Joe Biden: We Need More Moms in the Workforce
to Compete Globally
Breitbart Politics,
Charlie Spiering
Original Article
Posted By: ladydawgfan,
10/16/2021 2:36:40 PM
President Joe Biden visited a daycare center in Connecticut on Friday, promoting his multitrillion-dollar spending bills that would make the federal government subsidize child and elder care.
The president argued that his “Build Back Better” bill was focused on human infrastructure to get the economy running again.
“How can we compete in a world if millions of American parents, especially moms, can’t be part of the work force?” Biden asked. “Because they can’t afford the cost of child care or elder care?”
Biden said the cost of childcare in America made it difficult for both parents to work.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
GoodDeal 10/16/2021 2:45:31 PM (No. 947729)
We need more moms homeschooling and raising their children right and not working on some global competition hairbrained ideas.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Toby Ten Bears 10/16/2021 2:46:02 PM (No. 947730)
Does this clown EVER say anything that makes sense??? (FJB)
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Both parents HAVE to work, thanks to endless deficit spending that have devalued the dollar by about 99% in the last 100 years.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Philipsonh 10/16/2021 2:52:37 PM (No. 947737)
He is an ignoramus. Moms should be home when their children are at home. I wonder how we ever made it through all those years where mothers felt that mothering was the most important thing in their life. Today's World is NOT better than the World we seniors grew up in. In my neighborhood we actually played in the streets, stayed out after dark, always felt safe, walked to school, and few homes had locked doors. (in a small Northeastern city ); and my mother was ALWAYS home for us.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Quigley 10/16/2021 2:55:48 PM (No. 947740)
Do we need fewer abortions in order to have more moms to "have" in the workforce?
Perhaps a "working mom" mandate?
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
stablemoney 10/16/2021 2:58:08 PM (No. 947742)
Businesses will hire who they need in the workforce. Women have minds to decide what they want to do. Neither need the input of Joe Biden.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
SALady 10/16/2021 2:59:28 PM (No. 947746)
Lie-berals know that any type of school is the best place to indoctrinate children. The younger the better.
So get those moms into jobs, and those kids into indoctrination centers (aka "daycare centers").
I stayed home with my kids until they were all in school. My daughter has her master's degree, and is staying home with her kids until they are all in school. Thank God she is seriously considering home schooling them, since she sees what a disaster the schools are today. And we definitely do not feel that a penny we spent on her getting both her bachelors and masters degrees was in any way "wasted" because she is staying home. She clearly learned great priorities in life!!!!!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
stevendm 10/16/2021 3:02:35 PM (No. 947751)
We need more people in the workplace. Get all of the slackers off their mama's couch and put them to work.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 10/16/2021 3:04:13 PM (No. 947754)
#7 has it.
Headline translation: We need more moms in the workplace so we can have government daycare.
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#2, a clown is mildly entertaining. BiteMe is a buffoon, which implies a tedious, mendacious bore who is a neutered bully trying to be relevant in the parking lot of the local bar at 2 am because some dude stole the last whore and he can't find his car keys.
I'm currently out of analogies...please consult Nick Danger, private eye.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
SALady 10/16/2021 3:13:01 PM (No. 947765)
Honestly, and I say this as a woman, 60 years ago the USA was the hardest working nation on earth -- and that was with 90% of the workforce being men!!!
Women stayed home with their kids and actually raised them to be hard working, responsible, and respectful adults. Education was emphasized. Intelligence and hard work were rewarded and demanded. If you weren't a winner, you were a loser!!! And people were ashamed to be losers!!!!!
Now we have raised generations of snowflakes who were raised where their "feelings" were the most important things, and they all got "participation trophies" in their soccer leagues (where they didn't even keep score).
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
anniebc 10/16/2021 3:16:05 PM (No. 947769)
Translation, this destroy the family, destroy America thing is not moving fast enough. I'm old and about to die; I need to see America completely taken down before I leave this place.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
mean Gene 10/16/2021 3:18:15 PM (No. 947773)
Yeah, let the government propagandize your children from an even earlier age!
How about, "No!"?
Just watch, however.
Joe's "request" might soon turn into a command.
He goes back and forth with the jab, from asking, to insisting, to angry exasperation.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Venturer 10/16/2021 4:09:10 PM (No. 947835)
My wife never worked a job after our first child was born. We didn't have a lot of things some of my friend with their wives working, but we made it. Anyone remember pre- World war 2 when a man was expected to provide for a family?
13 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
dadofboys 10/16/2021 4:26:36 PM (No. 947847)
This should prove to anyone looking that they only consider us to be "moist robots" to feed the global economic machine. All the "folks" at Goldman Sachs are making a killing and they are killing us. To h@#$ with them.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
earlybird 10/16/2021 4:45:29 PM (No. 947859)
He is so wrongheaded. But we knew that.
Depends upon whether women want children to nurture and love, or to have as accessories…
The exception: Those who, for reasons beyond their control, must work to support those children.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
RockiesFan 10/16/2021 4:50:11 PM (No. 947867)
Whatever crazy leftists suggest, do the opposite. Easy peasy
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/16/2021 5:06:47 PM (No. 947881)
Hey Joe. You're up to your eyeballs in Moms in the 'workforce' because there's NO DADS.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/16/2021 5:11:56 PM (No. 947886)
And BTW ... if you don't abandon your family and vote for Joe ... you ain't Black. sarcoff
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
PESSIMIST 10/16/2021 5:20:13 PM (No. 947893)
. . . and to pay taxes to the Super State,
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/16/2021 5:21:08 PM (No. 947894)
C'mon man, your boy Butt Judge is doing well as a mom in the work force. Two months maternity leave is fantastic.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
downnout 10/16/2021 5:46:19 PM (No. 947918)
I guess he doesn’t think raising children is worthwhile.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Heil Liberals 10/16/2021 5:59:25 PM (No. 947927)
Note that this isn’t a request, it’s a commandment. Jobama is simply reading what Ears and Michael want him to read.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
LadyHen 10/16/2021 6:20:40 PM (No. 947942)
No, we don't. We need jobs were more dads make a living wage and more moms can then have more babies and stay home to raise them, teach them, and create new responsible adults.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/16/2021 7:20:43 PM (No. 948009)
What we don't need is more senile dictators in Washington. We need to ''retire and replace'' the ones we have.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/16/2021 8:02:57 PM (No. 948053)
Joe, more moms would be able to stay home and raise their kids if you would drastically cut taxes. But you’re doing the opposite.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2021 8:21:34 PM (No. 948074)
No, we need to stop murdering babies, and have Mom's at home taking care of their children properly, and perhaps home schooling them to keep their brains from being wrecked in government schools.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2021 11:29:06 PM (No. 948204)
Two nieces are stay at home Moms, taking care of their kids, and one has been homeschooling all the time, the other is now going to home schooling because of job required move to Washington state, with hideous commie schools.
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Sorry..... in my work experience, those "moms" come in late and leave early, their children always the excuse. Some of them even dropped the f-bomb in the office. They put in less work than men and whine because they are not paid at the same rate. This is an inconvenient truth.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
mifla 10/17/2021 5:23:22 AM (No. 948304)
How about putting your Transportation Secretary back in the workforce?
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My mom raised five and didn't enter the workforce until her youngest started high school. Even then, she only worked part time. It was hard sometimes, and we didn't grow up visiting Disney each year or flying to Hawaii for vacation, but we knew we were loved because she was there for us when we needed her. IMHO, more moms (or dads) need to stay home and raise their kids. Day care should be an absolute last resort, especially with the government we have nowadays.