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‘Unemployable’: Media Experts Predict
Where Professional Liar KJP Will End Up Next

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Posted By: snakeoil, 1/1/2025 4:19:12 PM

With the Biden presidency weeks away from its conclusion, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be out of a job soon, and a panel of media luminaries gave the Daily Caller their idea of what she might do next. The consensus seemed to be that KJP, despite being considered by many to have performed poorly at her White House gig, will likely find safe harbor as a contributor on a cable news program, just like her predecessor Jen Psaki.


She has a great future. First, she's cute. Second, she is doing what is expected of a lib: lying her cute little tush off. My favorite comment of hers: We've been very clear on this. (When was that?)

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Reply 1 - Posted by: texaspast 1/1/2025 4:30:10 PM (No. 1864907)
She'll be 'taken care of' with a million+ 'book deal' - which no one will buy, but that's beside the point. Or she has a great future on 'The View'.
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: anniebc 1/1/2025 4:51:23 PM (No. 1864911)
Lying like a rug pays. She's not cute either.
24 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: thefield 1/1/2025 5:01:00 PM (No. 1864918)
She will be paid a two million to keep her trap shut for two years.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bpl40 1/1/2025 5:11:27 PM (No. 1864924)
She shouldn’t have any problem. Look at Psycho Psaki
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: earlybird 1/1/2025 5:12:53 PM (No. 1864926)
A whole article on this? ("Cute"? Glasses for poster?)
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 1/1/2025 5:17:16 PM (No. 1864927)
Miss Rotini has nothing but my contempt and ill-will.
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 1/1/2025 5:30:34 PM (No. 1864930)
We can discuss her “cuteness.” (I’m w OP) But aside from that, one thing she has going for her is her voice. If is NOT Jessica ‘s.
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: WI Cynic 1/1/2025 5:35:30 PM (No. 1864933)
She's not like you or me. If we lose our employment, we have worries, but she'll never miss a meal.
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Scottyboy 1/1/2025 5:38:18 PM (No. 1864934)
Call me racist if you want, but every time I see her all I can think of is “Prissy” from Gone With The Wind saying “I don’t know nuthin’ ‘bout birthing’ no babies!” as played by the great Butterfly McQueen.
26 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Krause 1/1/2025 5:43:55 PM (No. 1864936)
What, no lefty Think Tank?
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 1/1/2025 5:44:20 PM (No. 1864937)
She has always looked like Chucky with a Shirley Temple wig, to me. But, that’s okay. It has never been her looks that was the problem.
16 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: earlybird 1/1/2025 5:54:07 PM (No. 1864942)
Yup, #9. Prissy.
20 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Luandir 1/1/2025 5:56:33 PM (No. 1864943)
Who would believe a "tell-all" memoir from this fabricator?
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: earlybird 1/1/2025 5:56:36 PM (No. 1864944)
In fairness.her female spouse may think she's cute.
9 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: 3XALADY 1/1/2025 6:09:51 PM (No. 1864948)
I have always referred to her as 'Prissy' but actually her hair reminds me of a toilet bowl brush. I don't think I will miss her, but I don't really see her that often. She better hope CNN and MSNBC start pulling in some viewers or she may be writing that book.
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Lucky5 1/1/2025 6:37:02 PM (No. 1864952)
I think she is cute too. She is a despicable person and has gaslighted us for years.
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: udanja99 1/1/2025 6:38:33 PM (No. 1864953)
She’s always made me think of Little Orphan Annie in blackface.
12 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Safari Man 1/1/2025 6:58:46 PM (No. 1864960)
I could use a new mop
11 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: padiva 1/1/2025 6:59:15 PM (No. 1864961)
She is so good at defending the bidens that she should move to Delaware to be biden's spokesperson. She can continue with all the lies. Biden has lots of money to pay her. (Can you imagine KJP scripting a couple of years of a 'Weekends at Bidens' ?)
6 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: PostAway 1/1/2025 7:07:29 PM (No. 1864962)
If one considers quibbling as technically honest maybe she has wiggle room. She said Joe was “as sharp as ever”. What does that mean? If Joe wouldn’t pardon Hunter then who did? If he did a masterful job the night of the debate in June who was onstage with Trump?
6 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: DVC 1/1/2025 8:52:21 PM (No. 1864996)
No brain and pathologically incapable of telling the truth. Used car lot?
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: snakeoil 1/1/2025 9:11:34 PM (No. 1865005)
#5. Evaluating feminine pultrude is subjective. But I find KJP cute in comparison to Whoppi Goldberg or Joy Reid. To make it in cable news you need a pleasant appearance and voice. Of course, what you are reading may be a pack of lies. What a news presenter presents may be a nonsense but she reads what's put in front of her. She was told to lie and she did it. I prefer her to Fox News Jessica Tarlof who sounds like a creature from a SiFi movie.
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: PChristopher 1/1/2025 9:27:55 PM (No. 1865009)
I wouldn't believe her if she said 'Good morning'!
2 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Son of Grady 1/1/2025 9:32:52 PM (No. 1865010)
There's a pancake syrup company looking for a new image. I think the new slogan is "Lies are Sweet but bad for you".
7 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: rytwng 1/1/2025 10:40:58 PM (No. 1865022)
Cleaning lady. A lot toilets need cleaning.
1 person likes this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: whyyeseyec 1/1/2025 10:52:59 PM (No. 1865027)
She's ready made to spend the next 4 years on MSLYINGNN trashing Trump's 2nd term.
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Reply 27 - Posted by: mifla 1/2/2025 6:07:00 AM (No. 1865094)
Given that the MSM is losing viewers, laying off employees and slashing contracts, her timing is not great. I doubt she will do as well as her predecessor. A book deal, sure, but no one will take it seriously.
1 person likes this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: broken01 1/2/2025 11:11:00 AM (No. 1865289)
Cute? I find everything about KJP vomit inducing. As such I could care less where she winds up next.
0 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: MickTurn 1/2/2025 11:28:19 AM (No. 1865301)
Curly Commie will likely move to Europe and live a sordid life...Oh, Wait, that is her history and future!
0 people like this.

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‘Unemployable’: Media Experts Predict
Where Professional Liar KJP Will End Up Next
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Posted by snakeoil 1/1/2025 4:19:12 PM Post Reply
With the Biden presidency weeks away from its conclusion, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be out of a job soon, and a panel of media luminaries gave the Daily Caller their idea of what she might do next. The consensus seemed to be that KJP, despite being considered by many to have performed poorly at her White House gig, will likely find safe harbor as a contributor on a cable news program, just like her predecessor Jen Psaki.
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Posted by snakeoil 12/31/2024 9:42:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by snakeoil 12/31/2024 2:25:35 AM Post Reply
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Posted by snakeoil 12/30/2024 10:32:47 AM Post Reply
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Posted by snakeoil 12/26/2024 7:57:51 PM Post Reply
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Posted by snakeoil 12/25/2024 3:47:05 PM Post Reply
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Posted by snakeoil 12/14/2024 12:59:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by snakeoil 12/13/2024 4:25:40 PM Post Reply
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16 replies
Posted by snakeoil 12/12/2024 10:34:30 PM Post Reply
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday declared himself a "proud feminist" as he lamented Vice President Harris’ loss to President-elect Trump in the 2024 presidential election as just one recent example of a setback for women’s progress. Trudeau delivered remarks in Ottawa at a gala for Equal Voice, an organization that works to improve gender representation in Canada’s politics.
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14 replies
Posted by snakeoil 12/10/2024 4:29:51 PM Post Reply
PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — Dozens of drones have been spotted across New Jersey in recent weeks, including near sensitive sites such as a military research facility, which can be frustrating but don’t appear to pose a public safety concern, Gov. Phil Murphy stressed Monday. The FBI has been investigating reports about several mysterious nighttime drone flights that started occurring last month across central New Jersey and has asked the public for help. Since then, residents have reported seeing drones in other areas.
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Posted by snakeoil 12/7/2024 6:58:08 PM Post Reply
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It Only Took 12 Months For Roughly 1,000,000
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9 replies
Posted by snakeoil 12/7/2024 1:39:35 AM Post Reply
More than 1,000,000 fewer native-born Americans are employed than last year, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The number of foreign-born workers employed increased by roughly 400,000 year-over-year in November, while 1,094,000 fewer native workers were employed, BLS data shows. The large disparity is partly driven by a decrease in the number of native-born Americans employed of 215,000 from October to November.
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Posted by Imright 1/2/2025 5:17:28 AM Post Reply
This is truly chilling, especially in the wake of today’s terror attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. A former CIA officer named Sarah Adams was interviewed on the Shawn Ryan podcast just two weeks ago, and warned that there are more than a thousand al-Qaeda sleepers in the United States right now who are planning major attacks on the homeland. She clearly implicates Biden’s open southern border as the entry point for these potential terrorists and suggests that they have developed new tactics and bombs that can evade detection through traditional means. Zero Hedge has more details:
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Posted by Imright 1/2/2025 9:31:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 11:22:54 PM Post Reply
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‘Unemployable’: Media Experts Predict
Where Professional Liar KJP Will End Up Next
29 replies
Posted by snakeoil 1/1/2025 4:19:12 PM Post Reply
With the Biden presidency weeks away from its conclusion, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be out of a job soon, and a panel of media luminaries gave the Daily Caller their idea of what she might do next. The consensus seemed to be that KJP, despite being considered by many to have performed poorly at her White House gig, will likely find safe harbor as a contributor on a cable news program, just like her predecessor Jen Psaki.
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Posted by Imright 1/2/2025 2:08:15 PM Post Reply
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NOLA Terror Suspect Identified
– Was Carrying ISIS Flag in Truck
27 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 1:45:25 PM Post Reply
The monster who murdered 12 innocent New Year’s revelers in New Orleans has been identified. A law enforcement officer told that the suspect accused of plowing a massive truck through the crowd on Bourbon Street is 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar. Moreover, he was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck.As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, a terror attack hit New Orleans this morning with at least 12 people dead and at least 35 injured. Now, one person has come forward with disturbing details alleging a massive security breakdown.
FBI: Bourbon Street attacker acted alone,
‘evil act’ kills 14
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/2/2025 12:13:30 PM Post Reply
NEW ORLEANS - Authorities held a press conference Thursday morning (Jan. 2), providing updates on the Bourbon Street terror attack that claimed the lives of 14 victims and injured 35 others early New Year’s Day. FBI Deputy Director Christopher Raia confirmed that 14 victims died in the attack, along with the suspect, Shamsud Din Jabbar, bringing the total to 15 fatalities. “This was a premeditated, evil act,” Raia told reporters. Officials revealed that Jabbar posted five videos between 1:20 a.m. and 3:02 a.m. on New Year’s Day, proclaiming support for ISIS. In the first video, Raia says Jabbar expressed a desire to kill his friends and family, but ultimately desired
Prediction: Joe Biden will issue mass
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25 replies
Posted by DW626 1/2/2025 6:23:21 AM Post Reply
Emboldened by correctly predicting Kamala would get the debate questions in advance (oh, I apologize, ABC, it was just the topics, not the questions, so it’s all good and you smell like a rose), I’m going to go way out on a limb with another prediction: Joe Biden will issue mass pardons to the J6 inmates. Before you say I’m crazy, here are numerous reasons why he might do it: It steals Donald Trump’s thunder of doing it himself five minutes after the inauguration Many J6 inmates are getting out anyway in a few weeks The J6 insurrection narrative is going to collapse as the evidence comes out
New Orleans terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar’s
brother blames ‘radicalization, not
religion’ for attack that left 15 dead
24 replies
Posted by Imright 1/2/2025 12:05:14 AM Post Reply
The brother of the terrorist who launched the deadly car attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans says that “radicalization” is to blame for his kin’s rampage. Abdur Jabbar, 24, of Beaumont, Texas, told The New York Times that his brother Shamsud-Din Jabbar — who killed at least 15 people in the New Year’s Day attack — converted to Islam at an early age. (Photos) The younger Jabbar told the newspaper that what his brother “did does not represent Islam. This is more some type of radicalization, not religion.”
FBI Discovers Largest Homemade Explosives
Cache in History at Virginia Man’s Home
— Allegedly Used Biden Photos for Target Practice
24 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 5:11:18 AM Post Reply
A Virginia man, Brad Spafford, 36, was arrested earlier this month after authorities discovered what they claim is the largest stockpile of homemade explosives in FBI history. Spafford, who reportedly used images of Joe Biden for target practice, is being labeled by federal agents as an “extreme danger to the community.” During a search of Spafford’s 20-acre property, authorities found over 150 homemade explosive devices, including pipe bombs labeled as “lethal.”
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 1/2/2025 2:59:23 PM Post Reply
Is she drunk? Heavily medicated? Fresh off of a hip transplant, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi posted a bizarre video to X on Thursday claiming she was on her way to DC to represent her constituents and share “San Francisco values.” San Francisco values = Needles in the street, homelessness and rampant retail theft. 84-year-old Pelosi could barely open her eyes as she heavily slurred her words.“Hi, it’s Nancy. I’m on my way to Washington to proudly represent the people of San Francisco in Congress. I’m honored to do so to share our San Francisco values,”
Hundreds March for ‘Intifada’ in NYC
Hours After Attacks in New Orleans, Las Vegas
23 replies
Posted by Imright 1/2/2025 4:55:00 AM Post Reply
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters marched in New York City on New Year’s Day for “intifada,” blocking Sixth Avenue in Manhattan just hours after a terror attack in New Orleans, Louisiana, and an explosion in Las Vegas, Nevada. (X's, Videos) The Times of Israel reported: Attendees chanted “Resistance is glorious — we will be victorious,” “We will honor all our martyrs,” and “Gaza, you make us proud.” They carried signs that said “Zionism is cancer,” “No war on Iran,” and “End all US aid to Israel.” “There is only one solution — Intifada revolution,” they chanted, using a common refrain
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