. A slush fund for connected individuals with the cost being taken from hard working American taxpayers. Nothing less than theft by the elected and subsidized political class.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Hazymac 10/10/2023 11:04:36 AM (No. 1573812)
Is it possible to short sell Al Gore's GIM fund? Go to zero!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 10/10/2023 11:33:53 AM (No. 1573841)
But - - but - - investing in "renewables" makes them feeeel good - - makes them feeeel like they're saving the planet.
What more meaning can your life have - - than saving the planet? Oooh - - I get all loosey-goosey just thinking about it!
49 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
jalo1951 10/10/2023 11:51:47 AM (No. 1573868)
Strange??? I thought renewables was God's gift to the world to make us happier, healthier, wealthier. It's was all good, perfect, no flaws or problems. s/o
Funny how sometimes your "feelings" get in the way of reality and then reality sneaks up and slaps you across the face. Their reality boils down to the loss of $. There will be a time when technology will allow the use of renewables in a more useful commonsense way. But it will not take over for all our energy needs. We need the "all above" approach. Using fossil fuel does not mean we are not responsible stewards of the land and nature. So instead of going off half cocked with your head up your butts screaming about climate change (the earth is 4.5 billions years old, yeah things can change over time) clear your head and let's think the situation through. Take the $ and the control issue out of the equation and let's rethink this. When you have to pour $ billions of tax payer money into the plan then it's not ready. We know it is not reliable at this time.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
stablemoney 10/10/2023 12:06:33 PM (No. 1573884)
NextEra purchased Gexa in the Houston area. They raised consumer prices about 10%. Then this year, they wanted another 17% raise, and a lot of consumers are dropping them. They haven't said how many consumers they are losing, but I suspect a lot of them, as there are cheaper alternatives. NextEra is also piled up with debt from acquistions. But NextEra can't make money by just raising prices, as they get a lot less buyers.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 10/10/2023 12:10:31 PM (No. 1573887)
The beautiful, vast range land in Wyoming is besmirched with many wind farms.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 10/10/2023 12:37:37 PM (No. 1573904)
Smart people, like me, made sure that our investments steered clear of these money traps and never invested in this stupidity to begin with.
When Mr. Average Wall Street guy figures out that this is a loser - they aren't far from total financial collapse - regardless of the endless flow of taxpayer dollars propping them up to begin with.
Stupid ideas, and they were obviously economically and practically unworkable from the beginning. Only greenie weenie idiots who have trouble with 2+3 = 5 kind of math and never understood how that magic got inside the light bulb in the first place bought into this scam.
I hope it all dies QUICKLY and completely.
39 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
halfnorsk 10/10/2023 12:56:00 PM (No. 1573926)
It appears that Build Back Better is quickly morphing to Go Broke Faster.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Kate318 10/10/2023 1:01:01 PM (No. 1573939)
All energy sources are renewable, including oil, gas and coal. It’s only a question of how long they take to replenish.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 10/10/2023 1:07:35 PM (No. 1573944)
Looting in the guise of investing. They are all partners of Joe Biden. It was a scam from the start. The looters got rich quick, left town, and everyone else is holding an empty bag. The people behind this will never see any jail time. Quite the opposite, they are looking for their next quick score.
25 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
mc squared 10/10/2023 1:26:52 PM (No. 1573953)
#8: Yes, but not for everyone.
10 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 10/10/2023 1:35:29 PM (No. 1573959)
You are correct #9. And some of the time lines are shorter than you probably think, depending on how you define "renewable".
The earliest oil fields that we could access were, by today's standards, extremely shallow depths. And they were relatively quickly exhausted, after maybe 20-30 years, and abandoned. And yet, many of these shallow fields, abandoned for perhaps 80-100 years have now been discovered to have refilled, clearly from deeper sources of petroleum that we were unaware of. So, is this "renewal" or just moving naturally to the lower pressures of the shallow reservoirs from the higher pressures of the deeper pressures?
I say.....:"yes".
IMO, Coal may have come from huge forests compressed and turned into coal, but I think that oil and natural gas came from the primordial interstellar rocky snowballs that compacted into our planet. We find that the typical comet from the Ort Cloud has an overwhelming majority of mass as water ice and methane ice. Methane is natural gas, CH4, the building block of ALL carbon-hydrogen long chain polymers, like propane, butane, octane, etc, which all mixed together make up "petroleum".
I think all these billions and billions of tons of rock, water ice and methane ice were buried deeply as the pieces of the primordial planet coalesced. The water ice formed the 70% of the earth that is covered in water, and the methane ice, when compressed and heated deep underground polymerized into those longer chain hydrocarbons.....butane, propane, octane, naptha and all the way up the numbersto lube oils and such. These are "petroleum" and a "refinery" just separates them by their molecular weight (based on boiling point) and we have the various useful materials as fuels and lubricants, many other things.
My bet is that various hydrocarbons from our rocky snowball origins make up a substantial fraction of the total mass of the planet, like maybe 10-20%, which is for our purposes, and endless supply. We have likely not touched even 0.1% of what is down there.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
DVC 10/10/2023 1:45:10 PM (No. 1573963)
If 10% of the earth's mass is petroleum, that represents about 36 trillion days worth at current consumption rates worldwide. That's 95 billion years worth.
Since best estimates are that the planet has existed for 4 billion years, and humans have existed for maybe 100,000 years - we have likely enough petroleum to last 23 times the current life of the planet. But, not all will be economically recoverable....we only may have 15 or 16 billion years worth left.
I don't worry about running out.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Califedup 10/10/2023 2:22:39 PM (No. 1573988)
Ha ha. Looks like the renewable, green energy Industry scam is running out of, pardon the pun, Gas.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
ThreeBadCats3 10/10/2023 2:53:11 PM (No. 1574002)
Our wisest communicator of all time, Rush Limbaugh, spoke many times of his conviction that oil, coal, natural gas, are being continually produced through whatever process, for the use of the living organisms of the earth..
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Venturer 10/10/2023 4:12:40 PM (No. 1574049)
As more and more people see the prank type joke that was pulled on America with this EV and fan and solar pipe dream they get out while the getting is good.
18 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/10/2023 5:06:54 PM (No. 1574080)
How do they have the brains to be investors when they can't see that the entire concept of renewable energy, as designed by the loony left, is an impossible dream that will not function under today's technology?
19 people like this.
It has been a scam that is coming to an end after the elites made their big money.
Wind farms kill birds and whales and can't provide enough power to California for their electric cars that die on the road, and are rescued by gas vehicles tow trucks.
Our citizens are just the biggest goobs! Dumbed down for decades in schools that we pay for.
11 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/11/2023 8:36:07 AM (No. 1574549)
The entire green scam would be laughable if the government did not force the taxpayers to subsidize all of it. This is another black mark on Biden the Turnip.
18 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
walcb 10/11/2023 8:48:23 AM (No. 1574565)
Not to worry, the govt. will just print more money to subsidize these scams.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/11/2023 11:07:51 AM (No. 1574750)
Apparently they smell THE SCAM!
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/11/2023 11:25:27 AM (No. 1574785)
Oh this is too funny...Americans don't want solar and wind...WE want President Trump's energy self sufficiency back again....and no little whining Kerry can move US....hope you collected enough pay back to last's gonna dry up....
7 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
globalwarmer 10/11/2023 2:15:06 PM (No. 1574959)
Oh, this is funny. The Leftist scams are crumbling right before our eyes.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Heraclitus 10/11/2023 2:19:19 PM (No. 1574963)
Thanks, #12/13, for the info.
So. rather than returning to the energy sources of the medieval period (windmills), or, hey, of the neolithic, or... the paleolithic where evidence for man-made fires has been found... for heat, light, cooking will we accept or reject that reversion to primitivism and inefficiency?
Noticeable in the archaeological record is that wherever we have the evidence of people, we have evidence of innovation (to one degree or another), and the spread of "technologies" from one group to another, and all the attendant innovations such as came with plant and animal domestication. The goal was, and is, so it seems, efficiency and effectiveness and the improvement of one's (and even Humanity's) living conditions.
I was watching "Gunsmoke" one night when I became fascinated with how the cowboys could just go out and hop on their horses to race to an emergency (or to escape the marshal!!). I realize this seems like, duh. But think about it! Horseback riding was a symbol of freedom. As long as the horse had been fed (even a little scrub grass and water), one had the freedom and means to come and go as one pleased. And if you stole someone's horse, it was a hanging offense...
Leaving aside a discussion of the domestication of the horse and how it quickly became useful for hunting (rather than being hunted for food) and used as a war vehicle, super for speed in attacking and raiding, and dragging a chariot, the horse was a boon for humankind.
And so, thinking about how the horseback riding, carriage-driving populace eagerly accepted the new mode of transportation, the automobile, it was because it was an innovation which improved life for people. The old saying was true, that the buggy-whip maker wasn't very happy... until he found he could use his skills to make something useful for the new contraptions known as the automobile. This, too, brought innovations in many areas of the economy.
Similarly, the spread of railroads crisscrossing the West, with the addition of cattle cars, led to the end of the whole culture around herding cattle, and the end of a way of life which was difficult and dangerous.
The point is, as human beings, we don't choose to revert to less efficient, less useful, less pleasurable, more arduous conditions. For sure there are negatives associated with many of the benefits, however, the retrograde folks around us have been trying to compel a return to a more difficult, and much LESS FREE way of life.
And by the way, a command-and-control economy has never worked, regardless of how ruthless the tyrannical regime is, or how clever the propaganda. I hope rationality will have the upper hand --sooner rather than later.
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