World-Renowned Vaccine Scientist: RFK
Is Right — Let’s Study Vaccine Risk Factors
The Federalist,
Martin Kulldorff
Original Article
Posted By: 4250Luis,
11/20/2024 2:12:58 PM
Some in the scientific community are shocked and dismayed. President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, which includes the Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration, and other federal health agencies. Are their concerns warranted? Or, are they hypocritical?
Kennedy’s three stated goals for the federal health agencies are (i) evidence-based medicine, (ii) clean up corruption and conflicts of interest, and (iii) end the chronic disease epidemic, with special emphasis on our children and concrete results within two years. These are not only laudable goals, but urgent ones.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
planetgeo 11/20/2024 2:47:46 PM (No. 1839352)
The inherent problem here is that such vaccine risk factors may take decades of follow-up studies to discover. Nevertheless, up-front caution and additional scrutiny is wise before massive rollouts.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 11/20/2024 3:32:27 PM (No. 1839379)
Two broad cases......childhood vaccinations which are clearly massively out of control. And the second is the COVID disaster.
Each is separately a serious problem of vaccines run amok for profit of the big pharma companies. There must be MAJOR changes to childhood vaccinations, both the individual vaccines and the whole process of jamming too many into too short a time.
RFK, jr is right about this and his three points are very solid.
As to the Wuhan virus, virologists repeatedly warned that "You should never attempt to vaccinate into the teeth of a pandemic" The utility of a vaccine is to provide enough of the general population with immunity that the virus cannot locate enough unvaccinated individuals to keep the virus infection numbers expanding. And when you are desperate to create any vaccine in a huge hurry, trying to get ahead of a virus, there is tremendous pressure to short cut the safety and testing.
Safety and effectiveness testing of the mRNA shots (not a vaccine) were short cut, results faked and everything dumped to get these shots out in time for the companies to make billions of dollars. In the end, they have a lot of deadly side effects while having limited to no beneficial protective effects as the virus mutated away so rapidly.
We need to ALL understand that with a vaccine you have three things to, effectiveness and rapid deployment. You can only have two of these three. If you insist on rapid deployment you must abandon either safety or effectiveness since there is no time for proper testing, which literally takes years.
We were stampeded by evil Dr. Fauci to abandon the long planned pandemic response of wide deployment of HCQ to treat the virus. This was dropped in favor of a medically ineffective approach, the only advantage of which was making billions of dollars for Big Pharma and Dr. Fauci. They even ginned up fraudulent 'research' showing the "dangers of HCQ" in order to fraudulently obtain an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for these minimally and fraudulently tested shots. These frauds caused the unnecessary deaths of at least tens of thousands, and perhaps many hundreds of thousands.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Illinois Mom 11/20/2024 3:33:25 PM (No. 1839380)
For years I thought Kennedy was an anti-vaccine "nut case" until I saw a long interview with him, I think it was Tucker, but not sure. I ad all the vaccines and so did my children...all before 1989. That is when the vaccines were changed. I never new the vaccine formula's were changed.
All of a sudden kids had life threatening allergies, many more were diagnosed with ADHA, ADD, Autism, etc. I never knew a kid with an allergy except hayfever, I can name only one kid in my class of 66 kids 1st-8th grade that I would say had ADHD, he could never sit still, ever.
We also only had a few required vaccines, Now there are at least 15 different vaccines and boosters for kids. Teenagers have 3 more. They also recommend a bunch of others, over all 50 different immunizations and boosters over a lifetime. FIFTY different drug combinations injected into or children?
I had no idea but the Covid "Vaccine" and all it's cheerleaders really woke me up. I want Kennedy to open the windows of all of these "medical experts" and the money connections with Pharma and the drug pushers. If anything, this as to be torn apart and reviewed by medical people with nothing to gain from the results.
ALSO If he gets McDonalds to go back to beef tallow instead of seed oils and the fries go back to their original flavor it would be great.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 11/20/2024 3:52:28 PM (No. 1839391)
RFK has a great opportunity to expose the scheme(some may say scam) that was deployed at the advent of the COVID crisis.
How Trump listened and deferred to the experts as was asked of him by nearly everyone (remember when some Democrats were saying they wouldn't get the shot if it was from Trump?).
Time to remove the knee-jerk reaction to simply follow "experts" (remember there are expert witnesses at a jury trial usually giving different opinions on the same topic).
Then, I hope he finds that their immunity deals are null and void due to the faked data and short cuts used to gain their EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).
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The timing is so perfect!
RFK Jr. has the facts on vaccine injury, Fauci and Bill Gates.
Doctors have lost all respect, thanks to their horrible advice during covid.
Trump is in office.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
felixcat 11/21/2024 7:02:19 AM (No. 1839687)
We all welcomed antibiotics to our medicine cabinets with the discovery of penicillin, until the medical community and even our large industrial complex of food producers overused them in us and in the animals we eat. So I think it is about time, actually overdue, to truly evaluate all these vaccinations (and one more valid reason to have secure borders and not allow the riff raff of the world easy entry into this country). And with the billions spent on animal torture, I mean research, to research for the sake of research and then write some article for Lancet, also a good time to evaluate just exactly what is our tax dollars going to with respect to animal research, etc.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Rama41 11/21/2024 8:09:48 AM (No. 1839747)
Two people worth listening two on the subject are Calley and Casey Means, full supporters of RFK Jr.,on both Tucker's and Rogan's podcasts. RFK Jr was also on Rogan in 2023. I'm listening to them all again now.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Zigrid 11/21/2024 10:02:47 AM (No. 1839902)
I'm an absolute supporter of RFKjr.....I've been listening to him for a year now...and he makes sense...for those who complain he isn't a medical doctor...I have an idea...why doesn't President Trump award him a doctorate in health...and he can have a title like biden did for his wife...Dr. Jill....who has no qualifications to run least RFKjr. has been in the trenches for 10 years and knows what he's talking about...
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
franq 11/21/2024 12:26:55 PM (No. 1839994)
#2 is correct. A new coworker is going to be traveling abroad soon, so he and his wife had to have their young son shot full of vaccines. The poor kid "passed out" during the procedure, which he attributed to stress. This is a man with an engineering degree.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
paral04 11/21/2024 6:46:21 PM (No. 1840260)
I am glad that Trump has appointed Kennedy to handle this. He is right about everything he says about the dangers lurking in the so called modern medicine providers. When I was a kid, nobody had allergies and we played in the dirt and ate stuff right from the garden. Just brushed a carrot on the back of our clothes and ate it straight from the ground.
Not only the number of vaccines injected is scary but everything we eat has additives to enhance flavor and extend shelf life with no concern about the long term effects of consuming this stuff.
My fear is there are too many people who are going to lose a lot of money when crack downs come and Kennedy's life might be in danger. The Swamp people can be very evil.
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