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They Are at It Again. Prominent 'Public
Health' Voices Lay the Groundwork for
a New Pandemic for Trump

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 12/30/2024 6:01:39 AM

As President-elect Trump prepares to take office, so-called public health activists are ginning up a new pandemic. This one is "bird flu." Not the bird flu that's been around for decades, but a new one that infects livestock and could possibly mutate into a killer virus much worse than COVID.COVID fascist Deborah Birx has been on the case for months, advocating that we test cattle for bird flu. In fact, Birx is trying to stoke panic.Birx isn't the only member of the old gang itching for a reunion. Trump's CDC director, Robert Redfield, has been preaching doom via bird flu for months. Here, he's warning about a 50% fatality rate.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mobyclik 12/30/2024 6:37:38 AM (No. 1863265)
We're all gonna die..............again.
40 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 12/30/2024 6:50:50 AM (No. 1863268)
It's about the food supply.
30 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Strike3 12/30/2024 6:54:45 AM (No. 1863270)
The scare-mongers might get 2-3% compliance this time around.
33 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: privateer 12/30/2024 6:56:46 AM (No. 1863272)
could possibly mutate into a killer virus? Only if they have time, and the Wuhan Institute helps them out again. Maybe the scarf will protect her from rope burns. and FTA: Trump's CDC director, Robert Redfield, has been preaching doom via bird flu for months.' PLEASE! Don't re-appoint this clown.
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: udanja99 12/30/2024 7:01:34 AM (No. 1863275)
Good luck with that. Only the idiots still wearing masks will cooperate this time.
25 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: udanja99 12/30/2024 7:02:17 AM (No. 1863276)
Oh, and those still getting their clot shot boosters.
22 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 12/30/2024 7:06:29 AM (No. 1863281)
If it is really bad, it is because Fauci financed the weaponization of it in labs! However, the "experts" and "scientists" have lost all credibility with the citizens.
26 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: bpl40 12/30/2024 7:22:56 AM (No. 1863295)
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!
31 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 12/30/2024 7:30:16 AM (No. 1863298)
Yeah, good luck with that.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Venturer 12/30/2024 8:22:24 AM (No. 1863323)
They have shouted "WOLF" one time too many.
21 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: kidsmom 12/30/2024 8:30:28 AM (No. 1863327)
Well folks, I wish I could be blasé about bird flu, but I can't. Remember when eggs were over $5 per carton? They'll be that again. By law, bird farmers (both egg and meat) must treat avian flu by euthanizing their entire flock (100,000, 200,000 birds at a time) if a single case is found in testing. That's why there are no eggs. The disease is dangerous and deadly; and just because it has only "mutated" in one human doesn't mean it won't do so. Conceivably, it can also "mutate" to other branches of the food chain. I am definitely concerned.
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: janjan 12/30/2024 8:37:35 AM (No. 1863331)
Lots of gullible liberals will be desperate to get a non-FDA approved bird flu vaccine.
12 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: red1066 12/30/2024 9:18:00 AM (No. 1863361)
The local communist news station has been hyping bird flu stories for almost a year.
11 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 12/30/2024 9:22:20 AM (No. 1863368)
It will be easy to tell who the lefties and sheep are. They will be the only ones masking up.
18 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 12/30/2024 9:51:53 AM (No. 1863412)
The problem with libtards is that when they're successful with a particular tactic, they think they can continue to run that play with repeated success. They don't understand the law of diminishing returns. So, yeah, COVID-19 was highly successful in wrecking Trump's first term. But then they tried again with Monkey Pox. Remember that? That was going to be the next big pandemic, until they found that most of the existing cases were centered in the gay community, then it got quickly swept under the rugs. Can't stigmatize gays with another AIDS crisis, right? Then came Murder Hornets. Mutant bees were gonna kill us all, but they disappeared as soon they arrived. Now comes bird flu, and it's being met with a collective yawn. We've all moved on from manufactured health crises. Dr. Scarf and Little Lord Fauci may crave the attention they got during COVID, but we've already changed the channel on them.
15 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: hurricanegirl 12/30/2024 9:52:42 AM (No. 1863413)
#11: Egg prices are over $5 a dozen RIGHT NOW, so if you want to live in fear, you go right ahead. But just like last time, I refuse to be terrified--or even "concerned"--about the future because of these fools!
22 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Encore 12/30/2024 10:07:36 AM (No. 1863430)
The testing performed should be at the labs run by people capable of producing this virus.
7 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Kafka2 12/30/2024 10:08:06 AM (No. 1863431)
If a dead version of bird flu spreads to humans, I suspect that it was a product of “gain of function” research. The CDC that financed the Covid virus, illegally, is now promoting the idea that the bird flu will be the next pandemic. Considering the role they played in the last pandemic, I wonder if this is Deja vu all over again.
9 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: MickTurn 12/30/2024 10:19:41 AM (No. 1863443)
The only Pandemic I want to see is one that only targets Marxists. See Ya!
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Zigrid 12/30/2024 10:30:04 AM (No. 1863456)
My initial reaction is....let's ask Bobby Kennedy...of MAHA....I trust his words...and doubt the government...every scare tactic they meant to cause trouble for 47....and this doesn't surprise me...I still get calls from the government informing me I MUST get a covid shot made by Pfizer...of course...I wonder how many seniors are frightened into complying...I always tell the my age I'll just go to see my departed husband...that usually ends the call quickly....
8 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Rather Read 12/30/2024 10:41:04 AM (No. 1863475)
I know some people who will mask up and drop out. I won't. I have a healthy respect for viruses but I refuse to live in fear. I would rather die of bird flu than live under the totalitarian rule that people like Birx would impose.
10 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: felixcat 12/30/2024 10:53:20 AM (No. 1863487)
I rest my case: Dr. Deborah Birx, Senior Fellow at the Bush Institute and former Global AIDS Coordinator.
4 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: DVC 12/30/2024 11:25:40 AM (No. 1863534)
This time no one is listening to their cries of "Wolf! Wolf!" Go to Hades you "public health experts", you are known liars.
7 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Luandir 12/30/2024 11:58:55 AM (No. 1863562)
Put "Won't Get Fooled Again" on your stereo - REAL LOUD.
3 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Rumblehog 12/30/2024 11:59:15 AM (No. 1863563)
Unless 20% of a nation's population hasn't died from a disease, then it ain't a "pandemic."
3 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Kate318 12/30/2024 12:39:15 PM (No. 1863600)
Those bioweapons labs in Ukraine weren’t built for nothing.
5 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 12/30/2024 1:22:00 PM (No. 1863624)
Is that Deborah Birx the same "scarf lady" during the Trump years along with that midget Fauci who lied to us about everything Covid and later admitted she lied? She looks different. Did she dye her hair and have some work done?
2 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Lawsy0 12/30/2024 2:24:22 PM (No. 1863655)
Can it wait until someone has the gall or the balls to hang, at least in effigy, that despicable Tony Fauci??
2 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 12/30/2024 3:43:43 PM (No. 1863683)
Robert Redfield??? Maybe that should be "R. M. Renfield" ( ). They pull this pandemic crud again, whether they have engineered it in a lab or just the concept in a propaganda mill, I think it will be time to start decorating tree branches and/or lamp posts.
3 people like this.

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Posted by 4250Luis 12/30/2024 8:33:04 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 12/30/2024 8:29:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 12/30/2024 8:26:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 12/30/2024 6:52:08 AM Post Reply
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Help Get This Simple Fauci Prosecution
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1 reply
Posted by 4250Luis 12/30/2024 6:04:20 AM Post Reply
As influential as I might enjoy imagining myself to be, I don’t have a direct line to Trump, or even an indirect one for that matter. But, six degrees of separation — you know the thing. Someone reading this almost certainly will be tangentially connected to Mar-a-Lago World.Now, all it takes is once quick glance at Morens in action to see he’s soft — and likely very easy to turn state’s witness. This guy, being Fauci’s top capo, knows where all the bodies are buried — proverbially and possibly literally. There may never be any greater opportunity to leverage Fauci’s personal connections against him,
They Are at It Again. Prominent 'Public
Health' Voices Lay the Groundwork for
a New Pandemic for Trump
29 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/30/2024 6:01:39 AM Post Reply
As President-elect Trump prepares to take office, so-called public health activists are ginning up a new pandemic. This one is "bird flu." Not the bird flu that's been around for decades, but a new one that infects livestock and could possibly mutate into a killer virus much worse than COVID.COVID fascist Deborah Birx has been on the case for months, advocating that we test cattle for bird flu. In fact, Birx is trying to stoke panic.Birx isn't the only member of the old gang itching for a reunion. Trump's CDC director, Robert Redfield, has been preaching doom via bird flu for months. Here, he's warning about a 50% fatality rate.
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BREAKING: NOLA Terror Suspect Identified
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20 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 1:45:25 PM Post Reply
The monster who murdered 12 innocent New Year’s revelers in New Orleans has been identified. A law enforcement officer told that the suspect accused of plowing a massive truck through the crowd on Bourbon Street is 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar. Moreover, he was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck.As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, a terror attack hit New Orleans this morning with at least 12 people dead and at least 35 injured. Now, one person has come forward with disturbing details alleging a massive security breakdown.
Biden moves to block oil, gas and geothermal
development in a Nevada mountain range
for 20 years
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Posted by NorthernDog 1/1/2025 10:53:15 AM Post Reply
RENO, Nev. — President Joe Biden’s administration said Monday it is taking steps to bar oil, gas and geothermal development for 20 years in northeastern Nevada’s Ruby Mountains. The administration said it has submitted an application to withdraw about 264,000 acres (107,000 hectares) of federal lands in the area from such leasing. That starts a 90-day public comment period on the 20-year prohibition and prevents oil, gas and geothermal development for two years during the process. (Snip) The move came three weeks before the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to ramp up oil and gas production and
FBI Discovers Largest Homemade Explosives
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Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 5:11:18 AM Post Reply
A Virginia man, Brad Spafford, 36, was arrested earlier this month after authorities discovered what they claim is the largest stockpile of homemade explosives in FBI history. Spafford, who reportedly used images of Joe Biden for target practice, is being labeled by federal agents as an “extreme danger to the community.” During a search of Spafford’s 20-acre property, authorities found over 150 homemade explosive devices, including pipe bombs labeled as “lethal.”
BREAKING: “Terrorist Attack” in New
Orleans – 12 Dead, Dozens Injured After
Individual Intentionally Drives into Crowd
– Cops Injured in Gunfight on Bourbon Street
18 replies
Posted by earlybird 1/1/2025 10:52:54 AM Post Reply
A reported terror attack hit New Orleans this morning with at least 12 people dead and at least 35 injured. Fox News reported a driver in a white pick-up truck intentionally plowed a car into a crowd of New Year’s gatherers on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, according to authorities. The driver exited the vehicle and fired a weapon after hitting the crowd. Two police officers were reportedly injured in the gunfight. (snip) The suspect died during the gunfight with police. It is unclear at this point if it was suicide by cop or he took his own life.
12 Dead, Dozens Injured as Truck Runs
Through Crowd in New Orleans, Bourbon Street
17 replies
Posted by earlybird 1/1/2025 10:17:23 AM Post Reply
“The 8th District is currently working a mass casualty incident involving a vehicle that drove into a large crowd on Canal and Bourbon Street. There are 30 injured patients and 10 12 fatalities,” NOLA Ready, New Orleans emergency preparedness program, said in a statement. NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Multiple people are dead after the New Orleans Police Department reported that a car plowed into a group of people on Bourbon Street. It happened around 3:15 a.m. at the corner of Bourbon and Iberville streets. (snip) Other media is reporting that the driver got out of the vehicle with a weapon and opened fire on the crowd.
WATCH: Lightning Strikes Capitol Dome
on New Year’s Eve
16 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 7:58:01 AM Post Reply
Lightning struck the Capitol dome in Washington, DC, on New Year’s Eve, leaving observers stunned — and leading social media users to wonder if the bolt heralded a new era of change.Lightning also struck the Washington Monument on the other end of the Mall. (X Videos) It was not immediately clear whether either structure had sustained damage. The Capitol has been equipped with a lightning rod since the 19th century, which directs the energy of lightning strikes into the ground to prevent damage. A version of the lightning rod was invented by Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s Founding Fathers. Franklin’s experiments with lightning and electricity were groundbreaking in the mid-18th century,
Biden Flies Back From St. Croix - What
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16 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 5:09:06 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden headed back from his umpteenth vacation on Tuesday. Biden was coming back from yet another luxury vacation in St. Croix, where he's been since Thursday. He was staying at the beachfront resort home of billionaire supporters Bill and Connie Neville. He's come under fire before for not declaring the free stays on his ethical forms. Yet you barely see any mainstream media attention to this. He was questioned by reporters once when he ventured out for church on Saturday. It looked like the Secret Service agent who was with him helped him understand what was being asked of him, and his son Hunter, who was also there,
Authorities Believe There Are At Least
4 to 5 Additional Suspects in New Orleans
Truck Attack
15 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 1:46:59 PM Post Reply
n the wake of the devastating New Year’s Day attack on Bourbon Street, New Orleans, law enforcement agencies are intensifying efforts to identify and apprehend additional suspects linked to the incident. The primary assailant, identified as 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar, was fatally shot by police after he drove a pickup truck into a crowd, resulting in ten deaths and over thirty injuries. Investigators have uncovered evidence suggesting that Jabbar did not act alone, Fox News reported.
Reports: 10 Dead, 30 Injured After Car
Crashes into Bourbon Street Revelers
15 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2025 7:53:11 AM Post Reply
Multiple reports of mass casualties in New Orleans were emerging early New Year’s Day after news outlets indicated a car drove into a group of revelers on Bourbon Street. The identity of the driver or possible motive(s) has not been made public by local police.Ten people were killed and 30 injured after the incident in the historic French Quarter, according to NOLA Ready, the city’s emergency preparedness agency. The injured had been taken to five local hospitals. (X) At around 3:15 a.m. the vehicle, described as an SUV, reportedly drove headlong into pedestrians at the intersection between Bourbon Street and Iberville, WGNO reported.
AI Needs So Much Power, It’s Making
Yours Worse
14 replies
Posted by pensom2 1/1/2025 11:33:40 AM Post Reply
AI data centers are multiplying across the US and sucking up huge amounts of power. New evidence shows they may also be distorting the normal flow of electricity for millions of Americans. This map shows readings from about 770,000 home sensors, with red zones indicating areas with the most distorted power. The problem is threatening billions in damage to home appliances and aging power equipment, especially in areas like Chicago and "data center alley" in Northern Virginia, where distorted power readings are above recommended levels. An exclusive Bloomberg analysis shows that more than three-quarters of highly-distorted . . . .
A ‘greening’ Earth is bad for plant-eating animals 13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/1/2025 11:42:22 AM Post Reply
More pure idiocy from green pushers spread by the complicit media, via Yahoo News: Climate change is making plants less nutritious − that could already be hurting animals that are grazers More than one-third of all animals on Earth, from beetles to cows to elephants, depend on plant-based diets. Plants are a low-calorie food source, so it can be challenging for animals to consume enough energy to meet their needs. Now climate change is reducing the nutritional value of some foods that plant eaters rely on. Human activities are increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and raising global temperatures. As a result, many plants are growing faster across ecosystems worldwide.
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