CBS News journalist says most underreported
2024 story was Biden’s ‘obvious cognitive decline’
New York Post,
David Propper
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
12/30/2024 1:49:16 AM
Veteran CBS News reporter Jan Crawford dinged news organizations for not thoroughly covering President Biden’s “obvious cognitive decline” this year until it became unavoidable during his disastrous debate against Donald Trump over the summer.
Crawford, the network’s chief legal correspondent, insisted stronger reporting on the topic could have changed the entire election as she responded to a question from “Face the Nation” moderator Major Garrett about the most underreported story in 2024.
“Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate,” she said on the Sunday morning show.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 12/30/2024 2:37:50 AM (No. 1863211)
And the most underreported story for 2023, and for 2022, and for 2021, and for 2020. The man has been in serious, obvious mental trouble for many years.
65 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
mifla 12/30/2024 3:46:24 AM (No. 1863226)
Underreported? More like actively hidden by the MSM.
75 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
SweetPea3 12/30/2024 6:23:59 AM (No. 1863262)
"Deliberately underreported". There. Fixed it.
63 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
privateer 12/30/2024 6:38:43 AM (No. 1863266)
The Vegetable was clearly feeble-minded, to ANY honest observer, for many months, or years.. They covered that up to protect their election hopes. Now, they are blaming the guy with no future for the loss; rather than their party, or the Salad Shooter. It's all about regaining their power.
29 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
udanja99 12/30/2024 7:04:00 AM (No. 1863278)
Well, no Shiite, Sherlock.
23 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Strike3 12/30/2024 7:09:15 AM (No. 1863285)
This year? Since when has campaigning from a Delaware basement been the accepted way to run for POTUS and an obvious strategy to receive 81 million votes?
35 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 12/30/2024 7:15:46 AM (No. 1863292)
Oh bless her heart, it was never reported and actively covered up by the Kneepad media.
26 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 12/30/2024 7:19:47 AM (No. 1863293)
Second most deliberately hidden story of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 is the Biden family corruption.
31 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
chillijilli 12/30/2024 7:45:25 AM (No. 1863305)
Just confirms that what the media DOESN'T report is often more significant than what it DOES report. They have completely mastered the skill of INTENTIONALLY lying by omission; it's how they control and manipulate the news.
How is the public supposed to know about things they don't know about?
23 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
skacmar 12/30/2024 7:47:58 AM (No. 1863306)
Most inder reported? More like most active colluded with the White House and Democrats to actively cover up? The media ran cover for Biden for years. Whenever KJP spewed her lying talking points about Old Joe's virility, the media lapped it up like kitten drinking warm milk. They are complicit in the big Biden lie and helped to facilitate the deception.
21 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Venturer 12/30/2024 7:54:11 AM (No. 1863308)
The most under-reported story for the last 4 years.
13 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
janjan 12/30/2024 8:54:25 AM (No. 1863343)
Everyone knew that Biden was demented whether they reported it or not. We certainly didn’t need the them to explain it to us. We also knew that the media was blatantly lying about it. The excuses and ass covering going on now makes them look 10 times worse. They’d be better off if they just shut up.
13 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 12/30/2024 9:12:13 AM (No. 1863357)
Now tell us why Hunter Biden was paid millions of dollars despite having no marketable skills and selling no products.
19 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 12/30/2024 9:18:43 AM (No. 1863363)
Thanks, David. I had no idea.
10 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
goodbyedems 12/30/2024 9:28:41 AM (No. 1863377)
It was criminally ignored and obfuscated. The media put the country in harms way. The question now becomes will Trumps DOJ & Congress investigate and put a mechanism in place so it won’t happen again? Will anyone, any media entity, be held accountable and pay the price??
11 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
BarryNo 12/30/2024 9:39:32 AM (No. 1863388)
It was underreported because the Media conspired to underreport it.
9 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
chagrined 12/30/2024 9:46:47 AM (No. 1863401)
They really liked to toss around the "cheap fakes" malarkey in regard to anyone pointing out Bidet's obvious mental decline. The only "cheap fakes" are these massive liars on Meet the Depressed, Deface the Nation, etc., nauseum.
And YES, their complicity in this demented charade put the country in danger. Every legacy "news" outlet needs to be sued out of existence, if not for anything else, the continued existence of the U.S.
7 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Zigrid 12/30/2024 9:53:02 AM (No. 1863414)
Bravo poster on...the media got in bed with the White House cabal...headed by Barack HUSSEIN Obama...and did as much damage to America as they could...the one I blame most in this farce is Jill...she is no loving wife...if she had cared anything about ole Joe...she would have stopped the farce in it's tracks....she is guilty of elder abuse...not that I think ole Joe for 50 years had not damaged US with his pursuit of money for himself and his crime family....they all knew and said nothing....
11 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 12/30/2024 10:30:38 AM (No. 1863457)
One might get the impression the corporate news industry is reluctant to report news that harms globalist, establishment government officials beloved by the Donor Class.
But that's just me latching onto outlandish conspiracy theories and whatnot.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
MickTurn 12/30/2024 10:33:20 AM (No. 1863461)
AND SEEBS was right there NOT reporting.......
4 people like this.
Isn't this a great example of investigative reporting? Uhhh, no. CBS "journalist" states the obvious.... what has been obvious for years. Isn't she brave? Pulitzer Prize winner?
3 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
dbdiva 12/30/2024 11:35:44 AM (No. 1863547)
Sorry Jan....this extremely late to the party observation is not going to earn you any "credibility points" for good journalism. You were complicit when it counted. We won't forget that.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 12/30/2024 2:20:21 PM (No. 1863650)
The legacy media seems to be the only ones in ignorance of the obvious. Out here in the "peanut gallery" we ALL knew. Most of us of an age to be interested in the United States of America--have buried our parents, and unfortunately, some have buried our children. God can still bless America.
5 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
danu 12/30/2024 5:48:18 PM (No. 1863724)
who's fault is that, twit?
3 people like this.
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