WH defends Milley given ‘context,’
Joint Chiefs affirm calls to China
New York Post,
Mark Moore
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
9/15/2021 2:58:35 PM
President Biden is standing by Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, despite accusations he committed treason during the final weeks of the Trump administration by reassuring his Chinese counterpart that then-President Trump would not attack Beijing. “I have great confidence in Gen. Milley,” Biden responded to reporters on Wednesday, moments after press secretary Jen Psaki appeared to excuse Milley’s alleged conduct as acceptable in the “context of this period and time in history” given that he did so while Trump was in his final days as commander in chief and amid the backdrop of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 9/15/2021 3:01:22 PM (No. 915541)
Hang together, or hang separately, I guess.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
planetgeo 9/15/2021 3:06:56 PM (No. 915550)
What's so surprising? BOTH of them are on Team China.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Pearson365 9/15/2021 3:09:55 PM (No. 915551)
Completely understandable since any military action against China, no matter how remote, would endanger Joe and Hunter’s lucrative deals with the Chinese communists.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
skacmar 9/15/2021 3:10:59 PM (No. 915553)
Is Biden/Paski and Democrats saying treasonous actions are ok because of January 6 and Milley didn't like Trump?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 9/15/2021 3:11:57 PM (No. 915554)
This president doesn't believe anything on his own; he's told what to believe. Milley should be facing a courts martial. What he is alleged to have done is outrageous!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Californian 9/15/2021 3:18:25 PM (No. 915560)
1/6 and covid are the excuse for everything.
Covid is nonsense and 1/6 was even more nonsensical.
Joe, please stop trying to destroy the country. Don't you have enough foreign cash for several generations of grifter Bidens already?
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Nimby 9/15/2021 3:19:41 PM (No. 915561)
What does the pillock know about context? He has forgotten that he was not the POTUS when all of this happened.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
SALady 9/15/2021 3:19:49 PM (No. 915562)
I used to believe that when Civil War 2 starts, the military would side with the patriots, not the Communist usurpers.
While I still believe most of the rank and file would side with the patriots, clearly the so-called "leaders" of the military today are seriously part of the problem!!!
And the dictator-wanna-be administration we have right now is a bigger part of the problem.
Our republic is clearly on borrowed time!!!
21 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
JL80863 9/15/2021 3:21:54 PM (No. 915566)
The "context" is never-ending hypocrisy only matched by the cowardness of congress and the so-called supreme court.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
dman 9/15/2021 3:23:19 PM (No. 915567)
Treason is Treason is Treason.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
pros7767 9/15/2021 3:25:59 PM (No. 915569)
Yet Gen Flynn was investigated/prosecuted under the unconstitutional Logan Act!
Rules for thee but not for Dems.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
clayusmcret 9/15/2021 3:31:31 PM (No. 915570)
If this is all on the up and up, then do what they would do for a junior officer who "appears" to have committed highly chargeable offenses. Hold a formal investigation that culminates in a court martial and let the general defend himself publicly before a military tribunal.
9 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Heil Liberals 9/15/2021 3:38:53 PM (No. 915576)
At this point it is time to consider that we are two entirely separate nations. If there is no action on this, the. The Constitution is dead along with any faith lovers of freedom have in our government.
We ARE Rome.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Proud Texan 9/15/2021 3:50:43 PM (No. 915587)
The White House should face traitor charges along with Milley, given context, of course.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
jasmine 9/15/2021 3:56:41 PM (No. 915599)
Psaki brought up the “context” of the supposed insurrection, which makes sense. If treasonous electeds and unelected operatives arranged for less security than Mr. Sund repeatedly asked for before the January 6 gathering, that would have meant insiders wanted more opportunities for chaos. We were told no such request for additional was made or denied.
Yet Mr. Sund resigned. Why? Why no investigations into who was telling the truth? Trump supporters were accused of killing people and we still hear those false claims today. But the only person killed with a bullet was an Air Force veteran who was killed by a policeman for reasons that have yet to be explained in court. The “insurrection” claims seem to promote the Blame Trump narrative. Yet precisely how he influenced his supporters to destroy property, and how that would be helpful to him and them has never been articulated. What we did see were people pulling the same crap we’ve seen all over the USA, and the perps weren’t Trump supporters. We really need to be skeptical of “leaders” who allowed American cities to burn, but are now outraged over a deliberate lack of security in our nations Capitol. It seems like another effort to convince Americans Trump was unseated because that’s what he deserved, and golly aren’t we lucky to have Joe Biden in the White House?
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
DVC 9/15/2021 3:57:49 PM (No. 915602)
They affirm their treason. Excuses will follow.
There are no excuses for treason. Prison or firing squad should be the result if this is run through a proper trial. And no fraudulent kangaroo kourt stuff this time.
11 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 9/15/2021 4:00:36 PM (No. 915605)
America has officially become a Banana Republic. It is now okay, according to the Deep State and the Democrats, for the military to run the Government. Will Milley cross the Potomac? Time will tell.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
ronniethek 9/15/2021 4:03:45 PM (No. 915612)
Thy defend this conduct b/c these traitors have ben doing the same for years.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
VAPMAN 9/15/2021 4:12:22 PM (No. 915619)
Milley could have assassinated President Trump and it would be excused.
7 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Highvoltage 9/15/2021 4:26:58 PM (No. 915632)
The red headed press sec this morning was ask about Milleys call and she said nothing to see here because that is his contact in China with whom he is to speak. If so okay, but the issue is the subject matter that the Joint Chiefs disclosed concerning nuclear and he would notify him of any military movements against China. For that he should face court marshal for treason and suffer the consequences of punishment!
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
formerNYer 9/15/2021 4:29:40 PM (No. 915640)
October 30th was BEFORE the election - there is no context and never will be to be talking to the CCP.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
downnout 9/15/2021 4:44:00 PM (No. 915651)
Situational ethics…another spear in the side of civilization.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 9/15/2021 4:48:17 PM (No. 915658)
They have to defend Milley because the whole lot of them was in on the coup! If they throw him under the bus, he spills the beans and they all go down.
10 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
Miceal 9/15/2021 4:55:43 PM (No. 915663)
Of course Quid Pro Joe the Fraud and his treasonous administration would back the play of this 4 Star loser. Milley should be arrested and removed to holding while his Courts Martial is convened.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
BarryNo 9/15/2021 5:20:19 PM (No. 915677)
The true face of the Coup is slowly coming into view. Now we need to see who is behind Biden, now that he's acknowledging his culpability in the top-down insurrection against the People of the United States.
If we punish the villains proportionately, we could line every street in Washington DC with gallows, every 10 yards or so, and we would still not have enough room to hang all the traitors!!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
seamusm 9/15/2021 5:24:27 PM (No. 915680)
There is no 'context. Pure and simple he violated his oath and should pay the piper. While treason is likely unprovable, he must be held accountable. It should cost him at the very least his job.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Miester 9/15/2021 5:53:12 PM (No. 915697)
I remember another Administration whose president was impeached for a phone call
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They aren't denying this in any way. This thing is as close to the definition of treason as you can get, but they are unconcerned, because they know nothing is going to happen.
America is over. It died Nov. 4th, 2020.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Geoman 9/15/2021 6:17:25 PM (No. 915719)
My biggest disappointment of 2021 is the realization that The People, traditional American citizens, would sit back and allow the fundamental crimes we see exposed daily, against our country, to take place with no pushback whatsoever. Growing up in the 60s and 70s, the U.S. went through some very turbulent times but throughout it all, I had confidence that the People would never let things go too far off of our Constitutional rails. As a small child, I may not have thought of the Constitution as much as the belief that the People would know and do the right things and that roughly only 20 years after the end of WWII, I had the belief that the People would fight ferociously before they would allow evil to populate our government and institutions. A somewhat shaken belief around the mid-to-late 70s was re-affirmed by the election of Reagan and the support he received across America. With Trump deposed by hook or crook, and the widening fissures in the foundations of our country, what's next?
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Luandir 9/15/2021 6:49:53 PM (No. 915747)
Will Zho be mollified by "context" when they pull the 25th amendment on him?
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
EQKimball 9/15/2021 6:53:00 PM (No. 915749)
I wish President Trump had defended Gen. Flynn the same way. And Flynn should have told the FBI that as National Security Advisor-designate he had consulted with foreign ministers and ambassadors of many countries, including Russia, and that he was not at liberty to disclose the content of any of those communications unless granted permission by the President-elect. .
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/15/2021 9:17:40 PM (No. 915879)
There is "NO CONTEXT" that can excuse treason.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
Penney 9/15/2021 11:00:14 PM (No. 915919)
Biden's immoral, deceitful Administration now condones treason in total opposition to the USA Constitution?! This socialist coup cannot ignore the law much longer.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
mifla 9/16/2021 4:54:22 AM (No. 916029)
OK Joe, remember this when the general makes a few calls during your term in office.
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Context. It's the new "nuance." In other words, "You Americans are too stupid to understand this, so we will continue as planned. Remember to pay your taxes and take your shots, you miserable worms."