From a Mormon living in a gas station
to the senator with Biden's $3.5T budget
in her hands: How Krysten Sinema came
out as bisexual and went from being 'too
liberal to be a Democrat' to the moderate
holding All the cards
Daily Mail (UK),
Emily Goodin
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
9/29/2021 9:34:28 PM
Democratic anger is growing with Krysten Sinema, blaming her as the sole reason for holding up Joe Biden's $3.5 trillion social agenda as the party demands to know what the Arizona Democratic senator wants in exchange for her support. 'The president keeps begging her, tell us what you want. Put a proposal forward,' progressive Rep. Ro Khanna told CNN, adding that neither moderates nor liberals can name her demands. All eyes are turning to the 45-year-old senator, known for wearing candy-colored wigs during the COVID pandemic because she couldn't get her hair dyed, competing in Ironmans and touting her personal
Reply 1 - Posted by:
pilot222 9/29/2021 10:13:48 PM (No. 930608)
If there is a D after their name they can never never ever be trusted. She and Manchin are cutting the deal of a lifetime. If they vote to kill the bill and save America no celebration is needed when you do the right thing.
50 people like this.
Will the media give her the "maverick" moniker like her hero or will she simply become persona non grata?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
skacmar 9/29/2021 10:36:19 PM (No. 930622)
Typical Democrat response to get Sinema's vote: How much $$$$$$? Throw money at her, let her name her price and get useless projects she wants for her state or pet projects/causes (even if unnecessary). There is no amount they will not spend to get Sinema's (or Manchin's) vote for their liberal dream social engineering bill.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Omen55 9/29/2021 11:02:00 PM (No. 930639)
She's not gonna drink the kool aide.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
downnout 9/29/2021 11:31:40 PM (No. 930646)
It reveals the true nature of Democrats that they think everyone can be bought….just as they are.
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I couldn't give a rat's arse if she goes both ways, or wears purple wigs, as long as she holds the line on this boondoggle.
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Never thought I'd even consider voting for a Dem again, and she started off as a way too crazy radical. But I've watched her gradually evolve—not only on the current mess— and I've come to appreciate her. If she holds the line on this crucial point, she may have earned my support.
21 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 9/30/2021 12:34:55 AM (No. 930666)
Sinema and Manchin are two faced rats. They have grandstanded for months in fake opposition to the $3.5 trillion bill. Democrats stick together like a ball of snakes.
21 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 9/30/2021 12:49:58 AM (No. 930672)
Since there were 7 specific smack-downs in the headline alone, I dare not venture into the article.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 9/30/2021 3:39:20 AM (No. 930728)
She's bizarre. But if she stops this hideous Demonrat death spiral of $5 trillion in disastrous spending and horrible laws....she'll be a real heroine for the day.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 9/30/2021 4:24:46 AM (No. 930740)
She will support Biden after coming into a buttload of dollars!
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
mifla 9/30/2021 4:41:33 AM (No. 930742)
If she does cave, she will be labled a sell out by her voters. If she is smart, she will not cave. If she was smarter, she would tell Chuckie to shut up or she will switch parties.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/30/2021 4:48:42 AM (No. 930744)
I’ll believe she will cave just like every other democrat does unless she has the sense to see just how toxic her party has become. She is a smart one, but will she have the courage to buck her own party? That is highly unlikely. However, wouldn’t it be great to see her stand against this horrific monster of a bill. If she does she will pay a high price. Democrats are nothing if not vindictive.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 9/30/2021 6:01:41 AM (No. 930776)
Sinema is a piece of work. While biden the cheater and his pals keep the pressure on to find out what Sinema wants in exchange for her support of the $3.5 trillion give away, I don't think Sinema wants anything. If she sticks to her guns and votes against the "infrastructure" bill, good for her I guess.
But, the cancel culture will have a field day with her afterwards. The same goes for Manchin if he, too, follows through and opposes the bill.
Very soon, we will find out how determined both senators are to buck the party of evil. Depending how they vote, their respective lives will either become exceptionally beautiful and financially enriching OR their lives will become a living hell.
14 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Edgelady 9/30/2021 7:54:19 AM (No. 930852)
She’s a very interesting person - self driven enough to pull herself out of poverty, go to college early because of her intellect, independent in nature, yet practical (realizing she can’t win in Arizona as an independent), but certainly independent minded enough to not go along with anyone on anything - but to go her own way, with her own conscience. She may be bi, yet I don’t see her strongly proselytizing the whole multiple alphabet thing - just leave people be who they are…utterly sensible. The problem with everyone else is they thin she’s got to have an angle. Maybe not, maybe it’s far more simple than that - and Democrats are anything but simple.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
chillijilli 9/30/2021 8:24:48 AM (No. 930875)
As a Zonie I can report that every single liberal I know despises her and is very vocal about it. She has done the unthinkable---broken ranks with the Demo power base and made her own case using logic and reason. She'll be smacked down by her own party, no matter how she votes on this.
She truly seems to be interested in her constituents' concerns. Despite my party affiliation, I'm constantly being asked to participate in her surveys. Each and every call or email I've written has been PROMPTLY answered---several times directly by her. I'm watching her very carefully but at least up to this point I've been impressed and pleasantly surprised.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 9/30/2021 8:33:46 AM (No. 930878)
I wish some of these bills once in the Senate had a shelf life dated to die and not go on and on. Debate it have a date to vote then trash them you have to start over with a new bill. There are too many poison pills in the garbage bill. There's something that Sinema doesn't like or just some pay back because she couldn't visit her hairdresser when Pelosi could a bit of pay back it's not about the Benjamins Joe.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Speedypetey 9/30/2021 8:48:42 AM (No. 930900)
She acts like she knows Martha McSally beat her in a landslide victory. If just one county has 77 ,000 corrupted votes and all the voting machine records were erased violating federal law just think what Pima county and the other fascist towns like Tuscon did to deny the voters will?
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
bighambone 9/30/2021 9:07:57 AM (No. 930930)
Hopefully this lady will pull up her britches and stand by her guns.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
harleynyc 9/30/2021 9:09:53 AM (No. 930933)
stop kidding yourself- she'll be bought and paid for once she's played her hand.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
starboard 9/30/2021 9:10:41 AM (No. 930935)
She's smart enough to know there's a Republican in AZ who wants her senate seat in 24 and not enough progressives there to beat her in a primary.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Zigrid 9/30/2021 9:23:34 AM (No. 930947)
I'm sure she'll be offered a large pork payoff and she'll buckle...a democrat is always a democrat...BTW... notice hoe nasty nancy is losing it?... she's stumbling on words and calling on obama to help her....oops...biden is suppose to be president...did you forget nancy? you know more than WE the people know...e.i. obama is really running the show behind the Oval Office curtains...his third illegal term to try an clean up his legacy....
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 9/30/2021 11:28:27 AM (No. 931098)
This "woman" voted to impeach President Trump twice. She is dead to the Trump voters. And by the way, AZ did vote for President Trump by the hundred of thousands... and the recent audit is showing the corruption and fraud. In just one County, Mariposa, 254,000 votes were invalid, or fraudulent. Biden "won" AZ by 10,000. Take that Fox News' Bret Baer!
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
stablemoney 9/30/2021 11:34:57 AM (No. 931105)
Sinema, make them kiss up. They have to have you.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Rama41 9/30/2021 11:54:08 AM (No. 931130)
Maybe there's a glimmer of hope she's also bi politically. She's an interesting contrast to her fellow AZ Senator Mark Kelly
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
4Justice 9/30/2021 4:13:45 PM (No. 931342)
Maybe she is doing what I wanted to do years ago. She infiltrated the enemy, played their game for a while and now is turning the tide on them! Lawd knows I wanted to do that so badly. I just wasn't political material.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Faithfully 9/30/2021 6:30:11 PM (No. 931439)
It is funny how the English language has changed. Promiscuous is now bi-sexual, Gluttony is now Big Body Proud, Sloth is now Chillin', Pride is now Confidence, Wrath is now Protest. I could go on but you get my drift.
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She still quite liberal on many issues, but has enough sense to break ranks with Dems on bankrupting the country.