Catastrophic crash in polling numbers
for Biden and the Dems
American Thinker,
Thomas Lifson
Original Article
Posted By: Magnante,
10/7/2021 9:02:17 AM
Is it really a surprise that a formal move toward police repression of its political opponents – siccing the FBI on critics of Critical Race Theory – is coming from the chief law enforcement officer of the Biden regime? The latest polling indicates that the already low public approval of the Biden presidency is declining further.
The prospects for any improvement in these numbers are poor. (snip) The term “crisis of confidence” has been in play for at least a month (snip) More than half of Americans say 55 - 42 percent that the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Cardsfan 10/7/2021 9:13:00 AM (No. 937817)
We need to get to, and stay at the level that exceeds their ability to print fake ballots.
27 people like this.
Did someone bother to poll Dominion on this?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
reefdiver 10/7/2021 9:15:47 AM (No. 937821)
Polls may show what people are thinking, but the country is run by rich liberals and the media. Voting may no longer matter either since that seems to be fixed without a real vote bring cast. 2022 and 2024 will determine the fate of this country.
15 people like this.
Doesn’t bother them. They cheat to stay in power as in INSTALLING a feeble old man as pResident and cheating there way into the Senate majority too. Polls, schmolls we run the numbers.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
chance_232 10/7/2021 9:38:08 AM (No. 937854)
At the end of the day, regardless the poll numbers, Biden is still the president. Barring resignation, removal or assuming room temperature, he will remain in the White House until January 2025.
Even a complete democrat Wipeout in next years midterms won't change that.
What is distressing is that Biden still enjoys an 80% approval among democrats.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/7/2021 9:42:24 AM (No. 937860)
This helps explain why Kamalie has been kept out of sight since the Great Afghanistan Surrender so biden the cheater's missteps don't rub off on her. Biden the cheater will be pushed out one way or the other and Kamalie's minders need to keep her "clean" in time for the swearing in.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/7/2021 9:47:33 AM (No. 937863)
All this means is that the demonrats will have to cheat harder.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
red1066 10/7/2021 9:51:38 AM (No. 937868)
I think the polling was done by Dominion #2. How else to explain poll numbers so high for Biteme. I find it impossible to believe that 42% of those polled REALLY think Biteme and this administration is competent.
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When you control how the votes are counted, what difference does it make?
12 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
molson309 10/7/2021 9:57:19 AM (No. 937873)
But did they poll the cemeteries?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 10/7/2021 9:59:16 AM (No. 937876)
None of this matters! Democrats have taken over the results of elections through cheating and lying about it! If the GOP doesn’t fix that the RATS will fix it for them!
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Lazyman 10/7/2021 10:03:09 AM (No. 937883)
As soon as they get their agenda firmly in place to fundamentally transform the country they will replace Joe and the anger will be reduced. I know this because I read the Prince by Machiavelli.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
qr4j 10/7/2021 10:17:55 AM (No. 937901)
I do not advocate for physical violence; I am completely against it. However, in a political sense, Democrats from the top to the bottom of the ticket -- from governors, senators, and representatives down to "dog catcher" -- deserve a political bloodbath in November 2022. Let not one of them escape the wrath of the American voter!
I hope the GOP has got its act together to win and then govern. Its leaders must not squander this opportunity to do right by America.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
smokincol 10/7/2021 10:21:16 AM (No. 937907)
diapers doesn't care about his poll numbers because he has never had to worry about his poll numbers - he has been one of the most protected elected D.C. officials in history and as the saying goes: God protects idiots
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Californian 10/7/2021 10:23:43 AM (No. 937911)
My fantasy: successful impeachment in 2022 for both of them and new MAGA speaker becomes President.
2 people like this.
I for one, will never take Lifson seriously after he was "neutered" by Dominion. Notice not ONE word or mention of Dominion in this lengthy article filled with stats, rankings and 'poll numbers'.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
moebellini3 10/7/2021 10:33:09 AM (No. 937922)
The only people who support this communist regime, this dictatorship, are the illiterate parasites who totally depend on the government for their next meal. Look at every communist country, look at Cuba and Venezuela, two countries who once had free people and vibrant economies. Then, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, two communist dictators took over, destroyed the economy and with it the middle class. End result, they now have the elites in the government and military and the poor who are totally dependent on the dictators. Anybody who is old enough to remember the destruction of these two countries knows exactly where we are headed. This country better wake up very soon.....Got it...
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Blue-Z-Anna 10/7/2021 11:27:37 AM (No. 937980)
The complete destruction of the economy and resultant suffering amongst all of the citizens is the traditional method for instilling socialism socialism communism totalitarianism. Now this is just a guess however it seems to me that perhaps Americans resent having all of their liberties ,all of their freedoms and everything guaranteed to them under the Constitution ripped out from underneath them.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
dwa 10/7/2021 11:29:08 AM (No. 937983)
Keep in mind, it doesn't matter what the polls say. What matters is what the voting machines put out and what the "mail in" ballots have on them.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Connor 10/7/2021 11:41:18 AM (No. 938002)
The most important thing Trump needs to do is secure the vote. But he wont, he likes to run around giving rallies everywhere. What good are they if the vote is stolen again?
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
mc squared 10/7/2021 11:54:38 AM (No. 938014)
Think of the dumbest people you know, then consider that Democrats are dumber than that.
FTA: 'while Democrats approve 80 - 10 percent.'
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/7/2021 12:25:27 PM (No. 938045)
Well goes to show that while Baden, Harris, and the leftist and socialist Democrats could fool enough of the people most of the time in the past, they will not be able to fool that number of Americans in the future, as the voters who are now knocking down the Democrat poll numbers will be holding the Democrats responsible for their political records in the 2022 and 2024 elections.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
curious1 10/7/2021 12:26:56 PM (No. 938047)
The polling numbers should have never been above single digits after the century plus of history that exists showing what scum the democommies are.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/7/2021 1:04:26 PM (No. 938089)
Cry me a river Dems.
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The Republican vote counters just need to insist that Democrat vote counters exit the building prior to lockdown.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 10/7/2021 1:44:04 PM (No. 938126)
The ballots checked "Democrat" are being folded and stuffed into mail-in ballots right now. There will be higher than normal voter participation during the upcoming mid-terms. Democrats will win in a sweep. It will be unprecedented that they won the mid-terms with Biden having the lowest approval rating ever recorded.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
columba 10/7/2021 5:51:47 PM (No. 938303)
I suspect the DemocRATS will win every race the wish to win. Even if no one actually votes for any one of them
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