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After delay, Senate sends $40 billion
Ukraine aid package to Biden

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/19/2022 6:11:18 PM

Washington — After a weeklong delay, the Senate on Thursday voted to pass a $40 billion military, economic and humanitarian aid package for Ukraine as its bloody war with Russia neared the three-month mark. The vote was 86-11, with Republicans casting all of the no votes. The Senate also voted to confirm Bridget Brink as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine on Wednesday night, shortly after the State Department announced it was reopening its embassy in Kyiv. Democratic and Republican leaders had hoped to quickly take up the House-passed package last week, but Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., objected and dragged out the process over a dispute about oversight of the spending.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: watashiyo 5/19/2022 6:17:19 PM (No. 1160309)
Ukrainian government thanks Brain Dead BiteMe for making them filthy rich and assured the Democrats their campaign donations are on their way.
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Bur Oak 5/19/2022 8:29:45 PM (No. 1160400)
Shame on the Republican senators that helped pass this. Repeal the 17th amendment.
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: whyyeseyec 5/19/2022 8:59:39 PM (No. 1160419)
Got to make sure those campaign contributions make it back to the right people by mid-summer so the Crats can bombard the airwaves this Fall and blame the GOP for the horrible economy Biden created.
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: stablemoney 5/19/2022 9:36:36 PM (No. 1160455)
The Republicans have shamed themselves. There never was a spending package the Republicans didn't vote for.
3 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: rochow 5/19/2022 9:39:17 PM (No. 1160458)
So now we are paying for Ukrainian government salaries, their pensions, their savings and whatever else. I guess Ukraine will be beholden to the Bidet family for a long time sending them private thank you checks.!?!?!?
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Califedup 5/20/2022 7:05:50 AM (No. 1160678)
Once again the republican senators betray their base and our country. If republicans win control of both houses in November they will do nothing and will continue to betray us and our country. Forty billion to the corrupt communist death democrat cash cow Ukraine. Wonder how much of the 40 billion will end up in the pockets of the democrats and republicans? Traitors.
3 people like this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 5/20/2022 11:36:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 11:33:30 PM Post Reply
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Zaslav plans to 'un-cancel' JK Rowling
by asking her to help produce new Harry
Potter shows for HBO Max after saying
he'll ax biased CNN shows
3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 11:27:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 10:58:04 PM Post Reply
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The left hates Elon Musk because he’s
a twin threat that doesn’t tolerate BS
4 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 10:51:43 PM Post Reply
Why does the left hate Elon Musk? It’s simple, really: Because he can’t be controlled, and because he doesn’t tolerate BS. The left can’t stand either. It insists on control, to the point of systematically eliminating or co-opting anything that might serve as an independent power center. (Their fear is justified: “Music clubs” turned out to be a major factor in Czechoslovakia’s 1989 anticommunist Velvet Revolution.) And it insists on not merely spreading BS, but on requiring people to repeat and endorse its BS as a sign of submission. Musk is thus a twin threat. As the sometime richest man in the world, he has a lot of power,
Marc Elias Finally Gets Grilled in Sussmann
Case, Spills on Involvement of Clinton Team
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 6:54:06 PM Post Reply
Special Counsel John Durham’s team finally got former Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias on the stand on Wednesday in the trial of his former partner, Michael Sussmann. Sussmann is on trial for allegedly lying to the FBI — telling them about the debunked Alfa Bank “connections” to the Trump campaign — but denying that he was working for a client when, according to Durham, he was representing the Clinton campaign and tech executive, Rodney Joffe. As we previously reported, the prosecution intended to call some big names for its case, including former Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias, who was a partner with Sussmann
The Approaching Food Crisis Will Be a
Catastrophe For Humanity
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 6:39:09 PM Post Reply
All modern famines are man-made, usually the result of war, disease, and stupidity. In 2022, all the elements necessary for a historic famine are present and in abundance, leading many experts to the conclusion that the food crisis that will be upon us shortly will be a catastrophe. The Ukraine War is affecting the output of the second most important breadbasket in the world. Together, Russia and Ukraine supply “28% of globally traded wheat, 29% of the barley, 15% of the maize, and 75% of the sunflower oil,” according to The Economist. Russia and Ukraine contribute about half the cereals imported by Lebanon and Tunisia; for Libya and Egypt the figure is two-thirds.
After delay, Senate sends $40 billion
Ukraine aid package to Biden
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 6:11:18 PM Post Reply
Washington — After a weeklong delay, the Senate on Thursday voted to pass a $40 billion military, economic and humanitarian aid package for Ukraine as its bloody war with Russia neared the three-month mark. The vote was 86-11, with Republicans casting all of the no votes. The Senate also voted to confirm Bridget Brink as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine on Wednesday night, shortly after the State Department announced it was reopening its embassy in Kyiv. Democratic and Republican leaders had hoped to quickly take up the House-passed package last week, but Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., objected and dragged out the process over a dispute about oversight of the spending.
Oklahoma Legislature Passes Bill Banning
Abortion from Moment of Fertilization
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 6:07:25 PM Post Reply
The Oklahoma legislature approved a law on Thursday that would ban almost all abortions from the moment of fertilization, sending the bill to Republican governor Kevin Stitt to sign. The law, which constitutes the most sweeping pro-life legislation passed by any state, allows anyone to sue a doctor or other person who “aids or abets” an abortion from the moment of fertilization for up to $10,000. While modeled on Texas’s ban on abortions upon detection of a fetal heartbeat, the Oklahoma law would ban almost all abortions, with exceptions for cases of rape or incest. The bill would go into effect immediately upon receiving the governor’s signature.
James Baker Believed Sussmann Presented
Trump-Alfa Evidence as ‘Good Citizen,’
Not on Behalf of Clinton Campaign
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 6:04:40 PM Post Reply
Washington, D.C. — Testifying Thursday in the false-statement trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, former FBI general counsel James Baker confirmed that he believed Sussmann was acting as a “good citizen” and not “on behalf of any particular client” when he requested a meeting to pass along what he said was evidence of illicit communications between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank. Prosecutors have alleged that Sussmann lied to Baker when he approached him with what was alleged to have been evidence of internet communications between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank in September, 2016, months ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
Public schools are feeling the fallout
from the COVID lockdowns
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2022 8:18:29 AM Post Reply
Vladimir Lenin allegedly said, "Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I have sown shall never be uprooted."  America's leftists have taken those words to heart and, since the 1930s, have assiduously winnowed their way into America's education system.  The COVID lockdown, for all its destruction, may have ended up performing a huge service by exposing to parents just how bad the leftist toxin has grown in the last ten to fifteen years.  The sea change in parental attitudes toward education is shown in the fact that, across America, public school enrollment is collapsing.
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Posted by NorthernDog 5/20/2022 8:52:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 5/19/2022 9:25:12 AM Post Reply
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Act, HHS Will Now Control Means of Production
for Baby Formula and Ensure Distribution Equity
31 replies
Posted by Judy W. 5/19/2022 7:00:54 AM Post Reply
Do you know what it’s technically called when “government takes control of the means of production?” Yeah, that. This afternoon Joe Biden invoked the Defense Production Act giving Health and Human Services the legal authority to control the supplies needed for the creation of baby formula (how it is made), and the authority to determine distribution equity (who gets it). White House – “[T]he authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act to require performance of contracts or orders … is delegated to the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to all health resources, including the ingredients necessary to manufacture infant formula.”
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Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 8:43:15 PM Post Reply
The rhetoric from ABC’s The View has steadily grown more and more dangerous and possibly inciting, as co-host Sunny Hostin spent part of Thursday’s show maligning all 74 million Republican 2020 voters by calling them the “biggest domestic threat” to the country after House Republicans opposed a Democratic-led effort against so-called “domestic terrorism.” Both she and co-host Sara Haines scoffed at concerns that slapping on labels could lead to a slippery slope.
Porch Pirate Learns The Hard Way Not To
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To Serve Him Instant Justice – The Robber
Soiled Himself
29 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 5/19/2022 9:39:02 AM Post Reply
Criminals getting blown up by retired Marines is just hilarious as heck. Who better to deal out such righteous justice than a United States Marine, who has had more than enough of people stealing his packages from his porch. I’m not saying he handled the situation in the most legal fashion, nor will I say this is the best way to deal with porch thieves. However, I will say that I’m glad he went about it the way he did because it’s hilarious.
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Posted by Ribicon 5/20/2022 11:02:07 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration is making $500 million available to school districts to transition the nation’s gas-guzzling diesel school bus fleets to zero-emission electric busses. The bucket of money is part of a broader tranche of $5 billion set aside in last year’s infrastructure spending for low and zero-emission school buses over the next five years.(Snip)They will highlight how the switch to electric buses will not only significantly slash greenhouse gas emissions, but how it will also cut down on public health risks that diesel vehicles pose to children, such as causing asthma.
Pete Buttigieg says US backs new Marshall
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27 replies
Posted by Ribicon 5/20/2022 3:52:40 PM Post Reply
A leading figure in the Biden administration has backed a recovery programme for Ukraine in the style of the Marshall plan, which helped rebuild Europe after the second world war. Pete Buttigieg, the US transportation secretary, said there was plenty of political will at home and internationally towards cooperating in long-term reconstruction efforts including to buttress existing infrastructure in Ukraine. “With the memory of the Marshall plan in mind, what we’re talking about is not only about how we fund immediate needs and support their ability to maintain the war effort, but how we support the ability of Ukraine to be economically viable and generate a sustainable future for themselves
Dem witness tells House committee men
can get pregnant, have abortions
27 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 5/19/2022 7:23:25 AM Post Reply
A Democrat witness testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on abortion rights Thursday declared that men can get pregnant and have abortions. Aimee Arrambide, the executive director of the abortion rights nonprofit Avow Texas, was asked by Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., to define what "a woman is," to which she responded, "I believe that everyone can identify for themselves."
Bill de Blasio Announces Run for Congress 25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/20/2022 11:36:11 AM Post Reply
Former New York City mayor Bill de Blasio has announced that he is running for Congress in the upcoming midterm elections in November, in New York’s tenth congressional district. De Blasio make the announcement during an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday. It comes merely 48 hours after de Blasio announced via Twitter that he was forming an exploratory committee to raise money for a potential bid. The committee was legally turned into a formal campaign on Friday. In announcing his candidacy, de Blasio told host Joe Scarborough that “people are hurting, they need help, they need help fast,” and that “they need leaders that can actually get them help now.”
Rand Paul calls for the Supreme Court
to use a lie detector test to find out
who leaked the Roe v. Wade draft
25 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2022 11:42:46 PM Post Reply
Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul on Thursday urged the Supreme Court to use a lie detector to uncover who leaked an explosive draft opinion that suggests the judicial body could overturn federal abortion protections. GOP lawmakers have for weeks demanded consequences for whoever was responsible for leaking the draft to Politico earlier this month. Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed the draft's authenticity on May 3 and vowed to open an investigation into who committed the 'betrayal of the confidences of the court.'
Wicked witch of the woke Nina Jankowicz
resigns as Disinformation Governance Board
is put on 'pause'
25 replies
Posted by PageTurner 5/19/2022 9:26:35 AM Post Reply
Just when I thought the Biden administration was beyond shame, it (at least temporarily) pulled the plug on the Disinformation Governance Board, causing the buffoonish Nina Jankowicz to resign. I can't recall a speedier and more embarrassing belly flop of a government initiative than the announcement of this transparently Orwellian state organ, headed by a cringeworthy exhibitionist besotted with her own musical talent and purported wisdom. The astonishing lack of forethought in choosing Jankowicz as the arbiter of truth, when she is on the record affirming that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation (even the Washington Post and New York Times have given up the ghost on that fraud),
George W. Bush is mocked for blasting
Russia's 'wholly unjustified and brutal
invasion of IRAQ'... before correcting
himself to say Ukraine in Texas speech
24 replies
Posted by Ribicon 5/19/2022 11:47:24 AM Post Reply
In what some are calling an epic 'Freudian slip,' former President George W. Bush accidentally called the invasion of Iraq 'wholly unjustified and brutal' while speaking about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Bush made the embarrassing gaffe in a speech at his presidential center in Dallas, where he spoke about the importance of fair elections and slammed Russia's autocratic system. 'The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia, and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq,' Bush said, before shaking his head and correcting himself. 'I mean, of Ukraine.' As the audience fell into awkward silence, Bush muttered
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