The US is investigating an unauthorized
release of classified documents on Israel’s
attack plans
Associated Press News,
Zeke Miller
Mike Balsamo
Eric Tucker
Tara Copp
Original Article
Posted By: FlyRight,
10/20/2024 3:51:56 AM
The United States is investigating an unauthorized release of classified documents that assess Israel’s plans to attack Iran, three U.S. officials told The Associated Press. A fourth U.S. official said the documents appear to be legitimate.
The documents are attributed to the U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency, and note that Israel was still moving military assets in place to conduct a military strike in response to Iran’s blistering ballistic missile attack on Oct. 1. They were sharable within the “Five Eyes,” which are the U.S., Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
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Bibi, none of the five eyes can be trusted. Keep the plan tight!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 10/20/2024 4:17:56 AM (No. 1816471)
And we are supposed to be surprised? The JaBiden-Harris administration do not, do not support Israel's right to exist peacefully in the Middle East. The JH admin wants more war. Why? Follow the $$$. War is a money maker. Just ask Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney where they made their $$$. Sorry JH admin, Israel does have a right to exist. Israel can't trust the JH administration. Period. No joke.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
JonR 10/20/2024 4:57:02 AM (No. 1816474)
You can’t trust this government with the time of day! Let alone classified documents!
Israel must destroy Hamas and Hezbollah!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
5 handicap 10/20/2024 5:32:49 AM (No. 1816486)
It would not surprise me one bit if FJB etal is behind it. There is no more vindictive asshat in the world than Joe Biden and the treasonous scum who support him or ever voted for him.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
billa57 10/20/2024 6:23:57 AM (No. 1816503)
Important safety tip Israel, you cannot trust Democrats. They like Iran and radical Islam more than the survival of Israel.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 10/20/2024 6:26:08 AM (No. 1816505)
Does the return address happen to mention a "Ms. Valerie Jarrett?"
35 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
BarryNo 10/20/2024 7:36:39 AM (No. 1816520)
Investigating.... Sure!
And if Israel ever gave Biden/Harris/WEF/Iran their REAL plans, they're slipping! You might recall a U.S. spy ship that was bombed/strafed by 'by accident' by Israeli planes back in the Johnson Administration? They were ostensibly monitoring the war between Israel and its neighbors back then... and sending real time intel to the Egyptians. This is the same thing. Obama HAS ALWAYS BEEN an Iranian spy and saboteur. This is more of the same. The Biden/Harris Administration simply proved they can't be trusted.
24 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 10/20/2024 7:48:32 AM (No. 1816524)
They will never find the perpetrator just like they couldn't find the White House cocaine owner.
28 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Subsuburban 10/20/2024 7:52:12 AM (No. 1816528)
New definition of "investigating" promulgated by the Biden-Harris cabal: Bury so deep it'll never see the light of day.
21 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Venturer 10/20/2024 8:18:16 AM (No. 1816541)
Another investigation that will go nowhere just like the Supreme Court leak
23 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
cor-vet 10/20/2024 8:43:50 AM (No. 1816560)
I call B.S. I doubt Israel is stupid enough to share any 'real' plans with those '5 eyes!' What they might share could be red herrings.
11 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/20/2024 8:44:26 AM (No. 1816561)
Bibi, best not to put anything on paper at this point. Absolutely nothing. And don't share anything verbally with the biden team or the other four eyes. Too many more moles out there.
15 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/20/2024 8:48:12 AM (No. 1816564)
Pretty pathetic when your friends stabs you in the back and give away your secrets...I trust Bibi saw this coming and changed his plans...washington just doesn't know what to do...and is helping Iran as best they can...thank God for Bibi and his IDF and Mossad...they have proven that they are one step ahead and have not disclosed to washington their ultimate plans...most Americans support Israel and DC is not happy about their plans failing.....
14 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 10/20/2024 8:52:43 AM (No. 1816568)
Everyone knows that this investigation has a predetermined outcome.
14 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 10/20/2024 9:17:54 AM (No. 1816595)
They would blame Trump except he refused to be briefed knowing they would do this.
14 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
mizzmac 10/20/2024 9:28:19 AM (No. 1816602)
Looking at you, Mr. Blinkin.
13 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/20/2024 10:06:35 AM (No. 1816617)
Israel is STILL the apple of God's eye. AP is the wokest of the woke.
11 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 10/20/2024 10:16:46 AM (No. 1816626)
#17 is correct. I would not want to be on the side of the Jew-haters. Eh, Yahya Sinwar, and your murderous predecessors. Your 72 virgins are more likely to have horns and tails...
9 people like this.
They’ve got the same team looking that couldn’t figure out that Khamalas cocaine was her concaine.
7 people like this.
The Jihad Junta at work protecting their allies.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
paral04 10/20/2024 11:59:57 AM (No. 1816676)
Why would Israel be stupid enough to give the Biden-Harris regime any information. She has come out for Hamas.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
govlawyer 10/20/2024 12:03:37 PM (No. 1816678)
Just as soon as we have the name of a culprit we'll know that Pudding Brain, Cackles, and Powers have a patsy to take the fall.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
govlawyer 10/20/2024 12:05:34 PM (No. 1816680)
#18--The number of virgins must be in short supply and rumor has it that they're recycling Helen Thomas for another performance.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
red1066 10/20/2024 12:30:25 PM (No. 1816693)
I would say that it's the Biteme administration doing this, and any investigation will happen as soon the moon turns to cheese. However, considering the people that have so infiltrated the federal government, pointing to the Biteme administration is obvious. I'm pretty sure that even if Trump were president, those imbedded in government that hate Israel and everything U.S. would have still found a way get these reports out in public.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
TrueBlueWfan 10/20/2024 12:40:22 PM (No. 1816698)
Didn't Milley say he'd inform China if Trump was going to attack? He's already a traitor, so if he did this, it wouldn't surprise me. However, there are so many traitors in this administration, it could be lots of people. And I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 10/20/2024 12:57:16 PM (No. 1816702)
Anyone else think this "leak" might be an intentional bit of misdirection?
I mean, we're talking about the guys who planted explosives in pagers and radios they discovered were being sold to Hezbollah.
If something of their's gets leaked, my money is on them wanting it to be leaked.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
JimBob 10/20/2024 4:10:28 PM (No. 1816761)
Oh, they'll announce who the leaker is,
Just after they announce:
-Who murdered Vince Foster,
-Who murdered Seth Rich,
-Who planted the fake 'pipe bombs' at the DNC and RNC headquarters the night before 'Jan 6th'.
-Who brought the bag of cocaine into the White House.
-They release the Epstein blackmail videotapes,
-They release the P. Diddy blackmail videotapes,
-They release the last of the JFK assassination documents.
Gee, our Government sure is inept at finding who the guilty parties are..... when it will reflect badly on the Democ'Rats or the Deep State (but I repeat myself).
4 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 10/20/2024 4:18:44 PM (No. 1816766)
"The US is investigating" IOW Biden's treachery will be buried.
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