McConnell warns Biden that Republicans
will not help raise the debt ceiling again
in December due to Schumer's 'tantrum'
speech and 'grave concerns that another
reckless spending bill will hurt America'
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/9/2021 12:47:18 AM
One day after the Senate approved a temporary lift to the U.S. debt ceiling, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell wrote in a letter to President Joe Biden that he would not aid Democrats again in raising the debt limit.Following weeks of partisan fighting, the Senate approved the short-term fix that will allow the United States to avoid defaulting on its bills in a 50-48 vote on Thursday evening. The House will vote on the measure on Tuesday.Congress will need to find a longer-term solution in December. But McConnell has said the reprieve would give Democrats enough time to raise the debt ceiling through a procedural move known as reconciliation,
Reply 1 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 10/9/2021 1:01:15 AM (No. 939607)
Mitch "MultiUseless" McConnell enjoys being rolled again by Chuck "Slime" Schumer.
Mitch probably picked up the dinner tab while Chuck went to the bathroom and then headed straight for the exit.
Mitch had the a bunch of RINO's supporting him. He enjoys being Minority "Leader".
38 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
stablemoney 10/9/2021 1:24:43 AM (No. 939611)
McConnell warns every time for the Republican base, then when the deadline comes, he raises the debt ceiling again. I have no idea how many times McConnell has done this, but it is a lot.
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F Mitch McConnell
50 people like this.
So what China Bltch is saying is that he would have raised it again in December but for Schumer's tantrum?
McConnell is a lying bag of scum that enjoys grabbing his ankles for Schumer over and over again. If you think this BS wasn't staged from the beginning, take note of the vote count. Sack of Sht McConnell released exactly 11 fellow stooges from his party (one more than needed) to vote yes to the extension.
We are being rick-rolled by this putz over and over again. He and Chucky are playing everyone. The whole thing - the tantrum, the overblown reaction by Manchin, and the response by McConnell - is all theater for the masses.
50 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 10/9/2021 5:21:01 AM (No. 939651)
Useless Mitch. This guy makes me sick to my stomach. He and all the Rinos need to go. November 2022 is just around the corner.
39 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
DoneinCalif 10/9/2021 5:32:44 AM (No. 939656)
I'd like to see Ted Cruz the Republican leader.
50 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Rinktum 10/9/2021 5:38:59 AM (No. 939659)
#4, You are correct. They actually believe the American people are falling for this farce. We are not. I’d like to believe we have the ability through our right as voters to remove them from office, but I seriously doubt it. There is no appetite for truth in this country anymore. Look no further than the Arizona audit to understand that no one wants to touch voter fraud with a ten foot pole. It is better to not know than to have to deal with the truth. That scares Republicans to death and is the very thing democrats bank on. We are being lead by cowards and morally bankrupt fools who are aiding abetting each other in this theater of the absurd.
44 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 10/9/2021 6:04:00 AM (No. 939673)
Stop voting for Republicans. They don't even care if elections get stolen.
32 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
judy 10/9/2021 6:09:16 AM (No. 939679)
Oh yeh like Mitch doesn't cave to Schumer & Pelosi every single time!!! What a joke! Mitch actually thinks people believe what he says!
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And in December McConnell will do what he did this week, and indeed has done for years with his debt ceiling charade. And the "debt ceiling" will be his excuse for not addressing Biden's gutting of immigration enforcement and the military and a whole range of other real issues with the Biden Administration.
22 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 10/9/2021 6:50:22 AM (No. 939706)
Believe the Turtle at your own peril.......
21 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
anniebc 10/9/2021 6:58:35 AM (No. 939710)
Whatever, you clown. You're such an embarrassment. Retire, you old coot.
22 people like this.
“Team Mitch” will vote to increase as his spine is made from way over cooked Barilla Angel Hair. The duplicitous McConnell will do exactly as the #JihadJunta tells him to as he is now one of the operatives. He is a snake.
16 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
LLAMA 10/9/2021 7:51:11 AM (No. 939737)
This item has been a game of chess from the start. Maybe, by supporting the temporary rise in the debt limit, McConnell has taken away Schumer's last talking point in reference to future Republican refusal to participate in the maniacal Democrat spending spree. I see it as a tactical maneuver to discredit the slimy majority leader maybe. Maybe Manchin will now see that there is no longer a place for him in the Democratic Party, as I did some years ago.
And don't forget that McConnell successfully prevented the demented DOJ chief from being a Justice of the Supreme Court, which would have been a disaster we would have to live with for a generation
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Toby Ten Bears 10/9/2021 7:55:14 AM (No. 939741)
HAHA!!! Sure Mitch... You care about America LOL... Good one!!! (As long as those Chinese checks clear) ... That's all you care about...
20 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Otis Gill 10/9/2021 7:59:24 AM (No. 939745)
Mitch is really fired-up about this, so he wrote a letter.
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This was actually a very good move by McConnell. It exposed Schumer for the mean and petty pol that he is just in case you were a bit braindead and missed it. It takes away any excuse the democrats had about not having enough time to pass a budget. It also exposed the weakest of the Republicans and made them look like chumps for making the deal. All in all the American people got to see the real faces behind the masks so to speak, and I wonder if maybe it has made Manchin and Sinema realize that they would be better off on the other side of the fence. Time will tell but I say win win for Mitch. The turtle will win the race after all.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
PostAway 10/9/2021 8:04:37 AM (No. 939752)
As McConnell’s cowardice grows day by day, there always comes a point at which he sheds his old shell for a larger one to hide under. The new one he just gained he calls “December.” When he sheds that in December the new one will be “February” and so on.
19 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/9/2021 8:12:24 AM (No. 939757)
We know how much McConnell's word is worth. He will bluster for two months and then say "Merry Christmas" like he meant to do all along. Get this lying snake out of there. We would get more favorable decisions by tossing a coin.
17 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 10/9/2021 8:14:40 AM (No. 939758)
The sleazy turtle does nothing - - unless it pads Elaine's investment portfolio.
What's good for Elaine - - is good for America.
15 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
PostAway 10/9/2021 8:17:14 AM (No. 939759)
Sorry for the second post. #17, I hope you’re right. However, if the past is prelude this movie is a clunker: Mitch is a coward who always disappoints in the end, after the show-stopping cliff-hanger scene. We know the formula because we’ve seen it so many times before. Mitch didn’t need to reveal Schumer or the rest of the RINO’s. Everyone knew what they were already. The fix is in and avaricious elitists always win.
17 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
Yuban 10/9/2021 8:23:04 AM (No. 939763)
We the people may not be falling for it but we are still doing nothing but whine about it. We waited so long to act that we now no longer have the military or the police on our side. We do out number the gangs of BLM and Antifa and yet we sat on the sidelines and let them take over. We should have hit the streets and out protested them but instead went to work or stayed home and let them take over. We have the numbers. We have the guns. We do not have the resolve. Whining isn't pretty, but it is easy. Have a blessed day.
13 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
RedWhite&Blue2 10/9/2021 8:27:28 AM (No. 939767)
Ditch Mitch and Chuck U
Aren’t we lucky they’re such “experts”?
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
GoodDeal 10/9/2021 8:38:29 AM (No. 939784)
Yeah sure right you betcha. Hahahaha!!!!
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
bpl40 10/9/2021 8:46:58 AM (No. 939793)
If the Turtle really card about America he should have stood behind Trump on Jan 6. His stance and language at the time gives away the game. This is all too little too late.
16 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/9/2021 8:55:30 AM (No. 939802)
Sure thing, Leader McConnell. Make it so. Make Chuckie et al stew in their own soup. Those worthless jackals.
9 people like this.
Liar Liar Pants on Fire McConnell. Why does HE keep getting to be head of the Senate Pubbies? Isn't there someone else who can do a better looking after the USA and not CHINA? He's doesn't have a father.
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It amazes me that there are still some posters that actually continue to get rolled by McConnell and believe this garbage.
This is all theater for those that desperately still want to believe that the Republicans led by the Murder Turtle are any different than the Democraps led by Schumer. The whole thing with McConnell being outraged by Schumer's comments IS AN ACT. These two have been putting on this show for years - yet some continue to think that Schumer is just being mean to poor old Post Turtle.
Again, for those of you in Rio Linda - IT IS AN ACT. You are being duped.
15 people like this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
Samsquanch 10/9/2021 10:25:36 AM (No. 939881)
The Turtles's in-laws are CCP, you think he cares about us?
13 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
udanja99 10/9/2021 10:36:49 AM (No. 939892)
Mitch is a gelded jellyfish.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/9/2021 10:43:00 AM (No. 939895)
I have no use for Mitch...he's useless.....
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
bobmadison 10/9/2021 11:07:33 AM (No. 939924)
It ain't good 'ol's the squishy, squashy, limp wristed, squirmy, gutless wonder Republicans WHO ELECT HIM EVERY YEAR. Follow the $,$$$,$$$...
6 people like this.
Reply 33 - Posted by:
Jackie 10/9/2021 11:13:06 AM (No. 939937)
This so reminds me of Charlie Brown, Lucy and "the football"
Well Senator Lucy, I truly believe you have run out of Charlie Browns
You can stuff your football... Game over..
5 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
Kate318 10/9/2021 11:18:46 AM (No. 939950)
Oh brother, Mitch. Drawing Obama’s Red Line in the Sand, are you? We all know the game. Dems have the goods on you, and so you play ball. Why you’re still trying to keep up the facade of doing the people’s business is beyond me.
6 people like this.
Reply 35 - Posted by:
DVC 10/9/2021 11:19:28 AM (No. 939951)
Taking away the Dem's fig leaf and distraction of the debt ceiling for a few months is a good thing. It leaves their infighting all the more prominently on display to everyone.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
MDConservative 10/9/2021 11:21:09 AM (No. 939953)
Oh, Mitch...until you make some deal and proclaim "it was the best we could do." Everyone knows there's too much money on the UNIPARTY table to do nothing. And another fabulous government shutdown, a bureaucratic enforced vacation with backpay, will screw up your '22 election plans. Eventually, Mitch McCave-in will carry the day.
4 people like this.
Reply 37 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 10/9/2021 11:21:43 AM (No. 939954)
Mitch the b_tch will Bendover for the Dems every time!
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 10/9/2021 11:41:55 AM (No. 939986)
Cocaine Mitch has a lot in common with the snake in the Garden of Eden. Just as trustworthy.
6 people like this.
Reply 39 - Posted by:
NotaBene 10/9/2021 12:06:25 PM (No. 940027)
Who should be the next majority leader? Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Hawley? We need to choose now.
3 people like this.
Reply 40 - Posted by:
dwa 10/9/2021 1:10:10 PM (No. 940096)
Deja vu all over again
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
pmcclure 10/9/2021 1:57:02 PM (No. 940138)
This is just an attempt to diffuse the disgust with his latest cowardice in buckling to the Dems. He remains a repugnant squish.
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Reply 42 - Posted by:
BarryNo 10/9/2021 5:19:30 PM (No. 940259)
Who would believe this hack? Plan to simply ignore him.
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Reply 43 - Posted by:
Omen55 10/9/2021 6:09:34 PM (No. 940296)
First everyone thank Mitch for keeping Gestapo Garland off SCOTUS.
2nd you need to look at the long game.
The further Mitch can push dem to 2022 the better.
Chucky is mad because this is only a short term delay & the pressure on Manchin & Sinema is lessen.
Chucky knows that if this dem civil war delays Biden bill into 2022 the pressure on swing state dems will only increase to bail on the sinking Biden regime. The crazies want everything now & that is a pin pulled on the grenade that Chucky knows will blow dem up as long as Manchin & Sinema(who really must be PO at her treatment) hold.
So lets wait to see how this plays out.
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
KTWO 10/9/2021 7:24:33 PM (No. 940360)
Political Theater 101. If spending isn't cut then the debt limit must and will be raised again in December.
McConnell knows that and so does Schumer. #4 sounds about right.
Here's an idea. Why not sell all the 2025 federal tax receipts now. At a discount of course. But it still should raise enough money to get the nation through 2021.
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Reply 45 - Posted by:
Kafka2 10/10/2021 7:52:02 AM (No. 940653)
It is now apparent that Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin are the only honorable Democrats left in the Democrat party in Washington, D.C.
Biden, Schumer, Sanders and Pelosi have spent the eight months of the Biden administration denying Republicans any input into the orgy of fiscally destructive and irresponsible spending bills. The bill to raise the debt ceiling by $3.5 trillion is so It is so irresponsible that Democrats have not been able to intimidate a majority of there own party to vote for it. They ran out the clock with their failure to negotiate a compromise which would have forced a government default and shutdown.
The Republicans agreed to a a small debt ceiling raise to prevent a government default and shutdown and give the Democrats extra time to get their act together. This was a gracious act on the part of Republicans. This problem was e The response, by Schumer, was a deplorable 'tantrum' speech attacking the Republicans for not rubber-stamping the Democrat's fiscally destructive bill. Schumer has no shame!
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Reply 46 - Posted by:
homefry 10/10/2021 7:54:11 AM (No. 940655)
Next time huh? BULLSPIT!
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Reply 47 - Posted by:
49 Ford 10/10/2021 12:31:33 PM (No. 940968)
AT has a good, short piece today about this. Everyone would do well to read it instead of knee-lerking.
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Reply 48 - Posted by:
49 Ford 10/10/2021 12:34:58 PM (No. 940974)
Oops...meant "knee-jerking"
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Reply 49 - Posted by:
49 Ford 10/10/2021 12:41:47 PM (No. 940984)
...And take a look at Derek Hunter's column today at Townhall
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#49 - Sorry, I have heard enough McConnell apologists over the years. Choose to believe that Cocaine Mitch is a master chess player if you wish. Come December, take note of what he does just before they run out of town for the holidays.
We have seen this dance many times before.
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Reply 51 - Posted by:
cireskul 10/10/2021 1:00:23 PM (No. 941016)
Nothing will ever change for the better as long as the GOP exists. McConnell, McCarthy, Cheney, Graham, they all stand in the way of anything of consequence happening to Joe Biden. There is a one party system in America. Only a MAGA party can correct this. To hell with the sham GOP.
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Reply 52 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/10/2021 6:06:22 PM (No. 941257)
Has McConnell always been a straight shooter in the past? Go from there.
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Reply 53 - Posted by:
49 Ford 10/11/2021 3:02:16 AM (No. 941562)
# 50, I understand that McConnell has often been weak in the crunch, but not always. And in this case he has staked out a public position from which he cannot plausibly retreat. We will see.
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