Woman Gets Jail Time For Too-Close Grizzly
Bear Encounter At Yellowstone
New York Post,
Joshua Rhett Miller
Original Article
Posted By: Black Conservative Voice,
10/9/2021 12:45:19 PM
A “foolish” Illinois tourist who bucked Yellowstone National Park rules and approached a massive mama grizzly bear to snap a photo will spend four days in jail.
Samantha R. Dehring, 25, of Carol Springs, was lucky to leave Roaring Mountain in Yellowstone without serious injury during the frightening May 10 encounter with the large wild animal, who was protecting her three cubs.
In addition to four days in federal custody, Dehring — who pleaded guilty Wednesday to willfully remaining, approaching, and photographing wildlife within 100 yards — was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and make a $1,000 donation to a Yellowstone wildlife protection fund.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Corndoggies 10/9/2021 12:57:20 PM (No. 940074)
I don’t know OP. She has that Karen look about her. Entitled.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
foxglove 10/9/2021 12:57:51 PM (No. 940075)
Jail will traumatize her enough. I’m just glad rangers and first responders didn’t have to see another victim of a grizzly attack. She’s young and stupid and I hope she feels the $2000 penalty. The park has those rules for a reason and for her to think she was above the law is just stupid.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
bamboozle 10/9/2021 1:05:30 PM (No. 940092)
What's the point of being stupid if you can't show it off?
26 people like this.
Agree with poster. The guy from Dallas shoots 4 people, one still in critical condition and gets less jail time than this stupid woman.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
PCMM 10/9/2021 1:13:35 PM (No. 940099)
Bet she knows all of the pronouns for her LGBTQXZY friends (and wants to deplatform those who don’t).
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/9/2021 1:15:56 PM (No. 940101)
Utterly senseless twit. Go get a photo of a cute polar bear next. They outweigh you 10 to 1. They are FASTER than you and they will eat you.
14 people like this.
I am not sure that jail time is the correct punishment, but it is worth noting that jail time in this case is not about teaching HER not to do it but about convincing other people not to do it. The punishment should be something which causes the next person wants to do that to think, "Yeah, but if I get caught, that will happen to me and it is not worth that risk."
Of course, the punishment for EVERY crime should contain an element of that.
15 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/9/2021 1:21:34 PM (No. 940105)
Seeing her body parts strewn about and defecated by a mama Grizzly would have made more of an impact on other tree-hugging idiots who think that large carnivorous animals were placed out there for their personal entertainment.
17 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Urgent Fury 10/9/2021 1:28:03 PM (No. 940110)
Yeah she's lucky that's ALL she got, approaching a mama griz.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
GO3 10/9/2021 1:31:59 PM (No. 940113)
Mama bear looks like she had an appetite for rump roast.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
curious1 10/9/2021 1:39:58 PM (No. 940123)
Why, exactly, does everyone insist in saving idiots - if they live they'll breed, and pass on the idiot genes. And you wonder how we've reached this point in society? The stupid is strong in America....
17 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Hazymac 10/9/2021 1:55:44 PM (No. 940137)
The bear momentarily charged that stupid chunky woman, but diverted away, fortunately for her. I think the rule is to stay inside cars when bears are about. They don't kill very many people, but their capability of killing is more than sufficient. The fines are appropriate, mostly as a disincentive to further bear whispering attempts. This is not a time for levity, do you understand what happened to--not Machine Gun Kelly--but Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend in Alaska's Katmai NP? Their final trip was through two coastal brown bears' alimentary canals. Thoroughly eaten, except for their feet and ankles in their boots. It can happen if you put yourself in the wrong place.
9 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 10/9/2021 2:02:24 PM (No. 940144)
She would have been a filling snack for mom griz!
5 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
DVC 10/9/2021 2:09:58 PM (No. 940156)
She's a real idiot. I have been in Yellowstone photographing animals since 1973, almost every year. On mulitple occasions I have moved to protect myself when dangerous animals moved too near. I have observed some amazingly non-survival type of behavior in the ignorant visitors.
I suppose a few days in the slammer will make an impression on her. It takes a pretty dense head for a sow grizzly with cubs to not impress her.
#4, facts are stubborn things. He did not "shoot 4 people". You are misinformed, or attempting to misinform.
At most, he shot 3 people, and one of those the bullet didn't penetrate, called "an abrasion", so well outside of the normal concept of "being shot", although certainly technically true.
As soon as anyone feels a need to exaggerate and present non-factual arguments, you know that they know that their arguement won't stand up to much scrutiny. The poster could well be just misinformed, but the media are not. The media are lying, with the intent to misinform.
6 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
volksford 10/9/2021 2:11:13 PM (No. 940157)
I have always had a firm rule when it comes to animals bigger than me....I try not to irritate them.
11 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 10/9/2021 2:13:59 PM (No. 940163)
The thing is, if the bear had actually attacked her it would be the one that gets punished, probably given the death penalty.
14 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
earlybird 10/9/2021 2:18:11 PM (No. 940166)
I agree with #1. Rangers in our parks spend most of their time saving tourists from themselves. This woman has no idea how fast that Mama bear could move. Then she’d really be floored...
8 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
earlybird 10/9/2021 2:20:27 PM (No. 940169)
Re #12, bears have been known to smell candy bars and snacks in a locked car and open it like a tuna can...
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
4Liberty2020 10/9/2021 2:52:16 PM (No. 940186)
In 1959 our family was at a Yellowstone campsite, when another family got out of their car to see a sow and her two cubs nearby. Their teenage daughter stayed in the car.
All H___ broke out when the father hit one of the cubs so it would stand next to its sibling when he was taking a picture, the sow took after the man and his family, but they couldn't get back into their car because the daughter had locked all the car doors when they had gotten out. Fortunately they all survived by getting into other folks cars, but it took over an hour for the hysterical girl to finally open the car doors for her family.
Even today, when my husband and I travel the Blue Ridge Pkwy, we see cars stopped along the road and kids running around, we look at one another and say " Must be bears ahead. " Sure enough.
Why take your kids out of the car to see bears and put them in danger?
People are stupid.
16 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
TCloud 10/9/2021 3:16:26 PM (No. 940200)
Vern says that Land Whale meat is not on the menu for da Griz!
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Heil Liberals 10/9/2021 4:51:00 PM (No. 940248)
I live in black bear/tourist country. First, she should be fined $10,000. Second, four days in jail is a gift. Third, the bear lucked out and made a wise decision. Had she attacked the stupid fat body, then she whole have been immediately euthanized. In my opinion, she got off lightly.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
StrikingViking 10/9/2021 5:15:43 PM (No. 940256)
If the mama grizzly had attacked her, the park rangers would probably be obliged to hunt down and kill the bear. The fate of her cubs would be perilous.
This entitled moron deserves what she's getting and then some.
8 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
red1066 10/9/2021 5:42:05 PM (No. 940275)
There are a lot of people this age who are generally pretty stupid. They have no life experience, and taking advise from older adults is seen by them as insulting. So they ignore it. Then they complain about some old person telling them what to do, or what not to do.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 10/9/2021 6:15:24 PM (No. 940304)
I wonder if before the recording the lady behind the car was telling her, "Go on up there. It'll make a great shot. Just a little bit closer".
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/9/2021 6:49:18 PM (No. 940334)
If ever there was a crime where the sentence should be "Clean the public Latrines"...this is it.
Park Police should have the immediate option of "Work Detail" for littering, loose pets, and animal proximity violations. Complete with bright colored work detail vests and other "Education/eradication through Public Shaming" methods.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Sergeant Major 10/9/2021 8:44:56 PM (No. 940402)
Not only is this Neanderthal lucky to be alive but if she had been attacked then they would have had to kill the bear leaving three orphan cubs. She is in her mid 20's and chances are this won't be the first problem she causes in her twisted life time.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
envirodude 10/9/2021 8:51:45 PM (No. 940407)
Perhaps she can’t judge distance well. After all, she was behind a wall and the bear was approaching here. Raw deal, imo.
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Maybe jail time should be reserved for actual criminals who've committed acts of violence, assaults, shootings, robberies, and murders. What this woman should be made to do is look at photos or videos of shredded victims of bear attacks and maulings, close ups and in vivid color. I seriously doubt this woman would ever do something so foolish again. She probably wouldn't even be able to watch a Yogi Bear cartoon or look at a Smokey the Bear poster again without being traumatized. End of story; No lawyer fees, no court costs, no endless paperwork, no jail costs, no probation officers, no jail tattoos and no coerced gang affiliation, etc. It's a win-win.