Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Demands
Answers From Fauci About 'Cruel' Experiments
on Puppies
Red State,
Mike Miller
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
10/24/2021 12:18:32 AM
Welp, guess who’s in trouble with lawmakers, again? Make that still.
Yup, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the emerging and infectious diseases “expert” has been implicated in a series of taxpayer-funded, animal-testing experiments. Beagle puppies, that is. This time, a bipartisan group of lawmakers is demanding answers. According to the White Coat Waste Project (a watch group committed to stopping taxpayer-funded experiments on dogs, monkeys, cats, and other animals), as reported by Daily Caller, 44 beagles were used in the experiments conducted in a Tunisia, North Africa, laboratory. Some of the dogs reportedly had their vocal cords removed, allegedly so scientists could work without incessant barking.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Sarr 10/24/2021 12:37:02 AM (No. 955720)
Dear Jesus, have mercy. God help us
47 people like this.
While you are at it, how about demanding that Dr. Mengele be prosecuted for his experiments on human beings as well?
81 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
DVC 10/24/2021 12:54:11 AM (No. 955725)
Never mind the ongoing cruel experiments on humans with this man-made virus and deadly "vaccines".
Dr. Mengele would be proud of Dr. Fraud.
58 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Annie Xango 10/24/2021 1:10:09 AM (No. 955731)
Maybe this will be the thing that will tip him over the edge..Monster....
46 people like this.
Oh, lawmakers go after Fauci for experiments on animals. Why don't they go after him for experiments on people for his killer and maiming vaccines. Lawmakers making noise just to be making noise. Hoping to see themselves on TV.
38 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Trapper 10/24/2021 3:25:12 AM (No. 955756)
Why waste time asking him anything? He'll just lie about it and deny everything. Seems to me a complete independent investigation of everything his agency, and more broadly the NIH as well, funded for the last 10 years. There appears to be a pattern of them funding "research" in other countries that would not have been permitted in the US. Is it only a matter of time before heinous human experiments come to light?
38 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
49 Ford 10/24/2021 3:25:19 AM (No. 955757)
I'm willing to wager that the nine Democrats in this mix have no problem with killing babies in the womb and harvesting their organs for "research" purposes.
That said, this is an encouraging article. Any legitimate issue that serves to discredit this evil gnome in the eyes of the public is a good thing.
39 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 10/24/2021 5:14:52 AM (No. 955773)
Fauci continues to make Mengele envious and smile from his grave.
27 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Kafka2 10/24/2021 5:41:56 AM (No. 955778)
While I agree that the treatment of the 44 beagles was cruel and terrible, but it pales in comparison to the deplorable growth-of-function research he funded in Wuhan, China that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings. I believe I see a pattern here. If the research is illegal to be performed in the United States, he contracts it out to a foreign country where it is hidden from view, sometimes through a intermediary. Fauci had to know this was wrong, but he did it anyhow.
48 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 10/24/2021 6:13:33 AM (No. 955787)
I'm all for having this experiment done to Fauci. They can tranquilize him and put his head in a sack of destructive parasites. Bottomline, this experiment along with others that he performed went way beyond anything for science.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Trigger2 10/24/2021 6:26:08 AM (No. 955793)
Dr. Mengele had nothing on Dr. Fauci.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Rinktum 10/24/2021 6:27:11 AM (No. 955794)
No words.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
DW626 10/24/2021 6:48:10 AM (No. 955805)
Could this be the Larry "Lonesome" Rhodes moment we’ve all been waiting for with baited breath?
Lucy!…put the football away. I’m not ready yet.
Will this long national nightmare ever end?
15 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
mifla 10/24/2021 8:10:24 AM (No. 955854)
Puppies? How about an investigation into the buying and selling of aborted baby parts?
21 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
skacmar 10/24/2021 8:24:23 AM (No. 955865)
Fauci lied and puppies died! Where is the PETA brigade going after Fauci for this?
21 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/24/2021 8:41:48 AM (No. 955880)
Fauci, how about conducting an experiment on your head with flesh-eating bacteria.
13 people like this.
This is simply another example of Democrats being interested in power....not people. Only a low grade fool would believe otherwise
10 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/24/2021 9:15:02 AM (No. 955902)
It appears that, as usual, PETA is nowhere to be found. But this time, perhaps even the sheeple who have drunk the “vaccine” Koolaid will finally wake up.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
marbles 10/24/2021 9:19:43 AM (No. 955906)
People that torture animals have no respect or regard for life. They grow up to be serial killers. Covid-19 ?
19 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/24/2021 9:24:36 AM (No. 955913)
Breaking the laws of freedom, morality and decency is exactly why Fauci works with other countries who are not so civilized. This man is evil.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 10/24/2021 9:42:30 AM (No. 955930)
White rats are safe since this all started. Jab humans with experimental concoctions all you want, harvest aborted baby parts but you crossed the line when you tortured Beagle puppies for experiments. You will go down for harming Snoopy you sadistic garden gnome. Let's go Brandon & FAlecBaldwin.
8 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
little guy 10/24/2021 10:07:06 AM (No. 955946)
I'll bet this isn't even half of what Dr. Faust has done or supported!
He is Dr. Girard from "Terror is a Man" and Dr. Moreau from his infamous island of animal experiments all rolled into one.
Don't forget, "Doctor" Faust really did experiment on AIDS victims --- back when it was known as GRID.
12 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
PCMM 10/24/2021 10:23:10 AM (No. 955957)
Awww shucks … what’s a little subhuman torture when there’s hundreds billions of dollars to be made from the test results?
6 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
PCMM 10/24/2021 10:24:22 AM (No. 955959)
* hundreds of billions *
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/24/2021 10:28:32 AM (No. 955963)
Awwww...this is frightening....he's another mengele ...the infamous hitler doctor who conducted cruel experiments during WWII in Germany....he has no soul and awaits a judgment soon...not by congress...but by God...let him try and lie to God...
8 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
Zumkopf 10/24/2021 10:38:39 AM (No. 955974)
Sadly, Fauci’s bestiality towards helpless puppies will resonate with the Left in a way that his bestiality towards people never would.
Not that I condone what he did to those puppies. A society, and a man, can be fairly judged by its/his actions towards the helpless. Fauci has been weighed in the balance, and found wanting. Tekel.
10 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/24/2021 11:02:12 AM (No. 955993)
Oh, so lying to Congress and everyone else about how HE Paid for the Gain of Function addition to the Wuhan Virus isn't bad?
6 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
paral04 10/24/2021 12:02:50 PM (No. 956028)
Forget the puppies, they want to put that poison they call a vaccination into little kids
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
janjan 10/24/2021 2:12:22 PM (No. 956150)
The Democrats never cared, and still don’t, about Fauci’s funding (using our money) for research on how to turn viruses into human seeking killers and committing perjury in Congress by lying about it. But now that they’ve discovered he was mean to puppies the lynch mob is forming. Now that I am ok with being mean to puppies. But if the liberals were forced into pretending they care about human life they would have to become anti-abortion.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
danu 10/24/2021 4:53:39 PM (No. 956323)
FTA: *Some of the dogs reportedly had their vocal cords removed, allegedly so scientists could work without incessant barking. *
How kind of the author to downplay the matter: the heads of Man's Best Friends are locked in a container of voracious sand fleas, chewing them to death.
The Tunisians do not wish to be disturbed in their torture sessions by the barking and screaming of the suffering/ dying puppies.
Therefore, the ''scientists'' slash the throats/vocal cords of the puppies--for permanent silence, til they die.
Is anyone surprised?
Seems Dante' had a section of the Inferno dedicated to animal torturers and killers.
At the very least, such ungodly treatment shows up the perpetrators as irredeemable psychos, meriting a Class A certification for the Criminally Insane.
For The Abominations of Dr Fauscista --which qualify as Marxist Evils on a Galactic Scale-- look no further than Pittsburgh and Chapel Hill.
There's a reason why this kungfloo is called a Chimera: the mind-blowing result of splicing the human tissue of aborted - babies onto hapless animal subjects.
The Demonicrats perform such horrors bright and early --then head out to lunch.
But, where are Thuglosi's minions, with her vineyards of portable brandy 'cocktails' ?
Wherefore the swashbuckling champions Toomey, Meadows, Crenshaw? in such dire need?
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/24/2021 7:40:16 PM (No. 956432)
Fauci's mama was a Beagle!
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
4Justice 10/24/2021 8:34:26 PM (No. 956454)
Not only.does it break the law by using taxpayer money to experiment on animals, but it also violates Trump's November 2019 legislation called PACT that makes animal cruelty a federal FELONY!! He could be fined and face up to 7 years in Federal Prison!!! I hope he eventually is prosecuted for this!!
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