Manufactured Crisis – A Map Of The Cargo
Ships Currently Incoming And In Holding
Pattern Offshore Ignored By The MSM (Photos
& Video)
Defiant America,
Kellyanne Richardson
Original Article
Posted By: Black Conservative Voice,
10/2/2021 9:11:29 AM
Dozens of cargo ships anchored off the coasts of Los Angeles and New York face shocking wait times of up to four weeks and railyards and trucking routes are hopelessly clogged due to the lack of manpower to unload goods – with an expert warning that the government needs to intervene or face spiraling inflation and unemployment.
That’s what we’ve heard on the mainstream media!
Every excuse given but the obvious: The Covid vaccine mandate labor shortage is preventing goods from being delivered.
This isn't difficult to believe. We have seen local shortages on items (grocery and otherwise) that are never in short supply. Even basic staples. Prices are through the roof on everything. Delivery times pretty much suck now too.
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It’s a war on small business, the large companies companies like Home Depot, Walmart, etc. have secured full ocean vessels for their product due to the lack of capacity. This capacity crunch raises $$ to levels we have never seen before. Small bus. Pay more & cannot securespace
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
reefdiver 10/2/2021 9:29:30 AM (No. 932834)
Is there anyone in charge who can fix this? The unraveling of the country continues.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 10/2/2021 10:02:57 AM (No. 932851)
Our government has done two things that have worsened the problem. Our government pays people to stay home, claim COVID hardship, and not work. Our government fires people who are working that don't want to get the COVID vaccine.
Its all quite deliberate, and is designed to make society dependent on government for its very existence.
Had enough? its going to get worse. The people running the country are dumb and dishonest.
126 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 10/2/2021 10:03:29 AM (No. 932852)
Slowly but surely, Biden and his masters, are destroying with a purpose the "infrastructure" of America. BHO's Great American Reset is in progress. At this point, the Republicans are helpless or complicit. The Democrats are full bore. How can it be stopped? Don't think it can. 2024 is three and half years away. By then America will be Venezuela on steroids.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Yo Yo 10/2/2021 11:04:24 AM (No. 932895)
We had a deck project finished in mid-July that's been waiting for posts so railings can be connected to complete the $70,000 project. But we're told the posts are sitting in the LA harbor. They were ordered in June. Our contactor can't get final payment until they are installed. I'm hearing that football stadium chant.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 10/2/2021 11:09:09 AM (No. 932899)
Wuhan flu mandates? These guys can’t unload ships but one can go to a birthday party on the Vineyard, riot under the guise of BLM, go to packed stadiums for baseball and football, but quarantine dock workers if they get the sniffles. Something else has to be going on here with the unions. What’s going on is the same as a strike, and since the Dems are in power, they are not going to take action because that would upset their biggest donors. You won’t be getting your new iPhone or other goodies for Christmas at this rate.
49 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Corndoggies 10/2/2021 11:34:14 AM (No. 932912)
And this, boys and girls, is why we call it a PLANdemic.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
chance_232 10/2/2021 11:35:18 AM (No. 932914)
There are two other reasons for this. The stock market, which includes our 401k plans. We all want a 10-20% return on our savings and major corporations move manufacturing off shore to maximize revenue.
We, the consumers, demand the lowest prices on everything that we purchase. Kinda hard to manufacture cheaply with all of the taxes, regulations, insurance costs and higher labor costs. Throw in the unions and you have the perfect excuse to move off shore.
So long as we are dependent on China, Korea, Taiwan, etc for manufactured goods, ..........
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
stablemoney 10/2/2021 11:51:08 AM (No. 932923)
If you want your ships unloaded, route them to the Gulf of Mexico. LA is a rat infested stronghold ran by communists. With Newsom and the left in charge, I strongly advise avoiding the West Coast.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 10/2/2021 12:01:10 PM (No. 932931)
Don't buy Made in China goods. THAT is how to defeat China.
Just stop it.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
mean Gene 10/2/2021 12:17:50 PM (No. 932949)
So, Joe kills manufacturing here and then slows imported goods to a crawl at our Ports of Entrys.
Kind of reminds me how he wants us all to give up our personal autos and trucks so we can be at the mercy of the bus drivers' union.
How about, "No."
Learn from the illegals: They have a robust and varied UNDERGROUND economy.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
seamusm 10/2/2021 12:35:35 PM (No. 932969)
If this wasn't such a union shop state, calling out the National Guard could save the day. But that would be considered akin to strike busting and no Dim would ever allow such.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
HPmatt 10/2/2021 12:41:19 PM (No. 932974)
Where are labor statistics? Are longshoremen working? If port of LA has full staffing of say 1,000 workers a shift, are 500 showing up? Should they hire another 500? Are cranes operating 24 hours a day? Or trucks waiting on containers? Are trains waiting on containers? I see maps of all the ships, but where are things operating at less than capacity? Do they need 5,000 trucks a day, and on only 2,000 show up? Are RR crews not working?
I buy my bacon locally. I buy lumber domestically. We don't import lumber from Korea, nor bacon, nor other stuff 'grown locally'. These 'stories' have no HARD FACTS of where the bottlenecks are.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
DVC 10/2/2021 12:59:04 PM (No. 932988)
Re: "where the bottlenecks are" the article says that it is in the labor to offload the ships. If this is like any other business that I have seen, it is because people are being paid to NOT WORK by the government.
All US businesses are seriously disrupted by labor shortages caused by the government paying people to stay home.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
sunnyday 10/2/2021 1:35:04 PM (No. 933009)
The media must not need anything yet.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
kono 10/2/2021 1:40:31 PM (No. 933013)
The Communists have been warning for generations that Capitalism is unsustainable and will collapse of its own imbalances, and they have been waiting for that moment to impose their system in its place. But it just won't collapse with a discreet nudge, so they're outright strangling the supply chain to death with arbitrary decrees.
Feeling general contempt for politics (particularly the Marxists masquerading as the "news media") these days...
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/2/2021 1:50:52 PM (No. 933020)
It appears that Joey Xiden has already worked his Negative Magic and caused this as well...
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
rochow 10/2/2021 3:12:16 PM (No. 933094)
Where is the first vegetable? Oh, in the basement, right, he needs rest. Where is cackles??? Getting her face reworked??? Probably! Dr. Jill, apparently 'teaching' has no time to spare to run the country and do the teaching 'job'! That leaves the rest of the clown administration to figure things out! Perhaps within a month or so they might want to figure out to turn a crisis to their advantage and squeeze the US citizen a little more.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 10/2/2021 3:48:40 PM (No. 933104)
“Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste”
Rahm Emanuel was the origin of that crack and it's one that Democrats have run to every chance its happened whether it be the "Great Recession" or "Hurricane Katrina" or any subsequent national or world event. If they're out of power they use it as a weapon against the one in the hot seat; if they're in power they use it as a lever to grab more power and push more Federal dollars into leftist organizations for money laundering purposes back to Democrats.
Democrats are creating an Economic Crisis:
Inflation, shortage of goods, labor shortage due to Federal COVID pay.
Democrats are creating a Housing Crisis:
Inflation is driving the cost of homes soaring beyond average buying power AND the economic crisis is reducing builders' ability to finance more.
Democrats are creating a Health Crisis:
Allowing millions of untested, disease-carrying ILLEGALS into the country. Mandating experimental vaccines across the citizenry, while allowing hundreds of thousands ILLEGALS to come into this nation untested (!) and resettled in communities surreptitiously, ensuring additional outbreaks, ad infinitum.
Democrats are creating a Law Enforcement Crisis:
Feds are creating and actually manning terrorist organizations promoting public insurrection and violence in cities across America. They're using CIA tactics for overthrow of foreign governments right here in the USA. They are using our magnificent electronic spying apparatus at the NSA against Americans, sweeping up all citizen communications in clear violation of the 4th Amendment, and waging war against American Patriots under the guise of "anti-terrorism" (and how do socialist-communists in charge define "terrorism"?)
A Constitutional showdown is coming... the Feds have arrogated too much power over freedom loving Americans.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
cor-vet 10/2/2021 3:49:34 PM (No. 933105)
The dems are going to screw things up so badly, that the dominion machines will need to produce 400,000,000 votes to win in 2022.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
bobmadison 10/2/2021 4:08:28 PM (No. 933115)
It's going according to plan. CREATE another crisis, then the people will tell the politicians (ugh) to DO SOMETHING about it. Then, our hero, biden will say we need to take over the shipping industry. Thus, just like magic, PRICE CONTROLS. Far fetched, maybe, but look at what else 'THEY'VE done...
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Miss Daisy 10/2/2021 4:24:30 PM (No. 933121)
I have not been in the US for 2 years. I recently was able to visit family and was surprised to see empty grocery shelves in the land of plenty. Items like pasta, cranberry juice (not refrigerated), and laundry detergent were scarce if available at all. And the prices!!!! I feel bad for people on a fixed income. I live in a European country where a lot of non-perishable goods are imported and I have seen no empty shelves or lack of availability of goods. And prices have not increased.
23 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/2/2021 6:57:08 PM (No. 933168)
Noted many container ships hanging about in Santa Monica Bay 2 weeks ago. This transportation ban is going to be a disaster in the coming months. Biden/PelosiNephew are leading US to the poorhouse. They pay Freeloader Democrats not to work, Illegals and Muslims to come in, and prevent our unvaccinated truckers from working. Stop all vaccine mandates now, or we will collapse the economy. Do nor vaccinate your healthy children.
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The government wants us to cut down on emissions. Yet China produces these items with electric made from coal fired plants, for instance solar panels. Weather here this winter is predicted cold and snowy yet natural gas and electric prices will be high. I predict more wood being burned creating more pollution. Think how much energy is being wasted with these ships just sitting, deteriorating and stockpiles on runways dumped and waiting for pickup.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
TCloud 10/3/2021 7:01:32 AM (No. 933395)
Socialism vs Capitalism, right Vern? Vern says EZ stuff!
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/3/2021 7:44:03 AM (No. 933420)
Atlas is not only shrugging, he's hanging his head in shame, The (w)hole of Washington is going to become The Alamo any day now. How long before the shooting and explosions begin?
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 10/3/2021 8:07:30 AM (No. 933438)
Now throw in a new vaccine interstate passport mandate and that will really speed things up!
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
BillW. 10/3/2021 8:14:07 AM (No. 933443)
Thanks, Joe.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Venturer 10/3/2021 8:14:48 AM (No. 933444)
This isn't something that will stop any time soon. Those ships when unloaded are supposed to go back and load up again. That isn'y happening. This could go on for a year or more even after the ships are unloaded.
9 people like this.
Reply 31 - Posted by:
Otis Gill 10/3/2021 8:54:15 AM (No. 933476)
There are evil forces working behind the scenes everywhere. Some call it the deep state, but whatever you call it, it's real.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/3/2021 9:20:21 AM (No. 933496)
And this invented crisis and societal crackdown is just the beginning. Just we wait until the long-expected cyberattack on our financial system strikes and, say for a month or two, you can't get cash, use your credit cards, pay bills, and buy anything.
F Joe Biden
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
cgood 10/3/2021 9:24:40 AM (No. 933497)
This crisis isn’t about a poor selection of Christmas gifts. It is about choking our economy and our way of life. It’s the next step in destroying our country by leveraging the COVID travesty and it’s coming faster than we think.
13 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
little guy 10/3/2021 9:53:00 AM (No. 933528)
If you are reading these words and are not yet up-to-speed on Cloward-Piven, the Great Reset and Agenda 21 take some time today and get informed! Don't use Google ...which filters info ... or Wiki which slants things .... use another search engine like Duck Duck Go.
The main stream media doesn't want to report this supply chain problem because they don't want to be held responsible for the food riots, toilet paper hoarding (again) and the huge drop off in stacked shelves. They and their friends probably have a two year supply of everything they need in their basements by now.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 10/3/2021 10:24:09 AM (No. 933557)
Adding to all of that, I've seen several articles saying that China is now rationing electrical power, and that a Significant percentage of factories have been shut down for at least a month.
And those who blame this situation on Joe Biden, I say you are way off target. Joe couldn't plan a successful convenience store robbery, much less this global conspiracy. Even his direct puppetmasters from the 0bama Cartel couldn't pull off something this big. (although they are thrilled to go along with it ).
No, the REAL elites are behind this. Klaus Schwab and his friends at the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Blackrock and similar multi trillion dollar hedgefund type organizations are the ones behind this.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
Krause 10/3/2021 11:37:01 AM (No. 933634)
This is the type of problem Trump would solve, post haste. biden doesn't not want to solve this, just like he doesn't want to solve the border Trump did!
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/3/2021 12:14:18 PM (No. 933684)
Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter. The Malaise will last a long time. Stagflation is here, do not vote for Communist Democrats ever again.
Bring back, bring back my Trump to me.
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/3/2021 3:12:53 PM (No. 933871)
There has been ongoing Labor Issues at all of the west coast ports, Blue on Blue, Union on Union as well as Union on Govt owned dock facilities, Not just the longshoreman, but also the crane guys, electrical guys, and the various truckers groups...add into this mix that the price of fuel doubled, tolls shot up, and few people showing up locally to unload at the destination. Govt inspectors have been slooooow processing incoming cargo, short staffed with many on Medical Leave, vacation, drawing Covid bonus pay instead of working, after all they don't have to pay rent anymore either...It isn't just the goods you "Think" are effected, nearly all books are now printed and bound in China, Fall into Christmas is "Book" season, not just for gifts, but also school books. Even just the adhesives to afix labels on US manufactured/packaged goods is getting scarce/unattainable, cannot go to market until the Govt. mandated warning labels are attached. I didn't realize until I went to pickup my weekly BBQ that there was a Vinegar shortage, none of the sauces requiring it were available(scratch that order of pulled pork, make it brisket instead), nor was vinegar slaw.
"Drop a pebble in a pond and the ripples effect the shore"--Biden pitched a Bowling Ball into a Bathtub, he seems to think the Cure is to throw in three more.
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Over 100 ships today, up from 80 yesterday, wait off Los Angeles coast to deliver goods. The Covid vaccine mandate labor shortage is thee real reason for this crisis. (another conspiracy proven right tomorrow) The media also ignores the real reason for this crisis as well as this map that doesn't look good!