Rural Americans now dying of COVID-19
at twice the rate of those in urban environments: research
The Hill,
Joseph Choi
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
9/30/2021 5:28:29 PM
A study released this month found that the rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths in rural areas have far surpassed those being observed in metropolitan communities, with rural mortality rates more than double that of urban ones.
The study from the Rural Policy Research Institute's (RUPRI) Center for Rural Health Policy found that as the summer ended, the coronavirus infection and mortality rates of rural and urban communities began to diverge.
RUPRI noted in its study that the initial surges of COVID-19 cases at the start of the pandemic were largely concentrated in urban areas. Subsequent surges saw increases in both urban and rural parts of the U.S.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
unagator 9/30/2021 5:37:11 PM (No. 931412)
So areas with the highest natural immunity from prior waves, urban areas, are now experiencing fewer deaths and hospitalizations than areas with lower natural immunity from prior waves.
Shocking revelation. Must be due to political preferences.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Mr Clean 9/30/2021 5:47:12 PM (No. 931415)
I'm sure the comments at the Hill are full of empathy and concern.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
bldrrepub 9/30/2021 6:05:24 PM (No. 931421)
I remember a study in the early 80s that purported to look at rural highway speed limits and highway deaths. The study's conclusion was that speed limits caused the deaths when, in fact, it was distance to emergency rooms and level of care available in those rural areas.
There are other things to consider including seasonality. Virus is gonna virus.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
chumley 9/30/2021 6:06:01 PM (No. 931422)
Forgive me if I dont believe them. Its just another planted story to scare rural people into getting their depopulation shot. Expecting the truth from any media nowadays is a fool's undertaking.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
skacmar 9/30/2021 6:21:45 PM (No. 931431)
Could it just be that people in rural areas are just more self reliant and less likely to run to the doctors/hospital for every sniffle or runny nose? Even with an illness like Covid, rural people are more likely to shake it off until they are actually really sick. Urban/suburban people are more likely to run to the doctor/hospital to get checked out for every real and imagined illness because it is a lot more convenient. It is a cultural thing. City people just don't understand it.
24 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
glenw 9/30/2021 6:25:35 PM (No. 931433)
As a child of a vast rural region now living a bit closer to what coastal pinheads term civilization, I hear snide remarks about how people who in lightly-populated areas of the country are basically not essential to the country. No matter what the city slicker's reason for their narcissistic viewpoint, I'm betting they're actually pleased County bumpkins are dying at a higher rate than the smart inter-city government workers, hedge fund Robin hoods, and unemployed that spend their Biden checks instead of getting out of bed. However, when the food quits coming because the stupid growers all died, ya'll can eat es-hit.
28 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Edgelady 9/30/2021 6:31:28 PM (No. 931442)
This is bs - I live in a rural area - people have died, gotten sick, survived - article designed to scare.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
stablemoney 9/30/2021 6:33:57 PM (No. 931443)
Rural hospitals are required to treat medicaid patients, and get so little payment that most rural hospitals have been forced to close. The rural population now has to go to a regional hospital, which is why those hospitals are fuller. It is not from the virus. The government class always blames someone else for their mistakes.
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Incompetent decisions made by doctors who blindly follow the CDC are killing patients.
Hospital administrators telling doctors what they can and cannot do for patients is killing patients.
Covid would struggle to kill more than 1 in 1000, but with the assistance of the above doctors, and politicians sending nursing home residents to their death, covid has managed to get the numbers up in the U.S..
I have completely lost faith in the medical community! I know that I must rely on myself and frontline doctors to stay out of American kill zones (hospitals pushing vents).
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
mc squared 9/30/2021 6:43:46 PM (No. 931451)
That';s odd. Aren't blacks the least vaxed people, and we always hearing about them living in undeserved urban communities? Oh. It's the Hill. Never mind.
17 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
kono 9/30/2021 6:52:39 PM (No. 931462)
"As of mid-September, metropolitan areas were seeing a seven-day average death rate of 0.41 while rural communities had an average death rate of 0.85."
And the implied units of measure? People-per-mile? Kilograms? Axles? Idiots-per-page?
21 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
kono 9/30/2021 6:54:08 PM (No. 931466)
Oh, wait... I know: Deaths per-cubic-centimeter, yeah!
13 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
JL80863 9/30/2021 7:00:30 PM (No. 931475)
I'm told #11, that the CDC approved units of measure for COVID19 and variants are the historically proven furlongs per fortnight.
13 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
qr4j 9/30/2021 7:21:40 PM (No. 931490)
I would look at the stats carefully. Stats are easily manipulated to serve the purpose of whoever is publishing them.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Faithfully 9/30/2021 7:30:35 PM (No. 931496)
Perhaps rural people are just healthy enough to die of old age pneumonia which is recorded as COVID for the $ the gubbment (sp) rebates the hospital.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Toby Ten Bears 9/30/2021 7:31:43 PM (No. 931498)
It is safe to assume that these are more lies.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 9/30/2021 7:57:17 PM (No. 931528)
And huge numbers could be saved with ivermectin, but the govt wants them dead, pour encourager les autres.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
ThreeBadCats3 9/30/2021 7:57:21 PM (No. 931529)
Ask around, your friends if any are left. How many have had the shot, then got the “rona”, or worse, are dead. Any negative outcome is suppressed, not “news”. There is too much being made by too many from this golden calf. Anyone suspecting that this is a gigantic con are ignored or destroyed. Anyone recognizing that it is likely apocalyptic must be considered “mental”.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/30/2021 8:03:06 PM (No. 931532)
My neighbor just passed away with Covid.'
He was 82 and his health wasn't good, but he had both shots of Pfizer.
Now if you have 2 shots and it doesn't keep you alive why should you get a third??
Just so Pfizer gets richer?
17 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Kate318 9/30/2021 8:47:29 PM (No. 931572)
Spare me. Anyone who believes this, please call me. I’ve got some Fauci/CDC-approved Ivermectin to sell you.
5 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
Safari Man 9/30/2021 10:36:13 PM (No. 931638)
#’s 4, 7, 14, 16 speak for me.
The best way to process stories about Covid is to invert the information as its probably exactly the opposite of truth.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
SALady 9/30/2021 11:15:01 PM (No. 931672)
Once again, in these scare "hit pieces", they don't give any actual numbers. Just scary sounding percentages.
In reality, the death numbers are small, and mostly limited to older people with pre-existing conditions.
They know it's not working any more, and we have been lied to so many times that their scare-tactics just don't work any more. But they will keep trying to scare the peasants into submission!!!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Mass Minority 9/30/2021 11:21:58 PM (No. 931678)
Not mentioned is the fact that the death rate overall has plummetted. It is a very small number. Two times a small number is still a small number.
Has everyone not noticed that actual covid case and death numbers are no longer reported, only multiples or percentages. 1 year ago every newspaper in the country was leading with the total numbers of covid cases and deaths, often with banner headlines. death and case numbers were reported daily. The numbers were endlessly dissected with comorbities and age classes observed and catalogued, the numbers were pushed and puled and tortured ad nauseum.
Now we get a passing case numbers up 12% since monday, or up 25% in a month. Or rural areas are twice as likely to die etc etc. Why has thia happened?
It has happened because case numbers, even with the unaceptable high false positive results of the improperly used PCR test, are down over 97% from january of the peak in March of this year and the fact that deaths have been steadily declining, even when case number briefly rose in August. The reason they now use percentages and mutiples instead of actual numbers is simple, After over a year of fear mongering by Daily reporting numbers in the thousands or even tens of thousands, numbers in the hundreds are no longer scary. But a 25% increase, with just a subtle hint that its compared to those March numbers, well thats still pretty scary.
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If I want more accurate and truthful news that the Hill, I will turn to Al Jazzera, Pravda or the Teheran Times.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/1/2021 2:26:51 AM (No. 931731)
Vaccinated Americans and Israelis are dropping like flies, so there is that.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 10/1/2021 3:03:39 AM (No. 931736)
I believe nothing coming from The Hill of Commie BS.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 10/1/2021 3:11:04 AM (No. 931740)
I don’t buy one word! They manipulate stats daily to gin up fear! I remain I afraid! If God wants to bring me home with COVID I am fine with that! I will finally get to meet Jesus!
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
JackBurton 10/1/2021 10:38:54 AM (No. 932004)
RE: Poster #17.... Not to worry. Pfizermectin is coming.
I don't think it will take a long time either. Seems like all the research has been done.
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