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New York Democrats to Distribute Flyers
to Illegals at Southern Border Warning
Them ‘You Are Better Off’ Somewhere Else

Original Article

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/29/2023 4:20:39 AM

New York Democrats are planning to distribute flyers at the US-Mexico border telling illegals to “consider another city.” On Wednesday, Mayor Eric Adam’s office announced this plan to “combat misinformation at the border.” The flyers will be in both Spanish and English and will warn the illegals that New York City is the most expensive city in the world so they will be better off somewhere else. How interesting that a sanctuary city run by Democrats who have been all for illegal immigration is now troubled by the flood of illegal aliens. Leftist ideas sound compassionate coming from those Democrat leaders until it’s at their front door.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mifla 9/29/2023 4:48:46 AM (No. 1565404)
OK, how about Syracuse, Buffalo, and Rochester? Will AOC be one of the Democrats handing out flyers at the border?
30 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: PChristopher 9/29/2023 4:57:17 AM (No. 1565408)
Start with the Hamptons
46 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 9/29/2023 5:39:35 AM (No. 1565417)
Deleware and DC!
34 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DogFacedPonySoldier 9/29/2023 6:15:46 AM (No. 1565425)
Hmm…. If it’s expensive to live there, then there must be a lot of rich people living there. They must have a lot of valuable things which might “borrowed” for resale.
27 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: scottj 9/29/2023 6:29:08 AM (No. 1565427)
They are NOT better off somewhere else. They are best off in the wonderful sanctuary cities like NYC and DC. Those sanctuary cities welcome them with open arms.
32 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Msquared112 9/29/2023 6:45:20 AM (No. 1565430)
So you’re not a sanctuary city after all? NIMBY hypocrites…
28 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 9/29/2023 6:46:07 AM (No. 1565431)
So, NIMBYard. How about a wall, instead?
25 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: privateer 9/29/2023 7:20:30 AM (No. 1565438)
Sportin' Life say: WE"RE better off with you somewheres else. Brown ain't the new Black!
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Midnight Rambler 9/29/2023 7:32:06 AM (No. 1565444)
How about flters that tell them to go back to where they came from.
25 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Krause 9/29/2023 7:53:09 AM (No. 1565454)
‘It’s okay to storm our border, just don’t come here.’
21 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Strike3 9/29/2023 8:10:26 AM (No. 1565469)
Flyers should say, "Go Back Home" but sanctuary cities, by their own declaration, have boxed themselves in.
16 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: walcb 9/29/2023 8:27:03 AM (No. 1565479)
For once the dims report the truth.
7 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Laotzu 9/29/2023 8:57:41 AM (No. 1565486)
When the only tool in your tool box is propaganda . . . .
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mariboo72 9/29/2023 9:18:49 AM (No. 1565506)
Yeah, and their relatives already in New York are sending them messages, "Come to New York! We're staying in hotels for free and they're giving us money and promising to give us jobs!"
19 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: What3rd 9/29/2023 9:51:33 AM (No. 1565533)
Since NYC is suddenly not a sanctuary city any more but NY is a sanctuary State, send them to Albany and let the great Gov of NY handle them. I hear there is room in the Gov mansion to feed and house about 30. Kathy can move to the local Holiday Inn. Seems right to me.
22 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 9/29/2023 10:18:24 AM (No. 1565550)
Yes, tell these border crashers "you are better off" BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM.
14 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: DVC 9/29/2023 10:38:55 AM (No. 1565573)
LOL! What about being a sanctuary city? They are reaping what they sowed. I LOVE IT.
15 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 9/29/2023 11:32:01 AM (No. 1565627)
Just keep the train rolling and ship them straight to Canada.
12 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/29/2023 12:18:23 PM (No. 1565660)
Send them all to AOC's district...she can mix cocktails for them...
19 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: dbdiva 9/29/2023 2:35:12 PM (No. 1565711)
Let's hope the Middle Eastern terrorist-types coming through the border speak English or Spanish! It seems to me that NYC should have included a few more languages on their flyers.
7 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: danu 9/29/2023 3:31:45 PM (No. 1565734)
mick jagger 's counsel, as it were: bite the big apple; don't mind the maggots.
2 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: czechlist 9/29/2023 5:21:13 PM (No. 1565791)
progressive yankee virtue sure spreads thinly
4 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: padiva 9/30/2023 7:04:22 AM (No. 1566040)
Send them to the Bronx, Manhattan or Brooklyn. /s
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: mifla 9/30/2023 7:48:45 AM (No. 1566055)
Florida should do the same thing to New Yorkers who want to move south.
5 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Rumblehog 9/30/2023 9:00:28 AM (No. 1566090)
They should hand those out to ANY American citizen who even thinks about moving there.
4 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: FJB 9/30/2023 9:20:12 AM (No. 1566099)
It's been clear all along what's going on. So why didn't Gregg Abbott call up the National Guard two years ago, tell Traitor Joe to get f'd two years ago, and keep building that wall? Why doesn't he do it now? MAGA-FJB
4 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: janjan 9/30/2023 9:58:20 AM (No. 1566133)
This laughable hypocrisy is so pathetic it’s almost painful. The message to these so-called ‘migrants’ is that it’s perfectly ok to enter our country illegally expecting to be cared for at taxpayer expense but don’t come to our phony virtue signaling sanctuary city. Most of these illegals are being planted in various places by the Biden Administration, who is ignoring the problem. This is their Party and they’re all powerless to do anything about it.
6 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/30/2023 10:42:41 AM (No. 1566166)
Talk about pathetic...this should prove just how stupid the mayor of New York is.....
5 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Trapper 9/30/2023 11:13:07 AM (No. 1566186)
Cloward-Pivening the practicioners of Cloward-Piven. Big city politicians want to virtue signal by declaring their cities as "sanctuary cities"? Fine. FLOOD them with unskilled, uneducated, illiterate, disease ridden, non-English speaking illegal aliens. You know, the ones they used to just drop off unannounced in small towns. Now we get all the harrumphing that comes when pontificating phonies are forced to live by the rules and social schemes they want to impose on everyone else. "But ... but . but . not on MY block! I already HAVE a lawn guy."
6 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Lawsy0 9/30/2023 11:17:02 AM (No. 1566193)
Printed in Spanish and Farsi?
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: mizzmac 9/30/2023 12:33:01 PM (No. 1566247)
They're a sanctuary state...until it costs them.
1 person likes this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: whyyeseyec 9/30/2023 4:54:38 PM (No. 1566385)
The Dems want their illegal brethren infecting red states only.
0 people like this.

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Trump shut the border and got a migrant
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Posted by FlyRight 9/29/2023 11:25:52 PM Post Reply
Say what you want about President Trump, the business-magnate-turned-president always did understand the art of the deal. So when a migrant surge in 2019 migrant inundated U.S. borders from the south, Trump showed Mexico he meant business by shutting the U.S.-Mexico border as leverage in order to cut a deal with them to stop the migrants.President Trump's threats to close the border have slowed cross-border commerce at the country's busiest port of entry, despite his comments Thursday indicating he intended to give Mexico a year to stop the flow of migrants to the U.S.
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Posted by FlyRight 9/29/2023 11:20:59 PM Post Reply
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New York Democrats to Distribute Flyers
to Illegals at Southern Border Warning
Them ‘You Are Better Off’ Somewhere Else
32 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/29/2023 4:20:39 AM Post Reply
New York Democrats are planning to distribute flyers at the US-Mexico border telling illegals to “consider another city.” On Wednesday, Mayor Eric Adam’s office announced this plan to “combat misinformation at the border.” The flyers will be in both Spanish and English and will warn the illegals that New York City is the most expensive city in the world so they will be better off somewhere else. How interesting that a sanctuary city run by Democrats who have been all for illegal immigration is now troubled by the flood of illegal aliens. Leftist ideas sound compassionate coming from those Democrat leaders until it’s at their front door.
Eye on Politics: Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson
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Posted by FlyRight 9/29/2023 4:13:06 AM Post Reply
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The 10% Rule: These Congressional Districts
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Posted by FlyRight 9/27/2023 4:00:58 PM Post Reply
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Michelle Obama Is
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Posted by FlyRight 9/27/2023 3:59:00 PM Post Reply
Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Yarndell still had a twitch in his right eye from the trauma of accidentally wandering into “Speedo Square Dance Club” at the community center.The game is still afoot, and apparently a new player has moved into the Number One spot. For a news cycle, anyway. It seems like we delve into the speculation about who will replace Joe Biden when the Democrats finally decide that he has Longest COVID Ever and put him on one last Amtrak back to Delaware. It’s getting an “office pool” feel to it. Buy in for $25,
Thanks to the Policies of the Obama and
Biden Administrations, the New Axis of
Evil – Russia, China, North Korea, Iran
– Posing a Worldwide Existential Threat
7 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/23/2023 6:50:20 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration... is also financing the ruling mullahs of Iran with billions of dollars to put the finishing touches on the country's nuclear program and for delivering more weapons to Russia with which to attack Ukraine. "We're sitting still, and the Chinese, the Russians, Iran, North Korea, and several others, are moving to shore up their relations and threaten us in a lot of different places." — Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton, The Hill, March 12, 2023. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the Biden administration seems to be allowing Iran's ruling mullahs to prosper from the war and emerge as the winners.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy calls on Sen.
Menendez to resign following indictment
19 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/23/2023 5:59:17 AM Post Reply
Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy called on Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., to resign following a federal indictment. U.S. Attorney Damian Williams announced the indictment Friday morning at a press conference. "Today, I'm announcing that my office has obtained a three count indictment charging Senator Robert Menendez, his wife, Nadine Menendez, and three New Jersey businessmen, Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daibes for bribery offenses," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said at a press conference on Friday morning.
Who’s Bob Menendez? New Jersey’s senator
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for years
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/23/2023 5:52:07 AM Post Reply
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Sen. Bob Menendez’s defense against new federal corruption charges against him, his wife and business associates Friday revealed that he’s adopting the same defiant stance he took when he faced federal accusations nearly a decade ago. A three-term senator who has held office at every level across New Jersey’s rough-and-tumble political landscape, Menendez vowed to fight the latest set of charges and questioned the veracity of the indictment. In almost the same language he used in 2017 after a mistrial on federal corruption charges, he cast the indictment Friday in political terms and vowed to continue his work in the Senate.
Watch your step: A new robot will police
the NYC subways
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/23/2023 5:50:17 AM Post Reply
NEW YORK — Please watch out for the robots as you’re exiting the train. New York City Mayor Eric Adams doubled down on his pledge to bring more technology to the nation’s largest police department Friday when he unveiled an autonomous robot that will patrol one of the city’s busiest subway stations.The device, known as K5 and produced by robotics company Knightscope, stood motionless alongside Adams at a Friday press conference, its shell emblazoned with NYPD colors and its unblinking camera lens pointed at reporters and commuters in the bustling transit hub beneath Times Square.
Is the Pope Catholic? 28 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/22/2023 4:37:50 AM Post Reply
That question used to be rhetorical and used to signify a definite and emphatic yes to any statement. In 2023, however, it is less sure — particularly in light of one Catholic cleric who aired his dissenting opinion. Since the pandemic, the world has taken a turn toward moral lunacy, while the usual spiritual guardians are silent in their outrage. The idea that this medical hoax shuttered churches caused many to suspect a sinister underlying force. More and more Catholicclergy are voicing publicly their concerns about the direction of Pope Francis’s papacy in videos and podcasts.
The Democrat J6 Insurrection Hoax Keeps
Getting Worse
10 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/21/2023 8:28:19 AM Post Reply
The exact moment when the Democrats ramped up their efforts to turn the United States of America into a Third World banana republic may be difficult to pinpoint, but we know it happened around the time that they decided that January 6, 2021, would be their new holiest of holy days. Oh, they can pretend to be horrified about what they say went on that day, be we know that they privately chuckle at how they’ve been able to turn their false J6 narrative into a weapon to destroy their political opponents.
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Socialist Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulls fire
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Posted by Imright 9/30/2023 3:14:07 PM Post Reply
Socialist Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled the fire alarm in a House office building Saturday as Democrats tried to delay a vote on a Republican stopgap spending bill, according to the GOP-controlled Administration Committee. The wild incident in the Cannon Building was caught on camera and confirmed by several witnesses, according to Politico. Bowman “pulled a fire alarm in Cannon this morning,” a panel spokesperson told the outlet. “An investigation into why it was pulled is underway.” Staten Island GOP Rep. Nicole Malliotakis’ office told The Post they would move to have Bowman expelled from the chamber.
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/30/2023 3:06:20 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 9/30/2023 9:58:23 AM Post Reply
Rolls-Royce, the British manufacturer of very large and very expensive cars and SUVs powered by 12-cylinder engines, announced Wednesday that it will stop selling gasoline powered vehicles by 2030. From then on, Rolls-Royce will be all electric. The automaker also announced the name of the first electric Rolls-Royce, the Spectre, which will go on sale in about two years.
Republicans Draft Resolution to Expel
Jamaal Bowman from Congress
25 replies
Posted by Imright 9/30/2023 6:33:42 PM Post Reply
Republicans have drafted a resolution to expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) after he allegedly pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote on a bill to avert a government shutdown. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) authored the resolution, which is expected to be formally filed Monday when the House is next in session. Expulsion is the most serious form of disciplinary action available to the House for its own members. Only five members have been expelled from the House in history. (X) Bowman’s alleged actions are being investigated by the House Administration Committee and the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) and elicited widespread condemnation from his Republican colleagues.
Hillary Is Back 20 replies
Posted by DW626 9/30/2023 6:41:11 AM Post Reply
Sheeee's baaaaack! Yes, America's cold sore, Hillary Clinton, is back in the news. She's hoping the newly resurrected Clinton Global Initiative (the fake charity but real influence-peddling operation that temporarily closed its doors while being investigated for engaging in pay-to-play fraud) can make a financial killing off all the real killing going on in Ukraine. CGI is ready to help the widowed, orphaned, and suffering people of Ukraine by collecting large sums of money that will go a long way to supporting the Clintons' lavish lifestyles. What remains of their tax-free charitable "services" can then be distributed among their army of cronies desperate for an easy payday.
Trump Does Brutal Spot-on Imitation of
Biden Getting Lost on Stage
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/30/2023 9:58:57 AM Post Reply
Forner President Donald Trump spoke to the California GOP Convention on Friday. Trump chastised the Democrats, saying they brought the state homelessness, open borders, high taxes, inequality, “woke tech tyrants,” and rising crime, but that "help was on the way. " He verbally drew a sharp contrast between himself and the current occupant of the White House, Joe Biden, questioning whether Biden was fit for the office. Trump also mimicked Biden's tendency to get lost on the stage and not know where he was going. “Does anybody think he’s going to make it to the starting gate?” Trump asked the audience in Anaheim, receiving a resounding reply of “no!”
The Right Is Not Happy With Fox’s Dana
Perino For Introducing ‘The Amazing’
Hillary Clinton at Conference
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/30/2023 6:25:25 PM Post Reply
Fox News anchor Dana Perino is being criticized by some the right for her attendance at a Clinton Global Initiative conference earlier this month, where she introduced “the amazing Secretary Hillary Clinton.” Perino, who served in George W. Bush’s administration as press secretary, moderated a panel about “Journalism on the Front Lines” before handing the floor over to the former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for president. She was asked to participate by Fox’s sister outlet, the Wall Street Journal; the Journal‘s Evan Gershkovich has been detained in Russia since March on espionage charges.
Dianne Feinstein leaves stunning properties
to her and billionaire husband’s feuding daughters
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/30/2023 4:14:28 AM Post Reply
Dianne Feinstein was one of the Senate’s richest members throughout her trailblazing career — thanks to her billionaire husband. While others in Congress struggled to make ends meet, sleeping in their offices to save on rent, Feinstein commuted from San Francisco aboard a Gulfstream G650 jet (pre-owned, the aircraft averages $61,815,000), sported expensive jewelry and flitted from one mansion to the next. (snip) The biggest single item in the estate is the couple’s home in San Francisco; Feinstein resided in a three-story 1917 Italianate mansion on the famed Lyon Steps. Its landscaped gardens have stunning views over the Bay, and it has a valuation to match: $21 million.
Developing: McCarthy Reportedly Lied Again
– Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding
with McConnell and Biden
16 replies
Posted by DW626 9/30/2023 8:49:44 PM Post Reply
Earlier today the US House of Representatives passed a last-minute spending bill to keep the government funded for an additional 45 days, narrowly averting a government shutdown that would have commenced at 12:01 a.m. The bill, spearheaded by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to pass. With a 335-91 vote, the House approved a 45-day temporary funding measure that excludes border security and $6 billion in funding for Ukraine. The bill includes provisions for disaster relief funds that likely swayed some Democrats to vote in favor.
Whose Side Is Fox on Anyway? 16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/30/2023 2:04:37 PM Post Reply
The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck — and that’s putting it mildly. If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the moderators, who not only had no control of the debate but ignored their own rules and allowed candidates to attack one another without the opportunity for rebuttal. The leftist Univision moderator — Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón — who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions about Dreamers and DACA, turning the questions into speeches to condemn GOP policies on immigration. (X) She also went after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, repeating a hoax perpetrated by Kamala Harris claiming
The Legacy Dianne Feinstein Left California:
Cr-p And Crime
16 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/30/2023 10:34:46 AM Post Reply
With the passing of longtime Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Friday, colleagues from across the political aisle have released a bevy of statements remembering the Golden State’s golden gal. While President Joe Biden described Feinstein as a “kind and loyal friend,” Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, characterized the California Democrat as a “true public servant” with whom he had a “wonderful working relationship” and “will miss.” Other Democrat and Republican senators such as Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Susan Collins, R–Maine, and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., also offered their condolences and fond memories of Feinstein.
The backlash to 'two-parent privilege' continues 16 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/30/2023 9:08:11 AM Post Reply
I’ve seen a couple of articles now responding to economist Melissa Kearney’s book titled “The Two-Parent Privilege.” (snip) Case in point, Jill Filipovic has an opinion piece for CNN arguing in a very roundabout fashion that conservatives are to blame for the decline of marriage. (snip) "The problem is that decades of largely conservative policy-making have fueled inequality, gutted the working class, left a generation of men isolated and under-employed and unmoored, impoverished families and made it harder for women to both control their own fertility and find suitable partners."
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