MSNBC host agrees: Unvaccinated should
be denied access to basic goods and services
Washington Examiner,
Becket Adams
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
10/27/2021 1:55:42 PM
MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan supports segregating those who are unvaccinated against the coronavirus and denying them access to basic goods and services. Remember, folks: It’s about public health. It’s definitely not a new-age religious cult whose most zealous adherents believe the path to salvation is through punishing the wicked “unbelievers.” Hasan’s comments in support of isolating the unvaccinated came this week in reference to public remarks made by left-wing luminary Noam Chomsky (he’s still alive, by the way).
Chomsky said this week during an interview with Curt Jaimunga that the issue of vaccine mandates — that is, forcing the unvaccinated
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Rama41 10/27/2021 2:02:26 PM (No. 959006)
Poster is right. All we have to do is substitute the word "Jew" for "Unvaccinated" and we're back in 1930s Germanjy.
47 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Chiritwo 10/27/2021 2:02:59 PM (No. 959007)
What a bunch of self important narcissists. If it's truly to make sure everyone is safe then people who have it covid should be able to skip the shot because they have natural antibodies. But it's not, it's about control and making some people extremely rich. This all thing has just never made sense.
27 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 10/27/2021 2:14:54 PM (No. 959017)
Medhi "Horrifying" Hasan and his "cleansing" hope.
The regime and its high-stepping struts march together looking for "domestic terrorists" or anyone that disagrees with the Demented Furher.
9 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
snapper451 10/27/2021 2:16:45 PM (No. 959018)
Remember the “Soup Nazi” on Seinfeld? These people are real Nazi’s / fascists. So what are we going to do? No paper towels or toilet paper for anyone not vaccinated? Stop the insanity!
18 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
FJB 10/27/2021 2:16:53 PM (No. 959019)
Are these folks recommending starvation? Well, that would be a solution, I suppose, if a tad severe.
8 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Plex 10/27/2021 2:30:00 PM (No. 959025)
When do you suppose the media will become aware that it is the vaccinated that are dying in hospitals.
19 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
kono 10/27/2021 2:48:36 PM (No. 959034)
Well bless yer heart, Mehdi...
I'm about ready to begin a new nation based on the founding U.S. principles, expressed so eloquently in the Declaration of Independence, Federalist papers, and Constitution (with Bill of Rights). Where can we go to escape this Woke Nightmare?
17 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
24tea@Mag 10/27/2021 2:56:56 PM (No. 959043)
GTH. No good host and worst station.
6 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 10/27/2021 3:08:13 PM (No. 959051)
They really are going to insist on CW 2.0, aren't they?
12 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
hershey 10/27/2021 3:09:02 PM (No. 959055)
MSNBC??? What the hell is that???
6 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
smokincol 10/27/2021 3:10:23 PM (No. 959057)
I glad these potty mouths at msdnc aren't running the country.
4 people like this.
The Dims are turning Covid (lockdowns, masks, and vaxing) into a religion, just like they did with global warming. Covid and global warming ARE both religious cults, even though they clothe themselves with the word "Science!". Remember that leftists constantly attempt to change the meanings of words. Their "Science!" actually has nothing whatsoever to do with real science.
The First Commandment in the Bible warns against worshipping false gods...
15 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
chance_232 10/27/2021 3:42:56 PM (No. 959080)
Does that mean that I can't watch MSNBC? Even if I wanted too?
See....... there is a silver lining to everything...../S/
4 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
paral04 10/27/2021 3:59:26 PM (No. 959097)
Can Muslims get a pass on the COVID shot for religious reason? If so, I have just signed up. That or I will run and win for a Congressional seat where I am guaranteed and exemption.
9 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Nimby 10/27/2021 4:07:14 PM (No. 959101)
How about all those vaccinated with break through Corona infections? Shouldn't we ban them too?
8 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
WV.Hillbilly 10/27/2021 4:10:15 PM (No. 959104)
Mehdi Hasan.
That's not an American name.
12 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 10/27/2021 4:14:25 PM (No. 959106)
These fascist are denying the science they base their reasoning for not treating all American citizens equally. That being the anointed vaccinated are still capable of, if not more likely to, spread the virus and all it's variants.
Commie ba$tards.
3 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/27/2021 4:32:46 PM (No. 959123)
Change that to "Undocumented"...then we can discuss exactly What Documentation is, should be required to function as a free man in America..
4 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Trump'sCousin 10/27/2021 4:36:19 PM (No. 959127)
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 10/27/2021 5:16:10 PM (No. 959166)
FMSNBC. F the hosts that said this.
They can all go to hell.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
heartsurgeon 10/27/2021 5:40:22 PM (No. 959192)
Does this include illegals coming across the border?
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
DVC 10/27/2021 6:10:25 PM (No. 959214)
How about we stop food deliveries to NYC?
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Newtsche 10/27/2021 6:50:48 PM (No. 959241)
Perverse sadism
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
nina584 10/27/2021 7:09:37 PM (No. 959255)
Mehdi needs to go home….
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
downnout 10/27/2021 8:41:10 PM (No. 959302)
When do they start building the camps?
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/27/2021 9:09:01 PM (No. 959314)
No problem, We the UnVaxed will wait until all you Idiot Vaxed die off...should take about 6 months...
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Thos Weatherby 10/27/2021 10:42:04 PM (No. 959359)
I disagree poster. No cattle cars, just straight to the ovens.
1 person likes this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
mifla 10/30/2021 5:11:11 AM (No. 961302)
People who watch MSNBC should not be allowed to vote.
0 people like this.
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Is there any doubt they would be loading people into cattle cars for 'resettlement' if given half a chance?