Biden reveals 'game-changing' plan to
get 'toasters and sneakers' back on the
shelves by opening ports 24/7 and having
truckers drive at night after Psaki said
WH couldn't guarantee Christmas gifts
would arrive on time
Daily Mail (UK),
Geoff Earle
Elizabeth Elkind
Jennifer Smith
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/13/2021 10:02:27 PM
President Joe Biden touted new commitments from businesses and ports Wednesday as his administration rushes to ease supply chain backlogs in time to ease the burden on Christmas shoppers and avoid being cast as a Scrooge. 'With the holidays coming up, you might be wondering if gifts you plan to buy will arrive on time?' Biden said, acknowledging the crush of commercial and online orders at risk of disruption as the holiday season approaches.'I know you’re hearing a lot about something called supply chains and how hard it is to get a range of things from a toaster to sneakers to bicycles to bedroom furniture.'
If you cannot get enough dock workers to unload, and enough truck drivers to deliver, how in the hell is this going to make one bit of difference?
In case these clowns are unaware of how things work in America, truckers already drive day and night across the country delivering every possible thing. Do these dimwits really believe trucking is a 9-5 job?
44 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
formerNYer 10/13/2021 10:13:34 PM (No. 944808)
Fewer dock workers working 24 hours a day, what could go wrong?
Fewer truck drivers driving around the clock, what could go wrong?
And store after store closing because of shoplifting, what could go wrong?
Xiden the gift to Republicans' that keeps giving.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
sunshinehorses 10/13/2021 10:16:40 PM (No. 944809)
I did glance through the article and it talked of running the ports basically 24/7 (which I thought they used to be, but since I am in the middle of the country , I am probably wrong) and having trucks running 24/7 which they already do. Hubby has done long haul and they run until they run out of hours.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Catherine 10/13/2021 10:16:58 PM (No. 944810)
Aren't the people who unload these ships in a union? We've had such people on docks for hundreds of years. If they do have a union, you can bet they make good money. Why, all of a sudden, are they not able to unload ships now? And yes, truckers drive 12 hours a day and depending who you drive for, it's three weeks on and a week off, so this problem isn't truckers. It's a man made problem to cause as much mayhem in this country as humanly possible. So far they've gotten away with everything but if they think they can cause hunger in this country and all will be fine, they have no idea what they're doing. Parents will not let their children starve
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bobmadison 10/13/2021 10:21:53 PM (No. 944812)
An article I read said Leftifornia no longer allows non-union truckers to load at their ports. It also said trucks older than 2011 models will no longer be allowed. Hmmmmmmmm........
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
stablemoney 10/13/2021 10:26:21 PM (No. 944815)
Biden is running the ports, the trucks, the hospitals, the doctors, the energy companies, the car manufacturers, the airlines, the financial institutions, the housing industry, education, and your business, so you can just sit back, because everything has been decided by Joe Biden.
19 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
janjan 10/13/2021 10:31:51 PM (No. 944818)
Biden and his entire Administration cannot fix the supply chain. First, because they’re fools. Second, because they are not competent enough to even identify the problem. It’s them. Stop paying a premium to people to not work. Get out of the way and let industry experts lead. Drop your ridiculous Vaccine mandates and get a clue about what it’s doing to the economy. This idiot is bumbling around like the demented freak that we all know he is while his media toadies prop him up and to hell with the country. I need my blood pressure meds.
32 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
sanspeur 10/13/2021 10:44:48 PM (No. 944829)
and xicom sneakers & toasters will cure what ails America ? We need onshore mfg /production . duh .crass commie crqp isn’t the issue’s crass commie goobermint here and
14 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
KanCreeper 10/13/2021 10:53:55 PM (No. 944832)
An article such as this one only highlights the Truth that the current pack of Dunderheads in Washington, are completely clueless as to the way that 'Things' work out in the rest of the country....Slo Joe and his pack of Clowns hanging around, HAVE NO IDEA OF WHAT THEY ARE SCREWING UP.... iT ONLY CONTINUES TO GET WORSE BY THE DAY!
tHE BIG NEWS OF THE NIGHT WAS A STORY ABOUT MAYOR PETE AND HIS 'WIFE' and their new baby...The article failed to mention which one had gotten pregnant, which one carried the baby, and who was going to nurse whom? It is this clown who is going to straighten up Commerce in this country????? We are doomed...
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
JL80863 10/13/2021 11:04:21 PM (No. 944838)
Xiden and Pizzaki? It has to be a lie.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
EQKimball 10/13/2021 11:23:28 PM (No. 944851)
No added transportation costs here. I am sure that the ILWU collective bargaining agreement does not require premium wages for longshoremen working weekends and extra shifts..
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
sw penn 10/13/2021 11:41:37 PM (No. 944867)
Is there going to be any Freedom in the stores?
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
qr4j 10/13/2021 11:46:28 PM (No. 944868)
Sneakers and toasters? Why those items?
Just remember: This guy promised he’d leave no American or friendly Afghan behind in Afghanistan. How’d that work out?
FJB is an FJB-lying FJB!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
earlybird 10/13/2021 11:48:56 PM (No. 944871)
Nothing like an old timer running Christmas…in what is left of his mind. What, no record players?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
earlybird 10/13/2021 11:54:55 PM (No. 944875)
I heard a report from someone who knows about such things. There is really no labor shortage to unload ships. First, very little is food as we produce most of here. Import little. What there is is unloaded first. The rest of the ships are unloased on a priority basis in relation to demand for their respective cargoes. Because retail has declined, there is no rush to unload ships carrying merchandise for which there is no demand. The freighter photo used as an example showed a Chinese name...
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Oh wow! A toaster for Christmas! I just can't wait! I wonder if Joe will give Jill a toaster? Almost as good as getting a mop or a vacuum cleaner.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
mean Gene 10/14/2021 12:01:37 AM (No. 944883)
CA is banning fossil fuel run big rig trucks in a few years.
So, truckers aren't buying any new ones.
And CA is refusing to license and renew registration on any fossil fuel powered big rig built before 2011.
So, older ones are being run out of state.
What trucks does Joe think all these truckers are going to drive 24/7?
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Winstonsmith 10/14/2021 12:08:17 AM (No. 944888)
Has Biden ever been on a freeway at night. Truckers already drive at night.
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Don't think I am buying that, #15. I see bare shelves and shortages on items that are never in short supply - at least weren't before Comrade Potato Head took over and started fwcking up the country in every way possible. Local trucking companies are all begging for drivers but they can't get them. Maybe they have plenty of people to unload ships, but those goods aren't making it to flyover country.
There are shortages everywhere now. The only things in ample supply are help wanted signs, and lazy communists who won't work.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/14/2021 12:26:57 AM (No. 944898)
"WOW!!! They will be able to unload another 3,500 containers a WEEK!! We are Saved!!! Thanks Joe Biden!!!"
Uhmmm...smaller panamax ship is 6,000-12,000 containers, the VLCS, ULCS , MGX are up to 25,000 containers. Each container is 40ft, a single ULCS load put in a line would be trucks or a train 97miles long. There are 70 ships waiting. 6,000 miles worth, one semi truck per container, Train Union sez no Trains longer than 100cars, "Unsafe", some can carry 2 containers stacked 2 high, fully stacked and packed? 400 per train.. Close to 800,000 containers, 2000 mile-long trains worth and that is just the ones to be UN loaded...what about the ones needing to be loaded, to ship OUR stuff out?? Should all of the other stuffs transported by rail be parked just to let containers through? All of that Oil, All of that Coal, All of that grain and foodstuffs? All of the chemicals, steel, parts needed to keep manufacturing going?
This Backlog is because Americans are buying record amounts of stuff from China and the far east....with Govt stim dollars, Biden is subsidizing China, while shutting down US Corps and small businesses.This just shows exactly how MUCH.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
snakeoil 10/14/2021 12:51:39 AM (No. 944905)
Have more confidence that Santa Claus will deliver the Christmas presents than Quid Pro Joe.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
DVC 10/14/2021 1:48:52 AM (No. 944916)
Not one bit of Traitor Joe's doing, I'm sure.
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I suppose he will just go ahead and mandate that the dock workers, after receiving their jabs and boosters, will have to work to unload ships. Truck drivers, who,will also be mandated to take their jabs, then drive, drive, drive and deliver their containers everywhere, provided they wear masks and socially distance,
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
coyote 10/14/2021 3:01:22 AM (No. 944946)
Toasters and sneakers? I'm more worried about avoiding a cold, dark experience for my fellow Americans.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
web 10/14/2021 4:58:43 AM (No. 944974)
In the first place, all this began when the state of California outlawed Owner/Operators, who had traditionally moved most of the freight from the ports, from doing it any longer. The drivers had to be union. Then the union would not allow more than an 8 hour day, with no night driving. Add to all that the covid firings and higher prices for fuel and you get a shortage of truck drivers. I guess the feds convinced the unions they better start moving that freight, as the American people were getting restless...
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 10/14/2021 6:19:45 AM (No. 945004)
Apparently the eighteen wheeler liar Joe drove didn't have headlights.......
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
berthabutt 10/14/2021 7:06:57 AM (No. 945022)
More Dimmy mass delusion: (T)hey actually believe we don't see the planned destruction of American economic stability or that (T)hey control the keys to how Christmas is shared by Christian followers celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. The devil is all up in (T)heir details. Fools.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/14/2021 7:51:39 AM (No. 945073)
Great plan, moving ships bigger than football fields around the docks in the dark. Keep it up, Joe, you might make a good checkers player some day.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
JrSample 10/14/2021 7:59:42 AM (No. 945087)
How are we supposed to believe that this plan or his economic plan are not going to be as poorly thought out and executed and his Afghanistan or immigration debacles?
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
hershey 10/14/2021 8:02:03 AM (No. 945092)
Eh, maybe we don't need all that junk from China...ever think of that???
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Clinger 10/14/2021 8:19:51 AM (No. 945102)
And just why aren't they running three shifts already? Might that have something to do with government customs hours?
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 10/14/2021 8:28:27 AM (No. 945107)
We have no workers! 24 hours X 0=ZERO! Let’s go Brandon!
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
Yuban 10/14/2021 8:53:40 AM (No. 945128)
I sure hope they figure this out. Everyone knows that Christmas is all about shopping and has nothing to do with the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
LadyVet 10/14/2021 9:07:34 AM (No. 945137)
If Biden is unpopular now, just wait until Christmas and there are no gifts from Santa and no toilet paper when family comes to visit if Fauci gives permission. Those kinds of memories stick in a kid's mind, even when he grows up. Biden and the Dems will be the Grinch Who Stole Christmas (and the election).
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
Merlin251 10/14/2021 9:25:31 AM (No. 945152)
The NEWS says the California port situation is caused by a driver shortage.
Not so fast: It is in part caused by a California Truck Ban which says all trucks must be 2011 or newer and a law called AB 5 which all but prohibits Owner Operators.
Traditionally the ports have been served by Owner Operators (non union). California has now proposed banning Owner Operators.
Long term, truckers in California are not investing in new trucks because California has a law that makes them illegal in 2035. The requirement is to purchase electric trucks which do not exist in large numbers and are constrained by their short range.
And in the words of Paul Harvey, “Now you know the rest of the story”
California began blocking certain trucks’ DMV registrations in 2020
Carriers domiciled in California with trucks older than 2011 model, or using engines manufactured before 2010, will need to meet the Board’s new Truck and Bus Regulation beginning in 2020 or their vehicles will be blocked from registration with the state’s DMV, the state has said.
The new “health-based requirements” will need to be met before a driver is allowed to register his or her truck through the Department of Motor Vehicles, CARB says. A new enforcement tool used by the DMV beginning in 2020 will automatically block 2010 and older trucks from registration
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association said in an amicus brief that the California AB5 legislation will cause immediate and irreparable harm to thousands of truckers. The brief was filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals in the Ninth Circuit in support of the California Trucking Association’s petition for a rehearing before all the judges.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 10/14/2021 10:32:55 AM (No. 945235)
This does not pass the smell test.
Commitment? We are told Biden got commitments from the unions running the ports and certain companies like Walmart, FedEx, and UPS. I wonder what commitments Biden gave them in return.
All we needed was some 'commitments' to fix this? We're not seeing the real picture here. What about the worker shortage? What about COVID restrictions?
None of this is making sense which means we are not seeing the real story. Was this all a slowdown by friends of Biden?
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
Geoman 10/14/2021 4:17:34 PM (No. 945586)
Since shipped goods from overseas come in standardized containers that are loaded and offloaded by crane, it is no longer necessary to have hundreds or thousands of longshoremen to unload ships in port. The backlog is caused by the containers already offloaded that can't be moved inland by truck or train due to more regional backlogs of the more manual labor workers supplying regional warehouses and ultimately, retail stores. Biden wants truck drivers to work more hours but they are limited by DOT rules that only allow drivers to drive a set number of hours out of a 24 hour day. Biden has not addressed providing regulatory relief for those DOT rules, such companies can continue to be fined for drivers exceeding the imposed limits. Further, the dearth of manual loaders and unloaders is directly related to freewheeling, never-ending "stimulus" spending, ostensibly caused by COVID rules, that started in 2020 under the Trump administration after the president signed democrat-sponsored bills into public law. However well intentioned, the democrat spending orgy has allowed a lot of manual laborers to sit at home without suffering the dings on their income. The proposed $5 trillion in additional democrat spending will only exacerbate the democrat caused labor shortages, further constraining an already crippled supply chain.
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