Sonia Sotomayor reveals why Supreme Court
oral argument format changed
New York Post,
Callie Patteson
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/14/2021 4:56:24 PM
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Wednesday revealed the recent format changes to oral arguments implemented this fall to the high court were in part brought about after studies revealed female justices were interrupted more. The studies, Sotomayor told an audience during a talk on “diversity and inclusion” at New York University School of Law, led Chief Justice John Roberts to be “much more sensitive” in ensuring people were not interrupted, according to CNN.The justice said the findings have had an “enormous impact.”“Most of the time women say things and they are not heard in the same way as men who might say the identical thing,”
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Catherine 10/14/2021 4:58:39 PM (No. 945617)
Men and women are not the same, nor should they be. I suggest to Miss Latina that if you are being talked over, then whatever you are saying isn't worth listening to.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/14/2021 5:01:55 PM (No. 945622)
First Hispanic on the SCOTUS and all she can do is wail about her victimhood. Pathetic. Grow up.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Stencil 10/14/2021 5:10:15 PM (No. 945627)
I don't have a problem with order and respect being emphasized in the court. We could use more of it out here. Also, if this is a by-product, what's not to like? :
That format has carried into this term’s arguments, allowing each justice to ask questions in order of seniority after an attorney’s time has expired. The format has also allowed justices — particularly Justice Clarence Thomas, who rarely asked questions before — to become more active.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Cindiana 10/14/2021 5:11:41 PM (No. 945629)
I'm submitting a very rare bit of praise for renowned bodybuilder Justice RBG: she never would have behaved this way.
She made her bones with intense study, hard work, excellent courtroom arguments, and a presence that caused her contemporaries in her early career to respect her as their equal, if not their better.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
MDConservative 10/14/2021 5:17:54 PM (No. 945633)
FTA: "I don’t know many people of color who don’t come into this enterprise without feeling that pressure of knowing that they have to work harder.” - S. Sotomayor
Competence comes without color, race or ethnicity. It is universally valued. It is my experience, having worked for decades in minority-dominated environments (both black and Hispanic), that those who buy into Sotomayor's thinking have serious personal doubts about themselves and their competence. They are often quick to cite race or color as the cause of their self-perceived mediocrity, and they are correct...just not in the ways they claim.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
privateer 10/14/2021 5:35:47 PM (No. 945651)
FTA: ...don’t come into this enterprise without feeling that pressure of knowing...nice double negative you've got there. Competence in grammar comes from intelligence and study; two things she's never used.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
red1066 10/14/2021 5:37:49 PM (No. 945654)
What's wrong with interrupting an argument when that argument is based on BS.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
NamVet70 10/14/2021 5:45:05 PM (No. 945659)
I think it depends upon the woman and the content of her speech. Too many women judges happen to be socialist idealogues who cannot command more respect than their faulty arguments justify. The law should be driven by logic, not emotion, and should seek compliance with the constitution and the laws as written.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
mizzmac 10/14/2021 5:45:40 PM (No. 945661)
If you can't stand the heat, senora....well. You know the rest.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
BlueRidgeMtn 10/14/2021 6:13:04 PM (No. 945689)
So, she (Sotomayor) then took advantage of the "new format" to interrupt Justice Thomas.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
mc squared 10/14/2021 6:28:20 PM (No. 945697)
#4; I remember when R&B publicly announced her dislike of President Trump. That should have removed her from every decision thereafter.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
SALady 10/14/2021 6:36:38 PM (No. 945711)
As a woman, I am constantly embarrassed and ashamed at how so many women (always lie-berals) play the "victim card", and demand special treatment.
If you can't handle yourself to play with the big boys on the regular playing field, go home and cry in your mommy's basement!!!
17 people like this.
If you can't make yourself heard, you are in the wrong profession. You are trying to tell me that a Supreme Court justice does not command the attention of those arguing before them?
Your #MeToo moment is bullshit. Step down if you cannot take the pressure.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
DVC 10/14/2021 7:03:12 PM (No. 945734)
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 10/14/2021 7:40:45 PM (No. 945769)
I don't mind there is an allotted time for each to ask their questions, but should be in reverse order with least seniority asking first - why should they get the advantage of phrasing a question after hearing others' questions.
After all, it's a political court, so some are angling to ask certain questions.
And, not sure the sample size of the study considering there's not been very many women on the the Supreme Court. Would be interesting to hear if Sandra Day O'Connor had similar concerns. I'm sure there is some interview from her that would have touched on that topic.
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Judge Judy wouldn’t have ANY problems.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
watashiyo 10/14/2021 11:05:48 PM (No. 945921)
Suck it up and be fat!
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
NeverForget 10/14/2021 11:20:44 PM (No. 945935)
Sample size.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
chumley 10/15/2021 12:57:20 AM (No. 945971)
I still say she looks like a fat Chinese.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
mifla 10/15/2021 5:21:19 AM (No. 946076)
Gotta change the rules for the girls. Again.
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"people of color" says Sotomayor. Unless she has Indian blood, she is Caucasian. Her race is Caucasian. Caucasian is a race; hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race. (Info I picked up in grade-school world cultures.)
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