“I’m Vaccinated, But I Also Have Covid
– And it Spread Through My Entire Family!”
– CNBC Host Grills Fauci on Vaccine
‘Breakthrough’ Cases (VIDEO)
Gateway Pundit,
Cristina Laila
Original Article
Posted By: DVC,
10/3/2021 2:37:48 AM
Dr. Fauci on Friday was grilled on CNBC about so-called Covid ‘breakthrough’ cases.
“Dr. Fauci, you guys have been pushing the vaccine and I understand why – I’m vaccinated, but I also have Covid and it spread through my entire family in the past few weeks,” CNBC host Sara Eisen said from her home office.
She continued, “And I just wonder about the public messaging around vaccinations. Three vaccinated people got Covid in my house, two unvaccinated children got it. Are you too casual about the limitations of the vaccine? Because it does feel to me that breakthroughs are happening, they’re happening regularly
Reply 1 - Posted by:
web 10/3/2021 3:44:47 AM (No. 933348)
You got covid and spread it to your whole family because you got vaccinated. You are shedding the virus... educate yourself.
77 people like this.
The only people who should get this vaccine are the very vulnerable.
I recovered from Covid and yet still an under tremendous pressure (doctor) to get the shot, which makes no medical sense.
Fortunately I own a small practice, but they are trying to limit my admission ability due to refusal.
82 people like this.
Must not ask Mr. Science tough questions. She won’t have her job much longer.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
mifla 10/3/2021 5:21:04 AM (No. 933361)
Dr Fauci's reply: "You must have voted for Tump."
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 10/3/2021 5:27:52 AM (No. 933366)
Dr. Faucistein has no clue. Neither does the CDC, NIH, WHO. The only individuals who had the clue are either the dead (Wuhan) scientists or the alive, evil (Wuhan) scientists from China. And they won't provide the details. Covid is a test of biowarfare by the Chicoms. The next one they release will be more lethal.
56 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Rinktum 10/3/2021 6:41:42 AM (No. 933387)
I am beginning to believe the vaccine is a vehicle not to eliminate the virus but to spread it in a time-released manner. If fear is the democrats tool of control, this makes sense. Why would they do this? As bizarre as it sounds the left is consumed with power and control and far too many of us are unwilling to comply. Those are the people that will cause the most trouble. If they can eliminate them…
Think that is just too evil to contemplate even for democrats? These are the very same people enthusiastically advocating for the murder millions of innocent unborn babies. Covid deaths are merely a means to an end and they want that ends more than anything. Ask yourself, why do they fight so hard to keep proven drug therapies away from the public? Why are so many medical professionals unwilling to take the vaccine? How can any reasonable person trust this administration to tell the truth?
91 people like this.
The exact same thing happened in my daughter's family.
The parents and older child had taken the vaccine. Months later the entire family got covid.
They claimed the vaccine kept them from having a worse case, but the younger unvaccinated children were not affected any worse than those who were vaccinated.
Unfortunately, I think the vaccinated are particularly vulnerable to variants in the coming flu season. And they will be spreading it to the rest of us.
So it is particularly disturbing that teachers, police, healthcare workers...are being forced to become super spreaders.
56 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
privateer 10/3/2021 7:07:31 AM (No. 933400)
How I loathe this malicious twerp! He is a human venereal wart. He combines the Napoleon complex with the medical ethics of Joseph Mengele.
99 people like this.
Fauci needs to be investigated. The man is a criminal.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
pros7767 10/3/2021 7:44:03 AM (No. 933421)
Funny how he mentions the "New pill" pharma has just developed that is 50% effective but ignores ivermectin and BTW if there's a pill to treat it, why do we need an ineffective vaccine that isn't a vaccine at all?
There's a special place in hell waiting for this monster.
69 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/3/2021 7:48:27 AM (No. 933423)
I wish that she had interviewed him in person and breathed heavily in his face.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
frew 10/3/2021 7:52:17 AM (No. 933425)
It's hard to believe how stupid these people are. Yes, breakthrough infections happen. The vaccines give you 95% protection, not 100%. They never promised 100% protection.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
frew 10/3/2021 7:54:06 AM (No. 933429)
Vaccine resistance is a stupid hill to die on. Just get the shot.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Venturer 10/3/2021 8:19:38 AM (No. 933449)
My neighbor got the 2 shots and now he is dead.
Died from Covid pneumonia.
52 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/3/2021 8:36:05 AM (No. 933463)
The only benefit to the shots MAY be a milder case of the virus but only if you are one of the lucky ones. With odds like that can they blame us for being skeptical? I know a person who rushed to get the shots early on and still enjoys a mild case of the COVID about once a month, just like she did before the shots. Webster would define that as "useless."
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/3/2021 8:42:03 AM (No. 933468)
Sure thing, #13. Just get in the boxcar and enjoy the ride. Just step into the shower, you are dusty from the long boxcar ride.
94 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Otis Gill 10/3/2021 8:43:03 AM (No. 933471)
Fauci responded to her remarks by saying, "let me give you the science and the facts."
I'm not interested in "science and facts" from a deep-state Marxist stooge who used our tax dollars to fund Frankenstein lab experiments in a Communist country. And, of course, he never mentions safe treatments such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Not only doesn't he mention them, the government has essentially banned them - banned safe treatments while relentlessly threatening and pushing the vax! Why?
While Americans suffer needlessly, Fauci has been lining his pockets this whole time, including paying himself with research grants. I think we need to know more about Fauci's financial status, including any offshore bank accounts.
59 people like this.
You are the virus spreader. Congratulations on infecting your entire family on the word of Dr. Mengele and the rest of CDC.
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Go play in traffic, #12/13.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Trump'sCousin 10/3/2021 8:53:55 AM (No. 933475)
Poster 13, troll much? Go back to Marxist sites and spew your garbage, or is Soros paying too good?
53 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
pearlyjo 10/3/2021 8:57:50 AM (No. 933479)
Why is natural immunity not being investigated as well? Why are they not mandating that those of us who survived COVID have our antibody levels checked ? Just curious. I would think that that would be valuable information.
37 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/3/2021 9:01:58 AM (No. 933483)
Fauci, find a way to get infected, pal
21 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
dcbroome 10/3/2021 9:19:36 AM (No. 933495)
Does "IowaDad" have a new name? Does he go by the name "frew" now (#12/13)?
35 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 10/3/2021 9:44:10 AM (No. 933515)
Just talked to a neighbor who recently attended a wedding where there was a super-spreader. My neighbor, his wife, a daughter and son-in-law all got COVID. Two were vaccinated, two were not. Also heard from a friend who, along with her husband were vaccinated and both got COVID. Another friend has a friend in a nursing home (vaccinated) who has COVID. I must know a lot of 5%ers.
33 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
stablemoney 10/3/2021 10:23:21 AM (No. 933555)
We would not have Covid 19 if it were not for Dr. Fauci. He paid to have it invented, and released it into the public to get rid of Trump. There have been medicines all along that have been denied to the public that would have relieved their symptoms and made them better, but the doctors are not allowed to have those. Those medicines will prove more effective than the "vaccines" without the side affects, and can be used at home. We would never have had the Covid without Dr. Fauci, who is a killer and a monster.
42 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/3/2021 10:42:44 AM (No. 933581)
It looks like Iowadad has a new screen name.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Nashman 10/3/2021 10:42:47 AM (No. 933582)
I see Vaccine Karen has a new handle. Same lame words though. Same lies. Tell them to my in perfect health friend. Oh… you can’t. He got the 2nd shot and dropped dead. I will never put that poison in my antibody filled body.
40 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
pensom2 10/3/2021 10:45:45 AM (No. 933585)
One wonders whether variability of immunity in each individual may result from poor handling or mishandling of the Pfizer vaccine, which they have said needs to be kept in special freezers at very low temperatures to maintain its efficacy. Could it be true that allowing the vaccine to warm up slightly in transit could render it only say, 40% effective in those who are injected with the vaccine from that particular vial? I frankly don't know.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
czechlist 10/3/2021 11:01:56 AM (No. 933600)
mRNA is NOT A VACCINE. It is therapeutic prophylactic. Once infected mRNA is of no value while monoclonal anti-bodies, HCQ and Ivermectin have shown to be useful in early stages; but the gov't doesn't want you to have them. And the Pfizer jab being administered in US is NOT the FDA approved "vax" - it is still under emergency use.
34 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
TexaTucky 10/3/2021 11:31:59 AM (No. 933629)
LOL, you hit the nail on the head, #26.
Although the facts that:
A) both handles appeared in the salon in March of 2019,
B) both have implied a professional association with psychiatry, and
C) both use phrasing such as " the idiots among us who remain unvaccinated" and "conservatives have not covered themselves with glory during this pandemic"
. . . these facts are not actual proof that they are one and the same poster. Just highly unlikely coinkydinks.
To be fair, though, neither handle is a troll. Both supported Trump and appear conservative. On the topic of WuFlu, however, there does seem to be an incessant need being exhibited to either lift oneself up by tearing others (the "idiots" among us) down . . . or justify one's own irrevocable action of having submitted to beta testing for an untested drug that was not approved by the FDA. "Smart" people hate to be wrong, so sometimes they overcompensate by trying to make others feel wrong or stupid.
16 people like this.
Reply 31 - Posted by:
belwhatter 10/3/2021 11:56:31 AM (No. 933651)
#2, "the only ones who should get the vaccine are the most vulnerable". I protest, being one of the vulnerable with cardiovascular malfunctions taking meds to prevent clots and using a pacemaker. Why would I want to get one of these shots that are highly likely to increase my vulnerability to heart, brain and lung damage, even death?
We all, well almost all, know this is a huge hoax, no deaths from flu, no credit to strong immune systems, no recourse to sue big pharma when it all goes sideways, inexpensive but effective drugs removed from the market in favor of outrageously expensive promotions, sorry, but no shot for me. To Fauci and sll other official crooks, keep your pitiful political football and your mandates to yourselves and leave the rest of us alone to live and enjoy what we have left of life itself.
24 people like this.
Reply 32 - Posted by:
RedWhite&Blue2 10/3/2021 12:45:34 PM (No. 933734)
Let’s all shout it out loud!
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/3/2021 12:56:07 PM (No. 933758)
The vaccines do not work. It is still uncertain whether vaccines cause Antibody Enhanced Disease.
The NIH and WHO engaged in global scale human experimentation. From the comparison of Israel and unvaccinated poor countries we will learn if vaccines make any difference. The data from the USA is doctored by the Hospitals that earn more per Covid, leading to the miraculous disappearance of influenza. The AMA and Pharmacies killed 50% by forbidding Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
Our medical doctors failed us.
15 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
DVC 10/3/2021 12:59:42 PM (No. 933764)
Choose for yourself, #13. Get out of my business.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 10/3/2021 1:02:11 PM (No. 933768)
The ones who follow Fauci are the real crazies. I always ask them if they followed his advice when he told everyone not to wear a mask, then to wear a mask, then two masks are better than one. A 7th grader probably knows more about science than that fool does. Get the hook. He’s wrong and evil.
11 people like this.
Reply 36 - Posted by:
DVC 10/3/2021 1:09:48 PM (No. 933776)
One of my vaccinated friends has just gotten over the disease itself. Last Sunday at dinner her senses of taste and smell were partially active, still not normal. She could taste food for the first couple of bites, then it faded out to nothing. Very strange.
We'll be having dinner again tonight, and I hope her taste is fully back. Middle 70s, and she went right out and got her booster shot....imagining that it would 'make things better'. She doesn't want to hear anything about alternatives, and I value her friendship too much to even raise the topic any more. She has swallowed all the Dr. Fraud propaganda, and doesn't want to hear anything else, has literally said just that, "I don't want to hear it". So, she won't from me., we've been friends for almost 40 years.
Eventually, everyone will know that this isn't a vaccine, and it doesn't prevent the disease, and it does help make mutant versions more dominant, and that ivermectin and HCQ are effective early outpatient treatments. But for now, the Enemedia and Dr. Fraud still have most people convinced otherwise with their lies.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/3/2021 1:30:35 PM (No. 933802)
Here is a ''Get the shot'' parable for the cheerleader at #13.
A person, visiting Nevada in late fall of 1951 saw an oddly shaped cloud in the sky. It looked like a mushroom. So beautiful, so close he could almost reach out and touch it ... then POOF! But the cloud stayed in the air for a while longer.
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 10/3/2021 1:36:00 PM (No. 933806)
Again, in a sane world, we think the unvaccinated should sue the government and those who are vaccinated who are infecting the unvaccinated with the coronavirus. These vaccinated are walking typhoid Marys and don't know it. Vaccines are composed of the dead? viruses to make one immune to the disease by your body reacting by creating antibodies or so we were taught in biology. Therefore, this vaccine? is a therapeutic. So one should consider carefully whether they want to take this experimental drug the government is forcing or mandating on us.
BTW two people in our Church who were not vaccinated with the Covid vaccine, caught the virus from a vaccinated person and both people DIED! Does the public know that vaccinated people can give Covid to others, even to others who have been vaccinated? So, what's the point in getting the shot? Survivability from Covid is 99%. This has to be about reducing the population, especially the elderly (Social Security is at risk of being bankrupt in 13 years) who are also a big cost on Medicare and other Social Services and they usually vote Republican.
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Reply 39 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 10/3/2021 2:16:57 PM (No. 933833)
He lies through his chicklet teeth. There is NO pure "data" available as the NIH/CDC/Medical Mafia have been falsifying it throughout this fraudulent scandemic. Someone needs to slap him in the face with his own FRAUD sometime, and I think Rand Paul will be that person, should Fraudci ever have the guts to face the Senator again in his lifetime. Scurrilous b@stard.
8 people like this.
Reply 40 - Posted by:
RedWhite&Blue2 10/3/2021 2:48:01 PM (No. 933858)
Now FAF wants to ruin our Christmas
Little schmuck grinch!
Go away man!
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
rochow 10/3/2021 3:18:22 PM (No. 933874)
It was the vaccinated crowd that got the Delta virus and spread it, not the unvaccinated smarties! But don't ask the smarty pants dwarf, aka, Fauci!!
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Reply 42 - Posted by:
Heil Liberals 10/3/2021 6:25:40 PM (No. 933965)
I honestly believe after listening to his nonsense for more than a year that he embodies evil. He is absolutely a narcissist. Satan could not have sent anyone more disgusting than this little tyrant.
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Reply 43 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 10/3/2021 7:11:57 PM (No. 933980)
The truth will out. The Fake Vaccines
- do not immunize
- do not kill the virus
- do not stop the vaxxed from being carriers.
They have no vaccine characteristics other than being administered by a syringe.
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#31 I don’t think we’re in disagreement. I fully support personal choice and informed consent.
To give a more fulsome answer, if I was in charge of the vaccine rollout, I would have noted it was an imperfect and leaky vaccine that would give rise to variants, so it would only be made available to those at most risk and only if they voluntarily agreed to it.
It would then have been much more effective in those populations.
Now it will shortly be less than useless in stopping anything.
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Dr. Fraud gets called out for the 'get it and pass it on' "vaccine", and gets all huffy, and starts spouting stats.
What a nasty little liar he is. Their "vaccine" lets you get it, sometimes still get very sick or die, and definitely become a carrier to pass it on to others.