Virginia high school teacher says making
kids behave in class is ‘white supremacy’
New York Post,
Lee Brown
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
9/15/2021 8:31:38 PM
A Virginia high school teacher is under fire for calling efforts to make kids behave in class “the definition of white supremacy.”
Josh Thompson, an English teacher at Blacksburg High School, posted a since-deleted TikTok video attacking the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program used in Montgomery County schools, Fox News said.(Snip)“The idea of just sitting quiet and being told stuff and taking things in in a passive stance, is not a thing that’s in many cultures,” Thompson claimed. “So if we’re positively enforcing these behaviors, we are by extension positively enforcing elements of white culture,” he claimed with a smug smile.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
paral04 9/15/2021 8:37:33 PM (No. 915841)
So is she saying that people of color can't behave like civilized human beings? That is incredibly insulting. Her problem is that she probably is not respected and the kids go wild in her classroom.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
BluesClues 9/15/2021 8:49:00 PM (No. 915851)
Just to give you some other perspective, I'm opposed to most of what goes on in public schools, and where homeschoolers of a 14 year old. But we took our kid out of public school because it was way too rigid. Of course behave, but if school is a six hour coercive experience every day it borders on abusive. It was as if the schools were designed for someone other than him. I don't believe is "systemic racism" but I do believe our educational system expects kids to be only one way. Anything outside of that one way is dismissed. And that's a lot of kids being pushed aside. This guy may just have been pointing that out.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 9/15/2021 8:56:10 PM (No. 915855)
Ask anyone who has been a missionary in Africa and they'll most likely tell you that black children are eager to learn and can sit in class for hours at a time.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
formerNYer 9/15/2021 8:57:30 PM (No. 915857)
so let the class room degenerate into utter chaos - then we'll have dumb children that will follow socialist rule because they can't be self-sustaining living in a normal society.
There's a a progressive idea if I ever heard of one.
leftist idea = garbage = mental illness
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Birddog 9/15/2021 9:03:33 PM (No. 915868)
Wimpy Gay-Bois in positions of Leadership/Authority over a larger/stronger group IS actually a white supremacist thang...the weak get beat into submission or extermination in EVERY other culture than "Whyte". Simply because of an inculcated culture of Civilized behaviors, started with the young.
"Each Generation born is in effect an invasion of little Barbarians, that must be civilized before it is too late" -Thomas Sowell
"I learned many years ago that those that see you as a victim...also see you as an inferior"- Lonnie Poindexter
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Hey Joe Biden, we won't be obeying your mandates because doing so would be an artifact of White Supremacy . . .
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Mr Clean 9/15/2021 9:20:33 PM (No. 915882)
This purposeful insanity has to stop. If the antagonists won't cease and desist willingly, then other options are available.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 9/15/2021 9:26:25 PM (No. 915887)
This just proves how smart you have to be to get an education degree: an IQ somewhere to the left of 100 will do.
22 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Dr. Constant 9/15/2021 9:34:13 PM (No. 915892)
Pubic schools, all of them, including the one hour child or grandchild attends, are child abuse.
If you work in a public school you are part of the problem.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Aubreyesque 9/15/2021 9:36:03 PM (No. 915894)
Hey, a REALLY smart administrator would pack her classes with the juvenile delinquents. Load him up and then ignore any complaints he has.
But ARE there any smart publik screwl admins? Well...theyre smart enough to figure out how to game all those bonds they get from tax payers promises to pay teachers more and have better facilities...surely ONE of them can figure something out...
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Chiritwo 9/15/2021 9:51:25 PM (No. 915895)
Why are we listening to 2% of the population? All skin colors want the best for their children and you get that through the very best education.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 9/15/2021 9:52:11 PM (No. 915896)
When the students he's 'teaching' beat the snot out of him and rob him, nobody should intervene.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
chance_232 9/15/2021 9:53:35 PM (No. 915898)
This "teacher" is a prime example of the recently college educated/indoctrinated. Only someone with a recent degree could possibly believe something this stupid.
17 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
LadyHen 9/15/2021 9:56:08 PM (No. 915899)
Having good manners, sitting quietly while learning, and behaving oneself like a civilized person is not a white trait and you are a foul nasty minded racist for thinking and then typing out such a thing!
Some of the most well behaved children I have ever met were black children from a church going intact home. Daddy is law and momma took no sass.
13 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
TarAndFeathers 9/15/2021 9:58:12 PM (No. 915900)
Words this jerk will never hear from a supervisor: “You’re fired! Don’t expect a recommendation!”
10 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
chumley 9/15/2021 10:05:50 PM (No. 915902)
All the pictures of this idiot are posing in front of or with their little fruit flag. That tells me all I need to know.
Like most boys, I acted up in class. We soon learned where the lines were and rarely crossed them. We liked the "cool" teachers best, but learned a lot more in the strict classes.
Only knew one actually abusive teacher, and I didnt even have him. I looked into his classroom and he ran out, picked me up by the throat and slammed me into a wall. I was about eleven. THAT was abusive. Making kids act right is not.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Northcross 9/15/2021 10:06:47 PM (No. 915903)
So hyper-woke Josh Thompson has just explained why certain minorities have rarely produced anything of value because it is in their culture to mouth off and misbehave. Brilliant take, Josh, you smug condescending pajama-boy buffoon.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
pearlyjo 9/15/2021 10:27:49 PM (No. 915910)
My guess is that he is a sub-standard English teacher who can neither gain control of the classroom nor teach his subject so he throws up a smokescreen of woke BS for cover.
And, I love homeschooling, it is a wonderful option for parents and students. That said, it’s easy to allow different learning and discipline techniques with one or two children, try it with 30 children and you have 35 minutes, if you’re lucky. Students need to have a different structure in the classroom or it is chaos and wasted time and wasted time means no meaningful learning. Discipline isn’t punishment, it’s routine, knowing what to expect and what is expected of you and understanding that certain behavior will bring about certain results. Just my opinion, for what it’s worth.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Son of Grady 9/15/2021 11:00:00 PM (No. 915918)
First of all, this is not a teacher IT is an activist.
2nd, If any of Josh's students read this, Please beat the hell out of this POS.
10 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 9/15/2021 11:13:06 PM (No. 915922)
Addendum to #3.
Eager to learn.
Clean, typically in school uniforms. EAGER to learn.
And happy.
Oh, let’s say, bright.
Fluent in the village language, as well as other African dialects etc. and English. They speak beautiful English.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
FormerDem 9/15/2021 11:16:06 PM (No. 915924)
as far as I know, everybody knows that students in Africa have beautiful and appreciative styles in class toward their teachers.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Blackbird 9/15/2021 11:33:20 PM (No. 915932)
If wanting to fire this leftist, idiot “teacher “ makes me a “white supremicist” count me in.
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One of the premises of CRT is that, as well as all races being statistically equally capable (which I believe is probably true), all cultures are equally useful, so any departure from proportionality in success must be the result of repression by the dominant white American culture. But it is a matter of obvious historical fact that some cultures are much more successful than others in preparing their members to flourish. The behaviors (and the resultant success) to which this "teacher" is objecting, are even more characteristic of many Asian cultures than of American white culture. He is depriving his students of the advantages those behaviors would bring to them!
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
LaVallette 9/16/2021 6:03:53 AM (No. 916057)
So is the ban on canniblism, human sacrifice and slavery etc and the invention and elavation of the supremacy of human rights the imposition "and positive enforcement of elements of white culture". Why are all those refugees from other races all seeking safety in WHITE culture countries?
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/16/2021 6:25:04 AM (No. 916069)
This kind of thinking can only come from an inexperienced teacher. Good long standing teachers know discipline is the key to successful education. You set the rules the first day and go from there. You brook no resistance and the kids will respond. Most children like and need structure. It is comforting. You cannot learn in chaos and it only takes one to create mayhem. I can’t imagine the classroom this arrogant fool would create. It would traumatize most of the students and breed nothing but disrespect. Only a young soy boy could be so arrogantly stupid. He should be fired. Immediately.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 9/16/2021 7:06:42 AM (No. 916096)
Guess this Woke SHPOS wants the class room to look and function more like Chicago.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 9/16/2021 8:51:33 AM (No. 916191)
In my day this guy would have been laughed out of the classroom by the students, I suspect he still is laughed at and not respected.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Heil Liberals 9/16/2021 9:31:24 AM (No. 916244)
He's not a teacher. He's just like that puke that Project Veritas exposed. There is no difference between them.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
red1066 9/16/2021 9:39:20 AM (No. 916260)
Go to any inner city high school and see how much learning is taking place.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Strike3 9/16/2021 10:01:16 AM (No. 916301)
So having the most brazen, disruptive, loud-mouthed kid control the class is conducive to better learning? Not in any classroom I would ever teach in. It's no wonder most POC do not make it out of high school with even a minimal education.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Strike3 9/16/2021 10:03:48 AM (No. 916304)
He's also wearing the famous rainbow flag. Isn't he cute?
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There's reason enough alone to send your kids to private school or parochial school.
I say defund not the police but goobermint schools.
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Who would let this Marxist degenerate anywhere near a child? The school of course agrees with his views that black kids can't sit still and can't learn, which at least is rebuked by a few teachers.